1. Energy is the ability ____ work.

  2. 答案:to do
  3. 这个位置离开产生我们在讨论的电场的那些电荷无穷远。This location is indefinitely far from __________ are responsible for the electric field under study.

  4. 答案:whatever charges
  5. 原子的中心,即原子核,包含了带正电荷的微粒,称为“质子”。The center, ____ nucleus, of an atom contains positively charged particles called protons.

  6. 答案:or
  7. 栅极之所以能做到这点,主要是由于它非常靠近阴极。The grid is able to do this primarily because of ______________to the cathode.

  8. 答案:its great proximity
  9. The sound-carrying medium may be matter in any state. 下划线介词短语充当_______。

  10. 答案:定语
  11. We can easily see from the definition of k _______ the ratio of a force _______ a length that the unit of elastic potential energy (弹性势能) is the same as the unit of work (功) .

  12. 答案:as……to
  13. The wavelength ____ which the eye is most sensitive is 5.5×10-5 cm.

  14. 答案:to
  15. Alternating current as a source of power has certain advantages over direct current. 前后两个下划线介词短语分别充当_______。

  16. 答案:状语……状语
  17. _______ more details on numerical techniques refer to Ref. [6-9].

  18. 答案:for
  19. 由于空气具有弹性,所以可以被压入小型容器中。Air, ____, may be compressed into a small container.

  20. 答案:being elastic
  21. The element immediately following hydrogen is helium, the atom ____ which contains two electrons.

