1.Fluorescent ( )
A:泛光的 B:发荧光的 C:兰绿色的 D:品红色的
A:预防措施 B:警告 C:安全预防措施 D:安全警告
3.检查引用水箱排水口、溢流口无堵塞 ( )
A:Check the potable water tank drain /overflow in condition with no blockage B:Check the waste water tank drain /overflow in condition with no damage C:Check the potable water tank overflow in condition with no blockage D:Check the waste water tank drain in condition with no blockage
答案:AI参考:正确选项为【A:Check the potable water tank drain /overflow in condition with no blockage】\n\n选项A表示检查饮用水箱排水/溢流口在无堵塞的状态下,选项B、C、D则不正确,没有体现出水箱排水口、溢流口的状态以及无堵塞的含义。因此,正确答案为A选项。'
4. What centralize radio communication frequency control? ( )
答案:AI参考:正确选项是 A:AFCS。\n\nAFCS(Airborne Frequency Control System)是空中无线电通信频率控制的集中系统,用于统一控制和管理飞机上各种无线电通信设备的频率,以保证空中无线电通信的稳定和可靠。因此,AFCS是用于集中控制无线电通信频率的控制系统。而EFIS(Electronic Flight Instrument System)是电子飞行仪表系统的简称,主要用于提供飞行员所需的气象、飞行速度、高度等飞行信息;RMP(Radio Monitoring and Protection)是无线电监测和保护系统的简称,主要用于监测和保护飞机上的无线电设备,防止其受到外部干扰或非法使用。因此,选项B和C都不符合题意。'
5.What is not the type of panel lights, ( )
A:Master dim and test B:Instrument lights C:Indicators D:Lighted push-button switches
6. What light supply light to help maintenance personnel and ground crews. ( )
A:Passenger compartment lights B:Exterior lights C:Cargo and Service compartment lights D:Flight compartment lights
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:Exterior lights。\n\n根据题干中的描述,需要一种帮助维护人员和地面工作人员进行维护工作的照明设备,而选项B中的“Exterior lights”即外部照明灯,可以提供足够的照明,帮助维护人员和地面工作人员进行工作。因此,选项B是正确答案。选项A的“Passenger compartment lights”是客舱照明灯,选项C的“Cargo and Service compartment lights”是货舱和服务舱照明灯,选项D的“Flight compartment lights”是飞行舱照明灯,都不符合题干描述。'
7.Which system supplies pressure to the landing gear extension and retraction? ( )
A:wheels B:hydraulic system C:brakes D:energy absorbers
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:液压系统。\n\n液压系统可以提供压力给降落伞的展开和收回,选项B是正确的。其他选项中,A选项的“wheels”指的是轮子,与降落伞展开和收回无关;C选项的“brakes”指的是刹车,与降落伞无关;D选项的“energy absorbers”指的是能量吸收器,与降落伞展开和收回也没有直接关系。因此,正确答案是B。'
8. 选装( )?
9.Visually check areas below with no damage, scratch, dent, deformation, lightning strike, fluid Leakiness, missing or loose parts and fastener, obstruction of inlets/outlets.( )
A:按绕机线路目视检查飞机以下区域没有损伤、划伤、凹陷、变形和雷击痕迹,没有油液 渗漏,没有部件/紧固件松动或遗失,进气口/出气口没有变形。 B:按绕机线路目视检查飞机以下区域没有损伤、划伤、凹陷、变形和雷击痕迹,没有油液 渗漏,没有部件/紧固件松动或遗失,进气口/出气口没有堵塞。 C:目视检查飞机以下区域没有损伤、划伤、破损、变形和雷击痕迹,没有油液渗漏,没有部件/紧固件松动或遗失,进气口/出气口没有堵塞。 D:目视检查飞机以下区域没有损伤、划伤、凹陷、变形和鸟击痕迹,没有油液渗漏,没有部件/紧固件松动或遗失,进气口/出气口没有堵塞。
10.Lighting ( )
A:照明 B:升降台 C:升力 D:闪电
11. Which of the following is based on visual landmarks? ( )
A:Dead reckoning B:Radio navigation C:Pilotage

12.The faster the aircraft flies, the more needed from the propulsion system. ( )
A:Fuel B:Gas C:Energy D:Air 13. A safety stay must be positioned at the rear of the aircraft after jacking to stabilize the aircraft. ( )
A:在飞机顶升后,必须在飞机前部安装一个安全支柱以稳定飞机 B:在顶起后,必须在飞机前部安装安全支架以稳定飞机。 C:在飞机顶升后,必须在飞机后部安装一个安全支柱以稳定飞机 D:在顶起后,必须在飞机尾部放置安全支架以稳定飞机。 14.Brakes engaged ( )
A:轮档已放置 B:轮档已撤除 C:刹车已设置 D:刹车已松开 15. The exterior lights supply light for( )?
