

  1. I think that young children often ______ modern pictures better than anyone else.( )。

  2. A:generate B:consist C:locate D:appreciate
  3. We should consider the students’ request         the school library provide more books on popular science.( )

  4. A:when   B:that   C:which   D:where
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:that】。句子中使用了定语从句,先行词是the students’ request,定语从句中缺少宾语,因此需要使用关系代词that或which。句子的意思是“我们应该考虑学生的请求,即学校图书馆提供更多科普书籍。”根据句意和语法规则,B选项that符合要求。其他选项不符合语法规则或语境。'
  5. I like       in the autumn when the weather is clear and bright.( )

  6. A:one B:this   C:that   D:it  
    AI参考:正确选项是D:it。句子中使用了代词it来代替前面提到的“我喜欢秋天”,同时句子中的“in the autumn”也暗示了这是一个时间状语,所以it在这里作为代词,指代秋天这个季节。因此,选项D是正确答案。选项A、B、C都不符合语境和语法规则。'
  7. A fortunate encounter brought the two friends together after a long _______.( )

  8. A:difference B:separation C:distinction D:discrimination
  9. I don’t think         possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.( )

  10. A:it B:its     C:that   D:this  
    答案:thatAI参考:正确选项是【A:it】。句子中使用了代词it来代替前文提到的“master a foreign language without much memory work”这件事情,表示“掌握一门外语而不进行大量的记忆工作是不可能的”。因此,选项A it是正确答案。选项B its是形容词性物主代词,不能作为代词使用;选项C that通常用于强调句中,与句子结构不符;选项D this是指示代词,与句子语境不符。'
  11. His occasional courtesies did not _______ his general rudeness.( )

  12. A:compensate for B:change into C:keep up D:pay back
  13. They have _________ a number of conditions to the agreement.( )

  14. A:formulated B:  attached   C:attacked         D: regulated         
  15. Our society could not _____ without scientific and technological knowledge.( )

  16. A:overcome B:survive C:wither D:affect
  17.          will take you a lot of time to find him in the crowd.( )

  18. A:We   B:I   C:It   D:They
    AI参考:正确选项是C:It。句子中使用了it作为形式主语,代替后面的不定式短语“to find him in the crowd”,表示“寻找他”这件事情需要花费很多时间。因此,选项C“It”是正确答案。其他选项A、B、D都不符合句意和语法规则。'
  19. You couldn’t have chosen any gift         for me.
    - I’m glad you like it so much.( )

  20. A:good   B:better   C:best     D:worse

  21. All languages have two levels of usage: a _____ level and an informal level.( )

  22. A:formal B:component C:community D:barrier
    AI参考:正确答案是A:formal level(正式级别)。根据句子意思“所有的语言都有两个使用层次:正式层次和非正式层次”可以得知选项A formal(正式)是最符合句意的选项。因此,答案为A。选项B component(组件)与句子意思无关,选项C community(社区)与语言使用无关,选项D barrier(障碍)也与句子意思不符。'
  23. He was the sort of good listener who seemed to find everybody else more interesting and ______ than himself.( )

  24. A:unlikely B:impossible C:impressive D:unimaginable

  25. Don’t         that all those who get good grades in the entrance exam are the most successful.( )

  26. A:take that for granted B:take this for granted   C:take it for granted D:take as granted  
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:take it for granted】。 句子中使用了“dont take...for granted”的句型,表示不要认为某种情况是理所当然的。根据选项,只有C选项“take it for granted”符合句意,表示认为某种情况是理所当然的。其他选项的意思与句子不符。因此,答案为C。"
  27. We think       our duty to pay taxes to our government.( )

  28. A:that   B:it C:this   D:its  
    AI参考:正确答案是A. that。句子中使用了think引导的宾语从句,而从句中不缺少任何成分,因此使用代词that来代替前面提到的名词our duty,表示“我们的职责”。所以选项A是正确的。选项B、C、D都是代词,但是它们无法单独充当宾语从句的主语或宾语。'
  29. The more different wines you drink, the better your ________ becomes for which bottle to open, which ingredient to add to the meal to create a wonderful harmony.( )

