

  1. What's a good way to make sure you have understood what someone said?

  2. 答案:common languageAI参考:正确选项是:A. Asking clarifying questions解释:确保理解别人所说的话最好的方法是问一些澄清性的问题,以确认你真正理解了对方的意思。通过询问对方关于话题的细节,你可以更好地理解对方的观点和意图。这样可以避免误解或沟通不畅的问题。'
  3. Another saying for "She is angry" would be __.

  4. A:She is miserable. B:She is mad. C:She is exhausted. D:She is disappointed.
    AI参考:正确选项是B:She is mad. 原文中提到“Another saying for She is angry would be ____”,意味着另一个形容“她生气了”的表达方式。选项B中的“She is mad”正是这种表达方式,意思是“她很生气”。选项A、C、D都与原文中描述的情感不符。因此,选项B是正确答案。"
  5. Which is the emergency call in the UK?

  6. A:911 B:112 C:111 D:999
  7. Listen and choose the word you hear.

  8. A:sip B:ship C:chip D:zip
  9. Regarding dining etiquette, which of the following statements is not correct about using utensils?

  10. A:Regarding the glasses, the order of use should be: white wine, red wine, dessert wine and water tumbler. B:The blade should be placed toward the plate when you put the knife down. C:It’s important to remember each item’s position so that you can place it back exactly where it was after using it. D:Utensils on the innermost position are used first.
    答案:Utensils on the innermost position are used first.
  11. Which conversation is more formal?

  12. A:a: Good night. It was lovely to see you.b: Thanks for coming. I hope you have a safe journey. B:a: See ya.b: Bye. C:a: Bye, then. Have a good day.b: Thanks, bye. D:a: Bye for now.b: OK. Bye. See you later.
    答案:Leed's tuition for international students.AI参考:正确选项是C:a: Bye, then. Have a good day.b: Thanks, bye.这个选项中的对话更正式,因为a选项中的“Good night. It was lovely to see you.”和b选项中的“Thanks for coming. I hope you have a safe journey.”都是比较随意的问候语,而C选项中的“Bye, then. Have a good day.”则更加正式,通常用于正式场合或商务场合。同时,b选项中的“Thanks”后面加上“bye”也显得更加正式。因此,C选项中的对话更正式。'
  13. Listen and decide what the speaker means.

  14. A:The teacher asked me a question. B:The teacher asked where I was. C:The teacher was asked to say it again. D:The teacher asked me to repeat it.

  15. What should you do if you are late for an appointment with your friend?

  16. A:Try your best to get to the meeting place as soon as possible. B:Tell your friend to reschedule your appointment. C:Call your friend to inform him that you will be late. D:Call your friend to explain why you are late and apologize.
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:Call your friend to explain why you are late and apologize.当你和朋友约好的时间迟到了,应该向朋友解释原因并道歉。选项A建议尽快到达约会地点,但没有解决问题;选项B建议重新安排约会时间,但没有解释原因或道歉;选项C虽然打电话告知对方会迟到,但没有说明原因并表示歉意。只有选项D提出打电话给朋友解释迟到的原因并道歉,才是解决这个问题的最佳方式。因此,答案为D。'
  17.       is an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature.

  18. A:College B:Institute C:University D:Academy
    AI参考:正确选项是【D:Academy】。根据上下文,句子中提到了“an institution for the advancement of art or science or literature”,表示一个为促进艺术、科学或文学进步的机构。而选项D中的“Academy”正是符合这个描述的机构类型,它通常指专门从事学术研究、教育和交流的机构,与句子的意思相符。其他选项中,“College”通常指高等教育机构,“Institute”指研究机构或学会,“University”则指综合性的高等教育机构,都不符合句子的描述。因此,正确答案是D:Academy。'
  19. Choose the word that you hear in the sentence.

  20. A:work B:walk C:woke D:wake
  21. Which of these phrases can you use to make your point more forcefully?

  22. A:Is it OK if...? B:Would you mind v-ing...? C:Do you think you could...? D:I really must insist that...
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:I really must insist that...。这个选项中的"I really must insist that"是一种强烈表达自己观点的方式,可以用来强调自己的立场和要求,让听者更加注意和重视你的观点。其他选项中,A选项的问句形式可能让听者感到犹豫或不确定,B选项的动词形式不太明确,C选项的语气相对温和,不太适合表达强烈的观点。因此,D选项是最适合用来加强自己观点的选项。'
  23. Listen to the conversation and find out which activity they are going to have.

