1. Weeping is associated with low vapor flow rate, not with low liquid flow rate. 漏液主要由气相流率过低引起,不因低液相流速而发生。( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. In the two-phase region below the solubility curve, the range of the solubility curve will decrease as the temperature increases. 在溶解曲线以下的两相区,随温度的升高,溶解度曲线范围会缩小。( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. For gas absorption packing tower, the number of transfer units (NTU) can be determined by graphic method and different analytical methods, and the results are always exactly the same. 对于气体吸收填料塔,可以通过作图法和不同的分析法来确定传质单元数(NTU),而且结果总是完全相同。( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. The extraction device can be divided into component type and tower type according to its structural characteristics and shape. 萃取装置中,根据构造特点和形状的不同,可分为组件式和塔式。( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. A liquid phase with high viscosity may increase the maximum permissible velocity. 高液相粘度会相应增加空塔气速。( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. Increase the amount of absorbent, the slope of the operation line increases, and the absorption driving force increases,too.增加吸收剂用量,操作线的斜率增大,吸收推动力增大。( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. In the design of distillation columns, the higher the reflux ratio, the fewer theoretical plates required and the higher the operating energy consumption. 精馏塔设计中,回流比越大所需理论板数越少,操作能耗越大。( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. In gas adsorption, the component to be separated as solute should have lower solubility than the other components in the gas mixture.在气体吸收过程中,作为要分离组分的溶质应该比混合气体中的其他组分要具有更低的溶解度。 ( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. The smaller the relative volatility of the two components in the mixture, the much easier separating the mixture using distillation method. 混合液两组分的相对挥发度愈小,则表明用蒸馏方法分离该混合液愈容易。( )

  18. 答案:对
  19. The necessary condition for distillation operation is just a reflux of liquid at the top of the tower. 精馏操作的必要条件仅仅是塔顶液体回流。( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. The advantage of the tray dryer is that it is suitable for different shapes盘式干燥机的优点是适合不同形状( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. For gas absorption, the mass transfer driving force of countercurrent flow is higher than that of cocurrent flow. 对于气体吸收来说,逆流的传质驱动力高于逆流的传质驱动力。( )
  24. In adsorption tower, cocurrent flow is usually superior to countercurrent flow. 在吸收塔中,顺流通常优于逆流。( )
  25. When the gas velocity is low, the liquid holdup in a packed column is independent of the gas velocity. 当气相速率较低时,填料塔的持液量与气速无关。( )
  26. In the design of distillation columns, the higher the reflux ratio, the smaller the total sum of operating cost and equipment cost.精馏塔设计中,回流比越大,操作费用设备费用的总和越小。( )
  27. For gas absorption, chemisorption that with chemical reactions is always better than physisorption that without strong interactions. 对于气体吸收,有化学反应的化学吸收总是比没有强相互作用的物理吸收好。( )
  28. The necessary conditions for distillation operation are reflux of liquid at the top of the tower and upward steam flow at the bottom of the tower. 精馏操作的必要条件是塔顶液体回流和塔底上升蒸汽流。( )
  29. The actual molar fraction of a solute in a solvent is related to its pressure in the gas mixture. 溶剂中溶质的实际摩尔分数与它在混合气体中的压强有关。( )
  30. When the gas velocity is high enough, the liquid holdup in a packed column is independent of the gas velocity. 当气相速率足够高时,填料塔的持液量与气速无关。( )
  31. At the adiabatic saturation temperature Tas, the air temperature and water temperature are not necessarily equal在绝热饱和温度Tas下,空气温度和水温度不一定相等( )
  32. Membrane separation processes driven by pressure differences are ____. 由压力差驱动的膜分离过程是 ____。( )
  33. The membrane fouling include ____.膜污染包括 ____。( )
  34. According to the heating method, drying operations include按照加热方式分类,干燥操作包括( )
  35. The membrane classification according to the membrane material is ____.膜按其材料可分为 ____。( )
  36. The membrane classification according to configuration is ____. 按结构形态可将膜分为 ____。( )
  37. Which of the following are used in the random packing of distillation columns? 下列哪些结构常被用于精馏塔的填料中?( )
  38. Which of the following are positively correlated with the vapor flow rate qV in a plate tower? 下列哪些与板式塔中气相流量正相关?( )
