  1. The average density in the universe is too low that the universe is a weak gravity system。( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. We don’t have gravitational redshift in Newtonian Gravity。( )

  4. A:错 B:对
  5. In Schwarzschild geometry, the conservation of angular momentum implies that orbits lies in a plane。( )

  6. A:对 B:错
    答案:A: 对
  7. Observations of the small effects predicted by general relativity on the orbits of planets and trajectories of light rays in the solar system are important tests of the theory。( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. The line element for a Riemann geometry must be positive definite。( )

  10. A:对 B:错
  11. In general relativity, spacetime is Minkowski everywhere locally due to equivalence principle, and thus there is no local gravitational energy in GR。( )

  12. A:对 B:错
    答案:B: 错
  13. Hawking radiation generates from the vacuum fluctuations creating particle-antiparticle pair in the vicinity of black hole horizon。( )

  14. A:对 B:错
  15. White dwarf is a type of strong gravity system。( )

  16. A:对 B:错
    答案:B: 错
  17. The equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass is one of the most accurately tested relations in physics。( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. The Maxwell equations take the same form in every inertial frame of Newtonian mechanics。( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. There is no closed orbit for massive particles in Schwarzschild geometry。( )

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. For a spherical triangle, the smaller its area, the larger the sum of its interior angles。( )

  24. A:对 B:错
  25. In Newtonian mechanics, instantaneous interaction is allowed。( )

  26. A:对 B:错

  28. A:错 B:对

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. The proper time for null geodesic is always zero。( )

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. In a electromagnetic field, all bodies with the same initial conditions also follow the same curve in space and time。( )

  34. A:错 B:对
  35. The Kerr family includes the Schwarzschild black hole in the special case of zero angular momentum。( )

  36. A:错 B:对
  37. Hubble is an upper bound and a rough estimate of the age of universe。( )

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. A standard candle is an type of objects whose luminosity can be inferred from a physical property that can be independently determined。( )

  40. A:错 B:对
  41. Which of the following are the correct form of geodesic equation( )。

  42. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  43. Which of the following statements about the calculation of four-vectors are correct( )。

  44. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  45. Which of the following statements are correct about the metric ( )。

  46. A:The embedding to 3d flat space is unique. B:This slice can be embedded into 3d flat space with and . C:This metric is asymptotically flat. D:This metric describe a 2-dimension geometry.
  47. Which of the following are correct abut Hubble-Lemaitre law?( )。

  48. A:Its form can be written as . B:It tells us that our universe is accelerated expanding. C:We can roughly estimate of the age of universe throught Hubble constant. D:We can estimate the distance of a distant star through its redshift.

  50. A:This metric doesn’t describe gravitational interaction. B:It can describe the spacetime in Newtonian mechanics. C:It can describe the geometry of 4D spacetime for special relativity. D:This metric can also be written as .
  51. Which of the following statements are correct about the particle motion described in polar coordinates( )。

  52. A:For physical trajectory, the value of has an extremum. B:The solutions to the geodesic equations are straight lines on the plane. C:The Christoffel symbols for the metric of the plane are zero since the geometry is flat. D:The equations for geodesics are given by and .
  53. Which of the following are correct about the view of space-time in Newtonian mechanics( )。

  54. A:In Newtonian mechanics, the property of space and time depend on the choice of reference frame. B:In Newton’s era, time is absolute. C:In Newtonian mechanics, space and time are related to each other. D:A free particle moves on a straight line at a constant speed.
  55. Which of the following statements are correct?( )。

  56. A:Einstein’s equivalence principle says that, there is no experiment that can distinguish a uniform acceleration from a uniform gravitational field. B:The equality of gravitational and inertial mass is one of the most accurately tested principles in all physics. C:The Eotvos experiment is a famous experiment of the test of equivalence principle. D:In the Eotvos experiment, the system can be balanced at rest shows the equivalence of gravitational and inertial mass.