  24. A:Sing karaoke B:See a movie C:Play Mah Jiang D:Go bowling
    AI参考:正确答案是B:See a movie。 对话中提到了I cant do it, but I will see a movie,表示他们会去看电影而不是去唱卡拉OK、打麻将或打保龄球。因此,正确答案是B。"
  25. For which kind of party do the guests coming to the party need to dress or act accordingly?

  26. A:Graduation party. B:Christmas Party. C:Birthday party. D:Halloween party.
    AI参考:正确选项是 C:Birthday party.问题中要求选择哪种聚会需要客人穿着或表现得相应的场合,根据常识和题目中的描述,我们可以推断出这个聚会应该是庆祝生日的派对。在生日派对上,客人通常会穿着比较轻松、活泼、欢快的服装,以表达对生日主角的祝福和欢乐氛围。因此,选项C“生日派对”是正确答案。其他选项中,毕业派对、圣诞派对和万圣节派对都有各自的着装和行为规范,但与题目中的描述不符。'
  27. Which of these is not a way to agree with someone?

  28. AI参考:这道题目的答案是没有正确选项,因为这个问题本身就存在逻辑错误。根据题目描述,所列出的选项似乎是在描述一些与他人达成一致的方式,但题目最后却声明这不是一个达成一致的方式,因此无法选择一个作为正确答案。这个问题的表述需要进一步澄清或修改,以确保其逻辑清晰和有意义。'
  29.       is an organization that has a particular purpose, especially one that is connected with education or a particular profession.

  30. A:University B:Institute C:College D:Academy
  31. What should you do if you can't understand someone's accent?

  32. Which description is more polite?

  33. A:He is an idiot. B:He is not too bright. C:He is stupid. D:He is dumb.

  34. Listen and select the best response.

  35. A:The Sheraton Hotel. B:Yes, I’ve stayed here before. C:Three days. D:In California.

  36. When the British say “Cheers”, they want to       .

  37. A:cheer you up B:say goodbye C:thank you D:propose a toast
    AI参考:正确选项是 D:propose a toast。当英国人说“Cheers”时,他们通常是在举杯祝酒,表示对某人的感谢或祝贺。选项D“propose a toast”恰好符合这个意思,因此是正确答案。选项A“cheer you up”是鼓励或使人振奋的意思,选项B“say goodbye”是告别之意,选项C“thank you”则是表达感谢之意,均与“Cheers”的语境不符。'
  38. To ask a question using a question tag, your voice should...

  39. A:go down at the end of the sentence. B:Any way is fine. C:go up at the end of the sentence. D:stay the same level.
    AI参考:正确答案是C:go up at the end of the sentence。在中文中,使用问句时,问题通常会在句末上升,表示疑问。因此,选项C“在句末上升”是正确的答案。选项A、B和D都与中文的问句表达习惯不符。因此,正确答案是C。'
  40. Which of the following words end with the sound /d/?

  41. A:needed B:cleaned C:talked D:played
    AI参考:正确选项为【A:needed】。原文中提到“Which of the following words end with the sound /d/?”(以下哪个单词以/d/结尾?),而选项A中的单词“needed”以/d/结尾,符合题目要求。选项B、C、D中的单词均不符合题目要求。'
  42. Which of the following words end with the sound /ɪd/?

  43. A:started B:missed C:visited D:tried
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:tried。问题中要求选择以 /ɪd/ 结尾的单词,而选项中只有 tried 符合这个条件,因此正确答案是 D。其他选项 started、missed 和 visited 都不以 /ɪd/ 结尾。'
  44. Which of the followings are safe topics to discuss?

  45. A:Salary and pets. B:Marriage and pets. C:Sports and travelling. D:Weather and hobbies.

  46. Listen to a team meeting about diversity and choose THREE things that Stefano, Brenda and Nina are going to do to improve their diversity.

  47. A:Look for an unusual venue for the workshop and team building event. B:Look for a trainer who specialized in running diversity workshops. C:Write the workplace charter before the workshop. D:Talk to colleagues who feel isolated. E:Talk to people about their different opinions. F:Research other organizations and their diversity.

  48. Which of the following sayings state the importance of team spirits?

  49. A:More hands make for lighter work. B:People who help others can get help from others. C:A friend in need is a friend indeed. D:Two heads are better than one.