  30. A:skill B:genius C:instinct D:need

  31. The new products are _______ in the countryside.( )

  32. A:being gained grounded B:gained ground C:gain ground D:gaining ground
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:gain ground。考查动词词组。固定词组:在乡下占领/立足阵地gain ground(在社会或经济方面取得进展或占领某领域)。这句话说的是:新产品正在乡下占据市场,答案选C。其他三项在逻辑上不搭配,也没有在乡下的意义。句意“这些新产品正在乡村中占得一席之地”。故选C。'
  33. Belief in the ______ of higher education is shared by students nationwide.( )

  34. A:adjustment B:property C:utility D:setback

  35. The poet expressed his burning _____ for the woman he loved.( )

  36. A:mystery B:insight C:venture D:passion

  37. Louis was fun, with a great sense of play, and yet, unafraid to ________ new challenges.( )

  38. A:take up B:take on C:take out D:take in

  39. We think there was a great deal more diversity in the ________ native American populations than is apparent today, so this is consistent with a lot of other evidence.( )

  40. A:authentic B:original C:conventional D:traditional

  41. Passers-by on the street managed to ________ the badly injured driver with first aid treatment like cardiac massage and artificial respiration.( )

  42. A:relive B:revive C:alive D:survive

  43. A powerful exploration of what it means to be human: loneliness, freedom, ________ for connection, the expectations we hold for ourselves and hopes we maintain for others.( )

  44. A:begging B:pleading C:dreaming D:yearning

  45. Businessmen, in increasing numbers, are purchasing new machines that hook up to the telephone and ______ a caller’s voice.( )

  46. A:analyze B:comprehend C:plead D:hesitate

  47. News came from the school office         Wang Lin had been admitted to Beijing University.( )。

  48. A:what   B:where C:that   D:which  

  49.          is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.( )

  50. A:That   B:This   C:There   D:It
    AI参考:正确选项是D:It。句子中使用了“It is a fact that...”这个句型,表示“这是一个事实...”,所以需要用代词it来代替前面提到的“English is being accepted as an international language”这个事实。因此,选项D是正确的。其他选项不符合句型要求。'
  51.        the dawn,        the night.( )。

  52. A:The farther... the darker B:The far... the dark C:The nearer... the darker D:The darker... the darker
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The nearer... the darker。根据句意,当黎明靠近时,夜晚就会变得更黑暗。因此,选项C“The nearer... the darker”符合句意。其他选项的意思与句意不符。'
  53.        he worried,        he worked.( )。

  54. A:The less... the less B:The less...the better C:The more... the better D:The less... the well
    AI参考:正确答案是C:The more... the better。句子中出现了并列连词“and”,说明句子是并列关系,即两个句子意思相同或相近。而根据题干中的提示“他担心,他工作”,可以推断出第二个句子应该表达“他工作得越好越好”的意思,因此选项C“The more... the better”符合题意。其他选项的意思与题干不符。因此,答案为C。'
  55. - Yao Ming has begun his new season in NBA.
       - Yes, he couldn’t have wished for a       start to the new NBA year. He scored 19 points in 20 minutes in the opening game.( )

  56. A:better   B:worse t C:good   D:bad  
  57. With time and effort, he ______ her address.( )

  58. A:located B:appreciated C:consisted D:generated
  59. As autumn _________, the plants and colors in the garden changed.( )

  60. A:approached B:stayed C:reached D:accessed

  61. 在句子“我记得小时候住在乡下非常开心,那里春天时节花儿盛开。”中,划横线的句子可以译为?( )

  62. A:I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in living in the countryside…… B:I remember when I was a child I had great enjoyment in living in the countryside…… C:I remembered the very happy days in countryside……

  63. 句子“在冰路上骑车是很危险的,因此我们必须用车闸(brake)减慢自行车的速度。”可以译为?( )

  64. A:As it is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road, we have to use the brake to slow it down. B:It is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road. Therefore, we have to use the brake to slow it down. C:It is dangerous to ride a bicycle on an icy road, so we have to use the brake to slow it down.

