

  1. What is the duration of copyright protection for a novel? ( )

  2. A:The day the author dies B:70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the author died. C:The end of the calendar year in which the author died. D:A novel will not gain copyright protection.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:70 years from the end of the calendar year in which the author died.根据《中华人民共和国著作权法》的规定,小说等文字作品的版权保护期限为作者死后70年。因此,选项B是正确答案。其他选项不符合法律规定。'
  3. The difference between innovation and invention lies in its popularization and application to realize the value of invention achievements, which reflects the ( ) feature of innovation ability.

  4. A:Originality B:Comprehensive C:Persevere D:Practicality
    AI参考:D. Practicality创新和发明的区别在于其普及和应用,以实现发明成果的价值,这反映了创新能力的实用性特征。因此,正确答案是D,即实用性。其他选项中,originality表示原创性,comprehensive表示综合性,persevere表示坚持不懈,这些特征在创新能力中都有所体现,但不是区别创新和发明的主要特征。'
  5. ( ) it is the skill and ability to divide the whole thing into several parts for research.

  6. A:Analysis ability B:Comprehensive ability C:Practical ability D:Creativity
    答案:incompetentAI参考:正确答案是A:Analysis ability。分析能力是将整体事物分成几个部分进行研究的能力,其他选项B、C、D与题意不符。因此,正确答案是A。'
  7. Which of following would not gain copyright protection? ( )

  8. A:A hand knitted jumper B:An unrecorded speech C:A DVD D:Written lyrics of a song
    AI参考:正确答案是B:An unrecorded speech。未经录制的演讲或口头表达通常不被视为受版权保护的作品,因此不会获得版权保护。而其他选项中的物品或表达方式,如手织毛衣、DVD和歌曲的歌词,通常被认为是受版权保护的作品,可以获得版权保护。因此,正确答案是B选项。'
  9. Which one of the following is not the urgent problem China confront for the moment? ( )

  10. A:Slow growth in speed train B:Constraints of technological capability C:Constraints of resources and environment D:Bottleneck of international competition
    AI参考:A:Slow growth in speed train (高铁发展速度放缓)选项中B:Constraints of technological capability (技术能力限制)、C:Constraints of resources and environment (资源和环境限制)以及D:Bottleneck of international competition (国际竞争瓶颈)都是目前中国面临的重要问题,而选项A只是其中之一,且不是最紧急的问题。因此,正确答案是A。'
  11. What is the definition of invention ( )

  12. A:An improvement made on an existing design B:The quality of being creative C:A cool idea D:Turning thoughts or ideas into devices or systems
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Turning thoughts or ideas into devices or systems。这道题是考察关于“发明”的定义,从选项中可以看出,A选项是指对现有设计的一种改进,B选项是指创造性,C选项是指一个酷的想法,都不符合题意。而D选项是将思想或想法转化为设备或系统,符合发明的基本定义,因此是正确答案。'
  13. Which one of the following could not be registered as a trade mark? ( )

  14. A:The mark represents the natural or technical shape of the goods.Answer: B:The mark is made up of letters and numbers. C:The mark is an image. D:The mark represents the natural or technical shape of the goods. E:The mark is made up of a symbol with no words or letters.
    AI参考:正确答案是D:The mark represents the natural or technical shape of the goods.。该选项中的标志代表商品的自然或技术形状,无法注册为商标。根据题干中所给的选项,只有D选项代表商品的自然或技术形状,不符合商标注册的要求,因为商标需要具有显著性,能够区别商品或服务来源。其他选项中的标志都符合商标注册的要求,因此可以注册为商标。因此,正确答案是D。'
  15. The fundamental idea of Internet entrepreneurship is ( )

  16. A:reduce costs B:improve service C:continuous innovation D:rapid iteration
    AI参考:互联网创业的根本理念是**C:continuous innovation**(持续创新)。持续创新是互联网创业的核心思想,这一理念在互联网产业的发展过程中起着至关重要的作用。创业者需要不断尝试新的方法、新的技术、新的模式,以提供更好的产品和服务,满足用户需求,同时实现自身的商业目标。其他选项如降低成本、提高服务、快速迭代虽然也是重要的因素,但在互联网创业中,持续创新是更基本、更核心的理念。'
  17. ( ) will usually not be included in the term sheet that is presented to the startups?