  39. Which of the following conditions are desired in tray columns? 下列哪些是板式塔中的理想条件?( )
  40. The types of phase inversion methods are ____.相转化法的类型有 ____。( )
  41. In a plate column, when liquid velocity is fixed and the gas velocity is raised from a small value, what could happen? 在板式塔中,液相流速固定,将气相流率从较小值逐渐增大,下列哪些现象会逐次发生?( )
  42. The larger the relative volatility α of light and heavy components, the number of theoretical plates required to complete a certain separation task is____. 轻、重组分相对挥发度越大,完成一定分离任务所需的理论板数会____。( )
  43. The theoretical number of plates NT required to complete the separation task using a distillation tower is 12 (including a reboiler). If the total tower efficiency ET is 60%, the actual number of plates in the tower is ____. 用精馏塔完成分离任务所需理论板数NT为12(包括再沸器),若全塔效率ET为60%,则塔内实际板数为____。( )
  44. In a plate column, the height over the weir how grows with _____. 在板式塔中,堰上清液高随____的增大而增大( )
  45. The driving force of RO、NF and UF is ____.RO、NF 及 UF过程的驱动力是 ____。( )
  46. In the two-phase region below a solubility curve, the range of the solubility curve will and extraction effect will as temperature increases? 在溶解曲线以下的两相区,随温度的升高,溶解度曲线范围会 ,萃取效果 。( )
  47. In a column device, trays or packings are used to _____. 在塔设备中,无论采用塔板还是填料,其目的都是 。( )
  48. Which of the following types of plate is more likely to induce weeping? 下面哪种塔板最容易造成漏液?( )
  49. 在萃取设备中,对腐蚀性流体体系,宜选用的设备为 ;对有固体悬浮物存在的体系宜选用 。( )
  50. The()the relative humidity φ, the()the moisture absorption capacity of this air相对湿度φ越( ),表明这个空气吸湿能力越( )
  51. Extraction uses the difference in between the components to separate the liquid mixture. 萃取是利用各组分间的 差异来分离液体混合物的。( )
  52. The height of packings needed for a particular task is equal to 。某一分离任务所需填料高度等于( )
  53. When the feed to the distillation tower is a vapor-liquid mixture and the vapor-liquid molar ratio is 1:5, the reference q value of the feed thermal state is____. 当精馏塔进料为气液混合物且气液摩尔比为1:5时,则进料热状况参数q值为 ( )。
  54. In the heat and mass transfer process of convective drying, the necessary conditions for the partial pressure of water vapor Pw of the material and the partial pressure of water vapor P of the drying medium to meet在对流干燥的传热传质过程中,物料的水汽分压Pw和干燥介质的水汽分压P满足的必要条件( )
  55. The number of transfer units (NTU) with respect to gas phase overall driving force is 7.6, the height of a transfer unit (HTU) is 0.5 m; then the overall packing height Z in the packing tower is____.关于气相总传质驱动力的传质单元数(NTU)为7.6,一个传质单元高度(HTU)为0.5米;那么填料塔中的填料总高度Z为____。( )
  56. There are 5 types of feed heat conditions in the distillation tower, among which, ____ has the highest feed q value. 精馏塔有5种进料热状况,其中____进料q值最大。( )
  57. Which of the following physical properties are the primary considerations when selecting extractants?选择萃取剂时,下列哪些物理性质是首要考虑的?( )
  58. In single stage extraction, if an extractant containing a certain solute A is used instead of a pure solvent under the condition that the compositions of feed liquid xF and extraction phase yA are maintained constant, the resulting composition of the residual phase xR will be . 单级萃取中,在维持料液组成xF、萃取相组成yA不变条件下,若用含有一定溶质A的萃取剂代替纯溶剂,所得萃余相组成xR将 。( )
  59. During a B-S partial miscible extraction process, if the amount of pure solvent increases while other operating conditions remain unchanged, the concentration of the extraction liquid will . 在B-S部分互溶萃取过程中,若加入的纯溶剂量增加而其它操作条件不变,则萃取液浓度 。( )
  60. The membrane classification according to morphology is ____. 按形态,膜可分为 ____。( )
  61. 3 、The concentration polarization is reversible.浓度极化是可逆的( )
  62. 、The concentration polarization is the same as membrane fouling ( )
  63. The important membrane properties are ____. 膜的重要性质包括 ____。( )
  64. 、The disadvantages of membrane fouling for membrane process ____.膜工艺中膜污染的缺点包括 ____。( )
  65. The amount of added extractant should induce the position of sum point M of the solute and extractant being located at . 萃取剂加入量应使原料和萃取剂的和点M位于 。( )
  66. The selectivity of extractant is the first factor to be considered when selecting extractant. 萃取剂的选择性是选择萃取剂时首先要考虑的因素。( )
  67. In a B-S partially miscible system, the greater the amount of solute component A, the greater the B-S mutual solubility. 在B-S部分互溶物系中,溶质A组分的量越大,B-S互溶度越大。 ( )