  50. Which of the followings are two-syllable words?

  51. A:city B:student C:separate D:delicous

  52. What are the traditional Christmas dishes?

  53. A:Roast goose. B:Turkey with roast vegetables and stuffing. C:Chocolates. D:Roast beef.

  54. Which of the following places are famous landmarks in the UK?

  55. A:Golden Gate Bridge. B:Eiffel Tower. C:Big Ben. D:Tower Bridge.
    AI参考:正确选项为D: Tower Bridge。Tower Bridge是英国著名的地标建筑之一,它是一座铁桥式塔桥,建于1894年,位于伦敦泰晤士河上。而Golden Gate Bridge(金门大桥)、Eiffel Tower(埃菲尔铁塔)和Big Ben(大本钟)分别是美国、法国和英国著名的地标建筑,但它们不是英国著名的地标建筑。因此,选项D是正确答案。'
  56. Listen to an introduction to a lecture and check the topics NOT mentioned in the talk.

  57. A:The life of Csikszentmihalyi B:Example of flow C:The outline of the rest of the lecture D:One definition of a happy life E:The definition of Psychology

  58. So when giving an oral summary of a talk, you should:

  59. A:state the topic B:review the key points C:give your opinion D:propose a new opinion

  60. Which of the followings are one-syllable words?

  61. A:upon B:talk C:about D:cheese

  62. Which sentences are describing the man in the picture?


  63. A:He appears to be quite fit. B:He looks confident. C:He looks down. D:He wears casual suit.
    AI参考:正确选项是【B】He looks confident.从图片中可以看出,该男士穿着休闲装,看起来自信满满,因此选项B“他看起来自信”最符合描述。选项A“他看起来很健康”、C“他看起来沮丧”、D“他穿着休闲装”虽然都与图片中的男士有关,但与自信这一描述不符。因此,B选项是最佳答案。'
  64. Listen to the following student discussion and choose the similarities between Mars and Earth.

  65. A:Length of the day B:Size and color C:Gravity D:Temperature E:Distance to the Sun

  66. Listen and choose the web sites that Bernie visited today.

  67. A:buymusic.com B:findafriend.info C:free-email.net D:dailynews.com E:universityofla.edu F:getajob.org G:californiabank.com

  68. To make a polite request, you could say:

  69. Which of the followings can help ease the economic pressure of the students?

  70. A:Work-study programs. B:Athletic scholarship. C:Generous financial aid packages. D:Academic performance.

  71. Please choose the sounds the following sentence contains.
    I can think of six thin things.

  72. A:/z/ B:/s/ C:/θ/ D:/ð/

  73. If you find the speaker is speaking too fast or not clearly, you could say:

  74. A:Excuse me. Could you repeat that, please? B:Could you speak a little slower, please? C:Sorry. Can you run that by me again? D:You need to slow down.

  75. Listen to the conversation and choose TWO correct statements from below.

  76. Which sentences are used to ask for clarification?

  77. AI参考:正确选项为:B. C. E.解释:A. I have to run an errand right now.这句话表述的是现在要去做一件事情,不需要别人再对任何事情进行确认。B. Can you please pass me the salt?这句话表达的是请求别人帮忙拿盐,是为了获得一些明确的指示,需要别人回答是否能够或者是否同意完成这项任务。C. Can you tell me what time it is?这句话表达的是询问时间,需要对方给出确切的时间信息,因此需要对方进行澄清。D. I think we should go to the park.这句话表达的是自己的想法,不需要别人进行确认。E. Could you please repeat that last part?这句话表达的是请求对方重复最后一部分内容,是为了获取更详细的信息,因此需要对方进行澄清。'
  78. When you put the knife down during dinner, remember to keep the blade toward the plate.

  79. A:错 B:对

  80. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    The speaker will be dressed in amazing costumes and dance a lot.

  81. A:错 B:对

  82. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    The boy revised all weekend for his Economics exam.

  83. A:对 B:错

  84. When you give your presentation, you need to try to use many long and complicated sentences.

  85. A:对 B:错

  86. There are rigid norms on the layout of the utensils, however, there is no set number of utensils. On different occasions, some utensils can be removed.

  87. A:对 B:错

  88. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    The speaker is going to listen to old-fashioned music played on an old-fashioned machine.

