

  1. In Ayurveda, the “( )” are not understood as engaged in the kind of processing which modern Western biomedicine assumes but rather as the seats of the humors.

  2. A:organs B:teeth C:skin D:limbs
    AI参考:在这道题中,根据 Ayurveda(阿育吠陀)的理论,被理解为是“身体器官”而非现代西方医学理论所假设的那种加工活动中心,因此选项A“organs”(器官)是正确答案。阿育吠陀是一种古老的印度医学体系,它认为人体由不同的“体液”(humors)组成,这些体液在身体的各个部位(如皮肤、器官、肌肉等)中流动和分布。在阿育吠陀中,“器官”并不是指进行加工活动的中心,而是指人体中不同部位和功能不同的组织。因此,选项A“organs”是最符合题意的答案。'
  3. ( ) is known as the "Silicon Valley of India" ( )

  4. A:Bengaluru B:Hyderabad C:Chennai D:Kolkata
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Hyderabad 。根据问题可知,城市被称为"硅谷",四个选项中只有Hyderabad被称为"印度的硅谷",所以答案为B。A选项Bengaluru是印度的班加罗尔,但是班加罗尔没有被称为"硅谷"。C选项Chennai是印度城市金奈,也不具有此称呼。D选项Kolkata是印度加尔各答,也是印度的著名城市之一,但与“硅谷”没有任何关联。'
  5. The ( ) is considered unclean in India.

  6. A:right hand B:head C:left hand D:mouth
    AI参考:正确答案是C. 左手上印度人认为左手是不干净的。印度人认为左手是不洁净的,右手是用来吃饭和拿东西的,而头部、嘴巴是不涉及洁净与否的部位。因此,根据常识,选项C是正确答案。'
  7. While food culture in India drew heavy influences from different dynasties, trading routes and foreign rulers, it expanded in two versions: ( ).

  8. AI参考:正确答案是B. “一种扩展版本是通过莫卧儿王朝的征服和统治,另一种则是通过和外来民族的融合。”文章中提到,印度的食物文化受到不同朝代、贸易路线和外国统治者的严重影响,但是它通过两种方式进行了扩展:一种是莫卧儿王朝的征服和统治,另一种是与外来民族的融合。因此,选项B是正确答案。'
  9. Among the following dance festivals,which one gives its audience the unique chance to see some of the finest dancers from the country, from every genre of the art form, performing in the backdrop of the intricately carved Khajuraho temples. ( )

  10. A:The Mammallapuram Dance Festival B:The Khajuraho Dance Festival C:The Mukteshwar Dance Festival D:The Nishagandhi Dance Festiva
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The Nishagandhi Dance Festival。根据题干中的描述,需要选择一个能够给观众提供机会看到来自全国各种艺术形式的顶级舞者表演在雕刻精美的Khajuraho寺庙背景下的舞蹈节。选项D中的Nishagandhi Dance Festival正是这样一个舞蹈节,它每年都会邀请来自全国各地的顶级舞者参加,并举办各种类型的舞蹈表演,其中包括古典、现代、爵士等。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  11. The word “pepper” comes from the Sanskrit for ( ).

  12. A:lemon B:seed C:berry D:grapes
  13. It is considered ( ) to plunge into business discussions immediately.

  14. A:easy B:polite C:rude D:right
  15. Mahayana means the greater vehicle and refers to the opportunity for more people to gain( ).

  16. A:salvation B:happiness C:satisfaction D:content
  17. In 1878 Tagore went to ( )

  18. A:London B:Paris C:Kolkata D:New York
    AI参考:答案选C:In 1878 Tagore went to Kolkata。根据问题中的信息,答案应该是关于泰戈尔在1878年去了哪里的问题。根据常识和选项中的信息,Kolkata是印度的城市,而其他选项都是其他国家的城市。因此,答案应该是C选项,即Kolkata。'
  19. Sadhguru’s Isha Foundation is headquartered in ( ).

  20. A:Delhi B:Coimbatore C:Mumbai D:Nadu
    答案:the joint effort   of modern researchersAI参考:正确答案是B:Coimbatore。根据问题描述,Sadhguru的Isha Foundation总部位于某地,而选项中只有Coimbatore符合这个描述,因此答案为B。德里、孟买和纳杜都不是Sadhguru的Isha Foundation的总部所在地。'
  21. The Indian government has been quite active in rolling out incentives for the IT and ITES sector. In February 2019, it released a national policy on software products to develop India as a ( ) destination.

