  1. 论述:Please comment on the foreign writings in 1919 in Taishan Culture.

  2. 答案:The foreign writings in 1919 within the context of Taishan Culture reflect a unique period of cultural exchange and intellectual transformation. This era witnessed the influx of Western ideas and literature into China, influenced by the May Fourth Movement. Works from this period in Taishan likely encapsulated themes of modernity, national identity, and the synthesis of Eastern and Western thought. These writings served as a bridge between traditions and the new era, shaping the region's cultural landscape and contributing to the broader discourse on China's modernization.
  3. 汉译英:白骡冢:《岱史》、《泰山道里记》皆谓冢在封禅坛北一里。明·萧协中《泰山小史》谓“在岳阳,碑记冢迹尚存。”而《泰安县志》则谓“在红门东”,并以其地之断踣丰碑为白骡冢碑。按《泰山道里记》称:“红门东有丰碑断踣,趺下磨灭无字,惟碑额棱上有‘垂拱元年月廿五日造二年五月’十二字。碑侧犹有宋人题识‘当日东封安在哉,茫茫今古辨尘埃’字句可读。翻转审视,底面有行书,字影差小,隐隐莫辨。按赵明诚《金石录》云:‘唐登封纪号文,高宗撰并行书,飞白书额,小字,乾封元年二月。一勒石山上,不知毁于何时。一立碑山下。’意或武皇补刻。以残碑及《开元纪》证之,白骡冢在城东南,今失其处矣。”据此,则红门东之丰碑,并非白骡冢碑。该碑长期断踣,1990年泰山管理委员会整复,仍立原处。

  4. 答案:White Mule Tomb: Both The History of Mount Tai and The Record of Roads and Distances in Mount Tai state that the tomb is located one mile north of the Fengchan Altar. In Xiaoshitan of Mount Tai, written by Xiao Xiezhong during the Ming Dynasty, it is claimed to be "in Yueyang, with inscriptions on the tomb still extant." Conversely, the Taian County Annals assert that it is "east of Hongmen," identifying a toppled stele at the site as the White Mule Tomb Stele. According to The Record of Roads and Distances in Mount Tai, "East of Hongmen lies a toppled grand stele, its base worn with no remaining text, save for twelve characters on the edge of the stele's head stating 'Constructed on the 25th day of the 1st month of the 1st year of the Shangyuan Era, completed in the 5th month of the 2nd year.' The side of the stele still bears inscriptions from the Song Dynasty readable as 'Where has the Eastern Fengchen gone, lost in the dust of ages past?' Upon flipping and examining closely, faint lines of running script are visible on the underside, too模糊 to discern clearly. As recorded in Zhao Mingcheng's Record of Golden Inscriptions, 'The text commemorating the Fengchan ceremony, composed and inscribed in running script with a flying white style title and small characters by Emperor Gaozong, was done in the 2nd month of the 1st year of the Qianning Era.' One was engraved on the mountain, its destruction date unknown; another was erected at the foot of the mountain.' It is speculated that this might have been a supplementary engraving by Emperor Wu. Corroborated by the fragmented stele and the Record of the Kaiyuan Era, the White Mule Tomb was situated in the southeast of the city, though its exact location is now lost." Hence, the toppled grand stele east of Hongmen is not the White Mule Tomb Stele. Long left broken, the stele was restored by the Mount Tai Administration Committee in 1990 and re-erected at its original site.
  5. 论述:Please comment on the foreign writings in contemporary period in Taishan Culture.

  6. 答案:Contemporary period writings about Taishan Culture by foreign authors reflect a diverse range of perspectives, highlighting the global interest and significance of this cultural heritage. These works often celebrate the historical, religious, and philosophical aspects of Taishan, emphasizing its role as a symbol of Chinese culture and its influence on world heritage. Foreign writers may focus on the mountain's religious importance, its association with Confucianism, the ancient pilgrimage traditions, and the unique natural landscape. They also explore the cultural exchange and fusion evidenced at Mount Taishan, demonstrating how it has inspired artists, poets, and thinkers across different cultures. Through these writings, a broader audience is introduced to the profound impact and enduring legacy of Taishan Culture in the modern era.
  7. 简答:Please introduce The Temple of the Three Functionaries in English.