  58. A:The Schwarzschild solution is the only spherically symmetric vacuum solution in General Relativity B:This metric have one variable parameter M, indicating the mass of the black hole C:This metric is a black hole solution D:This metric is a solution of the Einstein field equation
  59. Which of the following statements are correct about the variational principle and geodesic equation in curved spacetime ( )。

  60. A:In curved spacetime, the proper time is determined by a general metric instead of the flat metric . B:When the motion of bodies is a significant source of curvature, the statement of the variational principle may be different. C:In curved spacetime, geodesic lines are the straightest lines and are straight lines. D:The world line of a free test particle between two timelike separated points extremizes the proper time between them.
  61. Which of the following statements about gravitational waves are correct?( )。

  62. A:This concept was raised around one hundred years ago. B:We haven't detected gravitatinal wave signals so far. C:There are many equipments for gravitational wave detection, such as LIGO, Virgo and WMAP. D:It may be produced through binary star systems, supernova explosions and so on.
  63. Which of the following statements are correct about the singularity of the 4D Schwarzschild metric ( )。

  64. A:There is a physical singularity at . B:There is a physical singularity at . C:There is a coordinate singularity at . D:There is a coordinate singularity at .
  65. Which of the following are possible polarization modes of linearized gravitational waves in general relativity( )。

  66. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  67. Which of the following statements are correct about light cones( )。

  68. A:Two points on the light cone have positive spacetime separation. B:An observer can’t receive the message outside its light cone. C:The trajectory of a particle must be inside its light cone. D:Two points inside the same light cone can be separated by distances whose square is positive, negative or zero.
  69. Which of the following are Killing vectors of the Kerr metric ( )。

  70. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  71. What effects will the propagating gravitational waves cause( )。

  72. A:The Newtonian gravitational constant will change. B:The coordinates will change. C:The physical distance will change. D:Energy will be carried from one place to another.
  73. Which of the following interactions can Standard Model of particle physics describe( )。

  74. A:Weak interaction B:Electromagnetic interaction (QED) C:Strong interaction (QCD) D:Gravitational interaction
  75. Which of the following statements are correct about linearized gravitational waves in general relativity( )。

  76. A:Gravitational waves are transverse waves. B:In GR, gravitational waves have two independent polarizations. C:Gravitational waves propagate with light speed. D:Gravitational waves don’t carry energy since gravitons are massless.
  77. Which of the following are correct about the feature of Active Galactic Nuclei( )。

  78. A:Their emission band is narrow, and centered at X-ray band. B:They typically have jets, which outflow optical or radio signal. C:They have extremely high luminosity. D:Their size of the emitting region is very large.

  80. A:The Kerr metric has spherical symmetry. B:The Kerr metric has time invariance symmetry and axisymmetric symmetry. C:The symmetry of Kerr metric is lower than that of Schwarzschild metric. D:The Kerr metric has stationary symmetry and axisymmetric symmetry.
  81. Which of the following statements are correct about the metric ( )。

  82. A:This metric can describe time-dependent weak gravitational field. B:It can be used to describe the gravitational field outside the earth. C:The gravitational field described by this metric is spatially homogeneous and isotropic. D:This metric describes the Minkowski spacetime.
  83. Which of the following is the correct form of flat FLRW metric( )。

  84. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  85. Which of the following transformation does not belong to Galilean transformation? ( )

  86. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  87. When a plane GW of form passes by in z direction, how does the distance between two point at the z=0 plane change( )。

  88. A:. B:. C:. D:.

  90. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  91. Which of the following is correct about the evolution of the universe( )。

  92. A:The universe is expanding, and the expansion of the universe is accelerating. B:The universe is expanding, and the expansion of the universe is decelerating. C:The expansion of the universe is always accelerating. D:The universe is shrinking, and the shrinking rate of the universe is accelerating.
  93. In which of the following formula, the parameter m stands for gravitational mass( )。

  94. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  95. Which of the following is the correct expansion form of the time component of the energy-momentum tensor( )。

  96. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  97. Which of the following is the correct form of gravitational potential outside a spherical object of mass M in Newtonian Gravity( )。

  98. A:. B:. C:. D:.

  100. A:2. B:3. C:1. D:0.
  101. Which of the following software may help you to get the Kerr solution analytically? ( )

  102. A:Mathematica. B:Origin. C:Solidworks. D:Photoshop.

  104. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  105. Which of the following devices are NOT designed to detect CMB( )。

  106. A:LIGO. B:COBE. C:WMAP. D:Planck.
  107. Which of the following statements is correct about light ray orbits in Schwarzschild geometry? ( )

  108. A:There is an instable circular orbit at r=3M. B:There is a stable circular orbit at r=3M. C:There is an instable circular orbit at r=6M. D:There is a stable circular orbit at r=6M.

  110. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  111. Which of the following is the correct form of the gravitational redshift formula( )。

  112. A:. B:. C:. D:.
  113. In short wavelength approximation and under condition , what is the energy density in one polarization of a gravitational wave( )。

  114. A:. B:. C:. D:.

  116. A:. B:. C:. D:.

  118. A:3. B:1. C:0. D:2.

  120. A:1km. B:300km. C:3km. D:10km.

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