第十二章 Economy:Economy12.1Economy:What is international economic law? How shall we understand this term? How many kinds of understandings are there in international society toward this term? While there are three different understandings of international economic law. Each has different definition and different scope of international economic law.
12.2The concept of international economic law:The concept of international economic law
12.3The Bretton Woods system and international economic organizations:The Bretton Woods system of monetary management established the rules for commercial and financial relations among the United States, Canada, Western Europe countries, Australia, and Japan after the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement. The Bretton Woods system was the first example of a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among independent states. The chief features of the Bretton Woods system were an obligation for each country to adopt a monetary policy that maintained its external exchange rates within 1 percent by tying its currency to gold and the ability of the IMF to bridge temporary imbalances of payments. Also, there was a need to address the lack of cooperation among other countries and to prevent competitive devaluation of the currencies as well
12.4The International Monetary Fund (IMF):After the world war, there was a Bretton woods system, and this system actually has two parts:the first issue is international monetary. It linked all that money of each state to U.S. Dollar and lined the U.S. Dollar to gold. And the second issue is that it meant to establish a liberal system of international economy, and there emerged IMF, GATT and also the successor of WTO. Is this system still operating in modern society? We may go back to the history and analyze it with states` practice.
12.5The World Bank:World Band was established in 1944 in the Bretton Woods. It provides needed capital an technical assistance to needed states and prohibits the political activities. The initial aim of WB was to benefit European states but by and by the developing countries try to get some benefits form the WB system also. So, what status does WB hold in modern society?
12.6From the GATT to the WTO:WTO is one of the most important and most influential international organization in the world today. It is the successor of GATT . GATT emerged as a surprise gift though the attempt to establish a international trade organization, the ITO, failed. GATT is a series of agreements based on states` consents. And generally in Uruguay round, agreement reached, a new international trade organization was established.
12.7The new World Trade Organization:After the establishment of WTO, the members have never stopped to look for an opportunity to begin a new round of negotiation on trade issues. They tried to settle some problems in texitile and argriculture goods. Though this process is not smooth at all, in Bali conference, the ministers had reached several agreements.
12.8NIEO:The New International Economic Order ever advocated in the past years but not recently. What is the reason behind this kind of phenomenon? Why do some states make more efforts to advocate multilateral agreements of regional level instead of world level? Why they resort to other systems instead of WTO?
12.9Expropriation and standard of compensation:In what circumstance can a state apply expropriation? Are there any standards for expropriation? What are the state practices on this issue? There are at least four requirements, that are: aim of the expropriation should for the public interest, the process should be legal, non-discrimination, and the last one: Compensation is reasonable degree. While, the specific standard of compensation is still in controversy.
12.10Disguised expropriation:What is disguised expropriation? In modern international law, there is no recognition on disguised expropriation. The criteria to value whether a expropriation is unlawful is that whether the conduct touches the basic interest of the foreign investors. Whatever the reason is, and whatever the nation is, the conduct shall be regarded as disguised expropriation.
12.11The right to development:What is the so-called "right to development"? What`s the background of this kind of right? What`s the significance of this kind of right? While the right to development is always defined as one of the third generation of human rights. This kind of human right not only related to individuals but also to collectives. It means that all the individuals and also the groups have the opportunity to develop themselves fully, not just in economic sense but also in the meaning of social and culture.
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