  65. 句子“你怎么解读中国政府的新“二孩”政策?”可以译为?( )

  66. A:How do you interpret the Chinese government’s new policy of allowing two children per family? B:How do you read the Chinese government ‘s new policy of second child in a family. C:What’s your interpretation of the Chinese government’s new policy of allowing two children per family?
    AI参考:正确选项为A:How do you interpret the Chinese government’s new policy of allowing two children per family?句子中询问的是“你怎么解读中国政府的新‘二孩’政策?”可以理解为询问对方如何理解或解释中国政府的新政策,因此选项A中的“How do you interpret”最符合句意。选项B和C虽然也有翻译,但不够准确,不够全面地表达了句子的意思。'
  67. 句子“不论发生什么情况,我们一定会尽全力将其克服。”可以译为?( )

  68. A:How may happen, we will do our best to overcome it. B:No matter what may happen, we will do our best to overcome it. C:Whatever may happen, we will make every effort to overcome it.

  69. 句子“老太太望着在诺曼底登陆日阵亡的孙子的照片,满心悲伤。”可以译为?( )

  70. A:Gazing upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day, the elderly lady was filled with sorrow. B:The elderly lady felt sorrow during the time she saw her died grandson’s picture. C:The elderly lady gazed upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day, filled with sorrow.

  71. 句子“尽管他生活在一个富裕的家庭,但我认为他并不快乐。”可以译为?( )。

  72. AI参考:以下是对句子“尽管他生活在一个富裕的家庭,但我认为他并不快乐。”的翻译: 1. Despite the fact that he comes from a wealthy family, I dont think hes happy. 2. Although he lives in a wealthy family, I dont believe hes content. 3. He may have a wealthy family, but I dont think hes joyful. 以上翻译都是基于原句意思的合理推测,表达了说话者认为尽管他生活在一个富裕的家庭,但他并不快乐。所以,正确选项为以上翻译中的任何一个。"
  73. 句子“在过去的10年中北京发生了很大的变化。”可以译为?( )

  74. A:Beijing witnessed great changes in the past ten years. B:Over the past 10 years, great changes have taken place in Beijing. C:Great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past ten years.
    AI参考:正确选项是:C:Great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past ten years.这个句子是一个复合句,主语是“在过去的10年中北京发生了很大的变化”,谓语是“发生了变化”,宾语是“北京”,时间状语是“在过去的10年中”。因此,选项C“Great changes have taken place in Beijing in the past ten years”符合语法规则,是最准确的翻译。选项A和B虽然表达了句子的意思,但是语法结构不正确,不符合英语表达习惯。'
  75. 下列关于动词“exchange”的搭配短语翻译正确的是?( )

  76. A:短语exchange gifts 可以译为交换礼物; B:短语exchange news 可以译为互通信息; C:短语exchange ideas 可以译为交流思想;
    AI参考:关于动词“exchange”的搭配短语翻译正确的是C:短语exchange ideas 可以译为交流思想。选项A和B的翻译都有误。选项A中的“exchange gifts”通常翻译为“互赠礼物”或“交换礼物”,而不是“交换礼物”。选项B中的“exchange news”通常翻译为“交换新闻消息”,而不是“互通信息”。因此,选项C“短语exchange ideas可以译为交流思想”是正确的翻译。'
  77. 句子“史密斯有一条非常凶狠的狗,没有人敢走近他的家”可以译为?( )

  78. A:Smith has so fierce a dog that no one dares to go near his home. B:Smith has such a fierce dog that no one dares to go near his home. C:Smith has a fierce dog thus no one can go near to his home.
    AI参考:选项 B是正确选项。原文句子“史密斯有一条非常凶狠的狗,没有人敢走近他的家”中,“有一条非常凶狠的狗”是句子的主语部分,“没有人敢走近他的家”是描述这个主语的结果的部分。翻译时,应该把主语和结果两部分都翻译出来,同时保持句子的流畅和连贯。选项B的翻译是“Smith has such a fierce dog that no one dares to go near his home.”,这个翻译准确地表达了句子的意思,把主语和结果两部分都包括了进去,而且使用了适当的连接词“thus”,使得句子更流畅。'
  79. 句子“你必须因没有按时完成任务向他道歉。”可以译为?( )

