  1. As a result of anatomic considerations, a nephrolith (stone) usually lodges at ( )

  2. A:the intramural part of the ureter B:the abdominal part of ureter C:the trigone of bladder D:the pelvic part of ureter E:the apex of bladder
    答案:the intramural part of the ureter
  3. A 55-year-old man with a history of portal hypertension is brought to the emergency department with severe abdominal pain. A CT scan of his chest, at the vertebra level T7, reveals a circular grey structure immediately anterior to the vertebral bodies and just to the right of midline. The structure appears to be much larger than usual. Given the location and the patient’s history what is this structure? ( )

  4. A:Inferior vena cava B:Superior vena cava C:Azygos vein D:Pulmonary vein E:Esophagus
    答案:Azygos vein
  5. Common bile duct ( )

  6. A:It is composed of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct B:It descends behind the hepatoduodenal ligament C:It is formed by the confluence of the left and right hepatic ducts D:It opens directly into the upper duodenum
    答案:It is composed of the hepatic duct and the cystic duct
  7. A resident physician demonstrating the correct technique for inserting a subclavian central venous line. He has a medical student palpate the clavicle, then the chest wall below it. The first bony structure that can be palpated below the inferior margin of the medical portion of the clavicle is the ( )

  8. A:first rib B:manubrium C:second rib D:acromion E:atlas
    答案:second rib
  9. About the teeth, which of the following statements is not true? ( )

  10. A:Teeth are the hardest organs in human body. B:The third molars are the last to erupt. C:Both of the dentine, enamel and cement have no innervation. D:Normally two sets of teeth develop in a person's lifetime. E:The central region of the tooth contains the pulp cavity.
    答案:Both of the dentine, enamel and cement have no innervation.
  11. The pleural cavity is the potential space between the ( )

  12. A:parietal and visceral pleurae B:diaphragmatic and mediastinal pleurae C:costal and cupula pleurae D:costal and mediastinal pleurae E:costal and diaphragmatic pleurae
    答案:parietal and visceral pleurae
  13. Which of the following isn't correct about the description of ureter? ( )

  14. A:The left ureter steps over the anterior aspect of external iliac artery. B:It can be divided into abdominal part, pelvic part and intramural part. C:There are three strictures in the whole course. D:It descends along the anterior aspect of psoas major muscle. E:It arises from the end of renal pelvis, and terminates at urinary bladder.
    答案:The left ureter steps over the anterior aspect of external iliac artery.
  15. Jejunum ( )

  16. A:has lesser vascular B:thiner in diameter and wallis thinner C:color is not redder than ileum D:only solitary lymphatic follicles
    答案:only solitary lymphatic follicles
  17. Which cranial nerve nucleus lies in the medulla oblongata ( )

  18. A:nucleus of facial nerve B:abducens nucleus C:inferior salivatory nucleus D:pontine nucleus E:vestibular nuclei
    答案:inferior salivatory nucleus
  19. A 39-year-old man presents with severe neck pain after a whiplash injury, sustained when his car was struck from behind. Radiologic studies reveal trauma to the ligament lying on the anterior surface of the cervical vertebral bodies. Which ligament is most likely disrupted? ( )

  20. A:Posterior longitudinal ligament B:Ligamentum flavum C:Nuchal ligament D:Anterior longitudinal ligament E:Transverse cervical ligament
  21. The azygos vein commences as the continuation of the ( )

  22. A:accessory hemiazygos vein B:left ascending lumbar vein C:hemiazygos vein D:right ascending lumbar vein
  23. An elderly woman with ostepoprosis is taken the emergency department following a fall. One of her legs appears shortened and is externally rotated. A fracture of which part of the femur is suggested by these finding? ( )

  24. A:Greater trochanter B:Medical epicondyle C:Shaft D:Lateral epicondyle E:Neck
  25. How many physiological narrows in the whole course of ureter? ( )

  26. A:1 B:2 C:5 D:3 E:4
  27. Which of the following nerves supplies the gluteus maximus? ( )

  28. A:sciatic nerve B:pudendal nerve C:posterior femoral cutaneous nerve D:superior gluteal nerve E:inferior gluteal nerve
  29. Lymphatics of the prostate gland drain primarily into which of the following? ( )

