According to the meridian line, which meridian is connected to the upper ST meridian of foot yangming, lower connection the HE meridian of hand shaoyin ? A:KI B:PC C:LI D:SI E:SP 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Where is the kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin connected with pericardium meridian of hand-jueyin? A:Abdomen B:Lung C:Heart D:Chest E:Stomach 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 ( )Which acupoint belongs to the SI meridian of hand-taiyang in the following points? A:Tinggong (SI19) B:Ermen (TE21) C:Tinghui (GB2) D:Dicang (ST4) E:Jiache (ST6) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the following acupoints, which is the jing-river point of the bladder meridian of foot taiyang ? A:Jinggu(BL64) B:Zhiyin(BL67) C:Shenmai(BL62) D:Kunlun(BL60) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The acupoint which located“in the posterior region of knee, on the midpoint of the popliteal transverse line”腘横纹中点is () A:Weiyang(BL39) B:Weizhong (BL40) C:Feiyang (BL58) D:Kunlun(BL60) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoint can treat hemoptysis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hemodialysis and other blood syndromes咯血、咳血、吐血、血崩等血证 in the following acupoints? A:Danzhong(CV12) B:Zhongfu(LU1) C:Yanglingquan(GV3) D:Geshu(BL17) E:Taiyuan(LU9) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoint is located on the face,with the eye,looking straight forward,the points vertically below the pupil瞳孔直下,from the angle of the mouth 0.4 cun? A:Dicang (ST4) B:Yingxiang (LI20) C:Yangbai (GB14) D:Jiache (ST6) E:Quanliao (SI18) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoints is located on the face,one finger width anterior and superior to the lower angle of the mandible下颌骨? A:Xiaguan (ST7) B:Jiache (ST6) C:Daying (ST5) D:Dicang (ST4) E:Shangguan (GB3) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoint is located "on the spinal region ,level with the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd lumbar vertebra,1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline在脊柱区,第二腰椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸"? A:Shenshu(BL23) B:Mingmen(GV4) C:Xuanshu(GV5) D:Zhishi(BL52) E:Yaoyangguan(GV3) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Where does the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin connect with the pericardium meridian of hand jueyin ? A:lung B:heart C:stomach D:chest 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 ( )Which acupoint is located on the wrist, on the transverse crease of the radial side of the wrist,between the hollow of the tendons of the extensor policis longus and brevis拇短伸肌腱与拇长伸肌腱之间凹陷中? A:Yangchi (TE4) B:Yangxi (LI5) C:Wangu (SI4) D:Hegu (LI4) E:Jingqu (LU8) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

According to the theory of Eight Confluent points-Associating with Conception Vessel八脉交会穴理论, which one can treat with the disease of Belt Vessel 带脉and the disease of the meridian of foot- Shaoyang ?


Neiguan (PC6)


Waiguan (TE5)


Qiuxu (GB40)


Gongsun (SP4)

E:Zulinqi (GB41) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The acupoint which located "on the spinal region,level with the lower border of the spinous process of the 2nd thoracic vertebra, 1.5 cun lateral to the posterior midline is ( )在脊柱区,第2胸椎棘突下,后正中线旁开1.5寸 A: Ganshu(BL18) B:Fengmen(BL12) C:Geshu(BL17) D:Feishu(BL13) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 According to the mutual generation and restraining relations虚者补其母,实者泻其子 of Five Shu(Transport) points in Difficult Classic,which point can be selected for deficiency syndrome of Kidney meridian肾经病虚? A:Yingu (KI10) B:Ququan (LR8) C:Fuliu (KI7) D:Yongquan (KI1) E:Dadun (LR1) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》,which meridian originates from “the inner canthus,it then goes upwards toward the forehead, and connects at the vertex起于目内眦,上额,交巅”? A:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin B:the stomach meridian of foot yangming C:the large intestine meridian of hand yangming D:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 n the following meridians, which meridian passes through" hip joint region髀厌"? A:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang B:the stomach meridian of foot yangming C:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang D:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which cupoint is located in the posterior antebracgial region,1 cun above dorsal stripes,in the depression on the radial side of the proximal end of the capitulum of the ulna? A:Waiguan (TE5) B:Yangchi (TE4) C:Yangxi (LI5) D:Yanglao (SI6) E:Lieque (LU7) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which of the following acupoints is good at phlegm(祛痰)? A:Dadun (LR1) B:Fenglong (ST40) C:Tongli (HT5) D:Houxi (SI3) E:Fengfu (GV16) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the acupoints of the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang, which is both the Eight Converging(Influential) Points八会穴 and He-sea points合穴 : ( ) . A:Neiguan(PC6) B:Houxi(SI3) C:Yanglingquan(GB34) D:Zulinqi(GB41) E:Shenmai(BL64) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

Which is the earliest existing monograph on acupuncture and moxibustion and acupoints?


