1. The cities of the GBA show outstanding performance among the top 100 innovation clusters reported in the 2021 global innovation index report. ( )

  2. 答案:对
  3. In 1947, China was not one of the 23 original signatories of the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT). ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. There was concrete plans available for the implementation of Chinese reforms. ( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. On December 11, 2000, China formally became a member of the WTO. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The jurisdiction of ICSID shall extend to investor-investor disputes. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. The rapid economic development of Guangzhou and Shenzhen has attracted a large number of cheap labor and technical personnel in mainland China, coupled with the radiation of its economy, thus forming a huge consumer market. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. There are 45 Special Administrative Measures in the Negative List for the Access of Foreign Investment (2020 Nationwide Negative List). ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. In its provincial 14th Five Year Plan, Guangdong aimed to develop as an innovation power house by developing GBA into an international innovation and technology hub and attracting a group of leading technology talents. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. Which two cities are the centers for developing high-end electronic information manufacturing industry of GBA? ( )

  18. 答案:Guangzhou###Shenzhen
  19. The modern service industries can be classified into four categories. They are ( ).

  20. 答案:basic services###public services###production services###consumer services
  21. How international trade contributes to the economic development of a country? ( )

  22. 答案:International trade promotes a country's technological progress.###International trade is an essential international economic "transfer" channel.###International trade expands the market of products.###International trade facilitates the rational allocation of factors of production.
  23. International trade can be divided intoIn terms of the direction of goods movement, what categories can international trade be divided into? ( )
  24. Which measure can be taken to foster the flow of technology talent and resources, and facilitate R&D collaboration? ( )
  25. Special Economic Zones were allowed to ( ).
  26. GBA’s export has witnessed a high growth rate from 1998 to 2020. What contributes to such a high growth rate? ( )
  27. Which two types of visitors mostly travelled between Hong Kong and Mainland before 2006 ? ( )
  28. What are the pillar industries of Shenzhen? ( )
  29. What are the pillar industries of Hong Kong? ( )
  30. Which services fall into the category of public services ? ( )
  31. For Tokyo Bay Area, the import of advanced technologies from Europe hastened the development of manufacturing industries such as ( ).
  32. Supporting the interconnectivity of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are three key infrastructure projects, including ( ).
  33. Which companies, headquartered in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, appeared in the Fortune Global 500 list in 2021? ( )
  34. Bonded Warehouse is a warehouse approved by the customs to store imported goods and free from the tariff laws and import control regulations. What can be done for the imported goods stored in the Bonded Warehouse? ( )
  35. What are the primary obligations that China should fulfill after joining the WTO? ( )
  36. Which party/ies is/are involved in the signing of the Framework Agreement? ( )
  37. Which services fall into the category of production services ? ( )
  38. Ports can be categorized as ( ).
  39. The aims of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area plan include ( ).
  40. ( )is the first driving force leading development.
  41. Which city is not included in GBA? ( )
  42. Expressways refer to highways designed for fast-speed traffic, generally with a design speed of ( ) km/h.
  43. Tencent is a famous companies in the field of information and communications technology in the GBA. Which city is the headquarters of Tencent( ).
  44. Of the 500 largest companies in the United States, more than ( ) of the headquarters are located in the New York Bay Area.
  45. GBA gathers ( ) of China's supply chain enterprises and has more than 300 industrial clusters with different characteristics.
  46. The British think tank Z/Yen Group published the 29th global financial center ranking score in March 2021. The index evaluates and ranks major global financial centers with respect to the business environment, human resources, infrastructure, financial industry development level and reputation. According to the ranking, which city ranked first in the world. ( ).
  47. What are the strategies for manufacturing industrial structure adjustment of the GBA? ( )
  48. To reduce commute between the east and west sides of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, one bridge tunnel has been built, and the other one is under construction. They are ( ).
  49. Among more than 40,000 industrial enterprises above designated size in Guangdong province, ( )have set up R&D institutions.
  50. Shenzhen officials implemented ( ) master plans within the span of 25 years.
  51. There are four core cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, including ( ).
  52. Shenzhen, as an experimental city of China’s Reform and Opening-up Policy in 1978, has become a well developed city especially in economy and world-wide trade business, was originally: ( )
  53. Which one limits the development of entrepot trade in Macao? ( )
  54. What kind of disputes is settled by ICSID? ( )
  55. Which mainland city in GBA is adjacent to both SARs? ( )
  56. From 1978 to 2003, Hong Kong-invested enterprises moved northward to the Mainland, creating the model of “front shop, back factory”. The relationship between Hong Kong and mainland is complementary. ( )
