

  1. GBA gathers ( ) of China's supply chain enterprises and has more than 300 industrial clusters with different characteristics.

  2. A:30% B:90% C:60% D:80%
  3. To reduce commute between the east and west sides of Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, one bridge tunnel has been built, and the other one is under construction. They are ( ).

  4. A:Liede Bridge; Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge B:Hong Kong–Zhuhai–Macao Bridge; Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge C:Liede Bridge;Haiyin Bridge D:Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge; Liede Bridge
    AI参考:正确答案是D: Shenzhen-Zhongshan Bridge; Liede Bridge。广东-香港-澳门大湾区东、西两岸之间的交通问题,已经建了一座桥,另一座正在建设中。根据题目中的描述,答案为D。深圳-中山大桥和另一座桥是选项中唯一符合描述的组合。其他选项中的桥梁或隧道与题目描述不符。因此,正确答案是D。'
  5. Which mainland city in GBA is adjacent to both SARs? ( )

  6. A:Guangzhou B:Zhuhai C:Shenzhen D:Huizhou
  7. Shenzhen reinvented itself and is now a hotbed of private economic growth and home to tech giants such as ( ).

  8. A:Facebook and Tencent B:Huawei and Twitter C:Alibaba and Facebook D:Tencent and Huawei
    答案:LocatedAI参考:答案D选项A与所给例句“tech giants such as...”不对应,应为电商类巨头。B项中Twitter在中国并无大规模普及,并不适用“such as”用法。C项中没有具体提到深圳有什么具体的科技巨头。所以答案是D项“Tencent and Huawei”。深圳市已成功实现自我革新,现在已成为私营经济增长的温床,并且是诸如腾讯和华为等科技巨头的所在地。所以答案为D项。'
  9. According to the 14th Five-Year Plan of the Development of Comprehensive Transportation, Guangdong plans to form a ( ) and a “123 express delivery network” by 2035.

  10. A:“12345 travel circle” B:“12321 travel circle” C:“12312 travel circle” D:“12322 travel circle”
    AI参考:正确选项是B:“12321 travel circle”。根据《广东省综合交通运输发展“十四五”规划》,广东计划到2035年形成“12321旅游圈”和“123快运网”。其中,“12321旅游圈”指的是以广州、深圳、珠海为核心,连接珠三角周边城市,覆盖粤港澳大湾区的旅游圈。因此,选项B“12321 travel circle”是正确答案。'
  11. The British think tank Z/Yen Group published the 29th global financial center ranking score in March 2021. The index evaluates and ranks major global financial centers with respect to the business environment, human resources, infrastructure, financial industry development level and reputation. According to the ranking, which city ranked first in the world. ( ).

  12. A:New York B:Shenzhen C:Hong Kong D:Tokyo
    答案:Shenzhen;Hong Kong
  13. The development of the Tokyo Bay Area began under the Meiji Restoration in the late ( ) century.

  14. A:19th B:17th C:20th D:18th
    AI参考:正确答案是A:19th。题目中提到“The development of the Tokyo Bay Area began under the Meiji Restoration in the late”,意思是“东京湾区的发展始于明治维新之后的某个时期”,因此答案为A,即19世纪。B、C、D选项均不符合题意。'
  15. The first master plan of 1986 for Shenzhen put in ( ).

  16. A:periphery growth clusters B:financial center C:urban regeneration areas D:cluster cities
    答案:正确答案:总体规划AI参考:正确答案是A:periphery growth clusters。根据题干中的信息,1986年的深圳第一个总体规划中提到了外围增长群,因此选项A是正确答案。选项B、C、D与题干中的信息不符。'
  17. There is a famous unmanned aerial vehicle brand in Greater Bay Area. At present, the unmanned aerial vehicle products of the company account for more than 70% of the global market share in this field. Which one is the company? ( )

  18. A:Tencent B:Alibaba C:Huawei D:DJI
    AI参考:答案:D:DJI 根据题目描述,在珠江三角洲有一个知名的无人驾驶飞机品牌,公司的无人驾驶飞机产品在全球市场占有超过70%的份额。珠江三角洲是无人机制造的主要地区之一,并且目前市场上无人驾驶飞机的品牌竞争激烈。腾讯、阿里巴巴和华为是知名的中国科技公司,但是根据题目中的描述,他们并不是生产无人驾驶飞机的公司。DJI,即大疆创新,是一家专注于无人驾驶飞行器技术研发和生产的公司,因此答案为D。'
  19. What kind of disputes is settled by ICSID? ( )

  20. A:Trade Disputes B:Investor-State Disputes C:Investor-Investor Disputes D:State-State Disputes
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Investor-State Disputes。解决国际投资争端中心(ICSID)主要解决的是投资者与国家之间的争端,即投资争端解决中心受理的案件主要是国际投资争端。因此,正确选项是B,即投资者与国家之间的争端。其他选项不符合ICSID的受理范围。'
  21. Of the 500 largest companies in the United States, more than ( ) of the headquarters are located in the New York Bay Area.

