

  1. President Clinton once presented the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the country’s highest civilian honor.

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. The author was more tired than frightened when seeing the fresh track of the gorilla.

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Nostradamus was a British apothecary and reputed seer who published collections of prophecies that have since become widely famous.

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Priestley uses some figures of speech to make his essay fresh and attractive.

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. Animal Farm uses human figures to express the dangers of human totalitarianism.

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. Swahili is a type of local language used in western countries.

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. Human occupation of animals’ territory might cause species extinction.

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. Currently, there are less than 1000 mountain gorillas in the world.

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. Mountain gorillas communicate through vocalizations and physical gestures and movement.

  18. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:【判断题】Mountain gorillas communicate through vocalizations and physical gestures and movement.B:对。山魈通过声音、身体姿势和动作进行交流。这是它们的一种主要沟通方式。因此,答案为B,表示正确。'
  19. Bertrand Russell’s studies cover a broad range of subjects.

  20. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:【判断题】Bertrand Russell’s studies cover a broad range of subjects. 正确答案是A,表示该陈述是正确的。Bertrand Russell是一位著名的哲学家和数学家,他的研究涵盖了广泛的学科领域。'
  21. What figure of speech is used in the sentence “I hung back in the separate unasked and unanswerable questions”?

  22. A:Simile. B:Metaphor. C:Pun.
    答案:MetaphorAI参考:正确答案是B: Metaphor。句子中的“unasked and unanswerable questions”通过使用比喻的手法,形象地描述了某个抽象的问题或情感,所以选项B“隐喻”最为符合。选项A和C与句子的修辞手法不符。'
  23. A(n)______ is someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title.

  24. A:aristocrat B:denim C:voile
    AI参考:单选题:A(n)______ is someone whose family has a high social rank, especially someone who has a title.(正确答案是A)解释:根据题意,空格处应该填入一个名词,表示“贵族”的意思。而选项A中的“aristocrat”正是表示贵族的名词,符合题意。而选项B的“denim”是布料名称,选项C的“voile”是薄纱织物,均不符合题意。因此,正确答案是A。'
  25. Which of the following seems to be an effective way of causing sleep according to Priestley?

  26. A:Reading Wordsworth’ poems. B:Talking with a boring person in imagination C:Counting sheep.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Counting sheep。在普里斯特利看来,下列哪种方式似乎是引起睡眠的有效方法?根据上下文可以得知,选项C是正确答案,因为它与上下文相符合。其他选项与上下文不符,因此不正确。因此,答案为C。'
  27. Which of the following is not included in the themes embodied in A Lesson in Living?

  28. A:Identity. B:Sexism. C:Rape. D:Racism.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Sexism。原文中提到主题是“A Lesson in Living”,但没有明确指出包括哪些主题,但是可以推测选项B是其中之一,因为原文中提到了性歧视,即性别歧视,因此可以排除选项A、C、D,但无法排除B。因此,答案是B。注:虽然题目中提到原文的主题,但并未给出明确提示,因此需要根据上下文进行推断。'
  29. Mrs. Flowers played an important role in Marguerite’s life because _______.

  30. A:Mrs. Flowers was well-educated B:Mrs. Flowers liked Marguerite very much C:Mrs. Flowers was a very beautiful black woman: graceful and elegant D:Mrs. Flowers helped Marguerite out of the dead valley finally and taught her the important lesson in her living
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:Mrs. Flowers helped Marguerite out of the dead valley finally and taught her the important lesson in her living。本题主要考察介词短语和逻辑主语的一致性,这句话说的是“弗洛伊斯夫人帮助玛格丽特摆脱了困境并教会了她生存的重要道理”,选项中只有D符合,所以答案为D。其他选项和上下文都没有直接关联。'
  31. Dependent on where you are in East Africa, safari is a direct translation for ______.

  32. A:adventure B:experience C:journey
  33. Which of the following is NOT true about Humpty-Dumpty?

  34. A:Its origins are obscure. B:It originates from Latin. C:It is a character in an English language nursery rhyme.
    AI参考:正确答案是A: Its origins are obscure.(它的起源是模糊的)。选项A中的内容与Humpty-Dumpty的实际来源不符,Humpty-Dumpty通常被认为是一个英国儿歌中的角色,而不是起源于拉丁语或任何其他语言。因此,选项A是错误的,而其他选项B和C都是正确的。'
  35. The features of volcanoes are much more complicated and their structure and behavior depend on the following factors EXCEPT______.