  57. According to the Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, being a globally influential international innovation and technology hub is one of the five positions for the GBA. ( )
  58. For more than a decade after 2003, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao cooperated in the service industry under the CEPA. The relationship between Guangdong, Hong Kong, and Macao shifted from being complementary to being alternative to one another. ( )
  59. A hub of China’s dual circulation is one of the Visions of the Greater Bay Area? ( )
  60. Hong Kong,Macao and Shenzhen are international free ports. ( )
  61. There are four major bay areas all over the world, including ( ).
  62. In terms of GDP per capita, Guangdong-Hong kong-Macao Greater Bay Area ranks number 1 among the four famous bay areas. ( )
  63. New York Bay Area is famous for its ( ).
  64. Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area involves 11 cities including “One country, two systems”, “three customs” and “four core cities”. ( )
  65. In terms of innovation cities ranking, San Francisco Bay Area ranks number 1 among the four famous bay areas. ( )
  66. What specific measures are proposed in the Outline Development Plan for the GBA? ( )
  67. Technological innovation is emphasized as one of the innovation and sophistication factors. ( )
  68. According to the natural index - list of scientific research cities in 2021, what cities in the GBA were selected as the top 50 in the world? ( )
  69. To further cooperate with Hong Kong and Macao to jointly promote the construction of the international scientific and technological innovation center in GBA, which cities should jointly build an innovation core engine with " Twin Cities Linkage". ( )
  70. The world intellectual property organization issued the 2021 global innovation index report. In this report, what is the ranking of Shenzhen-Hong Kong-Guangzhou Innovation Cluster in the world? ( )
  71. The jurisdiction of ICSID shall extend to state-state disputes. ( )
  72. There are 30 Special Administrative Measures in the Negative List for the Access of Foreign Investment in Pilot Free Trade Zones (2020). ( )
  73. When did Investment Agreement under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement come into force? ( )
  74. Which are the investment dispute settlement methods? ( )
  75. How many Special Administrative Measures are there in the Negative List for the Access of Foreign Investment (2020 Nationwide List)? ( )
  76. The Greater Bay Area includes 9 cities in Guangdong Province and ( ).
  77. The origin of development zones in China can be traced back to( ).
  78. Thanks to relatively cheap parts, cheap labour, cheap shipping, cheap manufacturers and crowdsourcing, Shenzhen is often seen as a dreamworld by developers. ( )
  79. Incentives offered in Shenzhen including ( ) are drawing global tech and science talents, with the goal of becoming the world’s innovation centre.
  80. Economic incentives were used in Shenzhen to create an attractive economic environment for the inflow of Foreign Direct Investment. ( )
  81. What makes air transportation attractive is its fast speed. So, it’s suitable for long-distance personnel exchanges. ( )
  82. Ports are transportation hubs located by the sea or rivers with intermodal equipment and conditions for safe access and berthing of ships. ( )
  83. The disadvantages of high-speed and intercity railways include ( ).
  84. The transportation infrastructure generally refers to ( ).
  85. Intercity railways are fast and convenient passenger railways with higher service frequency, connecting adjacent cities or city clusters with a design speed of ( ) km/h or below.
  86. The import trade refers to the trading activity in which goods produced or processed domestically enter foreign markets for sale. ( )
  87. The global layout of Global value chains (GVC) is mainly driven by the international investment of multinational companies.( )
  88. What are the primary rights that China have upon accession to WTO? ( )
  89. What is the annual growth rate of tangible goods export in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA’s from 1998 to 2020? ( )
  90. According to customs statistics in 2020,which category was the largest category of export commodities of Guangdong province? ( )
  91. Huawei is a famous companies in the field of information and communications technology in the GBA. Which city is the headquarters of Huawei( )
  92. Macao aims to further develop into an international financial, trade, aviation and logistics center. ( )
  93. The industrial development of human society can be divided into three stages. They are ( ).
  94. By 2035, Guangdong aims to become a world leader in the comprehensive competitiveness of the manufacturing industry and a global manufacturing core area. ( )
  95. The British think tank Z/Yen Group published the 29th global financial center ranking score in March 2021. The index evaluates and ranks major global financial centers with respect to the business environment, human resources, infrastructure, financial industry development level and reputation. According to the ranking, which cities were rated as the top ten financial centers globally. ( ).
  96. CEPA was an economic development agreement signed by mainland and in 2003. ( )
  97. Regional development is socially and institutionally situated: it has to be understood as enmeshed in wider structures of social, economic, and political rules, procedures and conventions ( )
  98. Which is the first university co-launched by mainland and Hong Kong? ( )
  99. In terms of urban network and Intra-firm Relationships, Hong Kong maintains the centering position. ( )
  100. What is the business pattern did Hong Kong and Mainland stay before 1997? ( )
  101. Which are the four most expanded cities from 1997 to 2017? ( ).
  102. The first expansion of urban agglomeration is from cities to ( ).
  103. In order to solve Macao’s development problem, the central government of China promulgate to set up ( ).
  104. Burgess model of urban land use is also called ( ).
  105. What does the “three-processing and one compensation” indicate? ( ).
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