1.The production set of a firm is the set of all products the firm can produce.
A:错 B:对
2.A production isoquant is a locus of combinations of inputs that are equally profitable.
A:对 B:错 3.If a firm moves from one point on a production isoquant to another point on the same isoquant, which of the following will certainly NOT happen?
A:a change in the ratio in which the inputs are combined B:a change in the level of output C:a change in the marginal products of the inputs D:a change in the rate of technical substitution 4.

In any production process, the marginal product of labor equals:

A:the change in output per unit change in labor input for 'small' changes in the amount of input. B:the value of total output minus the cost of the fixed capital stock. C:total output produced with the given labor inputs. D:total output divided by total labor inputs. 5.The production function f (x,y) = x + y has constant returns to scale
A:对 B:错 6.

The production function Q = 50K0.75L0.75 exhibits


increasing returns to scale.


constant returns to scale.


increasing, then diminishing returns to scale.


decreasing returns to scale.


A firm has a production function f (x,y)=1:10(x0.20 + y0.20)5 whenever x > 0 and y > 0.


decreasing returns to scale.


increasing returns to scale if x + y > 1 and decreasing returns to scale otherwise.


increasing returns to scale.


constant returns to scale.


(    ) means the relationship between the inputs employed by a firm and the max output it can produce with those inputs.-Technology is process to turn in to out production function represents firms technology

A:constant returns to scale B:Average total cost C:Graphing production D:Production function 9.

At some pint adding more of a variable input, such as labor, to the same amount of a fixed input, such as capital, will cause the marginal product of the variable input to decline--MPL could become negative if workers got in each other's way but no firm would hire to this point

A:对 B:错 10.

Does (   ) decline eventually as the number of workers increases

A:MPL B:Minimum efficient scale C:average fixed cost D:total cost

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