1. In the south there is much water and people are short in stature, so the stances are more powerful.( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. Beijing host the world-wide 2022 Winter Olympic Games.( )

  4. 答案:对
  5. With each passing year, mass sports and fitness continue to develop rapidly in China, strongly aided by government policies.( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Sign off your thank-you card by using expressions such as “Dear Billy”( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. Good health is more than being free from sickness or disease. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The story “Three Visits to the Cottage” tells us the story of Cao Cao( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. “Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain Climbing Day” was written by Wang Zhihuan. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. We should make full use of our time instead of spending too much time on video games. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. When it is hot, it is wise to spend a few days in Mt. Wutai because it is also a well-known summer resort. ( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. Every minute is important for one’s dream. ( )

  20. 答案:对
  21. China Tourism Day is May 19th, which is connected to a great traveler in history,( ).

  22. 答案:Xu Xiake.
  23. Who first issued the famous “Five Principles for Peaceful Coexistence”?( )
  24. Qikou in Shanxi used to be a busy ( ).
  25. Huangcheng Premier's Mansion was the residence of Chen Tingjing, Emperor ( ) teacher and premier at that time.
  26. Greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuel burning and are the main causes of various extreme weather.( )
  27. Qikou Town flourished in Ming and Qing dynasties because the goods on ( ) had to be carried on to the land.
  28. In social communications we should mainly keep our eyesight on people’s ( ) .
  29. Nowadays many people spend time on meaningless things such as . ( )
  30. People who are good at(  ) are more likely to succeed.
  31. The story, “Mencius’ Mother Moving the Family for Three Times”, tells us that ( ).
  32. ( ) as a pine, sitting as a bell.
  33. For Regards, which is not suitable? ( )
  34. Which city is the first dual Olympic city?( )
  35. 12 “Thinking of My Brothers on Mountain Climbing Day” is a poem describing _________festival. ( )
  36. If a lady wears a suit-skirt, she can wear red tights. ( )
  37. The beginning of spring shows the cold and low temperature may happen. ( )
  38. “Keep in mind the well-digger when you drink the water” tells us a story about Mao Zedong.( )
  39. In the Salt Lake in Yuncheng, Shanxi, you can dive into the water easily. ( )
  40. Shaolin Boxing is a representative boxing style of short boxing.( )
  41. __________ is the place where the Qingming Festival originated. ( )
  42. Tomorrow after tomorrow, there is always another . ( )
  43. “Keep in mind the well-digger when you drink the water” tells us a story about______. ( )
  44. What is a motto of Olympic games?( )
  45. In today's China, it’s rare to find a place with well-preserved historical ( ) like Pingyao.
  46. “The Romance of the Western Chamber” by Wang Shifu, one of the most famous playwrights of the ________Dynasty. ( )
  47. According to Confucius, no one can stand firm without( ).
  48. The slogan of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games is “Together for a Shared Future.”( )
  49. In general, everyone will feel anxious at some point. ( )
  50. You should put off till tomorrow what should be done today. ( )
  51. People bade farewell with flowers enacting a traditional Chinese gesture of regret over parting. ( )
  52. Three adjectives are often used to describe the Hanging temple in Mt. Heng: " suspended, wonderful, and skillful". ( )
  53. Sugary drinks are good for your heart. ( )
  54. Grain Rain is most suitable for sowing beans and fruits. ( )
  55. Generally speaking, the Yellow River is regarded as the rough dividing line for Chinese martial arts.( )
  56. The 24 solar terms can’t indicate seasonal changes. ( )
  57. International issues should not be dealt with violence but be discussed and solved through peaceful ways. ( )
  58. Both time and gold are countable nouns. ( )
  59. Nowadays, it’s quite rare for people to see a doctor because of bad emotions or mental problems.( )
  60. Mianshan Mountain is the place where the Qingming Festival originated. ( )
  61. Jeans are suitable for formal situations. ( )
  62. Peaks, cliffs, gorges, waterfalls and springs form a fascinating view one after another deep in the 太行山 Canyon. ( )
  63. If we do not like to do something ourselves, we should not ask others to do it.( )
  64. Holding Olympic games not only realizes the movement of all humanity, but also builds a peaceful world together.( )
  65. In casual situations women can choose hair-style as they like. ( )
  66. A Thank-you card is one of the easiest ways to show how grateful you are for the person’s presence in your life. ( )
  67. To protect the environment, we must be committed to harmony between man and nature. ( )
  68. On what basis did the ancients divide a year into 24 equal parts?( )
  69. Why do so many people feel regretted as they become old? ( ).
  70. If we do not like to do something ourselves, ( ).
  71. ( ) looks much the same as it did during the Ming and Qing dynasties, whose prosperity in history was associated with local merchants—Shanxi Merchants.
