  1. Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best fits into the passage.  How does a part-time job affect a student’s academic performance? Recently a survey(调查)has been __1__among teachers on this question, and the answers__2__.The most obvious answer to the survey question is that academic performance is __3__.Actually,over half of the teachers feel that having a part-time job__4__with a student’s academic performance.This__5__because when students get jobs, they have less time to devote to their academic studies. Less study time usually means a__6__in test scores and overall grades. Some students get jobs to make money for__7__and fun .Unfortunately, many students have to work to help support their families and in those__8__there are few choices available to them.In__9__,many other teachers feel that working might bring educational__10__.They believe working improves a student’s academic performance. This response__11_27 percent of the votes in the survey. And it would be interesting to hear what theories are __12__it.Perhaps once students become responsible enough to be __13__to a job, they pass on this new attitude toward their studies. Maybe it is __14__chance that the improvement is made. Maybe developing __15__is a natural part of growing up.The number of teachers who feel that working has no impact at all is__16__20percent.Some students are naturally bright and they have enough time to __17__ to their studies. So the hours they spend working has little or no __18__on their studies.Whether working part-time __19__students’ performance or not, it is not likely to influence the number of students getting jobs. Cars, clothes, or family needs will lead most teenagers to get hired at some point. As a result ,nothing can__20__the trend.

  3. Passage 2Parenting is not an easy task. Becoming a parent is the easiest part, whereas, being a conscious and positive parent is a momentous task. Parenting is the most important role one faces in a lifetime. Parents who provide an encouraging environment for their children are rewarded when, as adults, their children realize a successful fit into the culture and society.Parenting concepts are deeply rooted in the majority of families in that country, because of a strong, sustained tradition of educating and training young parents to accept, perform and establish enduring relationships and responsibilities with their children. Generally, the young mother is introduced to the nuances of parenting by way of the “hands on” method at her parental home, and under the guidance of her mother or an experienced family member. This practice could be the reason why the need for professional parent education usually is not expressed.Effective parenting enables children to build and develop positive behavior and good,solid self-concepts that are important for functioning fully as a healthy adult. Parenting, as such, is greatly dependent on intra-familial issues that play a significant role in parental performance. However, parenting skills can be strengthened if parents learn about themselves as a “parent” and about children’s development. Learning about the stages of human development helps parents understand about their ever changing roles in the lives of their children and also what is expected of a parent at each stage. Finally, a father’s love and influence is as important as a mother’s in the life of a child. Fathers should overcome the internal and external barriers that exist to fulfill the duties of fathering.

  4. 答案:Because there is a tradition in which young parents are properly educated and trained.
  5. What is the value of the humanities? Why should we study the humanities given the current economic recession? In this new era of continuous unemployment slides and shrinking university funds, questions about the importance of the humanities in a complex and technologically demanding world have taken on new urgency. While the humanities may not seem as important as engineering, chemistry, or any of the other “hard” sciences, it still plays a significant role in the world. There is a great misunderstanding of what the humanities are and what they can do. People often assume that the humanities are just about reading the great literary and philosophical works and understanding the question of what living is for. I would argue that humanities – at least from a Cultural Studies perspective – is much more than reading the classic works and speculating about the meaning of life. In Cultural Studies, we apply theory to practice. Thinking and acting outside of the ivory tower, Cultural Studies attempts to produce research that engages with the public. As a cultural researcher, I am constantly asking myself the “So what?” question. Why does this topic matter? Why should people care? This continuous self-questioning helps bridge the gap between theory and practice. While I am learning for the sake of learning, I believe scholars have the responsibility to think about the ways in which their research relates to the larger picture. What is the point of research if it doesn’t affect the way people think about and act in the world? One thing I think Cultural Studies does effectively is rethinking the way we have traditionally thought about things. In Cultural Studies, few things – if anything – are taken for granted. Our research is largely driven by the question of what it means to be human. Through critical and creative engagement, we attempt to speculate on a question in a way that inspires people to imagine what might be instead of what is. This critical and creative engagement is especially important given the worsening state of the economy and the need for creative ways of being in the world.