  89. A:对 B:错

  90. Judge whether the statement is right or wrong.
    The vowel sound in “lake” is the same with the vowel sound in “pain”.

  91. A:对 B:错

  92. Judge whether the stress of the following word is correct or not.

  93. A:对 B:错

  94. NHS in the UK stands for “free at the point of service”, which means free medical service for people.

  95. A:对 B:错
  96. Judge whether the statement is right or wrong.
    The word “bed” sounds the same as the word “bad”.

  97. A:对 B:错

  98. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    According to the speaker, no cars are allowed in the streets on the royal wedding day.

  99. A:错 B:对

  100. Listen and decide whether the following sentence is True or False. 

    The doctor is not sure why you have backache.

  101. A:对 B:错

  102. During dinner, you should sit up straight and keep your elbows on the table.

  103. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 在晚餐时,应该坐直,并且手臂放在桌子上。但是题目中提到“保持你的肘部在桌子上”,这可能会让人觉得这是在要求用餐时肘部不能离开桌面,这实际上是不正确的。因此,答案是B:错。"
  104. It is rude to interrupt a conversation in order to make small talk.

  105. A:对 B:错

  106. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    He didn't have much in common with his friend when they were young.

  107. A:对 B:错

  108. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    The boy thinks he would recognise the thief.

  109. A:对 B:错

  110. Utensils on the innermost position are used first.

  111. A:错 B:对

  112. When you give a lecture or presentation, you need to let your voice drop at the end of each sentence.

  113. A:对 B:错

  114. Listen and decide whether the following statement is True or False.

    The speaker is worried about someone on Facebook spoiling the surprise.

  115. A:对 B:错

  116. When you what to emphasize an important point, you could slow down or make a pause.

  117. A:对 B:错
  118. From Kaifeng to New York, glory is as ephemeral as smoke and clouds.

    As this millennium dawns, New York City is the most important city in the world, the unofficial capital of planet Earth. But before we New Yorkers become too full of ourselves, it might be worthwhile to glance at dilapidated Kaifeng in central China.

    Kaifeng, an ancient city along the mud-clogged Yellow River, was by far the most important place in the world in 1000. And if you've never heard of it, that's a useful warning for Americans—as the Chinese headline above puts it, in a language of the future that many more Americans should start learning, glory is as ephemeral as smoke and clouds.

    As the world's only superpower, America may look today as if global domination is an entitlement. But if you look back at the sweep of history, it's striking how fleeting supremacy is, particularly for individual cities.

    My vote for most important city in the world in the period leading up to 2000 B.C. would be Ur, Iraq. In 1500 B.C., perhaps Thebes, Egypt. There was no dominant player in 1000 B.C., though one could make a case for Sidon, Lebanon. In 500 B.C., it would be Persepolis, Persia; in the year 1, Rome; around A.D. 500, maybe Changan, China; in 1000, Kaifeng, China; in 1500, probably Florence, Italy; in 2000, New York City; and in 2500, probably none of the above.

    Today Kaifeng is grimy and poor, not even the provincial capital and so minor it lacks even an airport. Its sad state only underscores how fortunes change. In the 11th century, when it was the capital of Song Dynasty China, its population was more than one million. In contrast, London's population then was about 15,000.

    An ancient 17-foot painted scroll, now in the Palace Museum in Beijing, shows the bustle and prosperity of ancient Kaifeng. Hundreds of pedestrians jostle each other on the streets, camels carry merchandise in from the Silk Road, and teahouses and restaurants do a thriving business.

    Kaifeng's stature attracted people from all over the world, including hundreds of Jews. Even today, there are some people in Kaifeng who look like other Chinese but who consider themselves Jewish and do not eat pork.

    As I roamed the Kaifeng area, asking local people why such an international center had sunk so low, I encountered plenty of envy of New York. One man said he was arranging to be smuggled into the U.S. illegally, by paying a gang $25,000, but many local people insisted that China is on course to bounce back and recover its historic role as world leader.

    China is booming now, said Wang Ruina, a young peasant woman on the outskirts of town. Give us a few decades and we'll catch up with the U.S., even pass it.

    She's right. The U.S. has had the biggest economy in the world for more than a century, but most projections show that China will surpass us in about 15 years, as measured by purchasing power parity.

    So what can New York learn from a city like Kaifeng?

