1.Why is it important to use visuals in a proposal?( )
A:To impress your reader. B:To clarify statistical detail in the report. C:To break up the blocks of text. D:All of the above.
2.Of the following statements, which one(s) are measurable? ( )
A:Implementing this process will greatly improve productivity. B:This proposal will allow us to increase sales by 57%. C:We will see more customers this quarter than last quarter. D:Customer satisfaction will decrease if we do not do what is proposed here. 3.The following passage is from the captureplanning.com website. It is an introductory paragraph and the first thing a viewer on the website will see. Who do you think the audience is for the passage? ( )In business proposal writing, the only opinion that matters is that of your customer's. If you want to know what to include in your proposal or how to best format a proposal, you need to look at it from the customer's point of view. Business proposal writing should answer any questions the customer has and explain the benefits of your approach. If you want to perfect your proposal writing, you need to first perfect your understanding of your customer. It's not about what you want to say or how well you can describe yourself; it's about what the customer needs to know in order to select the winner. Only after you master writing from the customer's perspective can you write a proposal that is the most effective. Some general advice for people who are new to business proposal writing is provided below...
A:Anyone who visits the website B:Business managers C:Someone who is not familiar with writing business proposals D:Customers 4.What is the purpose of the passage in Question 3?
A:to inform the reader about the website. B:to entertain the reader. C:to persuade the reader to continue reading for more information about how to write a business proposal. D:to inform the reader about the business proposal. 5.Why is it important to proofread your essay? ( )
A:To ensure that you do not overlook silly mistakes that can affect your credibility. B:It can prove to be a helpful step before you begin writing your next essay. C:The proofreading process can be entertaining. D:You may find a quote that you want to add to your essay. 6.The last step in the editing process is known as( ), which involves carefully reading over a document for the purpose of finding any errors in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or formatting that need to be corrected.
A:Proofreading B:Quality control C:Revising D:Final check 7.When you profile your audience, you should consider which of the following criteria? ( )
A:the reader’s level of education B:the reader’s attitude about you as a writer C:how many people will read your essay D:why the reader has chosen to read your essay 8.As you work on editing and improving the content of an essay that you’ve written, which of the following considerations are important?( )
A:Your purpose is clear. B:Your supporting details are numbered. C:Your thesis statement is effective. D:You have sufficient supporting details. E:Your points are organized well. 9.Choosing the correct channel for a message is not as important as defining the purpose of the message.
A:对 B:错 10.The organizational outline of a negative message in an indirect approach may include buffer, reasons, news, and goodwill & actions.
A:对 B:错

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