  22. A:1/5 B:1/3 C:1/6 D:1/10
  23. Shipping is a mode of transportation closely linked to ( ).

  24. A:Railways B:Ports C:Airports D:Expressways

  25. Who postulated the concept of “Desakota”? ( )

  26. A:McGee B:Gottmann C:Geddes D:Fawcett
  27. The Outline Development Plan of GBA was published in ( )

  28. A:2019 B:2017 C:2003 D:2021
    AI参考:The Outline Development Plan of GBA was published in 2017.根据提供的信息,该问题的正确答案是B,即2017年。选项中只有B是与该问题相符的答案。'
  29. Normally, a city has( )

  30. A:High level of non-agricultural employment B:All the above are correct C:Multi-functional land uses D:Large population size
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Multi-functional land uses(多功能土地利用)。城市通常具有多功能土地利用,选项C符合这一描述。其他选项A、D分别涉及非农业就业人口数量和人口规模,但并不能全面描述城市的特征。而选项B的表述不明确,因此不正确。所以,正确答案是C。'
  31. What are the main foci of new material manufacturing industry development of GBA? ( )

  32. A:Strategic cutting-edge materials B:High-performance composite materials C:Special functional materials D:High-end quality steel
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Strategic cutting-edge materials C:Special functional materials根据问题描述,题干问的是广东新材料制造业发展的主要焦点是什么。选项A的战略性前沿材料、选项C的特殊功能材料都是新材料制造业发展的重要方向,而选项B的高性能复合材料和选项D的高端优质钢虽然也是新材料的一种,但它们并不是广东新材料制造业发展的主要焦点。因此,正确答案是A和C。'
  33. Bonded Warehouse is a warehouse approved by the customs to store imported goods and free from the tariff laws and import control regulations. What can be done for the imported goods stored in the Bonded Warehouse? ( )

  34. A:The goods can be graded in the warehouse upon approval. B:The goods can be modified in the warehouse upon approval. C:The goods can be reprocessed in the warehouse upon approval. D:The goods can be sampled in the warehouse upon approval.
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:The goods can be graded in the warehouse upon approval.保税仓库是海关批准设立的供进口货物存储的仓库,免缴关税和进口环节税,因此货物在保税仓库中可以按照批准的方案进行分级。其他选项中,修改、再加工和取样都需要得到海关的批准,但是并不符合保税仓库的特性和规定。因此,选项A是正确的选择。'
  35. Which cities are the free trade port? ( )

  36. A:Guangzhou B:Hong Kong C:Macao D:Shenzhen
  37. What are the problems faced by Hong Kong for further development? ( )

  38. A:Hollowing out of manufacturing industries B:Low economic dynamism C:Low R&D investment D:High housing prices

  39. Hong Kong is famous for its intermediary trade. Compared with mainland cities, what are the advantages of Hong Kong? ( )

  40. A:The import and export tax rates are low and clear. B:Hong Kong has the advantages of no many trade barriers. C:Hong Kong has the advantages of free capital flow. D:Hong Kong is the free trade port.

  41. What Bay areas were taken as the benchmark to compare for the development of the GBA? ( )

  42. AI参考:正确答案是:A) Hong Kong’s stock marketB) Shenzhen’s economic performanceC) Guangdong province’s GDPD) China’s GDP湾区是作为比较规划署发展的基准而采用的概念。在这里,主要涉及到比较规划策略。这个答案选择应该是衡量中国内地地区的发展的一个综合性的参考因素,通常包含城市经济,科技发展,政府政策等因素。香港的股票市场是香港经济的体现之一,深圳的经济表现反映着广东经济甚至中国经济的发展状况,广东省的GDP是衡量一个地区经济发展状况的重要指标,中国整体的经济水平更是关乎着包括香港在内各地的发展前景。因此,这些因素都可能被用作基准来衡量和比较规划署的发展。所以,正确答案为A、B、C、D都是可能的选项。但考虑到题目要求选择一个最合适的答案,所以最合适的答案应该是A) Hong Kong’s stock market(香港的股票市场)。因为股票市场是一个地区经济状况的直接体现,它能够最直接地反映出湾区和其他地区之间的经济对比和发展状况。因此,选择A作为正确答案。'
  43. Which universities are located in the San Francisco Bay Area? ( )

  44. A:Santa Clara University B:University of California, Berkeley C:Stanford University, D:University of California, San Francisco

  45. Special Economic Zones were allowed to ( ).

  46. A:establish incubators and joint ventures B:free capital flow C:open up in terms of foreign economy D:let foreign capital in

  47. Which companies, headquartered in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao GBA, appeared in the Fortune Global 500 list in 2021? ( )

  48. A:Ping An Group B:Cheung Kong Hutchison C:China Southern Power Grid D:China Merchants Bank
    AI参考:【答案】BCE根据题干中提到的信息,需要选择在2021年出现在《财富》全球500强榜单中的总部位于广东-香港-澳门特别行政区(广东-香港-澳门自贸区)的公司。根据给出的选项,只有BCE选项符合条件,因为Cheung Kong Hutchison(中国香港和记黄埔)、Ping An Group(平安集团)和中国南方电网有限责任公司都出现在了《财富》全球500强榜单中。因此,正确选项为BCE。D选项的中国招商银行并未出现在该榜单中。'
  49. How does technological innovation promote the economic development? ( )

  50. The index for assessing the competitiveness of a country or a region in terms of three aspects, including ( ) .

  51. A:Innovation and sophistication factors B:Efficiency enhancers C:Basic requirements D:Environments
  52. In the financial sector, there are 2 famous companies, headquartered in GBA. They are ( ).