  8. 答案:The Temple of the Three Functionaries, also known as Samsinggak in Korean, is a shrine dedicated to the worship of three deities in Korean folk religion. These deities, often depicted as celestial beings, symbolize prosperity, longevity, and happiness. The temple serves as a place for devotees to pray for good fortune, health, and harmony. It reflects the syncretic nature of Korean religious practices, incorporating elements of Buddhism, Shamanism, and Confucianism.
  9. 汉译英:经石峪位于泰山斗母宫东北,有岔路盘道相通,过漱玉桥、高山流水亭、神聆桥即至。峪中有缓坡石坪,上刻隶书《金刚经》,俗称晒经石,明隆庆年间万恭书刻“曝经石”。经石峪金刚经刻位于斗母宫东北经石峪,是中国现存规模最大的佛经摩崖刻石。

  10. 答案:The Jing Shi Yu, located northeast of the Doumu Palace on Mount Tai, is accessible via a winding path connected by various scenic spots such as the Shuyu Bridge, Gao Shan Liu Shui Pavilion, and Shen Ling Bridge. Within the valley lies a gentle sloping stone terrace, engraved with the Diamond Sutra in clerical script, commonly known as the Rock for Drying Scriptures. During the Longqing era of the Ming Dynasty, Wan Gong inscribed "Exposing the Scriptures Stone." The Jing Shi Yu's Diamond Sutra engraving, situated northeast of Doumu Palace in Jing Shi Yu, represents the largest extant Buddhist scripture rock carving in China.
  11. 汉译英:据《泰山道里记》和《岱览》载,唐代前泰山顶上女神早有玉女或元君的称号。自宋代立祠祭祀后,元君信仰兴盛起来。明清两朝,上自帝王皇室,下到村氓民夫,无不崇祀元君。供奉碧霞元君的泰山行宫,一时遍及全国各地,有成千上万座之多。光在京师,娘娘庙就有“三山五顶”之说。清韩锡胙在《元君记》中记载,“通古今天下神祗,首东岳。而东岳祀事之盛,首碧霞元君……自京师以南,河淮以北,男妇日千万人奉牲牢币,喃喃泥首阶下。”由此可见,碧霞元君香火之极盛,百姓对碧霞元君信仰崇拜之至。

  12. 答案:According to records in the "Taishan Road and Distance Record" and the "Dailan," the goddess on the top of Mount Tai had the title of Jade Maiden or Lady Yuan before the Tang Dynasty. After the establishment of temples and sacrifices in the Song Dynasty, faith in Lady Yuan flourished. From the Ming and Qing dynasties, ranging from emperors and royal families to commoners, all worshipped Lady Yuan. Temples dedicated to Bixia Yuanjun, the Goddess of Mount Tai, were built all over the country, numbering in the tens of thousands. In the capital alone, there was a saying of "Three Mountains and Five Peaks" referring to the Goddess temples. Han Xize of the Qing Dynasty recorded in the "Lady Yuan Memorial" that "among the gods and deities throughout ancient and modern times, Mount Tai's Eastern Peak is foremost. And among the sacrifices to Mount Tai, those to Bixia Yuanjun are the most prominent... From the south of the capital to the north of the Yellow and Huai Rivers, millions of men and women offer sacrifices daily, kneeling and praying devoutly at her altar." This illustrates the extreme popularity of Bixia Yuanjun's temple and the people's utmost devotion and faith in her.
  13. 汉译英:《春秋公羊传》所载:触石而出,肤寸而合,不崇朝而遍雨乎天下者,唯泰山尔。朝阳洞东南翠峰崛起,虬松附石,望之如老将军披巾坐鞍马,故名老人寨,今称老云寨。”

