
大学物理(下)(College Physics II)

  1. Two long, straight, parallel wires are a distance d apart. Wire A carries a current of I, Wire B carries a current 2I. The ratio of the force on Wire A to the force on Wire B is ( )

  2. A:2:1 B:1:4 C:1:1 D:4:1 E:1:2
  3. The potential of a point-charge is given by the equation V(r) = kq/r. Determine the electric field at some distance r from q.( )

  4. A: B: C: D: E:
    答案:a.潜在的,可能的n.潜能,潜力AI参考:正确答案是D:电场强度E = kQ/r²根据题目给出的电荷q和距离r,可以使用库仑定律来计算电场强度。电场强度E与电荷q和距离r的平方成反比,即E = kQ/r²,其中k为库仑常数,Q为源电荷。因此,正确答案为D:电场强度E = kQ/r²。'
  5. A solid insulating sphere of radius 5 cm carries electric charge uniformly distributed throughout its volume. Concentric with the sphere is a conducting spherical shell with no net charge as shown in the figure. The inner radius of the shell is 10 cm, and the outer radius is 15 cm. No other charges are nearby. Among the points A (at radius 4 cm), B (radius 8 cm), C (radius 12 cm), and D (radius 16 cm), which point has the greatest electric field? ( )

  6. A: B: C: D:
    答案:on both the outer surface of the core and the outer surface of the outer shellAI参考:正确答案是C:在半径为12cm的点C,有最大的电场强度。球体的半径为5cm,因此,可以求出电场强度E的值;内外导电层的半径分别为15cm和10cm,由导体内部场强为0可得出电场强度的值。而在内外导体层中都未达到场强为0,需要看哪一层的E值最大,可知答案为C。因此选择C。'
  7. The position of a 0.64-kg mass undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by x = (0.160 m) cos (πt/16). What is its period of oscillation?( )

  8. A:4.5 s B:100 s C:16 s D:32 s E:8.0 s
    答案:0.089 m
  9. At what angle will the second order maximum occur for a wavelength of 400 nm using a diffraction grating with 10000 lines per cm? ( )

  10. A:24 degree B:53 degree C:15.5 degree D:No second order maximum will occur in this case.
    答案:track line and heading line,heading line is the referenceAI参考:正确答案是C,15.5度。根据光栅衍射原理,对于给定的波长和光栅线数,第二级衍射最大值的角度可以通过以下公式计算:max(θ) = (d/λ) × (sin(θ) - sin(θ_0))其中,d为光栅的厚度,λ为光的波长,θ为衍射角度,θ_0为入射角。对于给定的题目,λ = 400 nm,光栅线数为10000线/cm,代入公式可得:max(θ) = (d/400 nm) × (sin(θ) - sin(入射角))根据题目给出的信息,入射角未知,因此无法确定第二级衍射最大值的角度。但是,如果光栅线数足够多(例如大于或等于10000线/mm),那么第二级衍射最大值的角度通常接近90度(即接近全反射角度)。因此,选项C(15.5度)是正确的答案。'
  11. A charge +Q is fixed in position as a small charge +q is brought near it and released from rest. Which best describes the magnitude of the velocity of the charge +q as r, the distance between the charges increases? ( )

  12. A:The magnitude of the velocity will decrease, and its rate of decrease will also decrease. B:The magnitude of the velocity will increase, but its rate of increase will decrease. C:The magnitude of velocity will increase, but its rate of decrease will increase. D:The magnitude of the velocity will remain constant. E:The magnitude of the velocity will increase, and its rate of increase will also increase.
    答案:The magnitude of the velocity will increase, but its rate of increase will decrease.
  13. Two charges, magnitude q, of opposite sign, are located a distance d from the origin A of a coordinate system. At which of the following points is the electric field greatest in magnitude?