  72. There are certain rules to present suitable images for various situations, and the core is ( ).
  73. Besides ( ), there are abundant historical sites and beautiful natural scenes worthy of exploring in Shanxi Province.
  74. ”Self-cultivation banks virtue; self-regulation lifts spirits; self-comfort removes worry; self-control relieves ( ).”
  75. What’s the meaning of character “戈”?( )
  76. What does “yet” mean?( )
  77. For the Chines martial arts, the southern styles mainly focus more on the use of arms and , while the northern styles focus more on the legs.( )
  78. It is believed that a polite hand-shaking should be ( ).
  79. The Chinese Valentine's Day falls on _________ lunar month. ( )
  80. ________ is not only a traditional Chinese Festival but also the fifth of the standard Chinese 24 Solar Terms.( )
  81. Now we will go to Datong to feast our eyes on the art treasures of ( ) Grottoes.
  82. As to the spring festival atmosphere in Shanxi, the most impressive place is in ________( )
  83. In Shaolin Temple, the pagodas are ( )for eminent monks in history.
  84. “How many parts are there for a thank-you note? ( )
  85. Mianshan Mountain is the place where the __________ originated. ( )
  86. “Standing as a pine, sitting as a ( ), moving as wind, and lying like a bow.”
  87. ”To govern his state well, one has to run his ( ) first.”
  88. Generally, it is ( ) that decides whether a person is welcome or not.
  89. “A traveler’s song” or in Chinese “Youziyin”(游子吟) is written by ( )
  90. Which of the following statements about the 24 solar terms is NOT true? ( )
  91. What is the slogan of Olympic games in 2008?( )
  92. In the 24 solar terms, What does“Jie” refer to?( )
  93. Time does not walk or run, it . ( )
  94. ——is the start of the twenty -four solar terms, people attaches great importance to the solar terms. ( )
  95. The South Yue, Mt. Heng is located in( )province.
  96. ——is NOT one of the criteria for formulating the twenty-four Solar Terms. ( )
  97. Which cities are most likely to disappear because of rising sea levels?( )
  98. ( )health is how well your body is functioning.
  99. A true sign of good emotional well-being is the ability to embrace and manage a range of emotions, recognizing they are not permanent.( )
  100. Food too ( ) may hurt the spleen.
  101. A good night's ( ) keeps you in a better mood, sharpens memory and focus, and helps you learn new things.
  102. Good figure means being skinny. ( )
  103. The poem “Qingming ”was written by Dufu ( )
  104. When sending wishes on Qingming we should say: Wishing you happy for Qingming Festival.( )
  105. ( ) is regarded as the time for grand family reunion among Chinese people around the world.
  106. The Mascots of 2022 Winter Olympic Games are Bing Dwen Dwen and Xue Rongrong( )
  107. A 40-minute firework show appeared in ( ) County
  108. Form Boxing means that people developed boxing styles by imitating various animals or insects.( )
  109. Ba Gua zhang comes from “Ba Gua” recorded in the Book of Change.( )
  110. What is the principle of the Olympic movement?( )
  111. Tai Chi is a popular form of Kung Fu marked with fast and gentle moments that are designed for defense.( )
  112. What does calligraphy “冬”symbolize? ( )
  113. When you do the recycling, you help save natural resources, like wood, oil, and metal.( )
  114. What can we do to reduce the consequences of the climate change?( )
  115. In the 24 solar terms, what does“Qi” refer to?( )
  116. Higher temperatures will shrink supply of processing tomatoes in key regions in the next few decades, with the US, Italy and China expected to decline 4% by 2030.( )
  117. The acid rainfall whose PH value is less than 4.56, can corrode buildings.( )
  118. Yue Fei is a national hero in Dynasty. ( )
  119. Being on time makes everything run smoothly. ( )
  120. The most valuable time is the golden years. ( )
  121. means the quality of adhering to an appointed time. ( )
  122. Learning is easy for the young but hard for the old.( )
  123. Where the Yellow River runs down the junction between Shaanxi and Shanxi, there is the second-biggest waterfall in China, Hukou Waterfall.( )
  124. Mt. Wutai is one of the four famous Buddhist mountains in China. ( )
  125. In Shuozhou, you can find an ancient tower known as Yingxian ( )Pagoda.
  126. The Hanging Temple is located in ( ).
  127. There is a saying---"Mt. ( ) has only one path since ancient times".
  128. There are occasions where we’d better say “thank you” instead of “sorry. ( )
  129. Parents’ love to kids is the greatest and most unselfish love in the world. ( )
  130. The format of a thank-you card consists of ( ).
  131. The sentence, “Not until you become a parent can you fully appreciate parents’ love” was written by a poet named Yan Jidao.( )
  132. There are occasions where we’d better say “(A )” instead of “( ) “.
  133. Mother’s Day is celebrated on the second Sunday in May( )
  134. Female’s hair in formal situations should not cover forehead, ears, and neck. ( )
  135. In formal situations, man’s shirts usually are ( ) in color.
  136. In formal situations, female’s suit-skirts usually go with ( ).
  137. Ladies’ suits or suit skirts should go with medium or high heeled leather shoes. ( )
  138. Horsetail, coiled hair or short hair are the ( ) choices for ladies in formal situations.
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