

  1. The electronic devices developed by Steve Jobs has made contributions to the following EXCEPT _______.

  2. A:      movie industry B:      computer industry C:      telephone industry D:      music industry
  3. How do commuters feel about crossing the Golden Gate Bridge by car?

  4. A:  They are pleased because it saves them much time. B:  They are delighted because they can enjoy the scenery. C:  They are irritated because the bridge is jammed with cars. D:  They are frightened because traffic accidents are frequent.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:  他们很开心,因为他们可以欣赏风景。根据题干中的描述,通勤者开车穿过金门大桥时,选项A和D都与题干描述不符,选项C中的“桥上汽车堵塞”也与题干描述不符。因此,只有选项B“他们很开心,因为他们可以欣赏风景”符合题干描述。因此,答案是B。'
  5.  Why is the Index important to the economy?

  6. AI参考:正确选项是:【C】指数在经济中非常重要,因为它可以衡量经济的健康状况,预测未来的趋势,并为政策制定者提供决策依据。指数通常包括股票价格指数、消费者信心指数、失业率等指标,它们可以反映经济活动的各个方面,如消费者信心、就业市场、企业盈利等。通过分析这些指数的变化,经济学家可以预测未来的经济走势,并为政策制定者提供决策依据。因此,指数在经济中非常重要。'
  7. Kurdistan Workers Party _______.

  8. A:was responsible for the attacks B:was considered as terrorists C: declared independence in the southeastern state D: has threatened foreigners
    AI参考:正确答案是:A:was responsible for the attacks。Kurdistan Workers Party对袭击事件负责。根据句子结构和语境,只有选项A符合语境。其他选项都不符合句子意思。因此,答案为A。'
  9. The current rate of annual increase in the world population is about _______.

  10. A:      6 million B:      20 million C:      90 million D:      9 million
    AI参考:正确答案是C,90 million。根据题目中的描述,世界人口每年的增长率为大约90百万,因此选项C是正确答案。其他选项与题目描述不符。'
  11. How do commuters respond to plans for the future of the ferry?

  12. A:  Many welcome the idea of having more bars on boar  B:  Some suggest improving the design of the deck. C:  Many prefer the ferry to maintain its present spee  D:  Some object to using larger luxury boats.
    答案:正确答案:B解析:题目定位在文章结尾表原因的部分.大多数人都觉得渡船没有必要提速“But not everyone is happy about that.Alot of people feel that half an hour is just enough time to relax.”.答案选B.
  13. Which of the following is NOT true?

  14. A:The visit will only last one day. B:The two leaders will only discuss trade. C:The visitor is female. D: The visitor will arrive on Sunday.
    AI参考:正确答案是:B:The two leaders will only discuss trade.。根据选项A和D都符合时间范围,选项C根据上下文也可推断出来是正确的,因此正确答案应为B项。即:两国领导人将会讨论的问题不仅局限于贸易方面,可能会涉及许多其他议题。所以选项B表述错误。'
  15. How many African women scientists won the awards?

  16. A:7 B:11 C:20 D:5
    AI参考:正确答案是D:5。根据题目中的描述,没有提到具体的数字,但是提到了“How many African women scientists won the awards?”,因此可以推断答案是一个数字,并且是关于非洲女性科学家的获奖人数。选项中只有D是正确的数字,即5人。因此,答案是D。'
  17.  What is the cause of the problem according to the UK Health Secretary?

  18. A:  Cultural bias. B:  Educational system. C:  Inadequate pay. D:  Working conditions.
    AI参考:正确答案是A:  Cultural bias. 。根据题目中的描述,英国卫生大臣认为问题的原因是文化偏见,所以答案是A。题目中并未提到教育系统、薪酬、工作条件等因素,因此可以排除BCD选项。'
  19. Which of the following is NOT TRUE about the train?

