
I’d like to go shopping, but I am up to my ______ in work.

A:head B:mind C:hand D:neck
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【B:mind】。\n\n句子中的“up to one’s mind”是一个固定搭配,表示“某人忙于某事”。因此,选项B“mind”符合语境。选项A“head”通常用于表示头部,选项C“hand”表示手,选项D“neck”表示脖子,都不符合句意。'

If something unexpected costs a lot of money, you can also say “it burns a ______ in your pocket.” 

A:buck B:card C:note D:hole
答案:AI参考:正确选项是D:hole。\n\n句子中的“burns a hole in your pocket”是一个常用的表达,意思是“某事或某物使你的口袋里像有一个洞一样,让你想要买它”。选项D中的“hole”就是表示洞的意思,符合句意。其他选项中,“buck”通常指美元,“card”通常指钞票或卡片,“note”通常指钞票或纸币,都不符合句意。'

We must always go into the whys and wherefores of anything. On no account should we______


A:be as mild as a lamb B:count sheep C:play the goat D:follow anyone like sheep
答案:AI参考:正确选项是“C:play the goat”。\n\n原文中提到“我们总是要探究事情的原因和结果”,所以需要选择一个与“探究”相关的选项。选项A、B、D都与原文意思不符,只有选项C“扮演山羊”与“探究”相关,表示不要盲目跟随别人,应该深入思考事情的原因和结果。因此,C是正确答案。'

He was relieved, and his time in jail was over and regarded it as ______.

A:water under the bridge B:going up in smoke C:putting him on the spot D:having it good
答案:AI参考:正确答案是:A:water under the bridge。\n句意:他感到很轻松,监狱里的时间结束了,他把这看作是过眼云烟。A. water under the bridge过眼云烟;B. going up in smoke化为乌有;C. putting him on the spot使他处于困境;D. having it good过得很好。根据句意,故选A。'

“You should take whatever he says with a pinch of salt” means that ______ .

A:You should view something with skepticism B:You can believe whatever he says
答案:AI参考:题目解释:\n\n原句中,“Take whatever he says with a pinch of salt”意为“对于他说的话要有所保留,不能全信”,这里表达了对某人的话的怀疑态度,不确信他的陈述是完全真实可信的。所以选项A,“应该对某事持有怀疑的态度”最符合原句的含义。选项B,“你可以相信他说的任何事情”与原句的含义相反,不符合题意。因此,正确答案是A。'

I think this is a perfect plan . Get the _______ rolling.

A:doll B:ball C:hall D:boll
答案:AI参考:答案:B:ball\n\n解析:plan 是由ball (球)构成的,此处用ball指代,用get the ball rolling启动这个计划。所以答案为B。'

______refers to an alcoholic drink taken in the morning to cure the pain in your head that was caused by drinking too much alcohol the night before.

答案:AI参考:正确选项是:\n\nA. A headache cure\n\n解释:根据题干中的描述,需要选择一个与“an alcoholic drink taken in the morning to cure the pain in your head”相关的词或短语。根据常识和语境,可以推断出这个词语指的是一种治疗头痛的方法或饮品,因此选项A“头痛治疗”最符合题意。选项B、C、D都与题干描述不符。'

Don’t sweat it. Let me help you out.

A:Don’t do it B:Don’t worry
答案:AI参考:从题干中可以看出,这句话的意思是“不要担心,让我来帮你。”因此,A选项“不要做它”与此意思不符,B选项“不要担心”与这句话的意思相符合。所以答案是B:Don’t worry。'

All that stress at study had begun to_______ him down.

A:drag B:drug C:drop D:draw
答案:AI参考:答案为C:drop \n所有那种压力,已使他失去了往日的精神风貌,A拖,B药,D画,这句话的意思是:由于学习的压力开始让他失去精神状态,根据这句话的意思是说明“失去精神状态”是下降的意思,故选C。'

I can do nothing except for swimming during the _________ days.

A:cat B:dog C:pig D:duck

She knew that if she matched the new store’s discount, she would keep all her customers and beat the new competitors at their own______.

A:stores B:game C:price D:sports 12.

A ______ means to closely imitate or mimic someone or something.

A:grumpy cat B:fat cat C:copycat D:black cat 13.

Don’t ask for the ______. Be reasonable!

A:earth B:moon C:star D:sun 14.

Choose the best translation of “He bend his mind to the job, but got an A for effort .”

