

  1. Greece is the birthplace of the ancient Olympic Games, first recorded in 776 BC in Olympia, and hosted the modern Olympic Games  (  ).

  2. A:four times B:three times C:once D:twice
  3. It is widely accepted today that the history of Greece began around the Late Bronze Period, marked by the appearance of the first great Greek civilization, the ( ).

  4. A:Dorians B:Aegean C:Mycenaean D:Minoan
    答案:ect of studyAI参考:正确答案是C:Mycenaean。根据题干中的描述,希腊历史开始于晚青铜器时期,标志着第一大希腊文明的出现,而选项中只有Mycenaean符合描述,因此答案为C。Dorians是希腊的一个民族,不是文明,因此不正确。其他选项Aegean、Minoan与题干描述不符。'
  5. According to Plato, there exists a perfect realm of what he calls (  ), or Ideas, and our world merely contains shadows of that realm.

  6. A:Cave B:Reality C:Forms D:Truth
    AI参考:正确答案是C: Forms。根据柏拉图的观点,存在一个完美的理念世界,他称之为“形式”(Forms),而我们的世界只是包含那个世界在现实中的影子。所以答案为C。'
  7. Homer’s epics refer to the Iliad and the ( ).

  8. 答案:Odyssey
  9. Socrates pointed out that human choice was motivated by the desire for ( ).

  10. A:health B:luck C:happiness D:wealth
  11. Greek began to be taught in western European colleges and universities for the first time during ( ).

  12. A:the Renaissance B:the Archaic period C:the Middle Ages D:the Classical period
    AI参考:正确答案是D:the Classical period。希腊语在西方欧洲学院和大学中首次被教授是在古典时期(Classical period)。在古典时期,希腊文化对欧洲文化产生了深远影响,因此许多学院和大学开始教授希腊语,以更好地了解希腊文化。其他选项中,文艺复兴(the Renaissance)时期开始于15世纪,与希腊语的教学时间不符;中世纪(the Middle Ages)时期则是在古典时期之后,因此也不符合题意;而古代时期(the Archaic period)通常指的是公元前3000年到公元前500年左右的历史时期,与希腊语的教学时间也不符。因此,答案为D。'
  13. In May 2017, the first Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was convened in ( ).

  14. A:London B:New York C:Shanghai D:Beijing
  15. In the Elements, Euclid deduced the theorems of what is now called Euclidean geometry from a small set of ( ).

  16. A:hypothesis B:operation C:axioms D:calculation
    AI参考:正确选项是C:axioms。在元素中,欧几里得从一小套公理(axioms)推导出现在被称为欧几里得几何的定理。 hypothesis假设,operation操作,calculation计算,都不符合题意。'
  17. Socrates is remembered for his teaching methods and for ( ).

  18. A:writing good articles B:playing good music C:asking thought-provoking questions D:representing the classical era of Greek philosophy
    答案:/d/AI参考:正确答案是C:asking thought-provoking questions。Socrates以其教学方法和提出具有启发性的问题而被人们铭记。选项A和B与他的贡献无关,选项D指的是希腊哲学中的古典时期,与Socrates无关。因此,C选项“问具有启发性的问题”是正确答案。'
  19. Greece's ( ) —many of which are turned into olive oil—are the country's most renowned export crop.

  20. A:lemons B:olives C:seeds D:grapes

  21. The core of Plato's philosophy is ( ).

  22. A:The Republics B:Platonic Solids C:Platonic Love D:Idealism

  23. Homer, the author of The Iliad and The Odyssey, referred to olive oil as ( ).

  24. A:“a gift of a salt spring” B:“the great healer” C:“liquid gold” D:“symbol of peace”

  25. The first modern Olympics was held in ( ) in 1896.

  26. A:London B:Paris C:Athens D:New York

  27. Ancient Greek architecture is best known for its ( ).

  28. A:courtyards B:gateway C:temples D:town council

  29. ( ) is arguably the oldest form of occupation of the Greeks and has been a key element of Greek economic activity.

  30. A:Fishing B:Shipping C:Farming D:Feeding
    AI参考:正确答案是C: Farming。农耕是古希腊最古老的职业形式,也是希腊经济活动的重要部分。因此,选项C“农耕”是正确答案。选项A“捕鱼”、B“航运”和D“喂养”都不是希腊职业的主要形式。'
  31. Myths were used to ( ) historical events so that people could maintain contact with their ancestors, the wars they fought, and the places they explored.

  32. A:recycle B:retell C:rename D:replace
  33. The most famous architectural achievement of Minoan period is definitely the impressive ( ).

  34. A:Palace of Knossos B:Cyclopean Masonry C:Temple of Parthenon D:Treasury of Atreus

  35. We need to stay open and inclusive and draw on each other's ( ).

  36. A:backwardness B:strengths C:disadvantages D:weaknesses

  37. The ( ) created a pipe or tunnel system to carry water from natural springs outside of the citadel into the cisterns inside of the citadel to supply fresh water.