  14. 答案:As recorded in the 'Gongyang Commentary on The Spring and Autumn Annals': "That which strikes the stones and emerges, whose clouds join at the width of a hand, and which within a morning covers the whole world with rain, is none other than Mount Tai." To the southeast of Chaoyang Cave, verdant peaks rise, with gnarled pines clinging to the rocks, resembling an old general draped in a cloak, seated on horseback. Hence, it was named Elderly General's Stockade, now known as Laoyun Stockade.
  15. 汉译英:《五岳真形图》为道教符箓,为太上道君所传,有免灾致福之效。《抱朴子》一书记载:“凡修道之士栖隐山谷,须得五岳真形图佩之。其山中鬼魅精灵、虫虎妖怪,一切毒物,莫能近矣。”这幅图,或者说其中的符号,是目前我国道教文化研究重要文献和道教经典集合《道藏》中,仍然流传于世的古人作品。因为这五个符号,不仅见于书目抄绘,更见于诸器,如饰物(日常穿戴用具)、鼎器(礼器)、砚台(文房用具)、石碑(用途不明)等等中,历经近两千年,长久不衰,故没有被滚滚历史所湮没。

  16. 答案:The "Five Sacred Mountains' True Forms Diagram" is a talisman of Daoism, transmitted by the Supreme Taoist Lord, with the efficacy of warding off disasters and bringing blessings. The book "Baopuzi" records, "All cultivators dwelling in seclusion amidst mountains must carry the Five Sacred Mountains' True Forms Diagram. Spirits, goblins, insects, tigers, monsters, and all poisonous creatures cannot approach them." This diagram, or rather its symbols, constitute a significant part of the extant works of ancient Chinese Daoist culture studied in the Daoist Canon, a compilation of Daoist classics. These five symbols have not only been found in manuscript copies but also adorn various objects such as personal adornments, ritual cauldrons, ink slabs, and stone steles (of uncertain use), surviving nearly two millennia unscathed by the passage of time.
  17. 汉译英:在御帐崖之上,五大夫松之下,有一巨石陡立,危如累卵,摇摇欲倾,上刻“飞来石”三字,格外引人注目。 相传,宋真宗带领千人万马来泰山封禅,行至云步桥上,只见重重山叠翠,白云压首,秦松亭亭,溪水悠悠,瀑布飞泻,犹如银河倒悬,山青水碧,好似新雨初霁之清秀,置身涧底,捕捉玉珠琼花,令人忘情:飞身崖上,静观高山流水之清韵,使人心醉。

  18. 答案:Above the Imperial Tent Cliff and beneath the Five Officials Pine, there stands a towering rock, perilously balanced as if piled eggs, swaying as if about to topple. Carved on it are the characters "Flying Stone," attracting special attention. Legend has it that when Emperor Zhenzong of Song led a grand procession to Mount Tai for the Feng and Shan sacrifices, upon reaching Yunbu Bridge, they beheld layers of lush mountains, white clouds hovering above, the Qin pines standing tall, streams meandering gently, waterfalls plunging like an inverted Milky Way, the mountains green and waters clear as after a fresh rain, immersing oneself in the valley to catch jade beads and crystal flowers, forgetful of all else; perched on the cliff's edge, serenely observing the elegance of mountain streams, it was intoxicating to the heart.
  19. 汉译英:泰山王是汉族民间传说中的冥间之神,十殿阎王之一,第七殿阎王。泰山王掌管大海底,丁北方沃焦石下的热恼大地狱。 魏晋以来,道教传说人死以后,魂归泰山,所以泰山神成为阴间之王。佛教传入中国后,又被说成是地府十王之第七。

  20. 英译汉:The Ching emperor, K'ang-hsi, was so pleased that he ordered the erection of the Red Gate Arch, which now spans the road, and whose inscription reads:“The First Halt Where One Contemplates the Heights”. That it has been customary for royalties to pause here for breath, in imitation of Confucius's halt, is evidenced by the older Chinese books.

