  1. Amniotic fluid embolism is a rare and often catastrophic condition that typically occurs during labor or delivery.( )

  2. A:对 B:错
  3. Patient XXX, 35 years old, female, married, 1-0-2-1, chief complaint “Progressive aggravation dysmenorrhea for 4 years”, she had a cesarean section 10 years ago and 2 artificial abortions. Physical examination: Enlarged uterus with poor movement, palpable small nodules in the posterior fornix of vagina. The most possible diagnosis is adenomyosis. ( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Pain relief options during labor, such as epidurals or medications, are not considered part of normal childbirth. ( )

  6. A:对 B:错
  7. Weight gain usually exacerbates symptoms of PCOS, so we encourage patients with PCOS to exercise and maintain a balanced diet.( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. Amniotic fluid embolism most occurs during labor and delivery, or within 60 minutes postpartum. ( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. When the second stage of labor exceeds 3h, it may be normal, depending on the rate of fetal descent. ( )

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. Assessment of progress of labor is best done by station of head. ( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Patient X, 29 years old, female, married, 0-0-0-0, chief complaint “Excessive menstruation for 3 months”, Ultrasound: A hypoechoic mass about 3.0*2.5*2.7cm3 in the uterine cavity. Hemoglobin: 96g/L. Recommended treatment is hysteroscopy. ( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. The common causes of uterine prolapse include birth injury, aging, chronic cough, and surgery. ( )

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. The uterus can be palpated at or near the woman’s umbilicus immediately after delivery. ( )

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. Since ultrasound shows multiple cysts on the ovaries, we could diagnose patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome. ( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. Acute and chronic infection are identified by the presence of the HBsAg in blood, while HBeAg and HBV DNA reflect the level of viral replication and guide the need for antiviral treatment. ( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. Women with gestational diabetes are at an increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. ( )

  26. A:错 B:对
  27. Breech presentation with hydrocephalus can be managed by cesarean section. ( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. Patients with placenta previa always feels painful abnormal pain. ( )

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. What are the origins of amniotic fluid ( ).

  32. A:Secreted by placenta B:Secreted by amniotic membrane C:Fetal urine D:Maternal serum dialyzed
  33. The clinical presentations of leiomyomas include ( ).

  34. A:Pelvic pain B:Infertility C:Frequent urination D:Menorrhagia E:Vaginal discharge
  35. All of the following are associated with breech presentation at normal full term pregnancy ( ).

  36. A:Cornual implantation of placenta B:Fetal malformation C:Uterine abnormally D:Placenta accrete
  37. Pelvic organ prolapse should mainly be distinguished from which of the following diseases? ( )

  38. A:Submucous myoma B:Endometrial carcinoma C:Adenomyosis D:Vaginal wall mass E:Cervical elongation
  39. What are the functions of the placenta? ( )

  40. A:Nutritional support B:Gas exchange C:Immunological function D:Maintaining fetal temperature
  41. Which methods can be used to manage gestational diabetes? ( )

  42. A:No intervention is required B:Cessation of exercise during pregnancy C:Oral hypoglycemic medications D:Insulin therapy E:Dietary modifications
  43. Which are the modifiable risk factors of PID? ( )

  44. A:Endometriosis B:Lack of contraception C:Asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis D:Early age of sexual debut E:Previous diagnosis of PID
  45. A 28-year-old female was found to have a pelvic mass with sudden severe lower abdominal pain. Which of the following diseases were NOT considered? ( )

  46. A:Ectopic pregnancy B:Pelvic abscess C:Uterine malformation D:Torsion of the ovarian cyst pedicle E:Hyalinization of uterine fibroids
  47. Which of the following are potential treatments and management strategies for pregnancy-induced hypertension or preeclampsia? ( )

  48. A:Magnesium sulfate administration to prevent seizures B:Antihypertensive medications C:Increased salt intake in the diet D:Bed rest for the entire duration of pregnancy E:Delivery of the baby if the condition becomes severe
  49. Maternal complications includes ( ).

