Consider an industry that has five firms with the following market share percentages: 60, 10, 5, 5, 5. The index of CR4 of this market should be A:3850 B:100 C:80 D:70 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

When we use Tik Tok, it shows a kind of (    ) network externality.




none of the above





答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A merger involves firms that produce at different stages of production in the same industry, this is ( ): A:vertical merger B:conglomerate merger C:horizontal merger D:geographic extension merger 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

A market definition that is too (     ) results in too few firms being included.

A:small B:


C:broad D:few 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The contestable markets hypothesis contends that potential competition may be more important than actual competition and that even a natural monopolist ( ) A:may earn negative economic profits as if it were in a monopolistic competitive market structure. B:may earn positive economic profits as if it were in a perfectly competitive market structure. C:may earn zero economic profits as if it were in a perfectly competitive market structure. D:may earn positive economic profits as if it were in a monopoly market structure. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the case of a negative externality, as the number of users of the same brand increases, consumers are ( ) A:better off B:keeping the same C:worse off D:not sure 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Limit pricing requires the monopolist to maintain a low price before entry occurs ( ). A:high, after B:high, before C:low, before D:low, after 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

A merger between “Geely Automobile” and “Volvo Cars” should be (    )


pure conglomerate merger


geography extensive merger


 horizontal merger


 vertical merger

答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Production of goods or services in network industries often involves significant economies of scale. This type of cost structure—very ( ) fixed sunk cost combined with very ( ) marginal cost—exists whenever the product involves information. A:low, high B:high, low C:low, low D:high, high 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The more frequent a firm’s need for an input, ( ) A:the more the firm can save on transaction costs by internal production. B:the more the firm can save on transaction costs by external production. C:the less the firm can save on transaction costs by internal production. D:the less the firm can save on transaction costs by external production. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

In excess capacity model, the monopolist invests in excess capacity in period 1 in order to (    ) its costs in period 2; this investment lowers the monopolist's costs in relation to a potential entrant's costs in period 2. So the monopolist (   ) entry and earns larger profits over the two periods.


lower, encourages


increase, deters


increase, encourages


lower, deters

答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Faced with a threat of entry, the monopolist can invest in research and development in ( ) and earn a smaller profit in ( ); however, if the monopolist’s lower costs in period 2 deter entry, the monopolist’s profits will be significantly increased in( ) A:period 1, period 2, period 2. B:period 1, period 2, period 1. C:period 2, period 1, period 2. D:period 2, period 1, period 1. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The HHI number can range from close to zero to ( )。 A:5000 B:100 C:1000 D:10000 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In dominant-firm price leadership model, the fringe firms are ( ) A:price makers and maximize their profits by equating price to marginal cost like monopoly firms. B:price takers and maximize their profits by equating price to marginal cost like perfectly competitive firms. C:price makers and maximize their profits by equating price to marginal cost like perfectly competitive firms. D:price takers and maximize their profits by equating price to marginal cost like monopoly firms. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A merger occurring between companies producing similar goods or offering similar services, this i( )s: A:geographic extension merger B:horizontal merger C:vertical merger D:conglomerate merger 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

According to the contestable markets hypothesis, potential competition is more important than actual competition, a natural monopolist (     )


may always earn negative economic profits.


none of the above.


never earns positive economic profits as if it were in a perfectly competitive market structure.

D:may earn zero economic profits as if it were in a perfectly competitive market structure. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A tit-for-tat player adopts the following strategy ( ): A:In every subsequent round, if your opponent lowers the price, then you will charge the Bertrand equilibrium price forever. B:In every subsequent round, adopt the strategy played by your opponent in the previous round (e.g., in round N, adopt your opponent’s strategy in round N - 1). C:Start by cooperating in the first round. D:Start by random strategy in the first round. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Tobin’s q has several advantages over rate of return measures. A:The numerator of q, market value, reflects expected future profits, whereas accounting data reflect only past profits. B:The market value of a firm depends partly on risk, so q incorporates an adjustment for risk. C:q is much less sensitive to errors in measuring its components than are profits. D:q reflects the operations of the entire firm, creating complications for diversified firms. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Exclusive dealing can improve welfare because ( ) A:all of the above. B:manufacturers are likely to spend considerably more on advertising and promotional services that benefit the retailers if the manufacturers know that retailers cannot sell alternative, lowerpriced, nonadvertised substitute products to consumers. C:exclusive dealing generally lowers transactions costs. D:manufacturers are likely to spend more time and effort training retailers if the manufacturers know that the retailers will sell only their products. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The most common vertical restraints are ( ) A:franchise fees B:All of the above C:exclusive dealing D:resale price maintenance agreements 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Two assumptions are important in transaction cost economics, which are( ): A:bounded rationality B:the presence of opportunism. C:no entry barrier D:product homogenous 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Basic assumptions for the theory of perfectly contestable markets ( ): A:Entry is not free B:Entry is absolute. C:No sunk costs are associated with entry. D:Entry is free 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

In the static SCP approach to the study of industrial organization, market performance determine market structure.

A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

In excess capacity model, the potential entrant  moves first and selects a level of capacity.

A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 The more frequent a firm’s need for an input, the more the firm can save on transaction costs by internal production. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 A less elastic demand results in a smaller monopoly markup. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In dominant-firm price leadership model, the fringe firms are price takers and maximize their profits by equating price to marginal cost like monopolist firms. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the SCP approach to the study of industrial organization, basic market conditions determine market structure. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In the product differentiation advantages of first movers model, The risk-cost factor is larger with less frequent repeat purchases. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

In zero-sum game, one player's gain is always matched by another player's gain.

A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

according to the theory of excess capacity model, the monopolist moves first and selects a level of capacity.

A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Network externalities can only be positive. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Tacit collusion results when different firms set identical prices without ever meeting to discuss prices because of a “meeting of the minds,” whereby competitors realize that it is in all their best interests to avoid price competition. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 In monopolistic competition, the profit effect and the consumer surplus effect work in opposite directions. A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Learning curves show a decline in the current average cost of production as total production mounts. The first mover will have an advantage over late comers. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

In the SCP approach to the study of industrial organization, market structure determines conduct.

A:对 B:错 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 One of the major implications of the dominant-firm price leadership model is that the dominant firm’s market share keeps constant over time. A:错 B:对 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Calculate the numbers equivalent for each of the following values of the HHI.
a. 1000
b. 1250
c. 1428
d. 2500
答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 If a firm wishes to adopt trigger price strategy, how should he do? 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Consider a market with two firms, firm A and firm B. The market demand is P = 52 - 4Q, where Q = qA + qB. Assume Firm A has a lower MC than Firm B. MCA = ACA = 2 and MCB = ACB = 4. This difference in cost functions provides better justification for existence of a Stackelberg leader. (3) Solve for Firm A’s demand curve. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看 Suppose the market demand curve for steel industry is given by: QT = 1000 - 3P, where QT = QF + QD and QT is the total quantity, QF is the quantity supplied by fringe firms, and QD is the quantity supplied by the dominant firm. The dominant firm’s total costs are given by TCD = 100QD and the competitive fringe’s supply curve is given by QF = -120 + P. Calculate: The dominant firm's profit-maximizing quantity of output. 答案:关注公众号【题涯答案】免费查看

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