  30. A:superior mesenteric nodes B:external iliac nodes C:inferior mesenteric nodes D:superficial inguinal nodes E:internal iliac nodes
  31. The ligaments that protect the uterus from prolapse is ( )

  32. A:uterosacral ligament. B:suspensory ligament of ovary. C:round ligament of uterus. D:cardinal ligament of uterus. E:broad ligament of uterus.
  33. Regarding the anterior horn of the spinal cord ( )

  34. A:the lateral nuclear group supplies the muscles of the trunk B:the medial nuclear group is prominent in the segments of the cervical and lumbosacral enlargments C:there are two kinds of motor neurons D:the lateral nuclear group is almost present in most segments of the spinal cord E:the medial nuclear group supplies the muscles of the limbs
  35. Flexing the foot at the ankle is called ( )

  36. A:extension B:inversion C:flexion D:dorsiflexion E:plantarflexion
  37. Which part of the small intestine do the bile and pancreatic ducts enter? ( )

  38. A:the ileum B:the vermiform appendix C:the duodenum D:the caecum E:the jejunum
  39. Sacrum: ( )

  40. A:the base of it is downward B:have four pairs of posterior sacral foramina C:is made up of four fused vertebrae D:the anterior sacral foramina is not communicating with sacral canal E:the auricular surface is on the anterior surface
  41. If a patient has an amnestic syndrome due to thiamine deficiency, the lesions are most likely to be in which of the following structures? ( )

  42. A:occipital lobe B:parietal lobe C:limbic system D:cerebellum E:frontal lobe
  43. Pancreas ( )

  44. A:It's only an exocrine gland B:The pancreatic duct opens at the minor duodenal papilla C:It is the largest digestive gland in human body D:The pancreas is divided into four parts: head, neck, body and tail
  45. The external jugular veins empty into ( )

  46. A:the facial veins B:the internal jugular veins C:the subclavian veins D:the brachiocephalic veins E:the anterior jugular veins
  47. Peritoneum doesn't form ( )

  48. A:falciform ligament B:costodiaphragmatic recess C:mesentery D:omentum E:mesoappendix
  49. Second constriction of male urethra lies in ( )

  50. A:external orifice of urethra B:internal urethral orifice C:membranous part D:Prostatic portion of urethra E:cavernous part
  51. The angular gyrus situates in ( )

  52. A:parietal lobe B:frontal lobe C:temporal lobe D:occipital lobe E:insula lobe
  53. Which structure is easily damaged when fracture occured at the neck of fibura ( )

  54. A:anterior tibial artery B:common peroneal nerve C:tibial nerve D:popliteal artery
  55. Which of the following nerves may be injured after fracture of the medial epicondyle of the humerus? ( )

  56. A:radial nerve B:musculocutaneous nerve C:ulnar nerve D:axillary nerve E:median nerve
  57. Which is the most easily broken part of the femur? ( )

  58. A:lateral condyle B:neck of femur C:linea aspera D:shaft of femur
  59. Which of the following statements about the pelvis is true? ( )

  60. A:The opening under the lesser pelvis is flat B:When upright, the male pelvis tilts more than the female C:With the boundary as the boundary, it can be divided into the greater pelvis and the lesser pelvis D:The male pelvis is oval and the female pelvis is heart-shaped
  61. The branches of the aortic arch from right to left are ( )

  62. A:the brachiocephalic trunk, the left common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery B:the brachiocephalic trunk, the right common carotid artery and the right subclavian artery C:the left common carotid artery, the left subclavian artery and the brachiocephalic trunk D:the brachiocephalic trunk, the right common carotid artery and the left subclavian artery E:the right subclavian artery, the right common carotid artery and the brachiocephalic trunk
  63. The surface projection of the root of the appendix is ( )

  64. A:The junction of the umbilicus and the right anterior superior iliac spine at the middle and outer 1/3 B:The middle and right 1/3 of the line connecting the two iliac nodules C:The point of intersection of the umbilicus and the right anterior superior iliac spine at the middle and inner 1/3 D:Midpoint of the line connecting the anterior superior iliac spine on both sides
  65. As shown in following picture, what does B indicate? ( )

  66. A:horizontal plane B:coronal plane C:sagittal plane D:transverse plane
  67. 40-year-old woman survived a car crash in which her neck was hyperextended when her vehicle was struck from behind. At the emergency department, a plain radiograph of her cervical spine revealed a fracture of the odontoid process (dens). Which of the following was also most likely injured? ( )