    One lesson is the importance of sustaining a technological edge and sound economic policies. Ancient China flourished partly because of pro-growth, pro-trade policies and technological innovations like curved iron plows, printing and paper money. But then China came to scorn trade and commerce, and per capita income stagnated for 600 years.

    A second lesson is the danger of hubris, for China concluded it had nothing to learn from the rest of the world—and that was the beginning of the end.

    I worry about the U.S. in both regards. Our economic management is so lax that we can't confront farm subsidies or long-term budget deficits. Our technology is strong, but American public schools are second-rate in math and science. And Americans' lack of interest in the world contrasts with the restlessness, drive and determination that are again pushing China to the forefront.

    Beside the Yellow River I met a 70-year-old peasant named Hao Wang, who had never gone to a day of school. He couldn't even write his name—and yet his progeny were different.

    Two of my grandsons are now in university, he boasted, and then he started talking about the computer in his home.

    Thinking of Kaifeng should stimulate us to struggle to improve our high-tech edge, educational strengths and pro-growth policies. For if we rest on our laurels, even a city as great as New York may end up as Kaifeng-on-the-Hudson.


      By Nicholas D. Kristof, The New York Times, 22 May 2005

  119. AI参考:According to the passage, Kaifeng, China, had become the most important city in the world _______. A. in 1000 AD B. in 1500 BC C. in 2500 AD D. before the rise of the Song Dynasty 根据文章内容可知,文中提到Kaifeng是中国历史上曾经的重要城市,而且在文中明确提到:“As this millennium dawns,New York City is the most important city in the world,the unofficial capital of planet Earth.”,这说明纽约现在是世界上最重要的城市,而纽约在公元前的地位相当于地球上的非官方首都,因此可以推断出在公元前的某个时期,中国的重要城市是Kaifeng。因此,选项D“在宋朝崛起之前”是正确的答案。 其他选项中,选项A和B的时间点与文中提到的历史时期不符;选项C的时间点过于遥远,与题目中的“公元前的某个时期”不符。因此,正确答案是D。"
  120. Your digital footprint

    Every time you go online you leave a trail. This is just like a real footprint. It reveals where you’ve been, how long you stayed and what you’ve been doing there. Every time you register for an online service, send an email, download a video or upload a photo, the information can be accessed and your digital footprint can be revealed. This shouldn’t necessarily be worrying but it is advisable to be aware of your digital footprint and to be cautious and sensible when you are online.

    Six top tips for taking care of your digital footprint

    1.  Don’t forget to log off when you leave a website, especially if you are using a shared computer. If you don’t, someone can easily pretend to be you!

    2.    Don’t tell anyone your passwords and don’t write them down in an obvious place. Make them more complex by using a combination of letters, numbers and punctuation marks.

    3.    Tell an adult if you come across anything online that makes you upset, anxious or concerned. There are ways to report inappropriate or abusive content and in most cases web managers respond rapidly.

    4.    Remember your favourite websites by using the history button and the bookmark function on your computer or mobile device. This is a way that your digital footprint can work in your favour, but remember to clear your browser history regularly.

    5.    If you want to post comments online, you don’t have to use your own name. Invent a nickname to use instead. You can also use a picture instead of a real photo.

    6.    Protect your identity online. Be careful about who you share personal information with and always think twice before sharing details like your email, home address, school or phone number with someone.

    Think about the future

    All kinds of people are interested in your digital footprint. It's now quite common for colleges, universities and employers to check out the online profiles of possible candidates as part of their application process. There are cases of people having missed out on jobs and places in college because their digital footprint didn’t impress the recruiters. So, remember: keep safe, don’t put too much personal information online and always think carefully before you post something. Ask yourself, ‘Would I be happy for absolutely everyone to see this?’

  121. AI参考:A. 5.【正确选项】B. Post comments online anonymously 文章中提到,“如果你想在网上发表评论,你可以不用用自己的名字。相反,你可以用一个假名代替。”这表明人们可以匿名在网上发表评论。因此,选项B是正确的。 B. 5.【正确选项】B. Post comments online anonymously C. 6.【正确选项】D. Be careful about sharing personal information 文章中提到,“保护你的在线身份。要小心你与谁分享个人信息,并且总是想两次再分享细节,比如你的电子邮件、家庭地址、学校或电话号码。”因此,选项D是正确的。 综上所述,正确答案是BCD。"

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