  22. A:tech park B:hardware production C:software production D:technology
    答案:ItAI参考:正确答案是C:software production。根据问题中的信息,印度政府积极推出对IT和ITES行业的激励措施,并在2019年发布了国家软件产品政策,以发展印度作为软件生产目的地。因此,选项C“软件生产”是正确答案。选项A“技术公园”、B“硬件生产”和D“技术”都与问题中的信息不符。'
  23. he largest hub in India is ( ) .

  24. A:kolkata B:Bengaluru C:Chandigarh D:Hyderabad
  25. Alcohol was originally banned in Gujarat because the beverage became heavily associated with ( ) and increasing illegal sales.

  26. A:tax B:profits C:smuggling D:health
    答案:错AI参考:正确答案是C:smuggling。根据题干中的“Alcohol was originally banned in Gujarat because the beverage became heavily associated with”可知,禁酒是因为酒精与非法贩运密切联系,由此可以判断选项C为正确答案。而其他选项tax(税收)、profits(利润)和health(健康)都与原文内容不符。'
  27. India Gate is one of the landmarks of ( ) .

  28. A:Chennai B:Delhi C:Mumbai D:Bengal
    答案:错误AI参考:正确答案是B:Delhi(德里)。India Gate是印度德里的一座地标建筑,因此选项B“德里”是正确答案。选项A“钦奈”、C“孟买”和D“孟加拉”都不是印度的重要城市或地标建筑。'
  29. Some parts of India considers homosexuality to be an unnatural disease that can be cured. Other parts of Indian society consider homosexuality to be a ( ) myth that doesn’t apply to the East.

  30. A:historic B:unexplained C:western D:complicated
    答案:the way in which the body affects a drug by the process of absorption,distribution,metabolism and excretionAI参考:正确答案是B:unexplained。句子中提到印度社会的一些部分认为同性恋是一种可以治愈的不自然的疾病,而其他部分则认为同性恋是一个无法解释的、不适用于东方的神话。因此,选项B“unexplained”(无法解释的)最符合句意。选项A“historic”(历史的)、选项C“western”(西方的)和选项D“complicated”(复杂的)与句意不符。'
  31. Many hermits give up meat to become spiritually ( ). They have linked meat and blood to contamination.

  32. A:elegant B:healthy C:simple D:pure
  33. The earliest paintings found in India were scratched onto the walls of ( ).

  34. A:temples B:caves C:houses D:palaces
  35. The most popular commercial genre in Bollywood since the 1970s has been the , which freely mixes different genres. ( )

  36. A:Masala B:Action C:Romance D:Drama
    答案:商业的|商务的AI参考:选项C:Romance(浪漫爱情片)是自20世纪70年代以来宝莱坞最受欢迎的商业片类型,它自由地混合了不同的类型。解释:选项A的Masala是一种印度美食,与电影类型无关;选项B的Action是动作片类型,虽然也很受欢迎,但与问题中的“自由混合不同类型”不符;选项D的Drama是戏剧片类型,虽然常见,但并非最受欢迎的商业片类型。因此,选项C Romance是正确答案。'
  37. Global exchange itself is older than we think, reaching back over 2,000 years along a ( ) mile stretch known as the Silk Road.

  38. A:6,000 B:4,000 C:5,000 D:3,000
  39. Fo Guo Ji(Record of Buddist Kingdoms) was written by ( ).

  40. A:Fa Xian B:Kumarajiva C:Xuan Zang D:Bodhidharma
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Kumarajiva。《佛国记》(Record of Buddist Kingdoms)是东晋高僧法显所著的佛教经典游记,记述了法显从长安出发,经西域到天竺(印度)的旅行经历和所见佛教遗迹。因此,答案为B。'
  41. Some major world religions, like ( ) originated in India.

  42. A:Jainism B:Sikhism C:Hinduism D:Buddhism
    答案:Zoroastrianism and JudaismAI参考:正确答案是【C:Hinduism】。世界上的主要宗教中,Hinduism起源于印度,而Jainism、Sikhism和Buddhism分别起源于印度和东亚。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  43. The following poems ( ) are very popupar Indian epic poems.

  44. A:the Bhagavad Gita B:the Mahabharata C:the Sanatana Dharma D:the Ramayana
    AI参考:正确选项为:D:the Ramayana。这些诗歌中,只有《罗摩衍那》是印度非常流行的史诗诗歌。其他选项如《薄伽梵往世书》(Bhagavad Gita)、《摩诃婆罗多》(Mahabharata)和《吠陀经》(Sanatana Dharma)都是印度教经典,但不是史诗诗歌。因此,答案为D。'
  45. There are three main pieces of cloth that are draped around the body, ( ).

