1. Renal anomalies accounts for 57% of cases with severe polyhydramnios. ( )

  2. 答案:错
  3. If breech presentation persists beyond 34 weeks, external cephalic version should be considered.( )

  4. 答案:错
  5. In some cases paternal exposure to drug or environmental influence may increasethe risk of adverse fetal outcome. ( )

  6. 答案:对
  7. 12hours after vaginal delivery, a puerpera had a heart rate of 120 beats/min and blood pressure of 90/52mmHg, then, it was estimated that the postpartum blood loss of this puerpera was about 1000-1500ml.( )

  8. 答案:对
  9. Full dilatation of the cervix signifies the onset of the second stage of labor. ( )

  10. 答案:对
  11. 5 minutes score of 0-4 is associated with increased mortality in both preterm and full term infants. ( )

  12. 答案:错
  13. Previous macrosomic infant(>4000g) is not the risk factor of gestation diabetes mellitus.( )

  14. 答案:错
  15. Fertility decreases as the maternal age advances.( )

  16. 答案:错
  17. Cause of polyhydramnios are:( )

  18. 答案:Anencephaly###Twins###Esophageal atresia
  19. The fetal indication of cesarean section including ( ):

  20. 答案:Fetal distress###Malpresentation###Fetal macrosomia###some multifetal pregnancies
  21. Which fontanelles are able to be recognized during the labor? ( )

