第一章 The fundamental Characteristics of TCM:Traditional Chinese Medicine is a subject that deals with the physiology and pathology, as well as diagnosis, prevention and treatment of disease. The systematic theory of TCM, based on the Ancient Chinese philosophy, under the guidance of ancient materialism and dialectics, after years of accumulation of experience in diseases prevention and curing, was originally established 2000 years before with the witness of the publication of the book, The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Classic(《黄帝内经》). Now, after thousands of years’ development and enrichment, TCM stands among various kinds of medicine in the world with its unique theoretical system and excellence in diagnosis and treatment, playing an important role in the field of medical care and health preservation. The most fundamental features of TCM as well as the essential that guides the theories of TCM are holistic concept (整体观) and treatment based on syndrome differentiation (辨证论治).1.1Holistic concept:The holistic concept holds the opinions that a man lives on the earth, his body is a holistic unit, moreover, he and the external environments where he lives are united together, which in TCM are known as The integrity of the human body (五脏一体观) and The unity between the body and its external environments (天人相应观).
1.2Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation:Syndrome (证) is a very special term in TCM. When TCM makes diagnosis, rather than diagnosing a disease, he diagnoses a syndrome, or sometimes combines the idea of disease and syndrome to describe the stage of illness. A “syndrome” should include the information as the cause, the location, the property and the condition of pathogenic factors and healthy qi. Once syndrome is differentiated, strategies of treatment will be formulated accordingly.
1.1Holistic concept:The holistic concept holds the opinions that a man lives on the earth, his body is a holistic unit, moreover, he and the external environments where he lives are united together, which in TCM are known as The integrity of the human body (五脏一体观) and The unity between the body and its external environments (天人相应观).
1.2Treatment Based on Syndrome Differentiation:Syndrome (证) is a very special term in TCM. When TCM makes diagnosis, rather than diagnosing a disease, he diagnoses a syndrome, or sometimes combines the idea of disease and syndrome to describe the stage of illness. A “syndrome” should include the information as the cause, the location, the property and the condition of pathogenic factors and healthy qi. Once syndrome is differentiated, strategies of treatment will be formulated accordingly.
[单选题]The feature of TCM in diagnosis and treatment is ( )

选项:[Seeking the root.
, Syndrome differentiation based on yin-yang.
, Syndrome differentiation based on eight principles.
, Syndrome differentiation and treatment.
[多选题]To diagnose a syndrome, a doctor should recognize information as ( )

选项:[Property of the disease.
, Cause of the disease.
, Location of the disease.
, The condition between healthy qi and pathogenic qi.
[多选题]The holistic idea in TCM is reflected in that ( )

选项:[Human body is a unit with the five zang-organs as the center.
, Rather than to treat diseases, TCM doctor is to treat patient.
, Internal change must exhibit external manifestations.
, One of the principles for health preservation is to adapt the body to nature.
[单选题]The fundamental features of TCM are materialistic view and dialectical view. ( )

, True
[单选题]Human body is a unit, therefore, even local illness should be understood from a holistic view. ( )

, False
[多选题]Based on the unity between the body and its external environments, it is true except for ( )

选项:[In spring and summer, qi and blood of human body has a tendency to being distributed to the exterior because of yang qi dispersing.
, It is a good idea to do exercises during night.
, Tonify yang qi in winter and autumn, while nourish yin qi in spring and summer.
Chapter 2
, In south areas of china, people have relatively loose interstice.
[单选题]The feature of TCM in diagnosis and treatment is ( )

选项:[Seeking the root.
, Syndrome differentiation and treatment.
, Syndrome differentiation based on eight principles.
, Syndrome differentiation based on yin-yang.
[多选题]To diagnose a syndrome, a doctor should recognize information as ( )

选项:[Property of the disease.
, The condition between healthy qi and pathogenic qi.
, Location of the disease.
, Cause of the disease.
[多选题]The holistic idea in TCM is reflected in that ( )

选项:[Internal change must exhibit external manifestations.
, One of the principles for health preservation is to adapt the body to nature.
, Rather than to treat diseases, TCM doctor is to treat patient.
, Human body is a unit with the five zang-organs as the center.
[单选题]The fundamental features of TCM are materialistic view and dialectical view. ( )

, False
[单选题]Human body is a unit, therefore, even local illness should be understood from a holistic view. ( )

, False
[多选题]Based on the unity between the body and its external environments, it is true except for ( )

选项:[Tonify yang qi in winter and autumn, while nourish yin qi in spring and summer.
Chapter 2
, It is a good idea to do exercises during night.
, In south areas of china, people have relatively loose interstice.
, In spring and summer, qi and blood of human body has a tendency to being distributed to the exterior because of yang qi dispersing.

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