  53. A:Bank of China B:Industrial and Commercial Bank of China C:China Merchants Bank D:Pingan Insurance Company
  54. How airports can benefit the economy? ( )

  55. A:Airports can promote the development of related industries in neighboring areas. B:Airports can improve the environment. C:Airports make a place more attractive for investment. D:Airports can stimulate the local economy and increase employment.
    AI参考:正确选项为D:Airports can stimulate the local economy and increase employment。机场可以刺激当地经济的发展,增加就业机会。机场的建设和发展可以带动周边地区相关产业的发展,促进经济增长,同时机场的运营也需要大量的工作人员,可以增加就业机会。因此,选项D是正确的答案。选项A、B、C虽然也与机场的经济效益有关,但不够全面和准确。'
  56. The aims of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area plan include ( ).

  57. A:making the area become the centres of technology and innovation B:attracting more polluting industrie C:establishing an open economy on a higher level D:attracting more tourists
  58. What are the reasons for signing the CEPA? ( )

  59. A:To stimulate the industrial development and resolve the problem of surplus labour in mainland China B:To take advantages of advanced management skills and the international networks of Hong Kong’s business sectors C:“Eating in separate kitchen” policy guarantee Hong Kong capitalists’ interests D:Hong Kong capitalists’ patriotism and confidence towards the motherland
  60. Which two types of visitors mostly travelled between Hong Kong and Mainland before 2006 ? ( )

  61. A:Cross-border workers B:Business trip makers C:Cross-border students D:Leisure trip makers
  62. Transportation infrastructure is fundamental for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to become a top-notch international bay area. By 2035, the Greater Bay Area will build a world-class integrated transportation network through building ( ).

  63. A:An upgraded road system. B:An international airport cluster C:A first-rate port cluster D:A modern passenger and freight railway network

  64. Which services fall into the category of consumer services ? ( )

  65. A:logistics services B:e-commerce services C:catering services D:cultural tourism services
    AI参考:正确选项是【B:e-commerce services 电子商务服务】。电子商务服务属于消费者服务的一种,指的是通过互联网或移动互联网等新兴信息技术手段来为消费者提供服务的产品或服务,包括但不限于在线购物、在线销售、在线支付、物流配送、客户服务等。因此,B选项“e-commerce services 电子商务服务”是符合消费者服务范畴的。其他选项A、C、D也具有一定的相关性,但不是主要针对消费者服务的范畴。'
  66. The modern service industries can be classified into four categories. They are ( ).

  67. A:public services B:basic services C:medical services D:consumer services E:production services

  68. Which are the aims of Macau’s joining in the 14th Five Year Plan? ( )

  69. AI参考:正确答案是:发展经济,改善民生。根据中国澳门加入中国的十四五规划的目标,主要包括发展经济、改善民生等。因此,正确答案为发展经济和改善民生。此外,也有可能会被问到“澳门加入十四五规划的目标和任务有哪些?”的题目,建议针对这个主题做深入的了解和准备。'
  70. The science and technology are the primary productive forces, and innovation is the first driving force leading China’s economic development. ( )

  71. A:对 B:错

  72. High-speed railways refer to passenger railways connecting cities over long distances with 200 km/h or above design speed. ( )

  73. A:错 B:对

  74. Global value chains (GVCs) are global cross-company networks linking the process of production, selling, recycling, and disposal to realize the value of goods or services.( )

  75. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 Global value chains(GVCs)是指全球性的跨公司网络,将生产、销售、回收和处置等过程联系起来,实现商品或服务的价值。因此,这个判断题的答案是B,即“对”。
  76. In its provincial 14th Five Year Plan, Guangdong aimed to develop as an innovation power house by developing GBA into an international innovation and technology hub and attracting a group of leading technology talents. ( )

  77. A:错 B:对
  78. Special Economic Zones essentially acted as liberal economic environments promoting innovation and development within the boundaries of China. ( )

  79. A:对 B:错

  80. The invisible trade also is known as trade in goods, referring to the import and export of physical goods that can be seen and touched. ( )

  81. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 题目中提到“无形贸易”,也被称为“货物贸易”,指的是可以看见和触摸到的进出口实物货物的交易。因此,该题正确答案是B,即“对”。
  82. Hong Kong is the world's third-ranked international arbitration center. They can provide consulting, management, and operation services for overseas investment of Chinese enterprises, and for china investment of foreign investors.( )

  83. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 香港是世界第三大国际仲裁中心,可以为中国的海外投资企业和外商在中国的投资提供咨询、管理和运营服务。因此,该题表述正确。
  84. The aim of the Greater Bay Area plan is to establish an open economy on a higher level and to make Guangdong Province, Hong Kong and Macau become the centres of technology and innovation. ( )

  85. A:对 B:错

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