1.Finally, when grouping functions, synchronization overhead should ______ as much as possible by eliminating data dependency among the different function blocks.
A:be minimized B:is minimized C:minimized D:minimize
答案:be minimized
2.The fact that the output of a capsule is a vector ____ it possible to use a powerful dynamic routing mechanism to ensure that the output of the capsule gets sent to an appropriate parent in the layer above.
A:makes B:have made C:made D:make
3.Elasticity may be defined as the tendency____an object to return to its original state after being deformed.
A:for B:of C:by D:in
4.The two balls move _______ the opposite directions _______ the same stress.
A:in……under B:toward……at C:in……on D:to……under
5.All forces fall into one or the other of these two classes, ____ will be found useful later.
A:a fact that B:the fact C:a fact D:the fact that
答案:a fact that
6.It is important that the number of chirped components ________ on N.
A:will depend B:depended C:depends D:depend
7.艾肯机的速度受到了限制,因为它使用的是继电器而不是电子器件。Aiken’s machine was limited in speed ____ rather than electronic devices.
A:by its use of relays B:using relays C:because of relay’s use D:because using relays
答案:by its use of relays
8.The sound-carrying medium may be matter in any state. 下划线介词短语充当_______。
A:补语 B:状语 C:表语 D:定语
9.月球的质量为地球的八十分之一。The mass of the moon is ____.
A:1/80 the earth B:1/80 of the earth C:1/80 what the earth is D:1/80 that of the earth
答案:1/80 that of the earth
10.A circuit may be defined as a path for current flow. 前后两个下划线介词短语分别充当_______。
A:状语……状语 B:定语……定语 C:补语……定语 D:补语……状语
11.We must find a room____ .
A:to put the instrument in B:to put the instrument for C:which puts the instrument D:which to put the instrument

12.The distance ____ the particle moves in that time is the circumference 2πR of its circular path.
A:when B:/ C:which D:where 13.关闭开关,电路中的电流就会消失。Turn the switch off ____ the current in the circuit will disappear.
A:but B:or C:and D:to 14.The temperature ____ which machines work normally is 28°C.
A:through B:of C:with D:at E:to 15.To help visualize what is meant by a gravitational field we may use lines of force. 斜体加粗部分在句中做____。
A:状语 B:宾语 C:主语 D:定语 16.Alternating current as a source of power has certain advantages over direct current. 前后两个下划线介词短语分别充当_______。
A:补语……定语 B:状语……状语 C:补语……状语 D:定语……定语 17.This company is planning to develop and produce ____ cars and components in the country.
A:energy efficiency B:energy effectively C:energy efficiently D:energy efficient 18.______ all other oscillator transfer techniques, the phase-locked mode cannot be used for pulsed inputs.
A:Common to B:What is common to C:That is common to D:Be common to 19.平均速度等于末速度的一半。The average velocity is about half ____ the final velocity.
A:an B:a C:the D:/ 20.Energy is the ability ____ work.
A:in doing B:to be done C:to do D:of doing 21.By using the methods of spectral analysis, astronomers ____ to learn a great deal about the sun.
A:have been able B:is able C:will be able D:has been able 22.In Fig. 2-1 ______ two voltmeters.
A:is shown B:show C:shows D:are shown 23.Cohesion is the force ____ like molecules attract each other.
A:with which B:around which C:toward which D:in which 24.如果把电池端反过来,结果就会大不相同。With the battery terminals ____, the result will be quite different.
A:be reversed B:reversed C:reversing D:is reversed 25.这个电源上的电流为零点零零几安。The current through the power supply is _______.
A:a few thousandths of an ampere B:a few hundredths of an ampere C:a few thousandth of a ampere D:a few hundredth an ampere 26.It is necessary to find out the current ____ and voltage across the component.
A:of B:over C:in D:through 27.Let a curve c be given ____ through a point p.
A:passes B:pass C:passing D:to pass 28.Had the reader known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy ________.
A:will be saved B:had been saved C:was saved D:would have been saved 29.这两极之间的电压很小。____ voltage between the terminals is very small.
A:This B:A C:An D:The 30._______ this case the velocity of an object varies linearly (线性地) ________ the time.
A:In……at B:Under……at C:Under……with D:In……with 31.So far we _____ the displacement of a particle.
A:will consider B:has considered C:would consider D:have considered 32.The resistance is smaller than or ____ 2 ohms.
A:equal to B:equal C:equaling D:equals to 33.The wavelength ____ which the eye is most sensitive is 5.5×10-5 cm.
A:of B:at C:through D:with E:to 34.In cellular systems, covering the area is generally divided into a plurality of cells ____ to cellular.
A:similar B:assimilate C:similarly D:similarity 35._______ further increasing quantum-well number, the increase of the emission energy becomes slow.
A:With B:For C:In D:By 36.Solar cells enable the power ____ from the sun.
A:of obtaining B:Obtains C:to obtain D:to be obtained 37.这样处理以后,函数就简单多了。 ____, the function becomes much simpler.
A:Having done this B:This done C:After being done D:Doing this 38.The shorter the distance between points A and B, the ____ the error(误差) in this approximation(近似) will be.
A:small B:smaller C:the smallest D:smallest 39.Lead is the ________ metal used in pencils.
A:such B:much C:very D:most 40.It is not apparent____the appropriate mesh currents in such cases.
A:to place B:to place where C:where place D:where to place 41.The resistance of the load is too high for the amplifier. 前后两个下划线介词短语分别充当_______。
A:补语……补语 B:补语……状语 C:定语……状语 D:定语……表语 42.We call the time to complete one cycle the period of the sinusoiD. 斜体加粗部分在句中做____。
A:宾语 B:主语 C:定语 D:状语 43.由于空气具有弹性,所以可以被压入小型容器中。Air, ____, may be compressed into a small container.
A:is elastic B:being elastic C:elastic D:be elastic 44.The town was built among the hills, ________ the name Hilltown.
A:hence B:therefore C:as a result D:so 45.This facilitates(便于) ____ the ohmmeter to the unknown resistor.
A:connected B:connect C:connecting D:to connect 46.温度每上升一度,电容降低百万分之七百五。 The capacitance will decrease by ___________ per each degree rise in temperature.
A:750 parts of a million B:750 parts in 107 C:750 parts per million D:750 parts in million 47.It takes sunlight about 8 minutes ____ the earth.
A:to reach B:reaching C:to reaching D:reach 48.To dispel this notion ____ is perform a simple experiment.
A:all need do B:all needs C:all we are needed D:all we need do

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