A:他专心于工作,但却事倍功半。 B:他的心思没放在工作上,但却事倍功半。 C:他的心思没放在工作上,但却事半功倍。 D:他专心于工作,但却事半功倍。 15.

We don’t care too much about what others say, and we have to play our own______, instead. 

A:ball B:game 16.

A (An) ___________ is someone who acts just like someone else or copies another person’s work.

A:top dog B:old dog C:black cat D:copycat 17.

We have a lot to do and very little time. Come on. Let’s ______ .

A:get the ball revolving B:get the ball rolling C:get the door rolling D:get the door revolving 18.

______ means to have many work to do or be very busy.

19.They wanted me to take another course but I had my hands full. The underlined phrase means “holding a lot of things in hands.”
A:对 B:错 20.If your friend says no sweat when you ask him about something or ask him to do something, he means that it is not a problem or that it can be done quickly or easily.
A:错 B:对 21.The hair of the dog refers to an alcoholic drink taken in the morning to cure the pain in your head that was caused by drinking too much alcohol the night before. 
A:对 B:错 22.Grand slam means that the winning of all major competitions in a season, esp. in tennis and golf.
A:错 B:对 23.To make a pig of oneself means to make a mess of something, to do something badly, wrongly, or awkwardly.
A:对 B:错 24.“Go bananas” means that “go to buy some bananas”.
A:错 B:对 25.A high-flyer is someone who has a lot of ability and is likely to be very successful in their career.
A:对 B:错 26.To “take your medicine” means to accept the results from something bad you have done.
A:对 B:错 27.When your friend says to you, “come on! You can do it”, it means that he tries to encourage you to do it.
A:对 B:错 28.“My father brings home the bacon” means that “my father bought some bacon home”.
A:错 B:对 29.I was really on my game in last night's debate. The previous sentence means that I did very well in the debate.
A:错 B:对 30.A high achiever is a person who is hardworking and successful. 
A:错 B:对 31.To live under a rock is to be a person who lives in isolation and has limited knowledge of what is happening in the world around him.
A:对 B:错 32."Curiosity killed the cat" is a proverb used to warn someone against prying into other’s affair.
A:对 B:错 33.A person with a “green thumb” is good at making plants grow. 
A:对 B:错 34.Someone’s swan song refers to his/her farewell appearance or final act or pronouncement.
A:错 B:对 35.Tomboy is a boy who is very feminine and behaves like a girl.
A:对 B:错 36.“Facing the music” means to accept the unpleasant results of an action.
A:对 B:错 37.When we say, ‘no sweat, no sweet’, we mean ‘no pain, no gain’.
A:错 B:对 38. A snowy day means difficulties or hardship.
A:错 B:对 39.If you are talking about the future, and if you say, “________________” about something, then it means that you think it will never really happen.
A:piggy bank B:when pigs fly C:pigs might fly D:piggy in the middle 40.To get more money for tuition, I have to ______ at a PANDA EXPRESS on weekends. 
A:take a part-time job B:do a part-time job C:moonlight D:have a second job 41.What’s the meaning of “top banana”?
A:big wheel B:big wig C:big cheese D:the best banana 42.______ is someone who has no experience or who is new to a situation.
A:green hand B:greenhorn C:green fruit D:greenback 43.They are prepared to ______ in their fight against the enemy.
A:burn their bikes B:burn their buses C:burn their bridges D:burn their boats 44.This purse will max out my credit card implies ______ .
A:this purse is cheap B:this purse is good C:this purse is wroth pretty penny D:this purse is expensive 45.______ means to behave in a silly way, sometimes in order to make people laugh.
A:To act the sheep B:To play the goat C:To act the goat D:To play the sheep 46.You may not be able to accomplish it by yourself. Remember ______.
A:it takes two to tango. B:it takes two to cooperate. C:it takes two to make a quarrel D:it takes two to talk 47.What is the meaning of the idiom “It takes two to tango.”?
A:Two people are dancing. B:Some things need the active cooperation of two parties. C:Blame is to be laid on both parties in a conflict. D:One can finish the work all by himself. 48.Choose the best translation of “Pennies don’t fall from heaven, they have to be earned here on Earth.”
A:钱不会从天上掉下来,必须在这里去挣。 B:钱不会从天上掉下来,必须脚踏实地去挣。 C:钱不会从天上掉下来,必须用这批土地去挣。 D:钱不会从天上掉下来,必须在这片土地上去挣。 49.If you spend more time watching TV every day than you spend on your own personal development in a year, you might be______.
A:a high achiever B:a low achiever

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