  6. 答案:1. The humanities are considered less important than engineering and chemistry. 2. The author believes that the humanities, particularly from a Cultural Studies perspective, involve more than just reading classic texts and pondering life's purpose. 3. The author continuously asks themselves the "So what?" question to link their research to real-world implications. 4. Cultural Studies challenges conventional thinking and rarely accepts ideas without scrutiny. 5. The author emphasizes the significance of critical and creative engagement in Cultural Studies, particularly in light of the current economic situation and the need for innovative approaches to existence.
  7. Passage3Joining an established,highly prestigious company has become more difficult for graduates in recent years. It seems that many major corporations have a steady team of staff. If positions become vacant,you have to compete with hundreds of applicants to get a job interview. Consequently,more graduates are working for start-up companies. It’s both highly risky and rewarding.A start-up company provides an uncertain future. But if it becomes an established name or brand,you’ll have a greater sense of achievement than you would have for working for a big corporation. If you want to join a small company,it’s useful to know that start-ups and big companies have vastly different career paths,and you’ll find contrasting corporate cultures. “Teamwork is especially important in a start-up company,”said Tang Qin,HR manager in a technology company launched in 2001. Tang explained that a star-up company often has a small staff but big plans and goals. “In a start-up,you want to create something,but you cannot do it alone. So it requires you to cooperate with others,”she said. “But big companies always want you to spend all your time on small details.” Start-up companies also have quicker paths to promotion,and value innovative ideas more than big corporations. Lin Yan,a graduate in computer science from Shantou University,joined a start-up company. In four months,he became a team leader. Six months later he became a project manager. “A start-up company will always have room to entertain your creative imagination.” Start-up companies also have a more casual working atmosphere. Zhang Xin,25,a PR manager of a game company,always wears a T-shirt and jeans to work. Staff can play board games during working days,because it helps them to design new games. “You get more freedom,”said Zhang .“But you must get things done before the deadline. If you are too laid-back,it will be easily noticed.”

  8. 答案:CACDB
  9. A local affordable-housing group released a study yesterday, saying that its projects in the last decade have added more than $100 million to the local economy and created thousands of new jobs.Over the years, some groups have criticized affordable-housing projects, saying that public and private subsidies (补贴) are too costly. They also have expressed concern over what they perceive to be the potential negative impact of affordable-housing developments on home values in their local communities. But in an economic-impact analysis of 53 homes it built in Nassau and Suffolk counties, the Long Island Housing Partnership (合伙公司) challenged those assumptions.According to the study, which was completed by Pearl Kamer, chief economist for the Long Island Association, the partnership’s projects pumped $60 million into the local economy in total development costs. The projects also generated $55 million in goods and services on Long Island during their construction.Furthermore, the projects resulted in an increase island-wide of more than $37 million in net earnings, which includes not only money paid to construction workers, but purchases of services from local companies such as law firms, architectural firms and banks. An estimated 1,235 secondary jobs to support construction of these projects were also created, the study said.“Any way you look at it, the partnership’s projects are a win-win situation for the Long Island economy,” Lamer said. While the 18 projects, which represent the majority of the partnership’s major developments, received slightly more than $21 million in subsidies, the study found that the economic benefit to the local economy exceeded the subsidies provided by almost $34 million.“When we advocate for affordable housing, people have traditionally thought of it as a drain (大量耗费) on the community,” said Peter Klein, acting chairman of the partnership. “We want to make people aware that rather than being a drain, it’s an economic gain.”Those occupying these housing developments are mostly hospital and health-care workers, salespersons, bus and truck drivers, food services workers and so on. “These projects help to keep work force, which is critical considering today’s ongoing labor shortage,” said Kamer.

