

  1. 将下列短文翻译成汉语。

    Water vapor is the main reason for the greenhouse effect, in which certain gases in the atmosphere allow sunlight to pass through, but absorb heat released from the Earth (when sunlight strikes the Earth it changes from visible light to infrared radiation, or heat). Without this effect the Earth would be about 33°C cooler than it is at present (that is, 60°F cooler). Human-caused emissions, leading to increased levels of carbon dioxide (CO2 ) and other gases in the atmosphere may accelerate the greenhouse effect .

  2. 答案:eitherAI参考:水蒸气是造成温室效应的主要原因。大气中的某些气体允许阳光穿过,但会吸收来自地球的热量(当阳光照射到地球时,它会由可见光变成红外线辐射,也就是热量)。如果没有这种效应,地球的温度会比现在低33°C(也就是低60°F)。由于人类活动导致的排放,使得大气中二氧化碳(CO2)和其他气体的含量增加,可能会加剧温室效应。'
  3. 将下列短文翻译成英语。


  4. AI参考:China is located in East Asia, hidden behind natural barriers that separate it from the rest of the world and isolate it from the rest of the world. Tropical jungles, the roof of the world, vast deserts, and endless oceans all form natural barriers. To the north lies the harsh Mongolian plateau, to the northwest travelers are swallowed up by the desert sands of the Gobi, to the west and southwest there are the rarely visited Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, to the south there is a difficult-to-traverse jungle, and to the east is blocked by mysterious oceans. Only from the north can one reach China. nomadic tribes have invaded China from the north and central Asia.'
  5. 请简述下面的问题(回答不少于200字)。


    I come from Alabama

    With a banjo on my knee

    I'm going to Louisiana

    My true love for to see

    It rained all night the day I left

    The weather it was dry

    The sun so hot I froze to death

    Susannah don't you cry

    Oh Susannah

    Oh don't you cry for me

    For I come from Alabama

    With a banjo on my knee

  6. 答案:[""]AI参考:在翻译英语歌曲时,遵循“统摄原意,另铸新词”的原则是非常重要的。特别是新词的创造,其目的就是为了能让演唱者适应原有的旋律。在此例中,我们需要结合原歌词的含义以及其特定的语言环境,为歌曲创造新的词汇。例如,对于“I come from Alabama”这句歌词,我们可以翻译为“我来自阿拉巴马州”,同时考虑到歌曲的旋律和节奏,我们可以选择一些更具有节奏感的词语来表达。对于“The sun so hot I froze to death”,我们可以翻译为“阳光如此炽热,我竟因此冻死”,同时在新的词汇中仍能保留原来的情绪和情感。此外,对于“It rained all night the day I left”这句歌词,译为“我一离开的那天晚上一直在下雨”,但需要注意的是译配中应该能体现原来歌曲中的韵律和情感。综上所述,在译配中需要注意语言的节奏和韵律,同时也要考虑到歌词的含义和情感,这样才能创造出更符合原意的译配。"

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