第十六章 That's Infotainment 资讯娱乐:第十六单元的主题是资讯娱乐。篇章视频介绍了美国脱口秀女王奥普拉•温弗瑞和学习如何谈论名人传记。表达部分学习派生、转换、首字母缩略、截短、合成、混合等六种尤其是后两种构词法和主题短语。翻译部分学习英汉两种语言句法形合和意合的差异以及它们在翻译中的应用。文化部分用英语谈论“唐诗宋词”。16.1Reading: Queen of Talk and More 阅读:脱口秀天后奇人奇事:讲解文章:脱口秀天后奇人奇事
16.2Vocabulary: Thematic Words and Roots 词汇:主题词和词根:讲解与资讯娱乐相关的词汇词根。
16.3Translation: Hypotactic and Paratactic 翻译:形合和意合:探讨英文翻译的高阶技巧:形合和意合
16.4Culture: Tang Poetry and Song Ci 文化:唐诗宋词:用英文介绍唐诗宋词。
[单选题]        how great her authority becomes, Oprah remains the plain speaking, empathetic best girlfriend to American homemakers.  

选项:[Because of , Regardless of , In addition to  , Although]
[判断题]Ci Poetry is one type of ancient poetry.  Ci poetry has several names, and it is also known as musical Ci poetry because it can be sung to the music.
选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Su Shi was representative of  the Soft and Tuneful School  of Ci writing.

选项:[错, 对]
[判断题]Decide True or False: The Old Charcoal Seller and Song of A Pipa Player are some of Bai Juyi’s representative works.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The way of forming the word “infotainment” is              .  

选项:[Compounding, Blending    , Clipping , Conversion]

[判断题]Decide True or False: In the high Tang period, frontier poets were represented by Gao Shi and Cen Sen.  

选项:[对, 错]
[判断题]Decide True or False: A biography is a detailed description or account of a person’s life. 

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]The demonstrators         at the first sign of trouble. 

选项:[melted  , melted away  , blended, mixed  ]

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