1. The key factor in the formation of geographical heterogeneity with different longitudes is the atmospheric pressure zone. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. In terms of the three indicators of area, connectivity and dominance, dominance is the optimal indicator for judging the matrix. ( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. The landscape patch network is a physical space system formed by corridors connecting patches. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. Altitude changes will not lead to corresponding changes in ecological factors. ( )

  8. 答案:错
  9. The ecosystem service theory believes that the ecosystem services provided by forests and wetlands in terrestrial ecosystems are of greater value. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. The key to landscape ecological restoration on the Loess Plateau is to effectively control the process of soil erosion. ( )

  12. 答案:对
  13. The landscape ecological network corridor system is composed of natural corridors. ( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Ecosystem services specifically refer to the benefits provided by natural ecological space for human beings. ( )

  16. 答案:对
  17. The fragmentation results in an increase of patch's area. ( )

  18. 答案:错
  19. The demand for ecosystem services is related to population size but not related to cultural background. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. Passive diffusion in the ecological intersection zone refers to flow diffusion driven by ecological processes. ( )

  22. 答案:错
  23. Landscape space C-3P framework only serves as a framework for cognition and analysis of landscape space. ( )
  24. The supply of ecosystem services has nothing to do with the type of ecological space. ( )
  25. The composition of landscape space is the main factor determining the characteristics of landscape context. ( )
  26. The key factor in the formation of differences in geographical environments at different latitudes is heat. ( )
  27. Landscape ecology is formed by combining the ( )methods of ecology and ( ) method of geography.( )
  28. The scale effect includes ( ).
  29. The important parameters to measure corridor are ( ).
  30. The differences between the first edition and the second edition of suitability evaluation are ( ).
  31. Gestalt perception theory mainly realizes morphological perception through identification of ( )
  32. The metrics of the scale mainly include ( ).
  33. The following options belonging to the intersected space are ( ).
  34. The core of landscape ecology is ( )
  35. The characteristics of patches include ( )
  36. The ecological relationship can be reflected as ( ).
  37. Land as an asset includes all substances ( )
  38. The ecological restoration of the Loess Plateau main response ( ) process of
  39. Landscape is the ( ) of ecosystem.
  40. The pond system is an important ( ) system
  41. Ecosystem services include ( ).
  42. Landscape processes are ( ) influenced by the role of landscape structure.
  43. Changes in altitude can lead to changes in( )the most essential ecological factors.
  44. The landscape as a visual aesthetic object reflects the( ) of individuals and social groups in a particular period
  45. The C-3P system of landscape spatial representation includes landscape composition, ( ), landscape process and landscape perception.
  46. From a geographical point of view, the landscape is ( ) specific to the surface of the earth.
  47. Landscape network is a solid spatial system formed by ( ) connecting patches.
  48. In landscape conservation, the protection of landscape patches relies on the priority protection of landscape ( ).
  49. In small-scale environment, ( ) tends to be decisive.
  50. The three attributes of landscape include ( ), social attributes and artistic attributes.
  51. Ecosystem services theory argues that the greatest value of ecosystem services is provided in the( ).
  52. Eco-interlaced zones are prone to natural and human disturbances that exceed system thresholds and cause system disturbances, so is quite ( ).
  53. Landscape ecology considers ( ) as the most important objective property of landscape ecological space.
  54. The indicators that characterize the degree of connectivity of the landscape pattern is( ).
  55. Landscape networks can be divided into structural networks and ( ) networks.
  56. Eco-interlaced zones have lower disturbance resistance and longer recovery period, so is quite ( ).
  57. The landscape ecological network corridor system is mainly composed of inter-source connections and ( ).
  58. In the landscape architecture space system, the most common scale structure is ( ).
  59. A corridor that is too narrow exposes passing animals to predators, a phenomenon known as ( ).
  60. The analysis process that transfers the large-scale information of the landscape to the small and medium scales is called ( ).
  61. The landscape interface space is composed of multiple ( ) spaces.
  62. Landscape networking can protect species and ecosystems ( ).
  63. Landscape ecological patches have ecological effects as habitats, ( ), and sources and sinks .
  64. When the corridor is relatively wide, the corresponding differentiation can be formed in the interior to provide ( ) for animals and plants.
  65. In general, small-scale processes are local and exhibit ( ) characteristics.
  66. The typical features of Eco-interlaced zones are the prominent ( ) features.
  67. Three common landscape networks in cities include road network, water system network and ( ).
  68. Landscape ecology is concerned with spatial ( )phenomena and processes at different scales.
  69. The morphology of plaques usually includes circular, ( ), annular and peninsular.
  70. The spatial relationship between landscape spaces at different scales is a ( ) structure.
  71. The most critical structural and functional features of the corridor are ( ).
  72. The boundaries of most patches in nature space are ( ).
  73. Landscape ecology considers all landscape ecological spaces to exist as a whole in the form of( ).
  74. The landscape of a traditional landscape archiecture is a visually perceivable ( )space.
  75. The indicators that characterize the degree of patchiness of the landscape pattern is ( ).
  76. Species growing within the margins include both those inside the patch and ( ) .