  14. A:E B:A C:C D:D E:B
  15. All of the following are true about cylindrical capacitors EXCEPT ( )

  16. A:The capacitance is equal to the charge divided by the potential difference B:The electric field will point radially toward the central axis of the cylinders C:The electric field between the two cylinders is determined by only the charge on the inner cylinder D:The electric field outside the cylinder is zero E:The potential difference between the two cylinders is the negative derivative of the electric field
    AI参考:正确答案是E:The potential difference between the two cylinders is the negative derivative of the electric field。在圆柱形电容器中,电容等于电荷量除以电位差,电场线垂直于圆柱体的轴线,电场强度在圆柱体内为零,电位差等于电场强度的负导数。因此,A、B、C、D选项都是正确的,而E选项不正确。因为电位差是电场强度的负导数,而不是电场强度本身。'
  17. In Newtons rings experiment, if we reduce the radius of curvature of Plano convex lens to zero, what will be effect on Newtons rings? ( )

  18. A:They will become darker B:They will become brighter C:They will be more dense D:They will disappear

  19. In Newtons rings experiment, if monochromatic source of light is replaced by another monochromatic source of higher wavelength. What will be the effect on radius (or diameter)? ( )

  20. A:Radius (or diameter) will remain constant but there will be more brightness B:Radius (or diameter) will decrease C:Radius (or diameter) will increase D:There will be no effect

  21. An electric dipole is made up of two opposite charges with equal magnitude q separated by a distance d. Midway between the charges, the electric field is ( )

  22. A: B: C: D: E:0
  23. The kinetic energy of the bob on a simple pendulum swinging in simple harmonic motion has its maximum value when the displacement from equilibrium is at what point in its swing?( )

  24. A:1/2 the amplitude B:equal the amplitude C:zero displacement D:3/4 the amplitude E:1/4 the amplitude

  25. A mass of 0.40 kg, hanging from a spring with a spring constant of 80 N/m, is set into an up-and-down simple harmonic motion. What is the speed of the mass when moving through a point at 0.05 m displacement? The starting displacement of the mass is 0.10 m from its equilibrium position.( )

  26. A:1.4 m/s B:1.0 m/s C:1.7 m/s D:zero E:1.2 m/s
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:1.7 m/s。已知质量为m=0.4kg,弹簧的劲度系数为k=80N/m,开始位移为x=0.1m,位移为0.05m时速度v。由动能定理:kΔx = 1/2mv² - 1/2mv₁²,代入数据解得v=1.7m/s。故选C。'

  27. A:(d + l)/v B:0 C:(2d + l)/v D:2d/v E:d/v
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:(2d + l)/v】。题目中给出的图片显示的是一个物体的运动轨迹,需要求速度与位移的关系。根据题目描述,物体在水平和垂直方向上分别受到两个力的作用,其中水平方向上的力为d,垂直方向上的力为l,速度为v。因此,物体在水平方向上的位移和垂直方向上的位移分别为d和l,而速度是这两个位移的和的一半。根据牛顿第二定律,物体的加速度等于合外力除以质量,即(d + l)/v = ma,其中m为物体的质量。因此,选项C:(2d + l)/v是正确的答案。选项A、B、D和E都没有考虑到物体在垂直方向上的位移,因此是错误的。'
  28. When the light is incident at the Brewster angle which of the following is completely polarized ( )

  29. A:both B:Reflected light C:Refracted light D:neither reflected Nor Refracted
    AI参考:正确答案是D:neither reflected Nor Refracted。光线照射在入射角等于布儒斯特角时,入射光被完全偏振化,而反射光和折射光都没有偏振化,因此选D。注意:布儒斯特角是光在介质界面上发生全反射的临界角,此时反射光和折射光都为线偏振光。当光从光密介质射向光疏介质时,入射角等于布儒斯特角的反射光为完全偏振光。当光从光疏介质射向光密介质时,入射角等于布儒斯特角的折射光有偏振现象。当光以一定的角度入射到介质表面时,光线会被完全偏振化。当光线以入射角等于某一角度入射到界面时,折射光线与反射光线完全垂直,这种入射角称为布儒斯特角或起偏振角。因此,当光线照射在布儒斯特角时,反射光和折射光都没有偏振化,因此选D。'
  30. If the electric potential of a system is given by the equation V(r) = 5ln(r^2), what is the equation for the electric field in this system? ( )

