1. 习得与学习二者之间的关系是割裂的。( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Students need to know phonetics in order to learn English. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. 行为主义心理学派的观点都是落后的,所以被乔姆斯基挑战成功了。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. The best way to explain vocabulary is to translate. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Grammar should be taught to help students analyse difficult structures in texts. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. Stress and intonation are not important for beginning learners. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Productive skills also contribute to receptive skills. ( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Primary school English teaching should integrate formative assessment in the course and give feedback in time.( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The online learning resources recommendation should be coordinated with the classroom teaching and based on the curriculum standards.( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. If students get enough chance to practice using a foreign language, they do not need to learn grammar. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Choosing texts about topics which your students enjoy can be a good way to encourage their engagement in reading activities.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Language is a linguistic system made up of various subsystems: ( )
  24. Primary school English teaching skills include:( )
  25. Teacher’s professional development stages include:( )
  26. When we as teachers develop reading or listening activities, we are developing skills such as ( )
  27. How to use English drama teaching in primary school:( )
  28. Songs and rhymes used in primary school English teaching are:( )
  29. Questions used for summarizing include:( )
  30. Corpus is a language database based on large collections of "real life" language use stored in corpora—computerized database for ( )
  31. _________ is the extent where learners use the language quickly and confidently, with few hesitations or unnatural pauses, false starts, word searches, etc. ( )
  32. 彼得·胡滕洛克研究认为,人( )时候大脑突触接连多。
  33. In which of the following process the student can infer the possible topic of the Reading or listening through headlines, titles and images? ( )
  34. _____ tries to explain how readers utilize prior knowledge to understand and get new information from the text. ( )
  35. The concept of Zone of Proximal Development was put forwards by ( )
  36. ________ means that students retell the story or information in the text they’ve read in their own words. ( )
  37. Learners need to know the rules of a language and where, when and how it is appropriate to communicate with them.This is( )view of language.
  38. When reading a website to find the direction of a particular place, which skill will you use ?( )
  39. Which of these activities is not suitable for a gist task? ( )
  40. Which stage is "Students listen and do the task." in? ( )
  41. What kind of lesson is most likely to encourage speaking? ( )
  42. _________theory emphasizes on the interaction and engagement with the target language in a social context.( )
  43. Learners need to know how to use the grammatical rules and the vocabulary to express notions.This is( )view of language
  44. Learn a word involves learning more than just the word itself. ( )
  45. If we do not use the words we learned, we will soon forget them. ( )
  46. Bad intonation can lead to important misunderstandings. ( )
  47. An English-English dictionary is an important aid for students. ( )
  48. Students need to be given detailed grammar rules if they are to learn a foreign language successfully. ( )
  49. A good topic is one to which students can relate using ideas from their own experience and knowledge? ( )
  50. 成人完全可以做到和儿童一样习得外语。( )
  51. Children do not need to learn grammar rules when they acquire their first language, so they do not need them either when learning a foreign language. ( )
  52. 儿童习得外语的能力总体上高于成人。( )
  53. Adult learners need to focus on pronunciation, but young learners don’t. ( )
  54. An inadequate knowledge of grammar would severely constrain one’s capacity for effective communication. ( )
  55. Knowing grammar is not enough for real communication. ( )
  56. 乔姆斯基的所有观点都是正确的。( )
  57. Students should learn Received Pronunciation. ( )
  58. Core literacy is the integrative expression of the curriculum objectives. It includes____________, ____________,_____________and___________.( )
  59. ADDIE Model includes: ____________,____________,development,___________and evaluation.( )
  60. The 4Ps teaching process refers to( )
  61. Exploratory questions include:( )
  62. Features of picture-books include:( )
  63. In reciprocal teaching, the Questioner will pose questions about the selection:( )
  64. Krashen’s Five hypotheses include: ( )
  65. Significance of picture-books for pupils includes:( )
  66. Guaranteed Learning instructional design model includes the components:( )
  67. Our realistic goal of teaching pronunciation should be( )
  68. Leading in is based on the concept of _______________ which was put forward by David Ausubel.( )
  69. Below are some examples of perception practice of English sounds. ( )
  70. Using___________to convey the meaning of a new word exactly, it is better to present the word in the sentence or in the text.( )
  71. The curriculum standards set an exciting challenge for us; We are able to provide the pupils with a curriculum that is tailored to the particular needs of primary school students with the _______ woven through it. ( )
  72. Reading comprehension should focus on three areas. Which area is the least necessary regarding reading comprehension skills? ( )
  73. _____________ means to use a sentence or picture to explain the meaning.( )
  74. Pre-reading activities necessarily do not ______. ( )
  75. ___________ theory concerned with the mental process in which the human mind thinks and learns.( )
  76. The knowledge that students have already is called ____. It’s what the student brings to their reading. ( )
  77. Which of these activities are suitable for a specific info task? ( )
  78. One principle of teaching speaking is to provide opportunities for students to talk by using _______ work or _________ work, and limiting _________ talk. ( )
  79. How do we call this kind of activity? The teacher tells a story about animals. Children make animal noises every time they hear the name of the animal. ( )。
  80. __________ is the extent to which students’ speech matches what people actually say when they use the target language. ( )
  81. _____________ is the correct value, essential character and key ability that students gradually form through curriculum learning to meet the needs of personal life-long development and social development. ( )
  82. When students are not intereted in the topic, as teachers we should ( )
  83. Which of the following can give learners a deeper understanding of the text? ( )
  84. A reading lesson follows the stages ( )
  85. Reading a short story from the book to find answer to specific questions is an _______ reading behavior. ( )
  86. The progression of content and concepts will ensure the input is _________ and can accelerate progress. Inspire pupils to be happy and successful individuals.( )
  87. Which activity cannot be considered as a bottom up activity for listening? ( )
  88. Picture-books are easy to read for pupils with simple words and sentences , they are __ ,__ ,__ ,__and can meet with pupils ’different needs.( )
  89. 小学英语游戏教学要注意哪些问题?( )
  90. 小学英语游戏教学主要包括四种类型.( )
  91. 小学英语戏剧教学的功能主要有.( )
  92. 小学英语游戏教学的主要特点包括.( )
  93. The high-level English picture books further enhance the____, ______and ____ so as to guide students to think and experience.( )
  94. The lower section of picture-books is mainly characterized by__________, ___________ ( )
  95. Songs and rhymes are useful for pupils’ English learning.A.convenient for pupils to memorize words and sentences.( )
  96. When can songs be used in the teaching?( )
  97. 小学英语戏剧教学在应用时需要学生做好哪些准备?( )
  98. What activities fit the production stage of a PPP model? ( )
  99. The five skills that the latest version of Primary School English Curriculum Standards points out are:Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing, and ( ) skills.