  38. A:Mycenaean B:Aegean C:Minoan D:Dorians
  39. The Elements is a mathematical treatise consisting of  (   ) books.

  40. A:13 B:30 C:12 D:11

  41. The world today is moving toward greater ( ), and is becoming increasingly information-oriented.

  42. A:cultural diversity B:multi-polarity C:separation D:economic globalization

  43. The common materials of Greek architecture were ( ) etc.

  44. A:unbaked brick B:limestone C:sand D:wood

  45. Aristotle’s achievements include: ( )

  46. A:he left every future scientist and philosopher in his debt through his contributions to the scientific method. B:he pioneered the study of zoology. C:he contributed to almost every field of human knowledge then in existence. D:he was the founder of formal logic.
    AI参考:正确选项为:C:he contributed to almost every field of human knowledge then in existence.亚里士多德的成就包括:他对当时存在的几乎每一个领域的知识都做出了贡献。因此,他对于未来的科学家和哲学家们也做出了巨大的贡献,并成为了一名重要的哲学家。其他选项中的内容在题目中并未提及。'
  47. Through the medium of geometry, Archimedes was able to elucidate the principles for such basic devices as ( ) -- devices still utilized today.

  48. A:Antikythera mechanism B:the lever C:the fulcrum D:the pulley
    AI参考:正确选项为B、C、D在几何学中,阿基米德阐明了诸如杠杆、支点和滑轮等基本设备的使用原理,这些设备至今仍被使用。选项A提到的Antikythera mechanism是一个古希腊的计算机模型,与题目中的基本设备不符。因此,选项B、C、D是正确答案。'
  49. The Greeks used many different types of materials in their sculptures including:( ).

  50. A:marble and bronze B:wood C:gold and ivory D:limestone
    AI参考:正确选项是【A:marble and bronze】。古希腊人在雕塑中使用了很多不同类型的材料,其中包括大理石和青铜。而选项B的wood(木材)、选项C的gold(黄金)和ivory(象牙)在古希腊雕塑中使用的并不多,选项D的limestone(石灰石)虽然也是雕塑常用的材料之一,但并不是最主要或最常见的选择。因此,选项A是正确答案。'
  51. Greek writers are responsible for the introduction of such genres as (  ) to the world.

  52. A:western philosophy B:poetry C:tragedy D:comedy

  53. Important Greek industries include ( ) etc.

  54. A:merchant shipping B:banking C:tourism D:telecommunication

  55. Beautiful sceneries like ( ) are all in Greece.

  56. A:the islands of Santorini B:the peninsula of Chalkidice C:the New Acropolis Museum D:the capital city Athens

  57. ( ) astronomers developed systems that became the basis for Greek astronomy.

  58. A:Babylonian B:Italian C:Chinese D:Egyptian
  59. Ancient Greek Philosophy dealt with a wide variety of subjects, including ( ) etc.

  60. A:metaphysics B:logic C:political philosophy D:ethics

  61. The architectural art of ancient Greece is the source and treasure house of European architectural art. ( )

  62. A:错 B:对

  63. The national colours of Greece are blue and black. ( )

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. The Iliad and The Odyssey are two of the key works of the key literary sources for Greek mythology and of Western civilization.( )

  66. A:错 B:对

  67. The Ionic Order developed on mainland Greece and spread to Italy. It is most easily recognized by its capital, which appears as a circular cushion placed on top of a column onto which a lintel rests. ( )

  68. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B. 对。根据题干中给出的描述,Ionic Order是在希腊大陆发展并传播到意大利的一种建筑风格,其最容易识别的特征是它的主要建筑元素——一个圆形垫子,该垫子被放置在一根柱子的顶部,而横梁则支撑在上面。因此,答案为B,即Ionic Order是正确的。'
  69. Aristotle believed that the earth is a sphere. ( )

  70. A:错 B:对

  71. Succeeding Aristotle and preceding Socrates, Plato was the second of the great trio of ancient Greeks. ( )

  72. A:对 B:错
  73. Ancient Greece was home to a lot of famous and great philosophers. ( )

  74. A:对 B:错

  75. Minoan architecture is also marked by its circular structures and tapered domes with flat-bedded, cantilevered courses. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是A,对。根据题干中的描述,Minoan architecture的特点是圆形结构和锥形圆顶,同时使用平铺的悬臂式楼层。因此,该判断题的正确答案是A,即Minoan architecture的特点确实符合题目描述。'
  77. Linear A has not been fully decoded till today. ( )

  78. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B。根据题干描述,Linear A 直到今天还未被完全解码,所以答案为“错”。'
  79. It was Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle that are considered the three greatest Greek Philosophers of all times. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. “Politics” is derived from an ancient Greek word that refers to the Greek polis. ( )

  82. A:错 B:对
  83. The first English translation of the Odyssey was in the 19th century.( )

  84. A:对 B:错

  85. Greece is the birthplace of democracy. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对

  87. Greece has the longest coastline in the world. ( )

  88. A:对 B:错

  89. The people of the poleis spoke similar languages and worshipped many of the same gods. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对

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