  31. A: B: C: D: E:
    AI参考:正确答案是D:E: 。根据题目中的方程式V(r) = 5ln(r^2),可以得出电场E(r) = 5/r,即电场强度与距离成反比,因此答案为E。'
  32. A mass on a spring vibrates in simple harmonic motion at a frequency of 4.0 Hz and an amplitude of 8.0 cm. If a timer is started when its displacement is a maximum (hence x = 8 cm when t = 0), what is the displacement of the mass when t = 3.7 s? ( )

  33. A:0.036 m B:0.025 m C:0.080 m D:0.095 m E:zero
    AI参考:正确答案是C:0.080 m。 根据简谐运动的位移公式x=Acos(ωt+ψ),其中A为振幅,ω为角频率,t为时间,ψ为初相位。已知质量块在弹簧上做简谐运动,频率为4 Hz,振幅为8 cm,初始位置为最大位移处,因此有x=8 cm。题目要求在t=3.7 s时的位移,将t=3.7代入公式x=Acos(ωt+ψ),并使用题目所给的值可得到cos(4×3.7+ψ)=1,由于ψ=0时cos值为1,所以cos(4×3.7)应该为1,也就是说,t=3.7 s时物体的位移应该为初始位置,即最大位移处,即C选项的0.08 m。因此,正确答案是C。"
  34. The phenomenon of Newtons rings can be used to check the ( )

  35. A:flatness of any glass surface B:Wavelength of monochromatic light C:velocity of light D:phase coherence of two sources

  36. Light is reflecting off a wedge shaped thin piece of glass producing bright and dark interference fringes. If a certain location has a bright fringe, a nearby point will have a dark fringe if the thickness of the glass increases by:( )

  37. A:1/4 of a wavelength of the light. B:one wavelength of the light. C:1/2 of a wavelength of the light. D:1/8 of a wavelength of the light.
    AI参考:正确答案是B:one wavelength of the light.当光线从玻璃的另一面反射回来时,由于光的干涉,会在玻璃片上产生明暗交替的干涉条纹。如果某一位置出现明亮的干涉条纹,那么靠近的点如果玻璃厚度增加一个波长就会产生暗的干涉条纹。因此,选项B“一个波长的光”是正确答案。'
  38. An uncharged solid conducting sphere of radius r is placed in a uniform electric field of magnitude E. The magnitude of the electric field at the center of the conductor is ( )

  39. A: B:0 C: D: E:
  40. The magnetic field inside a solenoid is B. A second solenoid has the same number of turns as the first one and is the same length, but its radius is twice the size of the radius of the first one. Both solenoids have the same current passing through them. What is the magnetic field inside the second solenoid? ( )

  41. A:B/2 B:4B C:2B D:B/4 E:B
  42. The electric potential a distance r away from a cylinder can be calculated by dividing a charge q into ( )

  43. A:the work done on the magnetic field as a charge q moves from a point on the cylinder to a point outside the cylinder. B:the work done on the electric field as a charge q moves from a point on the cylinder to a point outside the cylinder. C:the work done on the electric field as a charge q moves from a point on the cylinder to a point inside the cylinder. D:the force on a charge q as it moves from a point on the cylinder to a point inside the cylinder. E:the work done on the magnetic field as a charge q moves from a point on the cylinder to a point inside the cylinder.

  44. Two parallel conducting plates, separated by a distance d, are connected to a battery with a voltage source that supplies a potential difference V. If the separation between the plates is halved, which of the following will occur? ( )

  45. A:The capacitance will not change. B:The electric charge on the plates will be halved. C:The electric charge on the plates will be doubled. D:The potential difference between the plates will be doubled. E:The potential difference between the plates will be halved.

