

  1. All are prognostic indicators of preeclampsia except: ( )

  2. A:Low platelet count B:Serum uric acid C:Serum Na D:Elevated liver enzymes
    答案:Serum Na
  3. The maximum normal duration of the third stage is: ( )

  4. A:10 minutes B:30minutes C:15minutes D:60minutes
  5. Bregma refers to ( )?

  6. A:Cesarean fontanelle B:Temporal fontanelle C:Anterior Fontanelle D:Posterior fontanelle
    AI参考:Bregma是指前囟,即Anterior Fontanelle。所以,答案是C。'
  7. The first feed should be started ___ minutes following normal delivery. Feeding is encouraged at interval of ___ hours. ( )

  8. A:30-60, 2-3 B:15-30, 2-3 C:15-30, 3-4 D:30-60, 3-4
  9. Which one is a probable manifestation?( )

  10. 答案:All of the aboveAI参考:从题目中无法分析出所涉及的主题或概念,也无法确定问题的类型(如选择题、判断题等)。因此,无法给出正确选项。请提供更多关于问题的信息,以便我能够给出更准确的答案。'
  11. Which drug not impair folate absorption or act as antagonist. ( )

  12. A:Carbamazepine B:Phenobarbitone C:Hydantoin D:Valproic acid E:Vitamin C
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Hydantoin。在给出的选项中,只有hydantoin不会影响叶酸的吸收,也不会作为叶酸的拮抗剂。其他药物如carbamazepine(A选项)、phenobarbitone(B选项)和valproic acid(D选项)可能会影响叶酸的吸收或作为叶酸的拮抗剂。而维生素C(E选项)虽然可以促进叶酸的吸收,但并不能完全避免其对叶酸吸收的影响。因此,正确答案是C:Hydantoin。'
  13. What is the fetal station when the presenting part reaches the ischial spines?( )

  14. A:2 B:0 C:1 D:-1 E:-2
  15. After the delivery of a maternal placenta, persistent vaginal bleeding for a long time, dark red, and some clots, the cause of possible bleeding is: ( )

  16. A:DIC B:Adherent placenta C:Uteroplacental apoplexy D:Soft birth canal injury E:Weakness of uterine contraction
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Adherent placenta(粘连性胎盘)。在胎盘娩出后,出现持续性的阴道出血,颜色暗红且伴有血块,可能的出血原因是粘连性胎盘。选项中其他选项都是胎盘娩出后的异常表现,如DIC(弥散性血管内凝血)、子宫收缩乏力、子宫收缩过强等,不会出现长时间、持续性的阴道出血。因此,B选项为正确答案。'
  17. Which option is wrong about RV?( )

  18. A:RV cause infection of minor importance in absence of pregnancy and confers life long immunity B:Can lead to spontaneous abortion. C:Single stranded RNA virus D:Transmitted by genital contact or orogenital contact
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Can lead to spontaneous abortion。RV即风疹病毒,属于单链RNA病毒,风疹病毒存在于患者呼吸道分泌物中,可通过空气飞沫传播,也可以通过直接接触患者鼻咽部分泌物或疹退后留下的印记传播。对于育龄妇女来说,如果怀孕头三个月内感染风疹病毒,容易发生胎儿畸形、死胎、流产等,还会引起新生儿先天性风疹综合征。所以选项B是错误的。选项A正确地说明了风疹病毒的危害和特点,没有造成任何伤害。选项C是关于风疹病毒的分子生物学特点的描述。选项D则是说明风疹病毒的传播途径,通过性接触或口交等方式传播。所以只有选项B是不正确的。'
  19. The after-coming-head of breech, chin to pubes is delivered by:( )

  20. AI参考:这道题目的答案应该是:A. 阴道分娩阴道分娩是一种常见的分娩方式,指胎儿通过母亲的阴道娩出,这种方式适用于大多数健康、足月的胎儿。而题目中的描述“后穹窿、下巴到耻骨联合”描述的是胎儿娩出的过程,因此答案应该是阴道分娩。'
  21. The characteristics of placenta previa vaginal bleeding are ( )