  36. A:vents B:summit craters C:magma chambers D:peaks
  37. What kind of plant is NOT mentioned by the author?

  38. A:Nettle. B:Orchid. C:Broccoli.
  39. Mrs. Flowers told Marguerite the first lesson in living, being intolerant of ignorance but understanding of ______.

  40. A:wisdom B:illiteracy C:education D:literacy
    AI参考:正确选项为D:literacy。原文中提到“对无知有忍耐,对有识字能力的人的理解”,根据上下文和语境,正确答案应该是表示识字能力的名词,即literacy。选项A中的wisdom表示智慧,不符合语境;选项B中的illiteracy表示文盲,与原文意思相反;选项C中的education表示教育,也不符合语境。因此,选项D literacy是正确答案。'
  41. Dr. Lyubomirsky mainly studies the causes of ______.

  42. A:insomnia B:bad behavior C:happiness
  43. Priestley argues that man’s life is full of contradictions with ______.

  44. A:seriousness B:the matter of sleep C:many examples
    AI参考:正确选项为A:seriousness。根据Priestley的观点,人类的生命充满了矛盾,而选项A中的seriousness表示严肃、认真,符合语境。选项B的matter of sleep表示睡眠问题,与矛盾无关;选项C的many examples表示许多例子,与上下文不符。因此,正确答案是A。'
  45. Orwell’s first concern in writing is ______.

  46. A:politics B:money C:beauty
    AI参考:正确答案是A:politics。根据题目中的句子“Orwell’s first concern in writing is ______.”可知,乔治·奥威尔在写作时最关心的是政治,因此选项A“politics”是正确答案。选项B“money”和选项C“beauty”与句子意思不符,因此不正确。'
  47. What may NOT be included among the causes of insomnia?

  48. A:Regular exercise. B:Extreme temperature. C:Job loss.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:Regular exercise。原文中提到失眠的原因可能包括极端温度、失业和工作丢失,因此选项A中的定期锻炼不会出现在失眠的原因中。选项B和C都是可能导致失眠的原因,因此是正确的选项。因此,本题答案为A。'
  49. Which of the following is NOT true about Marguerite’s general impression of Mrs. Flowers?

  50. A:She was a beautiful and elegant black woman. B:She was like a figure in English novels. C:She was indifferent because she didn’t encourage familiarity.
    AI参考:C:She was indifferent because she didn’t encourage familiarity. (Marguerite对Mrs. Flowers的总体印象是不在意,因为她不鼓励亲密无间。)这是因为在选项A和B中,Marguerite对Mrs. Flowers的印象都是正面的,而选项C中提到她对Mrs. Flowers的印象是不在意,因为她不鼓励亲密无间,这与前两个选项的印象不符。因此,选项C是唯一不符合Marguerite对Mrs. Flowers总体印象的选项。'
  51. Features of African safari are as follows EXCEPT ______.

  52. A:interaction B:invasion C:intimacy
    AI参考:单选题:Features of African safari are as follows EXCEPT ________.答案:B:invasion(入侵)解释:非洲野生动物园的特点包括互动(interaction)、亲密(intimacy),但不会包括入侵(invasion)。因此,B选项是正确答案。'
  53. Mountain Muhavura is a(n) ______ volcano.

  54. A:extinct B:active C:dormant
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:active】。根据问题中的描述,Mountain Muhavura是一座火山,而选项中只有active表示活火山,因此B选项是正确答案。extinct表示熄灭的火山,dormant表示休眠的火山,都不符合题意。'
  55. Alan Moorehead was born in ______.

  56. A:Britain B:Australia C:America D:Spain
  57. A Lesson in Living is taken from ______.

  58. A:Getting Merry like Christmas. B:Gather Together in My Name C:I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings.
  59. Orwell’s political orientation is ______.

  60. A:against socialism B:for Stalinism C:against totalitarianism

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