  50. A:Uterine rupture B:Maternal infections C:Postpartum hemorrhage and vaginal or cervical lacerations D:Operative vaginal delivery and cesarean section, maternal small stature E:Multiple gestation F:Hypertensive diseases of pregnancy
  51. Which one of the following statements about hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seropositivity in pregnancy is true? ( )

  52. A:HBsAg seropositivity can infer the phase of chronic infection B:Among high endemicity populations, HBsAg seropositivity is associated with increased risk of gestational diabetes mellitus C:HBsAg seropositivity denotes only chronic infection D:HBV DNA levels can be variable in HBsAg seropositivity gravidae E:HBsAg seropositivity can be quite variable even within the same country or the same population
  53. Diagnostic criteria for amniotic fluid embolism includes ( ).

  54. A:Sudden onset of cardiorespiratory arrest B:Overt DIC C:Clinical onset during labor D:Absence of fever E:Aura
  55. Factors associated with endometriosis infertility include ( ).

  56. A:Abnormal immunology B:Pelvic adhesion impairs the movement of fallopian tubes C:Abnormal ovulation D:Elevated level of estrogen E:Luteal insufficiency
  57. What kind of conditions need twin induction? ( )

  58. A:Fetal anomaly B:Serious complications in pregnant women C:Combined with acute polyhydramnios, pregnant women had dyspnea D:The due date has arrived, and the placental function has decreased
  59. Which of the following are methods of Prenatal diagnosis? ( )

  60. A:Amniocentesis B:Fetal biopsy C:Chorionic villus sampling (CVS) D:Fetal blood sampling (FBS)
  61. Pregnant women should receive antiviral therapy if they have which of the following? ( )

  62. A:Maternal HBV DNA levels >200,000 IU/mL in the second trimester B:Family history of chronic hepatitis B C:Normal liver biochemistry, low serum HBV DNA and no evidence of cirrhosis D:Co-infection with hepatitis C or D virus
  63. A patient with Marfan syndrome is contemplating pregnancy. Which of the following clinical findings places her at highest risk for mortality during pregnancy? ( )

  64. A:An aortic root diameter of 47mm B:Marked tricuspid regurgitation C:A grade 2/6 apical diastolic murmur with radiation to the axilla D:Unifocal premature ventricular contractions
  65. A 14-year-old female has a disordered menstrual cycle after menarche, and the length of menstrual periods has been variable for 5 months. Anal examination: normal development of the uterus, no abnormalities in bilateral appendages. The preferred secondary examination is ( ).

  66. A:X-ray examination B:Basal body temperature measurement C:B-mode ultrasonography D:Diagnostic curettage E:Blood estrogen level determination
  67. What is INCORRECT regarding physical changes during the puerperium? ( )

  68. A:Serosa is a brownish pink discharge that occurs from days 4 to 10 B:Fundus height decreases by about one finger (1-2 cm) per day C:The lochia smells with odor D:The uterus can be palpated at or near the woman’s umbilicus immediately after delivery E:The external os does not completely return to its pre-pregnancy appearance after vaginal delivery
  69. Female, 58 years old. Menopause for 8 years, recurrent vaginal bleeding for 2 months. Gynecological examination: the uterus is as soft as 8 weeks' gestation. The pathological results showed that endometrial carcinoma (G1) involved the cervix. MRI showed that the tumor infiltrated more than 1 / 2 of the muscle layer. According to the current examination results, the patient's disease stage is ( ). (according to FIGO 2018 staging)

  70. A:ⅢB B:II C:ⅠB D:ⅢA E:ⅠA
  71. Endometrial cancer: female, 53 years old, menopause for 4 years. In recent 2 months, vaginal bloody secretion appeared repeatedly, with moderate amount and fishy smell. Gynecological examination: vaginal purulent secretion, moderate amount, smooth cervix, uterine body did not atrophy, tenderness, bilateral adnexal area and no obvious abnormalities. Further, the most significant treatment for this patient is ( ).

  72. A:Cervical secretion culture for pathogen detection B:Segmental curettage C:Blood and urine routine examination D:Exfoliative cytology of cervix E:Anti-infective therapy with broad spectrum antibiotics by intravenous drip
  73. Which hormone is responsible for an increase in body temperature at the time of ovulation? ( )

  74. A:Progesterone B:Testosterone C:Estrogen D:FSH/LH E:GnRH
  75. The major reason for women with PCOS to suffer from infertility is ( ).