  22. 答案:of
  23. 如果把电池端反过来,结果就会大不相同。With the battery terminals ____, the result will be quite different.
  24. The order came that the medical supplies ________ to Beijing for the H1N1 flu soon.
  25. The standard meter is accurate to about ____.
  26. ______ for measuring electric resistance, the ohmmeter is widely used in electrical engineering.
  27. A comparison of Eq. 4 with Eq. 7 ____ the following relations.
  28. 该问题值得进一步研究。This problem deserves ____.
  29. We must find a room____ .
  30. _______ further increasing quantum-well number, the increase of the emission energy becomes slow.
  31. Cohesion is the force ____ like molecules attract each other.
  32. 现在的问题是:这个结果是否适用于各种情况呢。The question arises __________ this result applies to all cases.
  33. 这两极之间的电压很小。____ voltage between the terminals is very small.
  34. A simple approach _______ expressing a function(函数) is shown _______ Fig. 4-1.
  35. As current passes, the emf(电动势)of a battery falls ____ rapidity.
  36. In the analysis of the various types of electronic circuits, the circuits using solid-state devices are presented first, ____ a shorter explanation of circuits using electron tubes is presented.
  37. 这个电源上的电流为零点零零几安。The current through the power supply is _______.
  38. 若要把两个数加起来,那么按照哪种顺序相加是没有关系的。If two numbers are to be added, it does not matter __________ order they are added.
  39. This is the first time we ____ this new type of rocket.
  40. It was after the war was over ________ Einstein was able to come back to his research work again.
  41. Materials ____ which current can flow are called conductors.
  42. The conditions are derived whereby the two functions ____, at most, by a constant.
  43. 这个电热器消耗的电能比那个电热器多三倍。This electric heater dissipates ____that one.
  44. In cellular systems, covering the area is generally divided into a plurality of cells ____ to cellular.
  45. Finally, when grouping functions, synchronization overhead should ______ as much as possible by eliminating data dependency among the different function blocks.
  46. A major application of the diode is in the production of a dc voltage from an ac supply, ______ as rectification.
  47. Had the reader known about this computer program, a huge amount of time and energy ________.
  48. It is important that the number of chirped components ________ on N.
  49. We call the time to complete one cycle the period of the sinusoiD. 斜体加粗部分在句中做____。
  50. To help visualize what is meant by a gravitational field we may use lines of force. 斜体加粗部分在句中做____。
  51. Lengths are measured in _____.
  52. The voltage ______ the resistor changes instantaneously, as does the current ______ the resistor.
  53. The operation interfaces will be simple and easy to understand; hence ________ consumability.
  54. The temperature ____ which machines work normally is 28°C.
  55. Lead is the ________ metal used in pencils.
  56. 温度每上升一度,电容降低百万分之七百五。 The capacitance will decrease by ___________ per each degree rise in temperature.
  57. The temperature of the earth is ______ the deeper you go.
  58. 电流流过电路时,会损失一部分能量。____ through a circuit, the current will lose part of its energy.
  59. ____ , the direction in which the body is moving is also important.
  60. There is a great demand _______ these devices.
  61. The decibel(分贝)is one tenth of a bel, ______ named after Alexander Graham Bell.
  62. 我们正在计算的是该质点的瞬时加速度。__________ we are calculating is the instantaneous acceleration of the particle.
  63. The two balls move _______ the opposite directions _______ the same stress.
  64. A beam of white light is separated into beams of various colors, ____ we conclude that white light is actually a mixture of light of these different colors.
  65. Solar cells enable the power ____ from the sun.
  66. 如果不超过弹性限度的话,使物体改变其形状的形变力与变化量成正比。When a body is caused to change its shape, the distorting force is proportional to the amount of the change, __________ the elastic limit is not exceeded.
  67. In practice, a lot of limitations arise ____ to the correlation of antennas and hardware impairments.
  68. The fact that the output of a capsule is a vector ____ it possible to use a powerful dynamic routing mechanism to ensure that the output of the capsule gets sent to an appropriate parent in the layer above.
  69. This ______ must be kept within accepted limits, or the diode will suffer physical damage.
  70. ______ 2.5 and 2.6 show two special kinds of robot.
  71. This facilitates(便于) ____ the ohmmeter to the unknown resistor.
  72. To dispel this notion ____ is perform a simple experiment.
  73. It is not clear yet ________ this voltage equals 0.
  74. A circuit may be defined as a path for current flow. 前后两个下划线介词短语分别充当_______。
  75. These results have to be interpreted _______ caution.
  76. It takes sunlight about 8 minutes ____ the earth.
  77. Elasticity may be defined as the tendency____an object to return to its original state after being deformed.
  78. The distance ____ the particle moves in that time is the circumference 2πR of its circular path.
  79. 男人易患心脏病,而女人则易得糖尿病。Men are more susceptible to heart disease, __________ women are more prone to develop diabetes.
  80. ______ all other oscillator transfer techniques, the phase-locked mode cannot be used for pulsed inputs.
  81. _______ being compressed, the volume of a substance will be reduced.
  82. Let us assume temperature has no effect on this device and ____ the pressure remains the same.
  83. Let a curve c be given ____ through a point p.
  84. The variation of g with latitude is due ______ the earth’s rotation.
  85. 这些角不一定是锐角。These angles are not necessarily restricted to ____.
  86. The town was built among the hills, ________ the name Hilltown.
  87. Evidence has been piled up ______ specific speech sounds are recognized by babies as young as five months old.
  88. 句子可译为:正是作用于该物体的合力导致了加速度。It is the net force ____ the body that causes acceleration.
  89. Marketing techniques are becoming increasingly ______.
  90. Average velocity is defined by the equation v=s/t,____ v is the average velocity, s is the distance traveled, and t is the elapsed time.
  91. By an ohmmeter ______ the instrument used to measure resistance.
  92. Simulation and experimental studies _____, which show that the axial ratio bandwidth of the antenna is directly proportional to the thickness of the substrate.
  93. Rapid travel has a ____ greater influence on the human body than we imagine.
  94. 从1970年至1974年间,晶体管收音机的产量增长了五倍。From 1970 to 1974, the production of transistor radios was increased _________.
  95. It is necessary to find out the current ____ and voltage across the component.
  96. 艾肯机的速度受到了限制,因为它使用的是继电器而不是电子器件。Aiken’s machine was limited in speed ____ rather than electronic devices.
  97. In Fig. 2-1 ______ two voltmeters.
  98. The resistance of the load is too high for the amplifier. 前后两个下划线介词短语分别充当_______。
  99. 由于变压器体积大、重量重、价格昂贵,所以把它们从电路中去掉能节省不少费用。Since transformers are large, heavy, and expensive, ____ results in considerable savings.