  21. 简答:Please introduce The Father-in Law Peak in English.

  22. 论述:Please comment on G. Dudbridge’s writings in Taishan Culture.

  23. 日译汉:大自然の力は泰山の雄大で壮麗な自然景観を作り、長い人文の歴史の蓄積は豊かで独特な「泰山文化」を生み出した。泰山は奇石が林立し谷が深く、林が繁茂し泉は澄み、世界に誇るべき地質と科学的価値を有している。全域に宮殿建築や廟などの遺跡が点在し、多くの文人墨客の手による石碑、石刻などの豊富な文物旧跡が残されている泰山は歴史と文化の面で重要な価値を持っている。自然景観と歴史文化が一体に溶け合った泰山は、独特の美的価値を保持している。中華民族の象徴、東方文化の宝庫とされている泰山は国内国外で観光名所として知られ、同時に天然の歴史博物館でもある。

  24. 英译汉:It is related by the medieval chroniclers that in the year 726 the great emperor, Hsuan-tsung, of the Tang house, planned to follow the ancient custom of paying his respects to the Eastern Peak in person, in connection with the Feng ceremonies. The prefect at Ichow in southern Shantung had a very strong white mule which he sent to T'ai Shan as a mount for his emperor.

  25. 论述:Please comment on F. Ayscough’s writings in Taishan Culture.

  26. 汉译英:东御座 在仁安门东,汉柏院之北为东御座。元朝时为达官贵人歇息之所,称为迎宾堂;清代拓建后供皇帝朝山时驻跸,改名驻跸亭;因在东华门内,故今称东御座。东御座是岱庙内保存较为完整的一个院落,主要建筑由垂花门、仪门、大门、正殿、配殿等组成。其正殿五间,殿内按清宫室设置作复原陈列,有龙墩、龙椅等紫檀古木家具及各种工艺品。东西配殿各三间,陈列部分泰山祭器。在这里陈列着著名的泰山三宝:沉香狮子、温凉玉圭和黄蓝釉瓷青花葫芦瓶。院内南廊墙内镶嵌有郭沫若于1961年5月中旬登泰山时所留登岱六首诗碑。院中东有宋真宗御制《青帝广生帝君之赞碑》,西有闻名中外的《秦泰山刻石》残字碑。

  27. 英译汉:The full name is the Court of Maitreya. This particular god is popularly known as the Laughing Buddha, and small replicas of his idol are found in all the curio shops. His picturesque niche is in the room just over the road from that of the princess, and he is under the charge of the same house of Buddhist monks.

  28. 英译汉:This is the great red tower which abuts the Red Gate Palace. It is symbolic of the Red Gate, which is the precipitous cliff on the west of the path, the first of several dikes of the T'ai Shan conglomerate formation, which make the natural gateways along the route. A few li farther on we pass the barrier called the Heavenly Tollgate, and before the last part of the ascent we pass the Dragon's Mouth.

  29. 论述:Please comment  on  the  foreign writings in modern period in Taishan Culture.

  30. 汉译英:双龙池 位于泰安城通天街北首,遥参亭南面,始建于清光绪六年(1880年),原为引梳洗河水供城内饮水所建。因池内西北东南两角各有一个吞吐水用的石雕龙头而得名。池围以石栏,北侧的华板上镌刻有“龙跃天池”四字。池北有“济南五三惨案纪念碑”,东有两通清代石碑,西北有一株古槐,传为唐代遗植,至今叶繁枝茂,苍翠挺拔。

  31. 汉译英:北天门 泰山景点之一,自丈人峰顺坡北下,至山坳处有石坊,原额“元武”,清末圮。1984年重立,双柱单门石坊,额书“北天门”。是岱顶通往后石坞的必经之路。坊北是摩云岭,自坊前顺坡东下至勺形谷底是“乱石沟”,过沟是独足盘,再前行可至后石坞诸景点。

  32. 简答:Please introduce The Vale of the Stone Canons in English.