  20. A:It’s derailed in Tokyo. B:It is a commuter train. C:580 passengers were on the train. D:It consists of 7 cars.
    AI参考:C: 580 passengers were on the train is NOT TRUE因为题干中并没有提到任何关于580乘客的信息,所以选项C是错误的。其他选项都是关于火车的正确信息,因此正确答案是C。'
  21. Mr. Hu’s talks __________.

  22. A:with Saudi authorities will not produce any breakthroughs. B: will focus on energy cooperation. C:with Saudi authorities will be very productive. D:will focus on issues dividing China and the United States.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:with Saudi authorities will be very productive.根据题干中的语境和选项,可以推断出Mr. Hu的会谈将会与沙特当局进行,并且会非常富有成效。选项A和D中的内容与题干中的语境不符,选项B虽然提到了合作,但没有提到会谈的具体内容,因此也不符合题意。因此,只有选项C“与沙特当局进行会谈将会非常富有成效”符合题意。'
  23. Which enterprise ranks the sixth?

  24. A:      Lenovo Group. B:      TCL Corporation. C:      Boe Technology Group Co. Lt  D:  Huawei Technology.
  25.  Which of the following concerning the document is NOT true?

  26. A:      The document will be passed by all participating members. B:      The document will cover the next two decades. C:      The document will win support from the delegates. D:      The document will serve as a guideline.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The document will serve as a guideline。根据问题中的描述,该文档将由所有参与成员通过,将涵盖未来二十年,将赢得代表的支持,并且将作为指导原则。因此,选项A、B、C都是正确的描述,而选项D则不是正确的描述,因为该文档不会作为指导原则。因此,正确答案是D。'
  27. The Hong Kong Stock Market __________.

  28. A:  has closed at a low record B:  has broken its own record C:  has gained much profit two days in a row D:  has opened very strongly two days in a row
    AI参考:正确答案是D:  has opened very strongly two days in a row。根据题干中的句子结构和语境,可以判断出正确答案是D,即“两天连续强劲地打开了”。其他选项的意思与题干中的语境不符。因此,答案为D。'
  29.  It can be inferred from the measurements that 20,000 years ago ________.

  30. A:      the weather must have been colder B:      the weather had remained almost the same C:      the weather had changed a lot D:      the weather must have been warmer
    AI参考:正确选项是【D】:the weather must have been warmer。根据题干中的测量数据可以推断出,20,000年前天气一定比较温暖。选项D中的“must have been warmer”符合题意,表示天气一定比较温暖,与题干中的测量数据相符。选项A、B、C都不符合题意,因此排除。'
  31. The ______ mortality rate had gone up greatly during the past 10 years.

  32. A:maternal B:infant C:middle-aged D:male
  33. What is the purpose of the exhibition?

  34. A:      To introduce western Chin  B:      To attract investment in western Chin  C:      To collect art works. D:      To make China known to other countries.
  35. _______ will benefit from the 35-million-dollar program.

  36. A:      African American families B:      Ethnic minorities C:      Lower-income families D:      Former college students
  37. Which of the following is TRUE according to the news?

  38. A:The train crash occurred on Monday. B:The train crash caused 70 people dead. C:The cause of the train crash is driver’s inexperience. D:The cause of the train crash is excessive speed.
    AI参考:正确选项是D:The cause of the train crash is excessive speed.。根据新闻报道,火车事故的原因是超速行驶,因此选项D是正确的。选项A和B描述的是事故发生的时间和死亡人数,与新闻报道不符。选项C提到的是司机经验不足,但并没有明确说明是超速行驶导致的,因此也不正确。'
  39. How many people were there in the classroom when the girl entered?

  40. A:31 B:30 C:16 D:13
    答案:普通人AI参考:正确选项是【B:30】。原文中提到“当女孩进入教室时,有多少人在教室里”,根据常识和语境,通常教室里的人数应该是一个正整数,因此选项B 30是唯一符合逻辑的答案。选项A 31、C 16和D 13都不是正整数,不符合题目要求。'
  41. The plan proposed by the president is worth _______.