  68. In a liquid-liquid extraction ternary systems, there are ______ situations that can be distinguished based on the mutual solubility of their components? 液液萃取三元物系中,按其组分之间互溶性可区分为_____种情况? ( )
  69. Generally, the distribution coefficient of diluent B is . 一般情况下,稀释剂B组分的分配系数kB值 。( )
  70. At a certain temperature, when the humidity increases, the dew point temperature will .一定温度下,当湿度增加时,其露点温度将 。( )
  71. In the falling rate period of drying of porous materials, water vaporizes on the ( ) of solid materials.在多孔物料干燥过程的降速阶段,水分汽化的位置是 。( )
  72. The smaller the drying rate in the constant rate period, the () the Xc.恒速阶段的干燥速率越小,临界含水率 。( )
  73. In the range of 0-120℃, the specific heat capacities of vapor and dry air are respectively .在0-120℃范围内,水汽与干空气的比热容分别是 。( )
  74. The relative size relation of t, tw, tas, td for unsaturated air is .不饱和空气的干球温度t,湿球温度tw,绝热饱和温度ts,露点温度td的相对大小关系是。( )
  75. The surface-area-to-volume ratio of a packing is inversely proportional to____. 填料的比表面积与____成反比( )
  76. In a plate column, which of the following parameters are positively correlated with qL (liquid flow rate)? 在板式塔中,下列哪些参数与液相流量正相关?( )
  77. In general, which of the following types of tray produces the least head loss? 下列哪种塔板造成的流体压头损失最小?( )
  78. When liquid flow rate is low in a distillation process, a packed column is preferred. 若某精馏过程中液相速率比较低,则更适合采用填料塔。( )
  79. If the Murphree efficiency and local efficiencies on a plate are very close, it implies ____. 若某块板上的Murphree效率和各处的局部效率非常接近,这意味着____。( )
  80. Since the partial pressure of solute in the gas phase of the absorption process is always greater than the equilibrium partial pressure of solute in the liquid phase, the absorption operation line is always above the equilibrium line. 由于吸收过程气相中的溶质分压总大于液相中溶质的平衡分压,所以吸收操作线总是在平衡线的上方。( )
  81. For a certain operating conditions of the packed absorption tower, such as the tower material layer to increase some higher, the tower HOG will increase, NOG will remain unchanged. 对一定操作条件下的填料吸收塔,如将塔料层增高一些,则塔的HOG将增加,NOG将不变。( )
  82. The packing characteristics that have a greater impact on the absorption operation are____.对吸收操作影响较大的填料特性是____。( )
  83. The absorption rate is mainly determined by the diffusion rate through the double film, to improve the relative motion of the two fluids of gas and liquid, to improve the absorption effect, then to do____. 吸收速率主要决定于通过双膜的扩散速度,要提高气液两流体的相对运动,提高吸收效果,则要:( )
  84. If we adopt a gas adsorption process operating at a very high liquid flow rate, the consequences would be____. 对于气体吸收工艺,如果我们在很高的液体流速下运行,其后果是____。( )
  85. The greater the height of the total gas phase mass transfer unit HOG of the absorption tower, the more favorable to absorption. 吸收塔气相总传质单元高度HOG越大,对吸收越有利。( )
  86. Given the equation of the distillation section operating line as y=0.75x+0.24, the operating reflux ratio of the tower is ____. 已知精馏段操作线方程为: y=0.75x+0.24 ,则该塔的操作回流比为____。( )
  87. If the reflux ratio used in the continuous distillation operation is less than the original reflux ratio, then____. 操作中连续精馏塔,如采用的回流比小于原回流比,则____。( )
  88. The function of the condenser is to provide (B) product and ensure suitable liquid phase reflux. 冷凝器的作用是提供____产品及保证有适宜的液相回流。( )
  89. In the calculation of continuous distillation of binary solutions, changes in the thermal state of the feed will cause changes in the following line ____. 二元溶液连续精馏计算中,进料热状况的变化将引起以下线的变化。( )
  90. Given the equation of the distillation section operating line as y=0.75x+0.24, then the top product concentration X D is ____. 已知精馏段操作线方程为: y=0.75x+0.24 ,塔顶产品浓度 X D 为____。( )
  91. Introducing reflux in distillation results in mass transfer between the falling liquid phase and the rising vapor phase, which increases the concentration of volatile components in the rising vapor phase. The most appropriate statement is ____. 精馏中引入回流,下降的液相与上升的汽相发生传质使上升的汽相易挥发组分浓度提高,最恰当的说法是____。( )
  92. Distillation is a kind of mass transfer operation. 精馏是一种质量传递操作。 ( )
  93. The absorption process can be used in separating gas mixtures by their different solubility. 吸收可用于分离气体混合物。( )
  94. Drying is not a kind of mass transfer operation. 干燥不是一种质量传递操作。( )
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