  22. 答案:Anterior Fontanelle###Posterior fontanelle
  23. Indications of thyroid function test during pregnancy are as follows: ( )
  24. What are the inducements of placental abruption?( )
  25. The First Trimester Combined Test including ( ) to yield a risk score forDown syndrome, trisomy 18, and trisomy 13:
  26. What are the risk factors for Uterus Rupture?( )
  27. WHO has classified following classification to categorize drugs in breastfeeding:( )
  28. In placenta previa, conservative treatment is not done in case of:( )
  29. Besides pregnancy, delayed menses may be caused by factors such as?( )
  30. The electronic cardiotocography includes :( )
  31. What are the main symptoms of a genital tract infection?( )
  32. Fertility decreases as the maternal age advances when advanced maternal age great than ( ) Years.
  33. Which option is wrong about CMV?( )
  34. CVS done before 10 weeks may results in:( )
  35. All are prognostic indicators of preeclampsia except: ( )
  36. Assessment of progress of labor is best done by :( )
  37. A second gravida P1X0 presented at 32 weeks of pregnancy with grade III placenta previa and contraction. Patient vital are normal. The treatment of choice is:( )
  38. Which is the most common complication during vaginal delivery is a diabetic women:( )
  39. If there is suspicion of membrane rupture, a sterile speculum is carefully inserted and fluid is sought in the posterior vaginal fornix. ( )
  40. Second stage of labor is up to crowing of head. ( )
  41. Vaginal delivery is an option when the fetus is in frank or complete breech presentation.( )
  42. Smallest circumference, correspond to plane of suboccipitobregmatic diameter is 34 cm. ( )
  43. All diameters are not able to be reduced in length during passage of head through pelvis.( )
  44. Once placenta previa is found, it should be operated immediately. ( )
  45. In utero, the fetus obtains oxygen through gas exchange between the lungs and the the outside world. ( )
  46. Cesarean section should be performed immediately in case of fetal distress, unbalance of head and pelvis or threatened uterine rupture during vaginal delivery of cicatricial uterus.( )
  47. Once diagnosed , uterine inversion equire rapid intervention to restore maternal hemodynamic stability and to control hemorrhage.( )
  48. The first consideration in the treatment of placental abruption is Amniocentesis to establish diagnosis.( )
  49. The fetal head is said to have engaged when the maximum transverse and anteroposterior diameter have crossed the plane of the pelvic brim.( )
  50. One of the major advantages of the non-invasive prenatal testing is that the chanceof a false positive result is very low. ( )
  51. Placenta should be allowed to deliver spontaneously.( )
  52. Though fetus with significant IUGR, vaginal delivery can be allowed as long asthere is no obstetrical indication for cesarean section and fetal heart rate is normal.( )
  53. Freidman described four abnormal patterns of labor, namely, prolonged latent phase , protracted disorder, arrest disorder, and precipitate labor disorders.( )
  54. Recommended daily intake of various nutrient in pregnancy, an additional 450 K Cal/day is needed during pregnancy and lactation.( )
  55. When the occipital presentation occurs, the occipital bone of the fetal head is located in the left front of the maternal pelvis, which should be in the left anterior occipital position. ( )
  56. Post-term pregnancy is that which continues beyond 300 days.( )
  57. The first perception of fetal movement occurs at 12 weeks in primigravida.( )
  58. Couvelaire uterus is seen in Accidental hemorrhage.( )
  59. Etiology of placenta previa: ( )
  60. Which of the following description are false? ( )
  61. Cause of fetal death in breech delivery:( )
  62. Which of the following drug may be used to arrestpreterm labor?( )
  63. Appropriate method for antenatal diagnosis of genetic disorders includes all of the following:( )
  64. Besides cesarean section,Puerperal infection may be caused by factors such as:( )
  65. The TORCH infection includes which of the following?( )
  66. Observations during the fourth stage of labor include:( )
  67. Information Obtained during Preconceptional Counseling?( )
  68. Uterine inversion may be caused by factors such as?( )
  69. The ( ) of fetal heart sound should be auscultated at the time of admission and throughout the labor during the first and second stage of labor.
  70. The management of shoulder dystocia is as follows: ( )
  71. Main maternal symptoms of TOX infection?( )
  72. Principles of placenta previa management:( )
  73. Fetal presentation refers to that part of the fetus which lies below and is comingthrough (or attempting to come through) the pelvis first, and it includes:( )
  74. Hypertonic dysfunctional labor is characterized by which of the following:( )
  75. What aspects are included in the assessment of the social and nutritional aspects?( )
  76. All are features of infant born to diabetic mother :( )
  77. The correct treatment of fetal heart decline in the trial labor of scar uterus and vagina is as follows: ( )
  78. Post-term labor is not seen in:( )
  79. A case of 35 weeks pregnancy with polyhydramnios and marked respiratory distress is managed by:( )
  80. All are used in preterm labor to decrease uterinecontraction except ( ).
  81. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is :( )
  82. The patient is placed in supine position for surgery. It is better to have a ( ) tilt to her side.
  83. Bregma refers to ( )?
  84. Scar uterus vaginal trial labor conditions ( )
  85. Which is not the complication of uterine rupture: ( )
  86. The purposes of prenatal diagnosis, which description is incorrect( ).
  87. The gestational week when placenta previa is diagnosed is the gestational week after ( ) .
  88. In post-term pregnancy there is increased risk of all except:( )
  89. The maximum normal duration of the third stage is: ( )
  90. Which of the following is not a high risk factor for shoulder dystocia ( )
  91. Recommended dose of epinephrine is ___ concentration in neonatal resuscitation. ( )
  92. Internal rotation refers to the anterior rotation of the head, a turning of the fetus occiput gradually moves from its original position anteriorly toward the symphysis pubis about( ) degrees.
  93. Which option is wrong about RV?( )
  94. Most death involving placenta previa results from:( )
  95. Which disease is an inborn error of phenylalanine metabolism.( )
  96. All of the following are associated with breech presentation at normal full term pregnancy except:( )
  97. What is the fetal station when the presenting part reaches the ischial spines?( )
  98. Leopold maneuver in abdominal examination can be conducted systematically employing the ( ) maneuvers devised by Leopold and Sporlin in 1899.
  99. ___ is given to prevent hemorrhagic disease. ( )
  100. Chest compression to ventilation rate in neonatal resuscitation is ___ . ( )
  101. APGAR is consist of ( ).
  102. About one-third of all infants between 2nd and 5th day of life develops physiological jaundice. ( )
  103. Ten percent of newborn require some assistance to begin breathing at birth. ( )
  104. Common methods to estimate the amount of blood loss are: ( )
  105. What is the most common clinical manifestation of Uterine inversion?( )
  106. Late postpartum hemorrhage usually occurs with 72 hours after delivery.( )
  107. Classical presentation of uterine rupture:( )
  108. The most common cause of postpartum fever is endometritis?( )
  109. The classification of placenta previa includes which of the following:( )
  110. Classical presentation of placenta previa:( )
  111. Clinical signs of hydramnios can be demonstrated when fluid collection is more than 3 liter.( )
  112. Best parameter for ultrasound evaluation of IUGR is: ( )
  113. The PH of amniotic fluid is higher than 7.0. ( )
  114. Features of HELLP syndrome ( )
  115. TOX is transmitted by ingestion of undercooked meat or consumption of unpasteurized goat milk or exposure to infected dog's feces.( )
  116. Fetal abnormality in pregnancy with diabetes is: ( )
  117. Is the following definition of scar uterus correct? (Scar uterus refers to the uterus by cesarean section, uterine myomectomy, uterine malformation correction, abortion surgery and other uterine scar.) ( )
  118. Which is not a feature of postdated pregnancy:( )
  119. Fetal and neonatal effects of shoulder dystocia ( )
  120. In frank breech,the fetus’s thigh is extended, leg is extended.( )
  121. Incidence of cord prolapse is least in:( )
  122. One of the following features can be used to define contracted pelvis:( )
  123. Sagittal suture cross the vault of skull in middle line, in an anteroposterior direction between two parietal bones.( )
  124. Abdominal examination should be suspended during the uterine contraction. ( )
  125. Cardinal movement of labor are:( )
  126. True labor differs from false labor by all, except: ( )
  127. Signs of placenta separation in stage 3 of parturition is: ( )
  128. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has classified drugs into six categories based on their potential adverse effect on the fetus and safety of their use in pregnancy. ( )
  129. Role of preconceptional counseling?( )
  130. Which of the following expression about prenatal diagnosis is incorrect: ( )
  131. Identifying and terminating affected pregnancies is Secondary prevention.( )
  132. Which of the following situation patient need going straight for invasive testing is incorrect: ( )
  133. Prenatal Care is an important measure to reduce the incidence and mortality of maternal and perinatal complications and reduce birth defects. ( )
  134. Pregnancy is confirmed by:( )
  135. What’s recommended maternal weight gain during pregnancy is incorrect: ( )
  136. Which one is the most popular fetal lie?( )
  137. There is persistent elevation of basal body temperature over a 2 weeks period.( )
  138. The motto of Zhejiang University is Seeking Truth, Pursuing Innovation. (     )
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