  80. A:You must apologize to him for not finishing the task on time. B:Because of not finishing the task on time, you must apologize to him. C:You must for not finishing the task on time apologize to him.
    AI参考:正确选项是 A:You must apologize to him for not finishing the task on time. 句子中的“你必须因没有按时完成任务向他道歉”需要翻译成符合英语表达习惯的句子,其中“因没有按时完成任务”可以用介词短语“for not finishing the task on time”来表达,而“道歉”可以用动词“apologize”来表示。因此,正确的选项应该是 A。'
  81. 该句子的释义是否正确: His present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come.
    释义:He is torn between the past and the future.( )

  82. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:该句子的释义是正确的。根据句子His present life is split, pulled apart by the bygone days and by the days to come.,可以推断出他正在过去和未来之间挣扎或纠结,因此选项B“正确”是正确的答案。而选项A“错”是不正确的。"
  83. 该句子的释义是否正确: The decision to relocate for a new school or job cannot help but affect a friendship.
    释义:When you decide to move to a new place for a new school or job, it will definitely affect a friendship.( )。

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. 该句子的释义是否正确: His research focused on the complex anatomy of birds in flight, and he based his flying machines on this analogy.
    释义:He carefully studied the shape and structure of birds and applied the principles of their flight to the design of his flying machines.( )

  86. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 句子中提到“他以鸟类的飞行原理为基础设计飞行器”,说明他仔细研究了鸟类的形状和结构,并将其飞行原理应用于飞行器的设计。因此,该句子的释义是正确的,即他仔细研究了鸟类的形状和结构,并将这些原理应用于飞行器的设计。选项B为正确答案。"
  87. 句子“听到这个好消息时,没有一个人不感到兴奋。”在翻译成英语句子时可以译为:Having heard the good news, nobody did not feel excited.( )

  88. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是A。句子“听到这个好消息时,没有一个人不感到兴奋。”在翻译成英语句子时可以译为Having heard the good news, nobody did not feel excited.这个翻译是正确的。这句话的意思是:当听到这个好消息时,每一个人都感到兴奋。其中,“没有一个人不感到兴奋”可以用“nobody did not feel excited”来表达。"
  89. 该句子的释义是否正确: The same applies to friendship.
    释义:It is also true of friendship.( )

  90. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 句子中“The same applies to friendship”表示“友谊也是如此”,所以“It is also true of friendship”是对这个句子的释义,是正确的。因此答案为B。"
  91. 该句子的释义是否正确: By the time I missed home so much that soup dumplings and sautéed eels popped up in my head as I read, Nietzsche had replaced Plato on the chronological reading list and Flaubert Homer.
    释义:By the time I missed home so much that I started to lose my mind, it seemed that Nietzsche had become Plato and Flaubert had become Homer.( )

  92. A:对 B:错
  93. 该句子的释义是否正确: These three enigmatic individuals, Wan Hu, Howard Hughes, and Leonardo da Vinci, came from places and cultures that are about as different as we can imagine.
    释义:The three enigmatic individuals, Wan Hu, Howard Hughes, and Leonardo da Vinci, cannot be more different in terms of their living places and cultures.( )

  94. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:A. 对 句子中的表述是正确的,可以翻译为:这三个神秘人物(Wan Hu、Howard Hughes和Leonardo da Vinci)来自的地方和文化是我们所能想象到的最不同的。因此,选项A是正确的。而选项B是错误的。"
  95. 该句子的释义是否正确:…to learn the ins and outs of hauling and generating your own water.
    释义:…to learn how to dump water into and out of water tanks and how to install a power generator.( )。

  96. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。 句子中的“ins and outs”通常用来描述事物的内部和外部,而句子中指的是“学习如何将水倒入和倒出水箱以及如何安装发电设备”,因此句子中的释义不正确。应该为“学习如何将水倒入和倒出水箱以及如何操作发电设备”。"
  97. 该句子的释义是否正确: Even those amazing close friendships need care when it comes to conflicts.
    释义:Even close friends cannot avoid conflicts despite their extra care.( )

  98. A:错 B:对
  99. 该句子的释义是否正确: Not my will God, but Thine.
    释义:I will not do it; God will.( )

  100. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 句子“Not my will God, but Thine”的意思是“不是我的意愿,而是上帝的”,所以“I will not do it; God will”这句话的释义是正确的。因此,答案为B。"

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