  100. Receptive Skills refer to the skills that enable the learners to produce language in written or spoken forms. ( )
  101. Which reading strategies are effective?( )
  102. PPP is a type of Instructional Teaching which stands forPresentation - Practice - _____? ( )
  103. It is important to note that grammar presentation is concerned with how to make the students understand or discover grammar rules. ( )
  104. There are four stages in grammar teaching, and the last one is application. ( )
  105. English grammatical knowledge only includes syntactic knowledge. ( )
  106. Grammar practice is divided into two categories, mechanical practice and meaningful/communicative practice. ( )
  107. The following factors contribute to successful grammar practice( )
  108. There are five steps teaching vocabulary. ( )
  109. Narrow transcription is more appropriate for the pronunciation data in foreign language teaching and learning. ( )
  110. Pronunciation is difficult to teach without some drills on sounds. ( )
  111. Production practice is aimed at developing the students’ ability to produce sounds. ( )
  112. Stress and intonation are as important as the sound themselves and should be taught from the very beginning. ( )
  113. Vocabulary is the foundation of language. ( )
  114. Vocabulary is the sum of all words and fixed phrases in a language. ( )
  115. Pronunciation is an umbrella term covering many aspects besides sounds and phonetic symbols, such as stress, intonation, and rhythm. ( )
  116. Morpheme is not the smallest grammar and meaning unit. ( )
  117. Types of Socratic question include:( )
  118. What questions can be used for remembering?( )
  119. Model to generate critical thinking includes:( )
  120. The questions about facts can use 5WH:( )
  121. The questions for higher order thinking include:( )
  122. Classroom teaching process usually includes 5Ps,they are:( )
  123. Explanation should be ( )
  124. We can integrate____and ____ in the explaning passage to make sure whether the students have understood.( )
  125. We can use various methods for explaination,such as ( )
  126. Explaination inclues multiple perspectives such as ( ).
  127. Principles of leading-in include:( )
  128. Leading-in are usually longer than 10mins, right or wrong?( )
  129. Types of leading-in in Primary school English teaching include:( )
  130. Ausubel distinguishes between two kinds of advance organizer( )
  131. The function of leading in includes:( )
  132. The principle of ID includes:( )
  133. The ARCS Model of Motivational Design consists of four main areas( )
  134. The triangle model includes three relevant aspects:( )
  135. The ADDIE model includes five phases: ( )
  136. Bloom's taxonomy includes five levels:( )
  137. Learning ability refers to that students can use learning strategy to learn _________and develop their logical,creative and critical thinking.( )
  138. The curriculum content integrates the six elements : themes, discourse, ______,______,______,______.( )
  139. Core literacy includes____________. ( )
  140. The progression of content and concepts will ensure the input is _________ and can accelerate progress.( )
  141. Thinking quality of pupils includes:_________,_________,and _________.( )
  142. 乔姆斯基认为,人的大脑中一定存在着一个先天的语言学习的内部机制,能够让人自然而然 地掌握语言的规律,从而获得语言能力。这种机制是( )。
  143. 关于大脑和语言习得,行为主义心理学派有两个非常著名的观点,分别是( )。
  144. 克拉申关于二语习得的五个假设是.( )
  145. 乔姆斯基认为,孩子的说话能力来自( )
  146. 行为主义心理学派认为,孩子的说话能力来自( )。
  147. I hope I can learn some theories to guide the teaching practice .( )
  148. I will learn how to reflect on the prejudice in my mind about teacher and teaching.( )
  149. I hope I can have more opportunities to give teaching presentation.( )
  150. I think good teachers are inherited , not trained by tutors.( )
  151. I hope our English pedagogy teacher can create real situations for us to practice.( )
  152. When I am learning to teach I usually perform in mind again and again before giving presentation in class.( )
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