  100. Steady electric current, ______ by the Italian physicist Allessandro Volta (1745-1827), can be produced by the electric cell.
  101. 这个形式与1.3节描述二极管电路的形式完全相同,其重要差别在于:结在这里是反向偏置的。This has exactly the same form as that describing the diode circuit of Sect. 1.3, with the important difference __________ the junction is reverse-biased here.
  102. To make it easier for us to take derivatives, we shall square both sides of the expression. 斜体加粗部分在句中做(       )。
  103. 这个电路由电池、电阻器和电容器组成。This circuit consists of a battery, a resistor ____ a capacitor.
  104. 分析一下它的频谱,就不仅能知道某物质是由什么样的原子或分子构成的,而且也能知道它们是按什么样的相对量而存在的。Analysis of its spectrum can tell not only __________ atoms or molecules a substance is composed, but ___________ relative amounts they are present.
  105. By using the methods of spectral analysis, astronomers ____ to learn a great deal about the sun.
  106. This company is planning to develop and produce ____ cars and components in the country.
  107. The resistance is smaller than or ____ 2 ohms.
  108. So far we _____ the displacement of a particle.
  109. Within the nucleus is still another tiny globule of matter called the nucleolus, ____ is related to reproduction.
  110. _______ this case the velocity of an object varies linearly (线性地) ________ the time.
  111. Only when X is less than 1 ______ the inequality ______.
  112. 月球的质量为地球的八十分之一。The mass of the moon is ____.
  113. It is not apparent____the appropriate mesh currents in such cases.
  114. Not until the end of the 19th century ______ people ______ that the atom was not the smallest particle.
  115. The television camera scans the subject ____ .
  116. All forces fall into one or the other of these two classes, ____ will be found useful later.
  117. The devices exist capable of input that ____ not connected directly to the computer.
  118. 分隔现象中,若是句子类的修饰语,从句可能为定语从句或表语从句。
  119. Forces must exist between the object and the incline that prevent the object from sliding.这个句子中,将定语从句放在句子末尾是为了保持句子平衡
  120. 分隔现象是指句子中被修饰词与修饰成分被词、短语或句子分开的情况。
  121. 分隔现象可以出现在主动语态中,也可能出现在被动语态中。
  122. 出现分隔现象的主要原因是为了句子的完整性。
  123. His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV,but            .
  124. —— We have to stop talking here outside.Listen,                      !—— Hurry up, or we’ll be late.
  125. During the war,                   but also he lost his wife and his child.
  126. I think this is the first time that we have met.          anywhere.
  127. —— Hello,Zhu Hua.I’ll have to return to Canada because I’ve worked here for a year.——                       !
  128. The traditional goal of science is to discover how things are, not how they ought ____.
  129. The boy wanted to ride his bike in the street, but his mother told him _____.
  130. .---I hope the children won’t touch the dog. ----I’ve warned them ____.
  131. Some students are going to China in summer vacation, and ____.
  132. Tom wanted to play football with his friends in the street, but his father told him_____.
  133. She said she would go and she ________ go.
  134. It _____ Mike and Mary who helped the old man several days ago.
  135. It was the training _____ he had as a young man _____ made him such a good engineer.
  136. — Were all three people in the car injured in the accident?  — No, ______ only the two passengers who got hurt.
  137. It was not until 1920 _____ regular radio broadcasts began.
  138. I would have said “Hello” to him if I ______ your brother.
  139. If you had wanted to buy a record, what ________?
  140. If I _______ you, I’d join the army.
  141. If you ______ to see Mary, what would you tell her?
  142. “If the sun ______ tomorrow, what would we do?”
  143. It is still under discussion ______the old bus station should be replaced with a modern hotel or not.
  144. Twenty students want to attend the class that aims to teach ______ to read first.
  145. The shocking news mad me realize ______ terrible problems we would face.
  146. I am afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ______ he never finishes anything.
  147. A body       velocity is not constant is said to be accelerated.
  148. 电子虽小,但它们在形成电流方面发挥了重要作用。Small __________ electrons are, they play an important role in the formation of electric current.
  149. Before a problem can be solved, it must be obvious ______the problem itself is.
  150. I fell down and broke three of my teeth. I wonder how many times I have to come here and get my false teeth
  151. the house on fire, he dialed 119.
  152. It is our purpose in this section to introduce the basic meaning of the solution of a differential equation. 下划线部分在句中做     。
  153. 与电压源相连的灯形成一个简单的电路。A lamp ____to a voltage source forms a simple circuit.
  154. Mark often attempts to escape ____ whenever he breaks traffic regulations.
  155. The purpose of new technology is to make life easier, ____it more difficult.
  156. This company was the first ____ portable radios as well as cassette tape recorders in the world.
  157. Convection(对流) is a ______ simpler physical process than conduction.
  158. 科技英语摘要中使用频率最高的时态是
  159. The grain output of last year in our province was 20%over that of 1990.可翻译为:我们省去年的粮食产量比1990年增加20%。
  160. Computers are powerful tools which perform fast, accurate calculations over huge sets of data.该句表达了一个客观情况因此使用了
  161. The earth is 49 times the size of the moon.可以翻译为:地球是月球大小的 50倍。
  162. We show that a discriminatively trained, multi-layer capsule system achieves state-of-the-art performance on MNIST and is ____ than a convolutional net at recognizing highly overlapping digits.
  163. It is shown that a concentration on the preservation of routing abilities might damage the preservation of community structure, and vice versa.该句这样排列的主要原因是保持句子平衡
  164. The process of measurement, the most fundamental operation in physics, will be discussed briefly in this chapter.该句中的同位语是
  165. Vitamin B9 — also known as folate(叶酸)— can be found in many fruits, vegetables and beans.该句中的插入语是
  166. make use of是什么意思?
  167. The oxygen equipment made it possible for climbers to rest              very high altitudes.
  168. A对B的影响是
  169. 冠词在翻译的时候都不用译出。
  170. 并列连接词and的用法有几种?
  171. 百万分之二十的英文表达是
  172. Einstein put up the principle of relativity, valid not only in mechanics but in all physics.划线部分是形容词短语做后置定语
  173. These transistor circuits can amplify voltage signals with minimum waveform distortion. 下划线介词短语充当_______。
  174. Both m and n are therefore even,         to our choice of m and n.
  175. 读者学会这些基本概念很重要,否则后面内容的讨论理解起来会有困难。It is important for the reader to learn the basic concepts well, ____ the discussion of later topics will be difficult to understand.
  176. 这台电压表/伏特计如此灵敏,可以测量出电压的微小变化。This is such ____ sensitive voltmeter that it can measure the slightest changes in voltage.
  177. In this case, the failure point(失效点) corresponds to a factor of safety of 1.划线部分做什么成分?
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