第十四章 Arts and Music 艺术与音乐:第十四单元的主题是音乐与艺术。讲课视频从音乐《雪绒花》导入,介绍音乐对人们在生理、心理及智商等方面产生的影响。重点介绍了莫扎特效应由来及效果。同时,从打击乐器、管弦乐器、键盘乐器三个方面学习与音乐相关的主题词汇。学习如何在翻译中融入文化元素,让译文更容易为目标语者所理解和接受。文化部分学习用英语谈论中国古琴,畅谈古琴历史、琴制和高山流水等文化赋意相关内容。14.1Reading: Music and Its Effect 阅读:音乐和效果:讲解文章:音乐与效果。
14.2Expressions: Thematic Words 表达:主题词:讲解音乐相关的主题词。
14.3Translation: Involving in Cultural Background 翻译:融入文化背景:介绍英文翻译的技巧:融入文化背景。
14.4Culture: Chinese Guqin 文化:中国古琴:用英文介绍中国古琴。
[单选题]Chinese Guqin in the style of literati, tranquil and gentle, refined and cultured, is just in accordance with the essence of traditional Chinese culture--purity and peace, classical beauty and elegant taste.

选项:[错, 对]
[单选题]What are the basic types of musical instruments mentioned in the mini-lecture?

选项:[Percussion instruments, String instruments, Wind instruments, Keyboard instruments]
[单选题]Decide True or False: Stimulating music can make us feel relaxed and less stressed.

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]In 1977, the first artificial satellite launched by US carried one of guqin-played music named 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看

[单选题]Which E-C translation is not appropriate?

选项:[Apple of the eye, Polish the apple , Adam’s apple, Bad apple]
[单选题]Which of the following statements is not true?

选项:[It is uncertain that listening to Mozart makes us smarter., Organizers of basketball games use music to excite the crowd and encourage the team., Stimulating music can make us feel relaxed and less stressed., Music can affect us physiologically, physically and emotionally.]
[单选题]Mozart music has a __________ short-term effect on spatial perception.

选项:[post, position, posture, positive]
[单选题]Decide True or False: In 1977, the first artificial satellite launched by US carried one of guqin-played music named High Mountain (Gao Shan). 

选项:[对, 错]
[单选题]The guqin’s design imitates the shape of a 内容已经隐藏,点击付费后查看


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