第六章 旅行中的购物Shopping during Travelling:本章主要学习出国旅行中关于购物的相关文化背景知识及相关情境中可能会用到的英语表达用语。6.1购物事项 Matters on Shopping:按照购物的基本流程,讲述选购商品、讨价还价、成交付款、售后服务和退税等相关文化背景知识和在以上具体情境中可能会用到英语表达用语。
6.2购买具体商品 Making a Purchase:介绍了在国外购买配饰、化妆品和纪念品时的相关文化常识及注意事项和在以上具体情境中常用的英语表达。
[单选题]当你走进一家服装店,听到店员问道:“Can I help you or are you just browsing?”你可以这样应答:(    )
It's none of your business.
I love that linen dress. Could I try it on?
It's nothing to do with you.
Mind your own business.
答案:I love that linen dress. Could I try it on?
[单选题]在收银台前,你想用信用卡支付账单,可以这样向收银员说:(    )
I will use the cash.
I will write a check for this.
I will pay with my credit card. 
I will pay in cash.[单选题]你在给母亲买一枚珍珠胸针做生日礼物,想询问关于珍珠胸针品质保证书的事,可以这样向店员说:(    )
Can I come back if there is anything wrong with them?
Are you a reputable jeweler?
Are these genuine pearls?
Do you provide an authenticity certificate?[单选题]在购买化妆品时,你希望店员能推荐适合干性和敏感性皮肤的产品,可以这样向店员说:(    )
Can you recommend something for combination skins?
Can you recommend something for normal skins?
Can you recommend something for dry, sensitive skins?
Can you recommend something for oily skins?[多选题]在选购穿着类商品时,免不了进行关于颜色的讨论,下面句子哪些是关于颜色讨论的。(    )
It's too bright.
Are there any softer ones?
Do you have the same design in red?
It's too showy.[多选题]下面句子中哪些是讨价还价时常用的英语表达:(    )
Can it be cheaper?
Could you give me a little better price?
Will you take less than that?
Could you cut the price a little, please?[判断题]“Everything in the store is 20 percent off.”这句话的意思是:本店里所有的东西都打二折。(    )

[判断题]“They will offer you a VAT form.”句中“a VAT form ”指“退税单”,“退税单”也可以用“a tax refund form”表示。( ) 

[判断题]当你发现购买的商品有瑕疵,想要求退款时,可以这样说:I’d like a refund.(    )

[判断题]“It has SPF 15 in it.” 句中“SPF”是“ sun protection factor”的英文缩写,是“防晒系数、防晒指数”的意思,表示防晒护肤产品对紫外线防护能力的大小。 (    )

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