1.What does the United States Congress consist of ?
A:the House of Representatives B:the House of Lords C:the Senate D:the House of Commons
答案:the House of Representatives###the Senate
2.Which of the followings belong to the common law system?  
A:case law B:codes C:Judge-made law D:statutes
答案:case law###Judge-made law
3.Which one of the following lawyers belong to the legal professions in the UK?     
A:The U.S. Attorney B:Barristers C:Solicitors D:Attorneys General
4.The United States court system includes  (          ).   
A:State courts B:The Higher court C:Federal courts D:The Crown Court
答案:Federal courts###State courts
5.What are the synonyms of the word “profession”? 
A:Vocation B:Occupation C:Job D:Work
6.Which kinds of lawyer can represent defendant in the court?   
A:the prosecuting counsel B:public defender C:the prosecuting attorney D:defense Attorney
答案:defense Attorney###public defender
7.What are the Prime Minister’s responsibilities? 
A:oversees the operation of the Civil Service B:oversees the operation of government agencies C:appoints members of the government D:serves as the head of state
答案:appoints members of the government###oversees the operation of the Civil Service###oversees the operation of government agencies
8.The main functions of the UK Parliament are to (    ).
A:Check and approve Government spending (budget/taxes) B:Check and challenge the work of the Government (scrutiny) C:Make and change laws (legislation) D:Debate the important issues of the day (debating)
答案:Check and challenge the work of the Government (scrutiny); Make and change laws (legislation); Debate the important issues of the day (debating); Check and approve Government spending (budget/taxes)
9.Which of the following requirements are essential for those candidates who are intent to become a solicitor?
A:an aptness for problem solving B:a flair for generating new business C:a flair for winning clients. D:an enquiring mind
答案:an aptness for problem solving###an enquiring mind###a flair for generating new business###a flair for winning clients
10.The main law-making bodies in the UK are   (             ) .  
A:The Senate B:The House of Representatives C:Parliament D:The Courts  
答案:The Courts###Parliament
11.Which of the following courts directly hear appeals from the magistrates’ court? 
A:County court B:High Court C:Crown Court D:Supreme Court

12.The U. S. Supreme Court  may have jurisdiction over  cases  (    ).
A:relating to the Constitution B:relating to controversies between states C:relating to the United States government D:relating to federal laws 13.Which one of the following lawyers belong to the legal professions in the U.S.?    
A:Defense attorneys B:Barristers C:Solicitors D:Public interest attorneys 14.Which of the following belongs to felony in the UK?    
A:theft B:rape C:murder D:speeding 15.Persons guilty of crime may be punished by (           ).
A:a community-based punishment B:imprisonment C:nothing D:fines payable to the State 16.Which kind of lawyer can represent defendant in the court?   
A:the prosecuting attorney B:public defender C:the prosecuting counsel D:the Attorney General 17.

A judge in a civil law system most probably can (        ).         

A:make laws guided by past precedent. B:hear all kinds of law cases, including public law cases, criminal cases and cases involving private parties. C:base a decision almost exclusively on the evidence provided by the parties to a case during the course of a trial, or a hearing, or in documents filed with the court. D:has the authority to investigate the facts of a case independently of evidence provided by the parties to that case. 18.

Which of the following is not one of the powers of judges in most civil law countries?   

A:Deciding cases B:Declaring a law unconstitutional and invalid C:Maintaining court orders D:following the enacted laws 19.

Federal courts usually do not deal with cases involving (          ).

A:situations that took place on the sea B:most family law matters C:the United States government D:the United States Constitution or federal laws. 20.

Which of the following not belong to private law?   

A:tort law B:criminal law C:Law about contract D:company law 21.Gay marriage are not permitted in . ( )
A:Scotland B:Northern Ireland C:England D:Wales 22.Which of the following is NOT violations of criminal laws? ( )
A:Burglary B:Breach of contract C:rape D:Murder 23.Which of the following statement is true about the U.S. Congress? ( )
A:The U.S. Congress consists of two houses, the Senate and the House of Representatives. B:The Senate and the House of Representatives have unequal power in the legislative process. C:The U.S. Congress consists of two houses, the House of Commons and the House of Lords. D:The U.S. President has formal powers over the Senate and presides over the important ceremonies of the Senate. 24.

What is the meaning of the phrase “the bar” in the sentence: Robert was planning to read for the Bar.   

A:法律/ 法律职业 B:酒吧 C:棒状 D:监狱 25.

Which of the following word is NOT synonym of the word “LAWYER”?   

A:barrister B:minister C:solicitor D:attorney 26.

(          )  is a person who brings a legal case against someone in a court of law. 

A:the accused B:defendant C:prosecutor D:plaintiff 27.What is the meaning of the word “Code” in the phrase The Civil Code of the People's Republic of China? ( )
A:行为准则 B:密码 C:数据 D:法典 28.

Which of the following is the correct explanation of the legal term “will”in the definition: Will is a written instrument whereby a person makes a disposition of his or her property to take effect after his or her death.      

A:order B:testament C:resolution D:determination 29.在法律英语中party是条约或诉讼等有关的一方/当事人,比如说party A and party B甲方和乙方。 ( )
A:对 B:错 30.The defendant represented by an attorney cannot tell his or her side of the story using witnesses and evidence. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 31.The U. S. Supreme Court can decide cases relating to controversies between states or between the U.S. government and foreign governments. ( )
A:错 B:对 32.The Cabinet is an advisory body consisting of the heads of the 15 executive departments.( )
A:对 B:错 33.Jury is a body of persons selected according to the law and sworn to give a verdict on some matter according to the evidence. 
A:错 B:对 34.The President of the United States is the head of state nut not head of the United States government. ( )
A:错 B:对 35.The owner of a restaurant or pub can not refuse to sale wine or spirits to young people under 16 years old in Britian. 
A:错 B:对 36.In criminal cases the state is the prosecutor because it is the community as a whole which suffers as a result of the law being broken. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 37.Magistrates’Courts are the lowest ranked criminal courts. ( )
A:对 B:错 38.When you need to speak to the Lord Chief Justice, the master of the rolls etc., you need to call them “My Lord or My Lady” to show your highly respect towards them. 
A:错 B:对

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