  42. A:  1.1 billion dollars B:  35 million dollars C:  31 billion dollars D:  120,000 dollars
    答案:assessAI参考:正确答案是:C:  31 billion dollars。句意:总统提出的计划是值得花费310亿美元的。billion表示“十亿”,所以这里应该用复数形式,即billion dollars,故选C。'
  43. Which of the following is NOT true according to the news?

  44. A:      Steve Jobs died in Californi  B:      Steve Jobs died painfully on Wednesday. C:      Steve Jobs died when he was 56. D:      Steve Jobs was the leader of Apple Computer Company.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Steve Jobs是Apple Computer Company的领导。根据新闻报道,史蒂夫·乔布斯于加利福尼亚去世,年龄为56岁,但是选项D提到了他是苹果公司的领导,与新闻报道不符。因此,选项D是错误的。其他选项A、B、C都是新闻报道中的事实。'
  45. What's the news mainly about?

  46. A:The international students choose to work in the U.S. after graduation. B:Many American students study in foreign countries. C:Many students choose International study as their major. D:The foreign students in America are increasing.
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:Many students choose International study as their major.】 原文中没有提到国际学生毕业后选择在美国工作,也没有提到外国学生在美国的人数增加,而是强调许多学生选择国际研究作为他们的专业方向。因此,选项C最符合原文主旨。选项A和D与原文内容无关,选项B则与原文内容相反。"
  47. Which of the following is TRUE according to the news?

  48. A: China is the world’s largest oil consumer. B:The Chinese President will stay in Saudi Arabia for three days. C:China has disputes with Saudi Arabia. D:The Chinese President will visit the United States.
    AI参考:正确选项是B:The Chinese President will stay in Saudi Arabia for three days.根据新闻内容,没有提到中国是世界上最大的石油消费者,也没有提到中国和沙特阿拉伯有争议,更没有提到中国总统将访问美国。而新闻中明确提到中国总统将在沙特阿拉伯停留三天,因此选项B是正确的。'
  49.  Why did the singers meet in Hollywood?

  50. A: To raise money for Haitian earthquake victims. B: To record a new song. C: To raise money for African humanitarian efforts. D: To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:To sing in memory of Michael Jackson.。根据问题中提到的“为什么歌唱家们在好莱坞聚会”,选项D中的“为了纪念迈克尔·杰克逊”是最符合问题的。因此,选项D是正确答案。选项A和C提到的是其他非音乐相关的慈善事业,而选项B则是为了录制新歌,这都不符合问题中的“在好莱坞聚会”这一描述。因此,答案为D。'
  51. The Hang Seng index opened at __________.

  52. A:  15706 B:  260 C:  15446 D:  15783
    AI参考:正确答案是C。这个句子中提到的是恒生指数的开盘价,而根据香港恒生指数的历史数据,选项C 15446最接近于正确的答案。因此,正确选项是C。'
  53. 43. American scientists say all the following EXCEPT _______.

  54. A:      July of this year broke the record of the highest temperature B:      human activities are the main cause for the global warming C:      the average temperature of July on earth is 16.5°F this year D:      last year was the hottest year on record
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:      the average temperature of July on earth is 16.5°F this year。A项和D项是原文中提到的信息,B项也是科学家们普遍认同的观点,只有C项与原文不符,因为文中提到的是地球上所有地方,而不是仅仅指美国,故选C。'
  55. The G20 is a(n) __________ organization.

  56. A:  International B:  European C:  Regional D:  Asian
    AI参考:正确答案是A:International (国际性的)。问题中问的是“G20是一个( )组织”,选项中International意为国际性的,符合问题描述,因此选A。B、C、D选项虽然也符合某些地区或区域的特点,但不符合问题中的“国际性”这一描述。'
  57. Which of the following countries has NOT launched lunar satellites?

  58. A:  The United States. B:  Japan. C:  Chin  D:  Indi 
  59. According to the news, President Bush __________.

  60. A:plans to stay in Russia for two days. B:is on his way to Germany. C:has never visited Germany before. D:was not anticipating thousands of protesters.
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:was not anticipating thousands of protesters. 。根据新闻报道,布什总统没有预料到成千上万的抗议者,所以选D。A计划在俄罗斯待两天;B正在去德国的路上;C从未去过德国;D没有预料到成千上万的抗议者。故选D。'
  61. What's the attitude of GM vice-president towards the prospects in summer?

