第十五章 Peace on Earth 世界和平:第十五单元的主题是世界和平。篇章视频介绍了军事家孙子、他的著作《孙子兵法》、著作中战略和战术的思想以及这些思想在冲突和对抗、商界和心理学等方面的应用。表达部分学习term = boundary(边界); per = try(试验); front, fac = face(正面);strat= army(军队)等词根、Peace(和平)和 Conflict(冲突)主题词块和其他相关短语用法。学习如何写作求学信和求职信等申请信。文化部分用英语谈论中国生肖、讲述中西动物词汇的文化内涵和翻译技巧。15.1Reading: Peace and Conflict 阅读:和平和冲突:介绍文章:和平和冲突
15.2Expressions: Thematic Phrases and Roots 词汇:主题短语和词根:介绍关于世界和平的主题词汇、词根。
15.3Writing: Letters of Application 写作:申请信:教你如何用英文写好一封申请信,提高应用文写作技巧。
15.4Culture: The Chinese Zodiac 文化:中国生肖:用英文介绍中国的十二生肖。
[判断题]The Water Margin is regarded as an encyclopedia of traditional Chinese culture and represents the peak of classical Chinese novels.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Tiger in Chinese and Lion in English are regarded as the king of the animals.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Decide the C-E translation is True or False:

害群之马 a black sheep

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]A huge effort was made to              the rats.

选项:[term , exterminate , determine, terminal]
[单选题]In the           of an application letter for admission, you can request a favorable reply and consideration.

选项:[opening  , body , ending, salutation]
[单选题]She’s never         with herself.

选项:[under peace, to peace, at peace, on peace]
[判断题]The Art of War was written by Sun Tzu in Tang dynasty.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]He works like a               all day long. 

选项:[rabbit, rat, hare, horse]
[判断题]The Art of War is a book of strategy and tactics. 

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]You have to honestly                your limitations with what you do.

选项:[conflict, front, frontier , confront]

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