  46. A:the Mekhela B:the Sador C:a Riha D:a Sarong
  47. The two examples of philosophical beliefs in China that also carry a religious element are ( )?

  48. A:Taoism. B:Jainism. C:Hinduism. D:Confucianism
  49. The major branches of ayurveda incorporated into current ayurvedic medicine are ( ).

  50. A:internal medicine B:Geriatrics C:wholistic medicine D:Panchakarma
    答案:正确答案:The major branches of linguistics are:(1)phonetics:it studies the sounds used in linguistic communication;(2)phonology:it studies how sounds are put together and used to convey meaning in communication;(3)morphology:it studies the way in which linguistic symbols representing soundsare arranged and combined to form words;(4)syntax:it studies the rules which govern how words are combined to form grammatically permissible sentences in languages;(5)semantics:it studies meaning conveyed by language;(6)pragmatics:it studiesthe meaning in the context of language use.AI参考:正确选项是【C:wholistic medicine】。根据问题描述,ayurveda的主要分支被整合到现在的ayurvedic医学中,而选项C是整体医学,符合描述。其他选项A、B、D分别属于内科、老年医学和五脏净化疗法,与问题描述不符。因此,选项C是正确答案。'
  51. The Hindu ideal of karma suggested that people who behaved well could be born into a higher caste.( )

  52. A:错 B:对
  53. The empire built by the Guptadynasty under Emperor Ashoka united most of South Asia in the third century BCE.( )

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. Tagore was a famous Bengali polymath who reshaped Bengali literature and music, as well as Indian art with Contextual Modernism in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. ( )

  56. A:错 B:对
  57. Vedas believe in the theory of rebirth and immortality of soul. ( )

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. Teenage girls may wear half-sarees, while women usually wear full sarees.( )

  60. A:错 B:对
    答案:crazyAI参考:Teenage girls may wear half-sarees, while women usually wear full sarees.这句话的意思是:少女可能会穿半纱丽,而女性通常会穿完整的纱丽。因此,答案是B:对。'
  61. Panchanga is a lunisolar calendar with many regional variations. ( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. In India, the most common types of marriages are arranged.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
    答案:Bar chart;Graph;Pie chart
  65. Hindi cinema, often known as Bollywood and formerly as Bombay cinema, is the -language film industry based in (formerly Bombay).( )

  66. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A,对。根据题干中的描述,Hindi cinema通常被称为Bollywood,以前被称为Bombay cinema,是一个以(以前是Bombay的)印度语言电影产业为基础。因此,该判断题是正确的,答案为A。'
  67. The caste system bestowed many privileges on the upper castes while sanctioning repression of the lower castes by privileged groups. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. Indian food culture, which is defined as a delicious melange of culinary techniques developed by nearly 18,000 tribes and communities, even managed to stun travellers like Ibn Battuta.( )

  70. A:错 B:对
    答案:TYPICALAI参考:答案:B。原文中提到印第安食物文化被定义为近1.8万个部落和社区发展出的烹饪技术的美味混合,甚至让像Ibn Battuta这样的旅行者感到震惊,说明印第安食物文化对人们的影响很大,因此答案为B,即正确选项。'
  71. The Mammallapuram Dance Festival, held at the 10th-century temple of the same name also takes place in Odisha. It is an understatement to say that it is a visual treat. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。题目中提到的是Mammallapuram Dance Festival是在Odisha举办,同时也在10世纪的同名寺庙中举行,并且被描述为视觉上的盛宴,因此可以判断该选项是正确的。而选项A是错误的,因为题目中没有提到该舞蹈节是一个“少说”的情况。'
  73. The Mauryan Empire is regarded as the classical period or golden age of Hindu art, literature and science. ( )

  74. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A:对。根据题目中的信息,Mauryan Empire被认为是印度古典时期或印度艺术、文学和科学的黄金时代。因此,该选项是正确的。'
  75.  In 1913, Bengali poet RabindranathTagore became India's first Nobel laureate in literature.( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A,即“对”。根据题目中的链接和描述,可以得知Bengali诗人Rabindranath Tagore在1913年成为了印度第一个获得诺贝尔文学奖的人。因此,整个句子描述的内容是正确的。'
  77. Taj Mahal was built to commemorate the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan.( )

  78. A:对 B:错
  79. Shiva is the foremost deity in the Hindu pantheon and regarded as the destroyer.( )

  80. A:错 B:对

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