  68. A:Atlanto-occipital joint B:Anterior tubercle of the atlas C:Posterior tubercle of the atlas D:Inferior articular process of the axis E:Anterior arch of the atlas
  69. Lateral geniculate body is the subcortical center of ( )

  70. A:deep sensation B:visceral sensation C:audition D:pain and thermal E:vision
  71. In a basketball game, a player's face was hit accidentally by another player in ball passing process, transparent fluid flowed out of nose. In this situation, what's the damaged part causing such fluid flow? ( )

  72. A:Ethmoid bone B:Zygomatic bone C:Lacrimal bone D:Frontal bone E:Nasal bone
  73. Which structure does belong to the right ventricle? ( )

  74. A:orifices of the pulmonary veins B:orifice of the pumonary trunk C:orifice of the coronary sinus D:orifice of the superior vena cava E:orifice of the inferior vena cava
  75. Concerning the carotid sinus, the right description is ( )

  76. A:It is a dilatation at the posterior wall of the common carotid artery. B:It is a chemoreceptor. C:It is a small ball struture behind the point of division of the common carotid artery. D:It is a dilatation at the point of the bifurcation of the common carotid artery.
  77. A 21-year-old football player is admitted to the emergency department with severe back pain. A radiograph reveals a fractured angle of the eleventh rib on the left side. Which of the following organs is most likely at risk for injury? ( )

  78. A:Pancreas B:Liver C:Kidney D:Descending colon E:Stomach
  79. Which of the following nerve supplies the first lumbrical muscle of hand? ( )

  80. A:radial nerve B:axillary nerve C:ulnar nerve D:median nerve E:musculocutaneous nerve
  81. A 42-year-old man was admitted to the hospital after a head-on vehicular collision in which he received severe blunt trauma to his sternum from the steering wheel. What part of the heart would be most likely to be injured by the impact? ( )

  82. A:Right atrium B:Right ventricle C:Apex of left ventricle D:Left ventricle E:Anterior margin of the left atrium
  83. The gonad of male reproductive system is. ( )

  84. A:testis B:epididymis C:prostate D:bulbourethral gland E:seminal vesicle
  85. Which nerve injured can lead to “Ape-like”hand (猿掌)? ( )

  86. A:axillary nerve and radial nerve B:musculocutaneous nerve and median nerve C:median nerve and ulnar nerve D:radial nerve E:ulnar nerve and axillary nerve
  87. Which of the following does not conduct sperms? ( )

  88. A:prostatic urethra B:ampulla the ductus deferentis C:all of the above D:epididymis E:duct of the seminal vesicle
  89. The palatine tonsil lies ( )

  90. A:in pharyngeal recess B:in piriform recess C:in oral cavity D:in posterior wall of pharynx E:between palatoglossal arch and palatopharyngeal arch
  91. Which one is wrong about the position of the uterus ( )

  92. A:The urinary bladder is in front of it. B:The uterine tube, ovaries, broad ligament are on both sides of it. C:Its lower part penetrates the urogenital diaphragm. D:Its inferior end is above the ischial spine. E:It is behind the rectum .
  93. In a patient with hepatic portal hypertension, which of the following veins is most likely to be dilated? ( )

  94. A:right colic vein B:inferior epigastric vein C:inferior phrenic vein D:suprarenal vein E:ovarian vein
  95. Which of following is NOT cartilages of the Larynx? ( )

  96. A:epiglottic cartilage B:meniscus C:arytenoid cartilage D:thyroid cartilage E:cricoid cartilage
  97. A 4-year-old male child is admitted to the hospital with severe vomiting. Radiologic examination and history taking reveals that the boy suffers from an annular pancreas. Which of the following structures is most typically obstructed by this condition? ( )

  98. A:First part of the duodenum B:Pylorus of the stomach C:Jejunum D:Second part of the duodenum E:Third part of the duodenum
  99. Compared to veins of upper extremity, veins of lower extremity ( )

  100. A:has no obvious difference in valve number and communication between superficial veins and deep veins. B:has more valves and more abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins. C:has more valves and less abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins. D:has less valves and more abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins. E:has less valves and less abundant communication between superficial veins and deep veins.

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