  46. By what factor must one change the weight suspended vertically from a spring coil in order to triple its period of simple harmonic motion?( )

  47. A:12 B:9.0 C:1/9 D:0.33 E:3.0
  48. The diagram below shows three particles, with the charges Q, located at corners of a square with side of length d. What is the work required to move a small point charge +q from infinity to point P?( )

  49. A: B: C: D: E:
  50. A magnetic field exerts a non-zero force on a particle. Which of the following must be true? ( )

  51. A:The direction of the force is perpendicular to the magnetic field but parallel to the motion of the particle. B:The direction of the force is perpendicular to both the velocity of the particle and the magnetic field. C:The particle is stationary. D:The direction of the force is parallel to the magnetic field but perpendicular to the motion of the particle. E:The particle is negatively charged.
  52. In order for a magnetic field to exert a force on an object, which of the follow can be true?(    )

    I. The object is charged.

    II. The object is moving parallel to the field.

    III. The object is moving perpendicular to the field.

  53. A:I and II only B:I and III only C:III only D:I only E:II only
    AI参考:正确答案是E:II only。磁场对物体施加力的作用需要物体平行于磁场运动。选项I和III都涉及到物体带电或与磁场垂直运动,但只有选项II明确指出物体平行于磁场运动,因此只有选项E是正确的。选项A、B、C和D都存在不符合题意的选项。'
  54. What creates a magnetic field? More than one answer may be correct. ( )

  55. A:a stationary conductor carrying electric current B:a difference in electric potential C:a stationary object with electric charge D:a charged capacitor disconnected from a battery and at rest

  56. The index of refraction of flint glass is 1.66 and the index of refraction of crown glass is 1.52. A film formed by one drop of sassafras oil, on a horizontal surface of a flint glass block, is viewed by reflected light. The film appears brightest at its outer margin, where it is thinnest. A film of the same oil on crown glass appears dark at its outer margin. What can you say about the index of refraction of the oil?( )

  57. A:It must be less than 1.52. B:None of other choices is necessarily true. C:It must be between 1.52 and 1.66. D:It must be greater than 1.66.

  58. A:rotating the secondary coil about a diameter B:changing the area of the secondary coil C:rotating the secondary coil about the x-axis D:moving the secondary coil along the x-axis E:increasing the current in the primary coil
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:changing the area of the secondary coil】。该问题描述的是变压器的工作原理,其中选项B表示改变副线圈的面积,这是变压器改变电压的基本原理之一。其他选项如旋转副线圈、改变主线圈电流、移动副线圈等与变压器的工作原理不符。因此,答案为B。'
  59. The displacement y(x,t) of a particular travelling wave has the form y(x,t) = Asin(x+πt/2). What is the speed of this wave, ignoring its direction?( )

  60. A:4 B:8π C:none of other answers D:2π E:π/2
    AI参考:正确答案是 D:2π。题干中提到的是不考虑方向时的速度,所以根据y(x,t) = Asin(x+πt/2)的形式可知,该波的速度为2π。因此,正确答案是D。'
  61. The position of an object moving with simple harmonic motion is given by x=4cos(6πt), where x is in meters and t is in seconds. What is the period of the oscillating system? ( )

  62. A:1/6 s B:impossible to determine from the information given C:1/3 s D:6π s E:4 s
    AI参考:正确答案是D:6π s。\r根据题干中给出的x=4cos(6πt)这个式子,我们可以得知这是一个简谐运动的运动规律,即位移随时间变化,其中x为位移,t为时间,ω=6π。简谐运动的周期公式为T=2π/ω,所以该系统的周期为T=2π/6π=π s。因此,正确答案是D:6π s。'

  63. A:32.4 B:zero C:8.13 D:25.3 E:14.3
  64. An ore car of mass 4 000 kg rolls downhill on tracks from a mine. At the end of the tracks, 10.0 m lower in elevation, is a spring with k = 400 000 N/m. How much is the spring compressed in stopping the ore car? Ignore friction.( )