The Moxibustion Classic of Eleven Yin-Yang Meridians《足臂十一脉灸经》


Difficult Classic《难经》

C:The Moxibustion Classic of Eleven Foot-arm Meridians《阴阳十一脉灸经》 D:

The ABC Classic of Acupuncture and Moxibustion《针灸甲乙经》


Huangdi’s Internal Classic《黄帝内经》

答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 According to the application of Five Shu(Transport) points in modern times, which points are mostly used for first aid急救? A:Shu-stream B:Jing-Well C:Ying-Spring D:Jing-River E:He-Sea 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the following meridians, which meridian passes through" pericardium心包"? A:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang B:the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang C:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang D:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In Lingshu·Jingmai (灵枢·经脉 ) ,which meridian enter the gums of the higher teeth? A:Kidney meridian of foot-shaoyin B:Stomach meridian of foot-yangming C:Gallbladder meridian of foot-shaoyang D:Largr Intestine meridian of hand-yangming E:Triple Energizer meridian of hand-shaoyang 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which meridians are connected between The liver meridian of foot jueyin and the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang? A:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang B:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin C:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang D:the small intestine meridian of hand taiyang 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoint is located on the forearm前臂,3 cun above the wrist crease on the line linking the Yangxi(LI15) and Quchi(LI11) points? A:Xiajuxu (ST39) B:Shousanli (LI10) C:Pianli (LI6) D:Wenliu (LI7) E:Shangjuxu (ST37) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the Lingshu·Jingmai《灵枢·经脉》, which zang-fu organ is connected by the spleen meridian of foot taiyin and the kidney meridian of foot shaoyin together? A:heart B:kidney C:lung D:stomach 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoint is located on the deltoideus triangularis, in the depression between the lateral margin of the acrominend and the greater tubercles of humerus肱骨的大结节? A:Binao (LI14) B:Jianzhen (SI9) C:Jianjing (GB21) D:Jianliao (TE14) E:Jianyu (LI15) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In Lingshu·Jingmai (灵枢·经脉),which meridian splits from the styloid process of the wrist and runs to the radial side of the tip of the index finger”食指? A:SI B:LI C:PC D:TE E:LU 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which Yuan-Primary(Source) point can be selected for cough and asthma气喘? A:Chongyang (ST42) B:Taixi (KI3) C:Taibai (SP3) D:Taiyuan (LU9) E:Daling (PC7) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

According to the proportional measurement method ,how many cun from the upper limb elbow 上肢肘横纹stripes to the distal end of the wrist腕掌侧远端横纹?


10 cun


9 cun


16 cun


12 cun


18 cun

答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The patient has tenderness in the neck, shoulder, waist, buttock and the popliteal fossa. 患者在后项、肩膊、腰膂、臀部、腘窝处皆有压痛 Which meridian is abnormal in qi and blood? A:the triple energizer meridian of hand shaoyang B:the large intestine meridian of hand yangming C:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang D:the stomach meridian of foot yangming 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Which acupoint is located on the upper edge of the styloid process of the radius,1.5 cun above the distal palmar transverse crease of the wrist腕掌侧远端横纹上,between the tendon of extensor policis brevis and the tendon of the long abductor muscle of the thumb拇短伸肌腱与拇长展肌腱之间? A:Yangxi (LI5) B:Lieque (LU7) C:Yuji (LU10) D:Jingqu (LU8) E:Taiyuan (LU9) 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the following meridians, which meridian passes through" lateral malleolus外踝"? A:the spleen meridian of foot taiyin B:the gallbladder meridian of foot shaoyang C:the bladder meridian of foot taiyang D:Governor Vessel 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

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