1.The cosmological principle says that the universe is isotropic (the same in one direction as in any other) and homogeneous (the same in one place as in any other)。( )
A:对 B:错
2.In 4D spacetime, the normal vector of a spacelike 3D-surface is timelike, and the normal vector of a timelike 3D-surface is spacelike。( )
A:对 B:错
3.For a spherical triangle, the smaller its area, the larger the sum of its interior angles。( )
A:对 B:错
4.A good coordinate system provides unique labels for each point in spacetime。( )
A:正确 B:错误
5.In Newtonian mechanics, instantaneous interaction is allowed。( )
A:对 B:错
6.We don’t have gravitational redshift in Newtonian Gravity。( )
A:错 B:对
7.Different line elements can sometimes describe the same geometry。( )
A:对 B:错
8.The formulaalso holds in strong field and dynamic field scenario。( )
A:正确 B:错误
9.The world line of a free particle between two timelike separated points extremizes the proper time between them。( )
A:错 B:对
10.A standard candle is an type of objects whose luminosity can be inferred from a physical property that can be independently determined。( )
A:错 B:对
11.Gravitational redshift experiment is an important probe of the equivalence principle。( )
A:对 B:错

12.Schwarzschild solution and Kerr solution are the only allowed vacuum solution。( )
A:对 B:错 13.Lorentz boosts are a special type of Galilean transformation。( )
A:对 B:错 14.Hawking radiation generates from the vacuum fluctuations creating particle-antiparticle pair in the vicinity of black hole horizon。( )
A:错 B:对 15.Which of the following statements are correct about linearized gravitational waves in general relativity( )。
A:In GR, gravitational waves have two independent polarizations. B:Gravitational waves don’t carry energy since gravitons are massless. C:Gravitational waves propagate with light speed. D:Gravitational waves are transverse waves. 16.Which of the following statements about gravitational waves are correct?( )。
A:There are many equipments for gravitational wave detection, such as LIGO, Virgo and WMAP. B:This concept was raised around one hundred years ago. C:It may be produced through binary star systems, supernova explosions and so on. D:We haven't detected gravitatinal wave signals so far. 17.Which of the following lines in the Penrose diagram for the Schwarzschild geometry represents event horizon( )。
A:The zigzag lines. B:The bule dashed lines. C:The 45 degrees intersecting solid lines. D:The red dashed lines. 18.Which of the following is the correct form of equation of motion( )。
A:. B:. C:. D:. 19.
What is the sum of the interior angles of triangle ABN( )。
A:135 degrees. B:270 degrees. C:210 degrees. D:180 degrees. 20.There is one particle A at origin (0,0,0), and another particle B at (0,0,1). A beam of gravitational wave propagates along z axis, and the amplitude of this gravitational wave is 0.8. Which of the following statements are correct? ( )
21.Prof. Cai stands on a train moving at speed of c/2, and holds a flashlight. Then what is the speed of light ejected from the flashlight( )。
A:c/2. B:It depends on how Prof. Cai holds that flashlight. C:3c/2. D:c. 22.Which of the following component of the universe energy density decays the quickest as the scale parameter increase ( )。
A:Vacuum energy. B:Curvature term. C:Radiation. D:Matter. 23.What is the ratio of the frequency of 21-cm line at z=3 and z=15? ( )
A:. B:. C:. D:. 24.What does the zigzag lines in the following plot stands for( )。
A:Event horizon. B:Physical singularity. C:Timelike geodesic. D:Spacelike geodesic. 25.What is the distance between two point and on a sphere of radius a ? (assuming ) ( )
A:. B:. C:. D:. 26.Which of the following devices are NOT designed to detect CMB( )。
A:COBE. B:Planck. C:WMAP. D:LIGO. 27.Which of the following transformation does not belong to Galilean transformation? ( )
A:. B:. C:. D:. 28.One night, Qingqing and Qianqian looked at the full moon together. Qingqing stood on the 10th floor at Material Buliding, while Qianqian stood on the 15th floor at Lihua Bulinding. Which of the following statements is correct ( )。
A:The moonlight seen by Qingqing and Qianqian are of exactly the same color. B:Moonlight seen by Qingqing is redder. C:Which color is redder depends on the height of the moon. D:Moonlight seen by Qianqian is redder. 29.Which of the following is NOT a four vector? ( )
A:. B:. C:. D:. 30.Which of the following surfaces satisfy rotating invariance( )。
A:. B:. C:. D:. 31.What effects will the propagating gravitational waves cause( )。
A:The physical distance will change. B:The coordinates will change. C:Energy will be carried from one place to another. D:The Newtonian gravitational constant will change. 32.The most general static spherically symmetric metric reads , where and . What is the value of and in General Relativity( )。
A:. B:. C:. D:. 33.Which of the following rods will change their length when a beam of gravitational waves described by metric passes through( )。
A:A rod lying at x axis. B:A rod lying at z axis. C:A rod lying at x-y plane. D:A rod lying at x-z plane. 34.Light rays move along null world lines for which 。( )
A:错 B:对 35.
Gravitational wave interferometers shown below can only detect plane gravitational waves propagating perpendicular to the paper plane。( )
A:错 B:对 36.Hubble is an upper bound and a rough estimate of the age of universe。( )
A:错 B:对 37.In Eddington-Finkelstein coordinate, the radius r=2M is no longer a coordinate singularity。( )
A:错 B:对 38.Both Schwarzschild black hole and Kerr black hole are asymptotically flat。( )
A:对 B:错 39.Although the flat FLRW geometry is time dependent, the energy of a particle is still conserved。( )
A:错 B:对

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