  65. A:1.96 m B:1.40 m C:0.56 m D:2.43 m E:0.14 m
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:0.56 m。根据题意,火车从山顶滚下,在到达山脚时,弹簧被压缩了,弹簧的弹力为F=kx=40000N/m×x,火车的质量为m=4000kg,根据牛顿第二定律得:$F - mg = ma$,解得:$x = frac{F}{mg} = frac{40000N}{400kg \times 9.8N/kg} = 0.56m$。所以答案为C选项。这个问题涉及的是弹簧弹力和质量的关系,以及牛顿第二定律的应用。要注意的是,题目中已经忽略摩擦力,所以不需要考虑摩擦力的影响。'
  66. What principle is responsible for the fact that certain sunglasses can reduce glare from reflected surfaces?( )

  67. A:refraction B:diffraction C:polarization D:total internal reflection
  68. Interference pattern is observed in wedge-shaped film and fringe width is noted. Now the thin film is replaced by the film of higher refractive index. What will be the effect on fringe width?( )

  69. A:Fringe width increases B:Fringe width decreases C:There will not any effect D:Fringes will merge

  70. A 0.20-kg mass is oscillating on a spring over a horizontal frictionless surface. When it is at a displacement of 2.6 cm for equilibrium it has a kinetic energy of 1.4 J and a spring potential energy of 2.2 J. What is the maximum speed of the mass during its oscillation (in m/s)? ( )

  71. A:4.7 m/s B:6.0 m/s C:6.3 m/s D:3.7 m/s E:7.8 m/s

  72. A:0 B: C: D: E:

  73. A wave is represented by the equation y=(1mm)cos(60t+4x), which one of the following is true ( )

  74. A:wave velocity is 100m/s B:Frequency =30/π C:Amplitude=0.001mm D:Maximum Velocity of the Particle 60 mm/sec
    AI参考:从给定的方程式y=(1mm)cos(60t+4x)来看,这个波的频率为1Hz,也就是说周期为2π/60秒,所以正确选项为B:Frequency =30/π。在这个方程中,A选项的波速与给出的方程式无关,无法得出;C选项的振幅是函数中的最小值,由函数本身决定,此题中振幅为1mm;D选项中的最大速度与方程式也无关,无法得出。因此,本题答案为B。'
  75. Which of the following in conserved when light waves interfere? ( )

  76. A:Energy B:Amplitude C:Intensity D:Mass

  77. Two long parallel wires, fixed a distance d apart in space, each carry a current I. The force of attraction between them is F. Which other arrangement of currents in long parallel wires would produce the same force F?( )

  78. A:a current of 3I and a distance of 9d B:a current of 6I and a distance of 3d C:a current of 9I and a distance of 3d D:a current of 3I and a distance of 3d E:a current of 3I and a distance of 6d

  79. A:Both the radii and the velocities must be equal. B: C:The radii must be equal but the velocities might not be. D:The velocities must be equal but the radii might not be. E:
    AI参考:正确选项是【C:The radii must be equal but the velocities might not be.】。根据题干中的描述,图片中的文本说明了两个对象的不同属性之间的关系,其中第一项是“半径必须相等”,第二项是“速度可能不同”。因此,正确答案是C选项,即第一项必须相等,但第二项可能不相等。其他选项都与图片中的描述不符。'
  80. A police car has a siren which wails at a wavelength λ according to a listener travelling in the car. What is the wavelength of the siren as heard by a person standing on the street as the car approaches them at a speed v? The speed of sound in air is c. ( )

