
The inverse demand curve P (x) for a good x measures the price per unit at which the quantity x would be demanded.

A:错 B:对

If a price changes, then changes in consumption at the intensive margin are changes that happen because consumers alter the amounts that they consume, but do not either stop consuming or start consuming the good. 

A:对 B:错 3.

If the demand function is q = 3m=p; where m is income and p is price, then the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand decreases as price increases.

A:错 B:对 4.

A peck is 1/4 of a bushel. If the price elasticity of demand for bran is -0.2 when bran is measured in bushels, then when bran is measured in pecks, the price elasticity of demand for bran will be: 

A:-0.8  B:-0.1  C:-0.05 D:None of all 5.

Marginal revenue is equal to price if the demand curve is horizontal.

A:错 B:对 6.

The constant elasticity of demand for cigarettes has been estimated to be 0.5. To reduce smoking by 75%, approximately how much tax needs to be added to a $1 pack?

A:$2.25 B:$1.5 C:$0.38 D:$0.75 7.

Market demand relevant to industry marketing expenditure show infinity, is said to be (   )

A:share potential B:market potential C:market demand D:product potential 8.

(    )Occurs when the quantity demanded changes little as price changes

A:Elastic B:unit elastic C:Inelastic D:Fixed cost 9.

Elasticity of Demand means a measure of how responsive consumers are to price changes. 

A:对 B:错 10.

Price Floor means a legal minimum price that buyers must pay for a product. 

A:对 B:错

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