1. What are the writing tips for writing business reports? ( )

  2. 答案:expressing accurately###eliminating unnecessary words
  3. Which statement is wrong about the supplementary in a business report? ( )

  4. 答案:The second section in formal reports is supplementary.
  5. Basically a formal report consists of four parts: prefatory parts, a title page, text of report and supplementary parts.( )

  6. 答案:错
  7. Which statement is wrong about agreements and contracts? ( )

  8. 答案:Agreements and contracts have exactly the same formats.
  9. You should not write out the purposes of the agreement prior to providing the details. ( )

  10. 答案:错
  11. A questionnaire usually consists of three parts:________, ________, _________.( )

  12. 答案:a remark of appreciation###a well-written introduction###a series of questions
  13. Questionnaires should be brief and concise. Normally a print or Internet survey should not take a respondent longer than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.( )

  14. 答案:对
  15. Proposals may be classified as ______, ________, ________.( )

  16. 答案:informal or formal###solicited or unsolicited###internal or external
  17. Which statement is wrong about business proposals? ( )

  18. 答案:Try to be serious, fair, subjective, and factual.
  19. The budget section of a proposal describes the credentials and expertise of the project leaders. ( )

  20. 答案:错
  21. The writers sign, seal, and send the recommendation to the organization concerned.( )

  22. 答案:对
  23. Which of the following people should not be invited to write a recommendation for us? ( )
  24. 你获此荣誉,所有与你相识或共事的人都感到十分光荣。翻译为:The honor will give pleasure to a wide circle of people who know you and your work.( )
  25. Usually, effective letters of recommendation have these six parts in common, including the header, the salutation, the introduction, the body, the closing and the signature. ( )
  26. We thank you for your letter of May 27 and the _____ illustrated catalogue.( )
  27. It is important to acknowledge your mistake straight away. ( )
  28. 我写信给你是希望你原谅我的失约。翻译为:I’m writing to ask you to excuse me for not being able to keep our appointment.( )
  29. Words written in an invitation letter should be explicit, concise and complete.( )
  30. An invitation letter, whether formal or informal, should be written in the first person.( )
  31. The letter must include information ______ about the company extending the invitation.( )
  32. Résumés are usually divided into three types: hronological résumé, functional résumé and a combined résumé.( )
  33. Résumés should not mention why you left your last job.( )
  34. When you write résumés, you’d better list your work experience in reverse chronological order.( )
  35. 希望有机会运用我的会计和英语技能为一家海外公司工作。翻译为:An opportunity to apply m accounting education and English-language skills in an overseas company. ( )
  36. When you write an application letter for a job, you can lie about your experience as long as others can’t find.( )
  37. You should start your application letter( ).
  38. When you summarize your strengths, you should be( ).
  39. Cover letter is the first impression you will make to the employer. ( )
  40. The basic part of a cover letter includes:( )
  41. Which of the following is the purpose of Heading in a cover letter?( )
  42. Personal opinions and comments are allowed in the minutes.( )
  43. Memos refer to a summarized written record of what has taken place in a meeting. ( )
  44. The following are the writing tips for minutes except( ).
  45. The minutes recorder should not hesitate to discard the irrelevant information. ( )
  46. Memos usually contain the following parts ( ).
  47. A memo is used to describe the standard format of internal communication, which an organization uses for its own staff. ( )
  48. 为庆祝这个特殊的日子,所有顾客将享受开业打折优惠。翻译为:To mark this special occasion, customers will be offered with an opening discount. ( )
  49. An announcement should be direct when announcing bad news.( )
  50. The purpose of a notice is to give information briefly and quickly.( )
  51. A notice should be simple, concise and attractive.( )
  52. You should either make a telephone call or write a letter to make a claim, but never both. ( )
  53. Which of the following is the most appropriate opening for a letter granting a claim? ( )
  54. In a simple complaint letter, telling the reader immediately what action you would like to take is considered businesslike and efficient.( )
  55. 如果我们的产品符合您的需求,请随时来电来函,我们将非常高兴地、不遗余力地为您服务。翻译为:If our line of business matches your needs, please feel free to call or write to us. We would be most happy to assist you in any way we can.( )
  56. 我们6月6日订购的货物至今仍未到达。翻译为:The goods we ordered from you on June 6 haven’t arrived yet. ( )
  57. 我公司享有要求赔偿的权利,我们希望了解你方准备给予的补偿金额,以解决此事。翻译为:It is clear that we are entitled to some compensation, and we should be glad to hear of the allowance you prepare to make to meet the case.( )
  58. 感谢贵方的订货和要求 。能竭诚为贵方服务,我方感激不尽。翻译为:Your order and request are sincerely appreciated. We are always grateful for the opportunity of serving you in the best way we can.( )
  59. The request for action should be placed in the closing of a persuasive message.( )
  60. By persuasion, we mean reasoning with the reader—presenting facts logically that support your case. ( )
  61. Which of following are the steps in writing persuasive claims?( )
  62. Please remit payment within 10 days so that you can maintain your credit rating. This sentence is a positive tone.( )
  63. Unfortunately, your order cannot be sent until next week. This sentence is a positive tone.( )
  64. A letter asking when the next year’s automobile show will be held in the local place should be written in a direct order.( )
  65. A letter from a recent college graduate requesting a letter of recommendation from a former instructor should be written in an indirect order.( )
  66. A letter to sell a new product should be written in an indirect order.( )
  67. According to the criteria for effective business writing discussed in this chapter, which one do you think is more appropriate?Request a business partner to effect payment. ( )
  68. According to the criteria for effective business writing discussed in this chapter, which one do you think is more appropriate?Reply to a letter which didn’t provide the specifications of some goods ordered. ( )
  69. According to the criteria for effective business writing discussed in this chapter, which one do you think is more appropriate?Announce a company's policy.( )
  70. According to the criteria for effective business writing discussed in this chapter, which one do you think is more appropriate?Inform the resignation of a former president.( )
  71. According to the criteria for effective business writing discussed in this chapter, which one do you think is more appropriate?The message is given to several branches of a company.( )
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