1.Which of the following is an item of capital expenditure? ( )
A:Cost of goods sold. B:Repairs to a machine. C:Rent expenditure. D:Purchase of a motor vehicle.
2.Which of the following statements regarding non-current asset accounting is correct? ( )
A:All non-current assets should be revalued each year. B:Non-current assets should be revalued to reflect rising prices. C:Revalued amount is the fair value at the date of the revaluation. D:Non-current assets may be revalued at the discretion of management. Once revaluation has occurred it must be repeated regularly for all non-current assets in a class. 3.Which of the following statements regarding depreciation is correct? ( )
A:Units-of-production method is usually the most appropriate method of depreciation. B:All non-current assets must be depreciated. C:Depreciation charges must be based upon the carrying value of an asset (less residual value if appropriate). D:A change in the chosen depreciation method is a change in accounting policy which should be disclosed. 4.A non-current asset (cost $15,000, depreciation $10,000) is given in part
exchange for a new asset. The agreed trade-in value was $3,500. The income statement will include? ( )
A:A loss on disposal $1,500. B:A loss on purchase of a new asset $3,500. C:A profit on disposal $1,500. D:A profit on disposal $3,500. 5.The financial statement that reports gains (losses) on the sale of PPE is
the . ( )
A:Statement of cash flow B:Income statement C:Balance sheet D:Statement of financial position 6.A company purchased some plant and equipment on 1 July 20 X 1 for $40,000.
The estimated scrap value of the plant in ten years is estimated to be $4,000. The company's policy is to charge depreciation on the straight line basis. What should the depreciation charge for the plant be in the accounting period of twelve months to 30 September 20 X1? ( )
A:$600. B:$675. C:$900. D:$720. 7.A company is recording the invoice for the purchase of a new non-current asset. As well as the basic cost of the asset, the invoice shows the following items:
Which of the costs should be treated as revenue expenditure? ( )
A:Delivery only. B:Maintenance only. C:Installation only D:All of the costs. 8.A Company has development expenditure of $500,000. Its policy is to amortize development expenditure at 2% per annum. Accumulated amortisation brought down is $2,000. What is the charge in the income statement for the year's amortisation? ( )
A:$8,000. B:$2,000. C:$10,000. D:$12,000. 11.A company has a machine with present value of the estimated cash flows of $300,000. The company has received an offer for the machine for $280,000 from Company in the same industry. What is the impairment loss should be if the carrying value of the machine is $330,000?( )
A:$20,000. B:$40,000. C:$30,000. D:$10,000.

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