  18. A:post-closing right of the investors B:valuation given to the company C:control issues D:case close date
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:control issues】。在向初创公司提供的条款表中,通常不会包括控制权问题(选项C)。条款表是融资过程中向投资者提供的一份详细文件,其中包含有关融资、股权、估值、交易结束日期等事宜的信息。控制权问题通常涉及投资者与创始人在公司管理、决策和战略方向上的分歧,这可能对初创公司的运营和未来发展产生影响,因此在条款表中通常不会明确提及。相比之下,其他选项如投资者的后交易权(选项A)、公司的估值(选项B)和交易结束日期(选项D)通常是条款表中的重要内容。'
  19. The key to entrepreneurship is ( )

  20. A:quick action B:trial C:innovation D:hypothesis
  21. The self-improvement of professional and technical personnel should not only constantly enrich their professional knowledge and skills, but also ( ).

  22. A:Collaboration B:Good at listening to others C:Participate in practice D:Learning and applying innovative thinking
  23. ( ) is not the correct explanation of the venture capital financing.

  24. A:venture capitalists that invested in tech companies experiences big hit in the early 2000s. B:venture capital financing is quite helpful to nurture and grow a start-up into a profitable venture. C:The valuation of the company is negotiable. D:The best way to get the attention of a vc is to have a warm introduction through a trusted colleague, entrepreneur, or lawyer friendly to the vc.
    答案:Although your credit rating does not meet our minimum standards, we would be happy to reconsider your application if you add a cosigner.AI参考:正确答案是C:The valuation of the company is negotiable. 在风险投资融资中,公司估值是可谈判的,不是风险资本投资于科技公司在20世纪90年代初期经历的重大打击,也不是风险资本融资对培养和成长初创公司非常有帮助,更不是通过信任的同事、企业家或律师的友好介绍来吸引风险投资的最佳方式,因此C选项是正确的解释。'
  25. The essence of entrepreneurship education lies in the cultivation of ( )

  26. A:Innovative sense and ability B:Ability to start a new business C:Entrepreneurship activity D:Entrepreneurship spirit
  27. The four foundations of national innovation system do not include ( )

  28. A:Science and technology information, public data, technology interaction and civil military sharing platform foundation B:Talent base for innovation and development C:The basis of policies and regulations conducive to innovation D:Economic system to stimulate innovation
    答案:["Parliament"]AI参考:正确答案是【A:Science and technology information, public data, technology interaction and civil military sharing platform foundation 】。题目中的四个基础为创新体系的四个基本组成部分,没有A选项中科技信息、公共数据、技术和民间军事共享平台。其余三个选项都包括了这四个基本组成部分,但题干要求只需从所列选项中找出缺失的一项。因此,A选项是不正确的。'
  29. Decreasing the overall capabilities of a product or system in order to increase its ability to perform a more narrow or specific task very efficiently is known as? ( )

  30. A:Innovating B:Creativity C:Inventing D:Specialization of function
    AI参考:单选题:Decreasing the overall capabilities of a product or system in order to increase its ability to perform a more narrow or specific task very efficiently is known as?(选项D:功能的专门化)解释:功能专门化是指通过降低产品或系统的整体能力,以提高其执行更狭窄或特定任务的能力,这通常是通过将产品或系统的某些部分专门化来实现的。在这个过程中,各个部分的能力得到了加强,同时其他部分的能力可能会被降低。其他选项中,Innovating(创新)和Creativity(创造力)通常与产品的创新或创造性有关,而Inventing(发明)通常是指创造新的物品或技术。因此,选项D“功能的专门化”是最符合题意的答案。'
  31. In 1912, Schumpeter, an economist, put forward the concept of innovation, which first gave the word innovation a special usage in the sense of ( ).