  76. A:Hyperandrogenism B:Anovulatory menstrual cycles C:Hypertension D:Obesity E:Excess insulin levels
  77. Which is NOT relevant to DIC? ( )

  78. A:Elevated D-dimer B:Thrombocytopenia C:Low fibrinogen D:Anemia
  79. Female, 60 years old. Menopause 10 years, recurrent vaginal bleeding for 2 months. Imaging showed that the diameter of the uneven echo area in uterine cavity was about 5mm, the muscle layer infiltration was not more than 1/2, no cervical tissue was involved, and no obvious enlargement of lymph nodes was found. Pathological results: endometrial carcinoma (G1), no obvious tissue was found in the cervix. The staging of the patient's disease was ( ).

  81. A 39-year-old woman with serious adenomyosis, hysterectomy was performed and bilateral appendages were preserved. Which of the following ligament will NOT be cut during the operation? ( )

  82. A:Suspensory ligament B:Broad ligament C:Cardinal ligament D:Utero-sacral ligament E:Round ligament
  83. A 25-year-old sexually active woman complains of a “fishy” smelling gray-white vaginal discharge. On examination, epithelial cells with clusters of bacteria obscuring their borders are seen. The vaginal pH is 5.5. This infection has been most closely implicated in which of the following complications of pregnancy? ( )

  84. A:Intrauterine growth restriction B:Congenital cataracts C:Preterm birth D:Preeclampsia E:Learning disabilities during childhood
  85. A young lady, 20 years old, has never had menstruation. Examination: uniform body, well-developed secondary sexual characteristics, cyclical treatment with estrogen and progesterone for 3 consecutive months, still no vaginal bleeding. What is the most likely reason for amenorrhea? ( )

  86. A:Hypothalamic B:Pituitary C:Uterine D:Ovarian E:Nervous
  87. A 40-year-old woman was admitted to the hospital for 4 months because of irregular vaginal bleeding. Examination: left vaginal vault thickening, cervical slightly larger, diameter 5cm, cauliflower like. The first choice of treatment is ( ).

  88. A:Total hysterectomy and double adnexectomy B:Surgery and radiotherapy C:Extensive hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy D:Chemotherapy E:Radiotherapy
  89. The patient who diagnosed with complete placenta previa suddenly felt profuse vaginal bleeding. What's the most appropriate management? ( )

  90. A:Forceps delivery B:Induction of labor with oxytocin C:Vacuum-assisted delivery D:Artificial rupture of membranes E:Immediate cesarean delivery
  91. Female, 52 years old. In recent 4 months, vaginal bloody secretions appeared repeatedly with moderate amount. Imaging showed that the diameter of the uneven echo area in uterine cavity was about 2.5cm, the muscle layer infiltration was more than 1 / 2, and no cervical tissue was involved; no obvious enlargement of lymph nodes was found. Pathological results: endometrial carcinoma (G1), the most suitable treatment for this patient is ( ).

  92. A:Progesterone therapy B:Extrafascial hysterectomy + double adnexectomy + pelvic lymphadenectomy + paraaortic lymphadenectomy C:Modified extensive hysterectomy + double adnexectomy + pelvic lymphadenectomy + paraaortic lymphadenectomy D:Total hysterectomy + double adnexectomy E:Chemotherapy
  93. A patient who is 72 hour postpartum develops a temperature of 103 ℉,a firm, red, and tender area of one breast. What is the most likely etiology? ( )

  94. A:Endometritis B:Cystitis C:Mastitis D:Pneumonia E:Cholecystitis
  95. What is the most common location of endometriosis? ( )

  96. A:Uterosacral ligaments B:Fallopian tubes C:Rectovaginal Septum D:Uterus E:Ovaries
  97. A 14-year-old female has a disordered menstrual cycle after menarche, and the length of menstrual periods has been variable for 5 months. Anal examination: normal development of the uterus, no abnormalities in bilateral appendages. What is the preferred secondary examination? ( )

  98. A:Basal body temperature measurement B:B-mode ultrasonography C:Diagnostic curettage D:X-ray examination E:Blood estrogen level determination
  99. A 30-year-old female presented with contact bleeding for 2 months. PAP grade III cervical curettage, biopsy for squamous cell carcinoma, cancer cells confined to the epithelial layer. Physical examination: parauterine ligament is soft. Which is the most appropriate treatment? ( )

  100. A:Extrafascial hysterectomy B:Total hysterectomy C:Subtotal hysterectomy plus pelvic lymphadenectomy D:Total hysterectomy was performed after intracavitary radiotherapy E:Extended total hysterectomy and pelvic lymph node dissection

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