A:direction B:aid in the safe operation of airplane C:airplane identification, D:all of the above 16. There are three separate hydraulic systems and each system is supported by its own hydraulic fluid reservoir. ( )
A:有三个独立的液压系统,每个系统都有自己的液压储液器。 B:有三个液压系统,每个系统都有自己的液压油箱。 C:有三个独立的液压系统,每个系统都有自己的液压油箱。 D:有三个液压系统,每个系统都有自己的液压储液器。 17.The check valves make sure the fuel flows in the correct direction. ( )
A:对 B:错 18.For normal ground operations, the APU uses suction to get fuel from main centre tank. ( )
A:对 B:错 19.A hydraulic motor does just the opposite of what a power-driven pump does. ( )
A:错 B:对 20.Intake, Compressor, Combustion chamber, Turbine, Exhaust nozzle are five basic components of a gas turbine engine. ( )
A:错 B:对 21.What are the advantages of the epicyclical gear? ( )
A:It is lighter. B:A high degree of speed reduction can be obtained. C:The structure are simple. D:The propeller shaft and thrust lines remain on the same centre line as the compressor and turbine shafts. 22.发动机各主要组成部件安装在这个管道内。各部件从前到后依次为压气机,燃烧室,涡轮,尾喷管。The parts from front to rear are , , , and . ( )
A:an exhaust duct B:An air compressor C:a combustion chamber D:a turbine wheel 23.Fuel control panel is on the forward overhead panel. ( )
A:对 B:错 24.Approximately 80% of the thrust produced is from the bypass air ducting.( )
A:对 B:错 25.Specific fuel consumption (SFC) 是燃气涡轮发动机的单位燃油消耗率.( )
A:错 B:对 26.For turboprop engines, multi-stage turbines with small diameter discs can run at higher rev/min and thus absorb more energy from the gas stream.( )
A:对 B:错 27.发动机的部件根据内部流动的气体分为cold section冷端和hot section 热端。( )
A:对 B:错 28.1931年,英国的Frank Whittle爵士的燃气涡轮发动机是一个由压气机和涡轮构成的单转子。Sir Frank Whittle’s Gas turbine engine consists of a single rotating spool comprising of a compressor and turbine.( )
A:对 B:错 29.a fluid reservoir. This is there purely to keep the system topped up in case of minor leaks.( )
A:错 B:对 30.All the energy not required to frive the gas generator compressor is used to drive the free turbine. ( )
A:错 B:对 31.A/T stands for Autothrottle. ( )
A:对 B:错 32.Valves in hydraulic system are used to regulate the pressure, flow and direction of the liquid. ( )
A:对 B:错 33. In Boeing 737 airplane, each main tank uses two electrical pumps, one forward and one aft.( )
A:对 B:错 34. The landing gear in aviation,is the structure that supports an aircraft on the ground and allows it to taxi, takeoff and land. ( )
A:错 B:对 35.F=P×A. F equals P multiply A.( )
A:对 B:错 36.A hydraulic motor receives hydraulic fluid pressure and converts it into rotative force.( )
A:错 B:对 37.燃气涡轮发动机的部件中的 , 。分别对应的工作过程是燃烧和做功。 ( )
A:涡轮turbine B:进气道 inlet C:Combustion Chamber燃烧室 D:压气机compressor 38.In order to collect air molecules at the same rate as temperature increases, the compressor would have to change either , or . ( )
A:its blade shape B:Its material C:its blade angles D:its speed 39.Dual and triple spool axial compressors were developed for the operational flexibility they provide to the engine in the form of high compression ratios, quick acceleration, and better control of stall characteristics. ( )
A:I don’t know B:high compression ratios C:quick acceleration D:better control of stall characteristics 40.燃气涡轮发动机的基本部件有Air intake 进气口, 压气机,Fuel burner火焰筒, 燃烧室, 涡轮,Jet pipe喷管,Propelling nozzle推力喷管,exhaust nozzle尾喷管。( )
A:Turbine B:Piston C:Combustion chamber D:Compressor

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