  32. A:Sociology B:Science C:Economics D:Management
  33. What is the first step of causation logic decision making? ( )

  34. A:To do a competition analysis and market investigation B:To identify and find opportunities C:To make a business or start-up plan D:To implement the chosen plan
    答案:deadlyAI参考:正确选项是【B:To identify and find opportunities】。因果逻辑决策制定的第一步是识别和发现机会。其他选项中,竞争分析和市场调查是决策制定过程中的一部分,但不是第一步;制定商业或创业计划是在决策制定之后进行的;实施所选计划是决策制定后的下一步行动。因此,B选项“To identify and find opportunities”是正确的答案。'
  35. Owning ( ) is the key to the success of major innovation.

  36. A:Creativity B:Practical ability C:The ability to integrate multiple capabilities D:Organization and coordination ability
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The ability to integrate multiple capabilities。创新成功的关键是整合多种能力的能力,选项C符合这个描述。选项A和B虽然也是重要的因素,但不够全面。选项D与整合多种能力无关。因此,答案为C。'
  37. The features of venture capital financing does not include ( )

  38. A:high return guarantee B:ownership right C:high risk investment D:time horizon
    AI参考:正确答案是C:high risk investment。风险投资融资的特点不包括高回报担保(A选项),所有权权利(B选项)和时间跨度(D选项)。风险投资是一种高风险的投资方式,所以它不包括高回报担保这一特点。因此,答案为C。'
  39. The innovation process is a process of systematic change, which should be realized through ( ).

  40. A:Technological change B:Organizational structure change C:Innovative products D:Economic or social benefits
    答案:making what is not true now become true in the futureAI参考:正确答案是A:Technological change(技术变化)。创新过程是一个系统的变革过程,需要通过技术变化来实现。选项B的组织结构变革、选项C的创新产品、选项D的经济或社会效益都是实现创新过程中的某些具体方面,但并非创新过程的全部。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  41. The policy of Human resource policy can be divided into five categories: ( )

  42. A:Talent use management B:Talent flow C:Talent cultivation D:Talent entrepreneurship. E:Talent introduction
  43. In Holt's opinion, what are the stages of the entrepreneurial process? ( )

  44. A:Start-up stage B:Pre-start-up stage C:Early Growth stage D:Later Growth stage
  45. The logic of the behavior of entrepreneurial activities include ( )

  46. A:Established commitments B:Means C:Partners D:Creation
    AI参考:正确选项是【BD】创业活动的行为逻辑包括建立承诺(Established commitments)和创造(Creation)。选项A中的“Established commitments”指的是已经存在的承诺或约定,与创业活动的行为逻辑不符。选项C中的“Partners”虽然与合作有关,但并不是创业活动的行为逻辑的核心要素。因此,选项B和D是符合创业活动行为逻辑的正确选项。'
  47. A registered Trade Mark may be removed from the register of Trade Marks on the ground that:( )

  48. A:All of the above B:There has been no bona fide use of the trademark for a continuous period of five years from the date of registration C:The proposed to be used trademark was registered without any bona fide intention to use it D:There has been no use of the trade mark due to the restrictions imposed by any law or regulation in India
  49. What are the factors influencing the success of innovation? ( )

  50. A:The cooperation among R&D departments B:Financial capital C:The support of leadership D:Marketing
    答案:Any one of the other alternatives
  51. What are the core dimensions of the institutional environment? ( )

  52. A:Technological dimension B:Normative dimension C:Cognitive dimension D:Regulative dimension
    答案:Team orientationAI参考:正确选项是【B:Normative dimension】。制度环境的核心维度是规范维度,即制度环境中的规范、规则、法律等对组织行为和决策的影响。其他选项中,技术维度是指技术、工艺、设备等方面的因素,与制度环境的核心维度无关;认知维度是指组织成员对制度环境的认知和解读,也与制度环境的核心维度关系不大;调节维度是指对制度环境中的某些因素进行调节或平衡,如政策调整、法律解释等,也不是制度环境的核心维度。因此,正确答案为B:Normative dimension。'
  53. Which of the following is not true? ( )

  54. AI参考:很抱歉,您没有提供要选择正确答案的多选题,这使得我无法给出正确的选项。请提供更多详细信息,以便我能够更好地帮助您。'
  55. ( ) are the types of venture capital financing.