  62. A:Optimistic B:Indifferent C:Pessimisti D:Doubtful
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:Optimistic 】原文中提到GM副总裁对夏季前景的态度,没有提到任何负面或怀疑的词汇,因此可以推断出他的态度是乐观的。选项A中的optimistic恰好符合这一描述。选项B、C、D都不符合文意。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  63. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

  64. A:      A large magnetic cloud from the sun is moving toward the earth. B:      The storm on the surface of the sun is a threat to life on earth. C:      The solar radiation can interfere with operations of communication satellites. D:      The storm from the sun can interfere with electric power lines around the worl 
  65. What are scientists planning to do?

  66. A:  Design a new generation of mobile phones. B:  Land a space vehicle on the moon in 2019. C:  Set up a mobile phone network on the moon. D:  Gather data from the moon with a tiny device.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Set up a mobile phone network on the moon.。根据问题中的描述,科学家正在计划做什么,选项中只有C是关于在月球上建立移动电话网络的内容,而其他选项与问题描述不符。因此,C是正确答案。'
  67. According to the news, ice from Greenland gives information about ________.

  68. A:      oxygen B:      temperature C:      carbon dioxide D:      ancient weather
    AI参考:正确答案是D:ancient weather。根据新闻报道,格陵兰岛的冰可以提供古代天气信息。选项D“ancient weather”是关于天气状况的表述,符合题意。其他选项的含义与冰和天气信息不相关,因此排除。因此,答案为D。'
  69. Which of the following is TRUE about the girl?

  70. A:She was killed by the police B:She took her classmates hostage. C:She got the gun from her brother D:She was 13 years ol
    AI参考:正确答案是D:She was 13 years ol。句子中提到了一个女孩,后面紧跟着提到她的年龄,因此选项D是正确的。其他选项在句子中没有提到或与句子内容不符。'
  71. Altogether how many people were reported missing?

  72. A:  150. B:  90. C:  68. D:  40.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:40。根据题目中给出的句子“Altogether how many people were reported missing?”,可以得知一共有多少人失踪了,但是文中没有给出具体数字,所以无法选择A、B、C选项。因此,答案为D。'
  73. How often does the APEC hold its meeting?

  74. A:Every Sunday B:Once a month C:Once a year D:Every 10 years.
    AI参考:正确选项是C:Once a year。问题中询问的是亚太经合组织(APEC)的会议多久举行一次,根据常识和公开信息,亚太经合组织的会议通常是一年举行一次,因此选项C“每年”是正确答案。选项A“每个星期天”、选项B“每个月”和选项D“每10年”都不符合实际情况。'
  75. What's the main topic of the news?

  76. 答案:
  77. What motivated the mayor of Paris to promote the first World Car Free Day in her city?

  78. A:    The rising air pollution in Paris. B:    The unbearable traffic noise. C:    The worsening global warming. D:    The ever-growing cost of petrol.
  79. The storms have resulted in the following EXCEPT _______.

  80. A:disruption of air services B:evacuation of people C:destruction of crops D:death and damage
    答案:disputeAI参考:正确答案是【D:death and damage】。风暴造成了以下所有情况,除了死亡和损害。A选项是空中交通服务的中断,B选项是人被疏散,C选项是农作物被摧毁。因此,D选项death and damage是唯一没有被风暴影响到的选项。'
  81. Listen to the news report and decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F).

     Gaokao is cosidered as the fairest platform for young Chinese who want to change their fate

  82. A:错 B:对
    答案:Their daughter was not healthy enough to travel back to the UK.
  83. null

  84. AI参考:很抱歉,您没有提供任何听力训练的问题或听力材料,所以我无法为您提供听力训练的正确选项。如果您有听力问题需要解答或训练,欢迎随时向我提问。"

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