1. Which ones belong to the basic functions of computer ( )

  2. 答案:Input and output,###Control###Calculation,###Data storage,
  3. Python has two basic modes ( )

  4. 答案:Script###Interactive

  5. 答案:13
  6. What will be the output of the following Python code? s=set([1, 2, 3])print(s.union([4, 5]))print(s|([4, 5])) ( )

  7. 答案:{1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Error
  8. Bitwise _________ gives 1 if one of the bits is 1 and the other is 0. ( )

  9. 答案:XOR
  10. What will be the value of x by the expression x = int(43.55+2/2)? ( )

  11. 答案:44

  12. 答案:a is 3 and b is 7 and c is 10a is 25 and b is 5 and c is 24a is 100 and b is 5 and c is 50
  13. Which of the following is incorrect? ( )

  14. 答案:float("12+34")
  15. What will be the output of the following Python code? l=[1,2,3,4,5][x&1 for x in l] ( )

  16. 答案:[1, 0, 1, 0, 1]
  17. How do required arguments specified in the function heading? ( )

  18. 答案:identifier
  19. To read the entire remaining contents of the file as a string from a file object infile, which one should be used ? ( )

  20. 答案:infile.read()
  21. Which one of the following functions will return the symmetric difference between two sets, x and y? ( )
  22. What will be the output of the following Python code? list(map((lambda x:x^2), range(10))) ( )
  23. What will be the output of the following Python code? s1={1, 2, 3}s2={3, 4, 5, 6}s1.difference(s2)s2.difference(s1) ( )
  24. What is the usage of the zeros() function in Numpy array? ( )
  25. Which one is the output of the following code? for i in "butter": if i=="t": break print(i) ( )
  26. Which one of the followings is not a data type supported by Python ( )
  27. What is the result of the expression, 3*1**3? ( )
  28. What is a variable defined outside a function? ( )
  29. A body statements in Python is expressed by indentation, such as (if, else, while) end with a colon ":", and then the body statements must be indented (____) spaces. ( )
  30. Given code below, what should be the output? nums = [10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90]some_nums = nums[2:-2]print(len(some_nums)) ( )
  31. NumPy provides a function __________ to create sequences of numbers,. ( )
  32. Which manner do operators perform in the same precedence? ( )
  33. Given code below, what should be the output? s1 = set(['a', 'b', 'r', 'c', 'd'])s2 = set(['a', 'l', 'c', 'z', 'm'])print(len(s1 & s2), len(s1 ^ s2)) ( )
  34. Which one is not the usage of Python comments ( )
  35. How to change the file position to an offset value from the start? ( )
  36. Which one of the following statements is wrong about inheritance? ( )
  37. Is it possible to convert the Numpy array to list in Python? ( )
  38. Python uses () as an escape character to denote special usage. ( )
  39. Which one of the followings is the purpose of function in Python? ( )
  40. When was Python first released? ( )
  41. Python uses___to denote code blocks. ( )
  42. Which one of the following description of the dictionary type is wrong: ( )
  43. Which one of followings is floor division? ( )
  44. Calculate the cube of each element in l=[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]. ( )
  45. What will be the output of the following Python expression? 4^12 ( )
  46. Assume that when x<0, y=x-1; when x=0, y=x and when x>0, y=x+1.Which one below makes the same effect? ( )
  47. Which one would The readlines() method returns? ( )
  48. Which one of the followings is true for variable names in Python? ( )
  49. Which one of the following is not true about dictionary keys? ( )
  50. Which one is attribute of image? ( )
  51. Which operation can be used to set the picture to a given size? ( )
  52. Which one isn’t the method of ImageFilter? ( )
  53. Which one isn’t the method of Image.transpose? ( )
  54. What is the effect of ImageFilter. CONTOUR? ( )
  55. What will be the output for the following code? import numpy as np a = np.array([1, 2, 3], dtype = complex) print(a) ( )
  56. Which keyword is used to access the Numpy package in Python? ( )
  57. Which one is correct syntax for the ‘reshape()’ function in Numpy? ( )
  58. Numpy is a third party package for ____ in Python? ( )
  59. How to convert a Numpy array to a list in Python? ( )
  60. Which one of the followings is not correct about Class hierarchy? ( )
  61. What is the usage of tell() function in Python? ( )
  62. After executing the following procedure, what content will be saved in the file?file=open('test.txt', 'wt+')file.write('hello SCUT')file.close()file=open('test.txt', 'at+')file.write('hello world')file.close() ( )
  63. Which of the following statements cannot create a demo.txt file? ( )
  64. How to rename a file in Python? ( )
  65. Which function is not the way Python reads files. ( )
  66. Which are the advantages of functions in Python? ( )
  67. Which keyword is used to define a function in Python? ( )
  68. What will be the output of the following Python code? list(map((lambda x:x**2), filter((lambda x:x%2==0), range(10)))) ( )
  69. How does the variable length argument specified in the function heading? ( )
  70. Which one description of condition in the followings is correct? ( )
  71. Which is the output of the following code?a = 30b = 1if a >=10:a = 20elif a>=20:a = 30elif a>=30:b = aelse:b = 0print("a=",a,"b=",b) ( )
  72. What will be the output of the following Python code? lst=[3,4,6,1,2]lst[1:2]=[7,8]print(lst) ( )
  73. Which of the following is an invalid variable? ( )
  74. Which one will return error when accessing the list ‘l’ with 10 elements. ( )
  75. Which of the following operations will rightly modify the value of the element? ( )
  76. What will be the output of the following Python code ? not(10<20) and not(10>30) ( )
  77. Which is NOT the main part of computer ( )
  78. Which symbol can be used for comments in Python ( )
  79. The integrated development tool built into Python is ( ).
  80. Which is the correct operator for power(Xy)? ( )
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