1.When light passes from a material with a high index of refraction into material with a low index of refraction:( )
A:none of the light is reflected.
B:some light is reflected with a 180° change of phase.
C:some light is reflected without a change of phase.
D:the light that is not reflected has a 180° change of phase.

2.Two light sources are said to be coherent if they ( )
A:are of the same frequency.
B:are of the same frequency and amplitude.
C:are of the same amplitude, and maintain a constant phase difference.
D:are of the same frequency, and maintain a constant phase difference.
3.Coherent light of a single frequency passes through a double slit with a separation d, to produce a pattern on a screen as distance D from the slits. What would cause the separation between adjacent minima on the screen to increase?( )
A:increase the frequency of the incident light
B:increase the distance
C:increase the index of refraction of the medium in which the setup is immersed
D:increase the separation d between the slits
4.A plane monochromatic light wave is incident on a double slit system. As the viewing screen is moved away from the double slit, what happens to the separation between the interference fringes on the screen?( )
A:More information is required.
B:It decreases.
C:It increases.
D:It remains the same.
E:It may increase or decrease, depending on the wavelength of the light.
5.Green light has a wavelength of 500 nm in air. The green light is reflected perpendicularly from a thin film of a plastic with an index of refraction 2.00. The film appears bright in the reflected light. How much additional thickness would make the film appear dark?( )
A:62.5 nm
B:1,000 nm
C:500 nm
D:125 nm
E:250 nm
6.Interference pattern is observed in wedge-shaped film and fringe width is noted. Now the angle of wedge is reduced. What will be the effect on fringe width?( )
A:Fringe width increases
B:There will not any effect
C:Fringe width decreases
D:Fringe width will disappear
7.The center spot of Newton's rings is dark. This destructive interference occurs because: ( )
A:one beam changes phase by 180° when it is reflected.
B:the two beams travel distances that are different by half a wavelength.
C:both waves change phase by 180° as they are reflected.
D:both waves have a trough.

A:285 nm B:212 nm C:500 nm D:313 nm E:404 nm 9.

A:The dark circle changes into a bright circle and then back into a dark circle. B:The dark circle changes into a bright circle. C:The dark circle changes into a bright circle, then into a dark circle, and then into a bright circle. D:There is no change in the pattern. 10.

Newtons rings experiment is performed and radius (or diameter) is calculated. Now Plano-convex lens is replaced with another Plano-convex lens of greater Radius of curvature. What will be effect on radius (or diameter)?   

A:Radius (or diameter) will increase B:Radius (or diameter) will remain constant but there will be more brightness C:Radius (or diameter) will decrease D:There will be no effect 11.

In thin film of wedge shaped, by keeping all other parameters constant, if only wavelength of incident light is increased. What will be the effect on bandwidth?   

A:Bandwidth increases B:Bandwidth decreases C:Bands will merge D:There will not any effect

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