  10. 答案:1. Affordable-housing group's projects have contributed: - Over $100 million to the local economy - Created thousands of new jobs 2. Criticisms of affordable-housing projects include: - High cost of public and private subsidies - Potential negative impact on local home values 3. Long Island Housing Partnership (LIHP) challenged these criticisms through: - Economic-impact analysis of 53 homes in Nassau and Suffolk counties 4. Key findings of LIHP's economic-impact analysis: - Total development costs injected $60 million into the local economy - Generated $55 million in goods and services during construction - Net earnings increased by over $37 million island-wide - Creation of 1,235 secondary jobs to support construction 5. Pearl Kamer, chief economist for the Long Island Association, stated: - Partnership's projects are a win-win situation for the Long Island economy - Economic benefits exceeded subsidies by nearly $34 million 6. Peter Klein, acting chairman of the LIHP, emphasized: - Affordable housing traditionally seen as a drain on the community - It is, in fact, an economic gain 7. Occupants of the housing developments primarily consist of: - Hospital and healthcare workers - Salespersons - Bus and truck drivers - Food services workers, etc. 8. Importance of these projects: - Help retain the workforce amid a labor shortage
  11. Gap year (间隔年) refers to a period of time —not necessarily a year — in which students take time off and do something other than schooling, such as travel or work. 翻译为“间隔年,应该只有一年,指的是学生休假不去上学而去旅游或工作等的一段时间。”

  12. A:对 B:错
  13. 太极拳(Tai Chi)是一种武术(martial arts)项目,也是一种健身运动。翻译为“Tai Chi is a kind of martial arts, and a fitness exercise as well.”

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. Some 40,000 American students participated in 2013 in gap year programs, an increase of almost 20% since 2006. 翻译为“2013年有大约四万美国学生参加了间隔年活动,比2006年增加了近20%。”

  16. A:对 B:错
  17. 她长得又高又瘦,让我想起了我的表妹玛丽。翻译为“She was tall and slim, and let me remind my cousin Mary.”

  18. A:错 B:对
  19. 太极拳(Tai Chi)是一种武术(martial arts)项目,也是一种健身运动。翻译为“Tai Chi is a kind of martial arts, and a fitness exercise as well.”

  20. A:对 B:错
  21. She is very ambitious but I don’t think,she’ll really make it.翻译为她志向远大,但是我不认为她会做到。”

  22. A:错 B:对
  23. “The doctor knew that the man was unlikely to make it.”译为“医生知道这人很可能治不好了。”

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Compared with “love”, “like” is slighter.翻译为““喜爱”比“爱”轻薄。”

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. 夜晚,人们赏明月、吃月饼,共庆中秋佳节。翻译为“On that night, people, looking up at the bright moon, eat moon cakes,together celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival.”

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. I want the bookcase to stand free of the wall. 翻译为“我想让这个书柜不靠墙”

  30. A:对 B:错
  31. It is no good things that have happened.

  32. A:to complain over B:to complain about C:complaining about D:complaining over
  33. Imports of tea into the United States are continuing and will continue___ thesea lanes are open to American shipping.

  34. A:as B:as long as C:as far as D:as soon as
  35. With Christmas and the NewYear round the corner, we will straighten our rooms.

  36. A:up B:down C:over D:off
  37. 8 I didn’t get the job __________ the fact that I had all the necessary qualifications.

  38. A:in spite of B:because of C:although D:since
  39. These events serve to remind us___ the most potent challengesthat cancer-control agencies face today.

  40. A:for B:of C:with D:in
  41. He continued speaking, my feelings on the matter.

  42. A:regarding of B:regardless C:regardless of D:regarding
  43. So George got the bus back to his south London flat and ____ never to leave home again.

  44. A:resisted B:relaxed C:resolved D:redeemed
  45. College students are as well. There are many stories of excellent students who lost their university scholarshps from poor grades because they spent too much time online.

  46. A:effected B:affect C:influence D:impacted
  47. Modern_______ health records are meant to give doctors an integratedview of a patient's care, including medical history and treatments.

  48. A:electronic B:electronics C:electron D:electrical
  49. Someday my daughter, the independent woman, will return home. Tokens of her childhood will await her. , with open arms.

  50. A:So we are B:So are we C:So will we D:So we will

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