  77. Ecological processes are biological flows within an ecosystem consisting of material cycles, energy transformations and ( ).
  78. ( )is the main characteristic of the landscape pattern.
  79. Landscape fragmentation generally made populations more isolated and formed into many ( ).
  80. Landscape processes create landscape patterns, while landscape pattern formation( ) andscape processes.
  81. A landscape pattern that combines concentration and ( )is one of the most common spatial patterns.
  82. ( ) are motivation for suitability assessment of Staten Island.
  83. The effective tool to achieve economic benefits with the least damage to ecosystem is( )
  84. The ecological space characteristics of high-density cities is ( ).
  85. The ecological structure of Xinhuacun can be concluded as( )
  86. The ecological risk assessment used in river corridor of Ningguo City focuses on the problems of ( )
  87. A ecological network is composed of( )
  88. What does suitability evaluation reflect in man-land relationship . ( )
  89. Development guidance for ecological planning demands to balance the( )value of landscape.
  90. ( ) are the biggest challenges of suitability analysis.
  91. Ecological source can be identified using ( )
  92. The rhetorical of landscape pattern language includes ( )
  93. The spatial relations between different basic space unit include( )
  94. The main components of the landscape context are the local geographical environment and the( )
  95. The spatial relations between different aggregated space include( )
  96. The planning using pattern language shows a ( ) landscape without clearly function zones.
  97. Total landscape can be divided into several units according to ( )
  98. Landscapepattern language is a landscape express approach based on the ( ).( )
  99. A designer must( )the logic of human and nature ecosystem before planning.
  100. Landscape space sample with effective performance can be used as( )of pattern language
  101. Holistic space unit is composed of several ( )units.
  102. The relationship between nested process and spatial organization between scale is the ( )of pattern language.
  103. The ( )of the landscape shapes and determines the meaning of landscape elements
  104. ( )is the method of determination of landscape space unit.
  105. ( )is the style, model or expression of landscape space.
  106. The holistic pattern of landscape is the vocabulary of ( )
  107. hybrid land use patterns can be characterized as spatial units formed by combinations like ( ).
  108. What are the applications of applied research on ecosystem service flows?( )
  109. Which of the following hybrid land use model categories have maximum cooling function . ( )
  110. Obtain the information of ( ) can describe the spatial flow allocation process from the SBAs to one or more specific SPAs.
  111. Which following metrics can be used to cluster hybrid land use patterns.( )
  112. Landscape process creates landscape pattern, while the formation of landscape pattern also ( ) landscape process.
  113. Which of the following spaces are areas that rely on spatial flow to deliver and provide benefits. ( ).
  114. Ecosystem service theory believes that ( ) provide greater ecosystem services value in terrestrial ecosystems.
  115. Ecosystem service demand depends on population size, population structure, population( ) and population location.
  116. Ecosystem service theory holds that ( ) provide almost none ecosystem service.
  117. Ecosystem services refer specifically to the ( ) that natural ecological space provides to humans.
  118. The ( ) characteristics of network nodes and corridors can be determined according to the value of ecosystem services.
  119. The following ( ) indicators have important implications for the process by which spatial flows deliver ecosystem services.
  120. The following indicators that can be used to measure flood regulation in regional ecosystem services are ( ).
  121. Ecosystem service provision depends on ecological space type, size and ( ).
  122. Landscape pattern can be measured and characterized by a series of indices, ( ) are landscape pattern indexes .
  123. Landscape ecology focuses on the systematic relationship between landscape pattern and ( ).
  124. Landscape ecosystem service theory provides ( ) basis for ecological network construction.
  125. Landscape ecological space C-3P framework mainly includes ( ).
  126. The goal of networking is to pursue high connectivity and ( ).
  127. Landscape networks can be divided into ( ) networks.
  128. The ecological risk of fragmentation is mainly ( ).
  129. Landscape pattern theory believes that ( ) is a land complex formed by the coupling of patches, corridors and substrates.
  130. The main indicators of landscape network measurement are ( ).
  131. Landscape fragmentation can be measured from the ( ) aspect.
  132. Landscape processes mainly include natural ecological processes, environmental evolution and ( ).
  133. The length, width and ( ) of the corridor are the three basic indicators for measuring the corridor.
  134. The scale of ecological processes can often be included ( ).
  135. Landscape pattern theory believes that ( ) is the result of the adaptation of the landscape to the ecological process of the landscape and the action of the landscape environment.
  136. Patchy landscapes are caused by natural disturbances, ( ) and ().( )
  137. Landscape context consists of local geographical environment and ( ).
  138. Landscape ecology believes that landscape ecological space exists in the form of ( ) as a whole.( )
  139. Mountain environment, arid area environment and cold area environment are the expressions of landscape ( ) characteristics.
  140. The spatial relationship between landscape spatial scales is an ( ) and ( ) structure.( )
  141. The most representative local context in the American Midwest is ( ).
  142. Landscape spatial composition is the main factor that determines ( ) and ( ) character.( )
  143. The most representative local context of Holland is ( ).
  144. Landscape ecology believes that there is a secure network pattern for focal species, which is called ( ).
  145. The most typical local context in Britain is ( ) which is regarded as the representative of ecology and culture.
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