  56. A:Debentures B:Equity financing C:Debt financing D:Conditional loan
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:Equity financing】。选项A、C、D都是融资方式,但不符合风险投资的特点,因此不是正确选项。风险投资主要关注的是企业的创新和成长潜力,而不是债务或贷款的偿还问题。因此,选项B的“权益融资”是风险资本融资的主要类型之一。'
  57. The total factor productivity can be measured as total output divided by weighted average of inputs. ( )

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. Work experience before starting a business is an important factor for the success of a business ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. The Culture of Xiaomi, namely no rigid hierarchy, innovative and fast Internet culture, is an important internal factor for the success of Lei Jun and Xiaomi’s entrepreneurial ventures. ( )

  62. A:错 B:对
  63. Some countries remain stagnant in relative income levels while some others are able to continue growing faster than the frontier nations to achieve convergence.( )

  64. A:对 B:错
  65. Consider the Cobb-Douglas production function, . In this function, Y is the total output, K is capital input, L is labor input, alpha is output elasticity of capital, beta is output elasticity of labor, A is total factor productivity. It can be written as , which is the total output divided by weighted average of inputs.( )

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. Startups should keep good cash accounts, sales accounts, expense accounts and inventory accounts ( )

  68. A:对 B:错
  69. Entrepreneurs need to accumulate relevant experience and professional skills via various channels.( )

  70. A:错 B:对
    答案:income per person.AI参考:对。创业者需要通过各种渠道积累相关的经验和专业技能。这是一个正确的判断,因此,正确答案是B。'
  71. Entrepreneurship is not a skill ( )

  72. A:对 B:错
    答案:n.企业家;企业家精神AI参考:正确答案是A:对。Entrepreneurship 指的是创业技能,而A选项中的“技能”与此含义相符,因此正确答案为A。B选项中的“错”不符合问题的含义。'
  73. What Timmons, Wickham and Christian have in common in their model of the entrepreneurial process is that they all attach great importance to the function of entrepreneurs and believe that entrepreneurs are the soul and promoter of entrepreneurial activities. ( )

  74. A:对 B:错
  75. Leaders plays an important role in innovation management. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    答案:t,one month after the time of shipment.
  77. The great challenges of China’s scientific and technological innovation is the rapid change of international science and technology environment. ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
    答案:integrated circuits;Export high speed rail system;Rely heavily on foreign tech such as operating systems and microchips(Huawei and ZTE);Artificial intelligence and big data maturingAI参考:正确答案是B:对。中国科技创新面临的最大挑战是国际科技环境的变化迅速,所以这句话是正确的。'
  79. Negotiation ability is the embodiment of marketing ability ( )

  80. A:错 B:对
  81. Intellectual property is generally protected indefinitely. Indicate whether the statement is true or false. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. Patents and copyrights are the same things. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. Pilkington’s floating glass made the company become the technology leder, and Mitsubishi’s VHS video recorder made the company become the technology follower. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
    答案:concrete and foamAI参考:B:对。Pilkington的浮法玻璃使得该公司成为技术领导者,而三菱的VHS录像机则使得该公司成为技术跟随者。因此,这个判断题的答案是B:对。'
  87. Intellectual property refers to holdings of rare books and pieces of art that are traded on the world market. ( )

  88. A:错 B:对
  89. But the problem is that in the face of today's fierce competition, it is not enough to rely on a single scientific and technological innovation.( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. The choice of entrepreneurs’ cognitive style is a dynamic and balanced process.( )

  92. A:对 B:错

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