  33. 简答:Please introduce The Temple of the Mother Goddess of the Great Bear in English.

  34. 汉译英:三官庙位于泰山中麓斗母宫之上。 由山门、钟鼓楼、东西配殿、大殿组成。面积780平方米。三官庙建在主峰半山腰绝壁上,气势宏伟。庙中奉祀民间信仰的三元大帝上元天官、中元地官、下元水官。庙创建无考,明毁于兵。清初行僧方於重建殿宇,得到当时勋臣蔡士英家族的资助,庙貌复新。三元庙悬于半空,山门台阶共有53级,俗称五十三参。

  35. 汉译英:铜亭位于岱庙后花园东侧,又名“金阙”,明万历四十三年(1615年)铸造。原在岱顶碧霞祠内,清初移于山下灵应宫 1972年移入岱庙。亭为铜铸仿木结构,造型优美,铸工精致,系明代铸造艺术精品它与北京颐和园铜亭、昆明鸣凤山铜亭并称“国内三大铜亭”。

  36. 简答:Please introduce The Tower of Ten Thousand Fairies in English.

  37. 论述:Please comment on D. C. Baker’s writings in Taishan Culture.

  38. The ___ was the main trade route running through Asia in ancient times. From the ___ Dynasty on, China's silk was exported through this route to the west, and thus a closer link between China and the West was formed.

  39. The ___ Festival, celebrated on the 15th day of the first ___ month, is closely related to the Spring Festival.

  40. The philosophy in Pre-Qin times was marked by the emergence of various ancient philosophical views. The most influential schools were ___, ___, Mohism and Legalism.

  41. The ancient Chinese used ___ extensively as a building material in addition to bricks and tiles. Walls were not load bearing; they were only used to separate ___.

  42. Chinese ethics and morality focuses more on ___, collectivism, and ___ life.

  43. Four Treasures of the study are ___, ink, paper and ___.

  44. Generally speaking, there are three essential standards by which Chinese cooking is judged, namely ___, aroma and ___.

  45. Chinese Buddhist architecture includes ___, temples and ___.

  46. In the ( ) Dynasty, cuju, a primitive soccer game using a leather ball filled with hair etc. was so popular that everyone from the emperor to ordinary people participated in it. ( )

  47. A:Song B:Ming C:Tang D:Han
  48. 泰山皮影戯の代表作( )は泰山文化の特色に富み、筋書きは山東人の豪快な気質に満ちています。( )。

  49. A:『泰山』 B:『石敢当将軍』 C:『石将軍』 D:『泰山石敢当』
  50. ( ) are one of the major foods that are eaten during Spring Festival in northern China. ( )

  51. A:Wonton B:Dumplings C:Zongzi D:Tangyuan
  52. Gunpowder was invented in China, not by people seeking better weapons or even explosives, but by ( ) seeking the elixir of immortality. ( )

  53. A:artist B:alcoholist C:alchemists D:mathematician
  54. Wusheng in Beijing Opera are acrobats playing ( ) men. ( )

  55. A:young B:military C:villain D:old
  56. Among the three features of Chinese food, taste is not only associated with tasting the food itself, but also with the appreciation of seasonings and ( ). ( )

  57. A:layout B:cutting C:cooking method D:texture
  58. Steamed fried pork in black bean sauce is the typical dish of ( ) cuisine. ( )

  59. A:Hunan B:Zhejiang C:Anhui D:Fujian
  60. 泰山頂上の「国泰民安」の詩碑は日本の書道家である( )が書いた作品です( )。

  61. A:柳田泰雲 B:柳田泰麓 C:柳田泰山 D:柳田泰上

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