  81. A:0 B:λ C:(1+v/c)λ D:2vλ/c E:(1-v/c)λ
    AI参考:正确答案是D:2vλ/c。 当汽车以速度v靠近街道上的人时,人听到的警车警笛的波长为2vλ/c。这是因为警笛发出的声波在空气中传播时,会受到空气的压缩和膨胀的影响,导致波长变短或变长。根据多普勒效应,当汽车靠近时,声波的波长变短,即人听到的警笛频率变高;当汽车远离时,声波的波长变长,即人听到的警笛频率变低。因此,对于给定的警笛频率和波速,我们可以根据多普勒效应的公式来计算人听到的波长。所以答案是D:2vλ/c。"
  82. In Michelson s interferometer 100 fringes cross the field view when the movable mirror is displaced through 0.0248 mm. The wavelength of the monochromatic light is ( )

  83. A:400.0 nm B:496.0 nm C:589.0 nm D:589.6 nm
    AI参考:正确答案是C:589.0 nm。根据题意,当移动镜片移动了0.0248 mm时,干涉仪中出现了100条明暗交替的条纹,说明光程差变化了24.8λ,因此可得出单色光的波长为λ=ΔL/24.8=0.0248/24.8=589.0nm。所以选项C是正确的。'
  84. Which segments of the wire affect the magnetic field at point P for the wire?( )

  85. A:II, III and IV B:I and III C:I, II and III D:II and IV E:I, II, III and IV
    AI参考:正确答案是【E:I, II, III and IV】。根据右手定则,当电流方向垂直于磁场方向时,四段导线产生的磁场在P点叠加,因此影响P点磁场的应该是I、II、III和IV四个部分。因此,选项E是正确的。'
  86. What is the potential due to a spherical shell of charge Q and radius R for r > R? ( )

  87. A: B: C: D: E:
  88. If the current in an inductor is doubled, by what factor is the stored energy multiplied? ( )

  89. A:1/4 B:2 C:1 D:4 E:1/2
  90. The motion of a piston in an automobile engine is nearly simple harmonic. If the 1-kg piston travels back and forth over a total distance of 10.0 cm, what is its maximum speed when the engine is running at 3 000 rpm?( )

  91. A:1.66 m/s B:3.93 m/s C:15.7 m/s D:31.4 m/s E:7.85 m/s
    AI参考:正确答案是:C:15.7 m/s。题目中给出了一个质量为1kg的活塞在汽车发动机中做近似的简谐运动,来回运动的总距离为10cm,运动速度最大时发动机转速为3000rpm,根据简谐运动周期公式T=2π√(m/k),可得周期为:T=π√(m/k)=π√(1/k)=π√(1/1)=π秒,即转速为:n=60T=60×π×√(1)=60×π×3.14=60×3.14×3≈57.7×3≈173转/分。根据速度公式v=ωr,可得最大速度为:v=ωr=nπr=173×π×10×1/10=πr^2×n=π×(10/π)^2×3≈3.93×3≈12m/s,故本题答案为C。'
  92. Which of the following devices can be used to produce both a transverse and longitudinal waves?( )

  93. A:A helical spring B:A string C:A ripple tank D:A tuning fork
    AI参考:正确答案是B:A string。物体产生横波和纵波的条件是物体产生振动的形式不同,而振动又可以分为简谐振动和非简谐振动。B选项中提到的弦,由于其本身的张力和自身重量形成的重力波作用,会产生纵向振动和横向振动两种不同的振动形式,因此可以产生横波和纵波。其他选项中,螺旋弹簧只能产生纵波,不能产生横波;颤音箱和钟锤只能产生一种特定的振动形式,即共振或波动,因此不能产生横波和纵波。因此,答案是B。'
  94. As the slit separation increases, what happens to the separation between the interference fringes on the screen?( )

  95. A:It remains the same. B:It may increase or decrease, depending on the wavelength of the light. C:It decreases. D:More information is required. E:It increases.
    AI参考:正确答案是E:It increases.当狭缝间距增加时,屏幕上干涉条纹之间的间距也会增加。这是因为干涉条纹是由光的干涉产生的,当狭缝间距增加时,光的波长也增加,从而导致干涉条纹的间距增加。因此,答案为E:它增加了。'

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