  22. A:Painless vaginal bleeding B:Vaginal bleeding stops when uterine contraction occurs C:Vaginal bleeding is often related to trauma D:Painful vaginal bleeding
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Painful vaginal bleeding (阴道出血时伴有疼痛)。前置胎盘的阴道出血特点是:无痛性阴道流血,但是有时也伴有疼痛,特别是当胎盘剥离时。因此,选项D是正确的。其他选项不符合前置胎盘的出血特点。A选项“无痛性阴道流血”是前置胎盘出血的特点之一,但不是唯一特点;B选项“子宫收缩时阴道流血停止”是正常子宫收缩的特点,与前置胎盘无关;C选项“阴道流血常常与外伤有关”是外伤的特点,与前置胎盘无关。因此,正确答案是D。'
  23. Which is the most common complication during vaginal delivery is a diabetic women:( )

  24. A:PPH B:Shoulder dystocia C:Excessive moulding of head D:Uterine inertia
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Shoulder dystocia(难产肩部)。糖尿病孕妇在阴道分娩中最常见的并发症是难产肩部(Shoulder dystocia),即胎儿肩膀卡在骨盆中无法娩出。其他选项中,PPH(产后出血)是分娩后常见的并发症,但不是糖尿病孕妇特有的;moulding of head(头部畸形)和uterine inertia(子宫无反应)都不是糖尿病孕妇在阴道分娩中的常见并发症。因此,答案为B。'
  25. Leopold maneuver in abdominal examination can be conducted systematically employing the ( ) maneuvers devised by Leopold and Sporlin in 1899.

  26. A:4 B:5 C:3 D:6
  27. A case of 35 weeks pregnancy with polyhydramnios and marked respiratory distress is managed by:( )

  28. A:IV Furosemide . B:Saline infusion C:Amniocentesis D:ARM
    AI参考:正确答案是C:Amniocentesis。该病例为35周妊娠,伴有羊水过多和明显的呼吸窘迫,需要采取措施以改善胎儿的状况。选项A的呋塞米注射液(IV Furosemide)主要用于治疗心力衰竭、水肿等,不适用于此病例;选项B的盐水输注主要用于补充水分和电解质,对于羊水过多没有效果;选项D的ARF即应用抗菌药物,主要用于感染性疾病的治疗,与该病例无关。因此,最佳答案是C:羊水穿刺(Amniocentesis),通过羊水穿刺可以检测胎儿是否有染色体异常或感染等异常情况,从而指导临床治疗。'
  29. There are ( ) fontanelles exits on the fetal skull.

  30. A:2 B:6 C:4 D:8
  31. The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is :( )

  32. A:Toxic adenoma B:Sub-acute thyroiditis C:Iatrogenic ingestion of thyroxine D:Grave’s disease
    AI参考:单选题】The most common cause of hyperthyroidism in pregnancy is :( )A:Toxic adenoma 妊娠期最常见的甲状腺功能亢进症的原因是A:毒性腺瘤在妊娠期间,甲状腺功能亢进症最常见的原因是毒性腺瘤,这是一种甲状腺良性肿瘤,其特征是甲状腺激素合成和分泌过多,从而导致甲状腺功能亢进。在妊娠期间,由于激素水平的改变,甲状腺可能会过度合成甲状腺激素,从而导致甲状腺功能亢进。因此,A选项“毒性腺瘤”是正确答案。其他选项B:Sub-acute thyroiditis(亚急性甲状腺炎)、C:Iatrogenic ingestion of thyroxine(服用过量甲状腺素)、D:Grave’s disease(毒性弥漫性甲状腺肿)虽然在某些情况下也可能导致妊娠期甲状腺功能亢进,但并不是最常见的病因。因此,本题的正确答案是A:毒性腺瘤。'
  33. CVS done before 10 weeks may results in:( )

  34. A:Oromandibular limb defect B:Fetal loss C:Fetomatemal hemorrhage D:Sufficient material not obtained
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Fetal loss。CVS(早期胚胎取样术)在10周前进行可能会造成胎儿丢失。其他选项的含义如下:A选项Oromandibular limb defect指的是口腔颌面部肢体缺陷;C选项Fetomatemal hemorrhage指的是胎儿溶血性出血;D选项Sufficient material not obtained指的是材料不足。因此,只有B选项Fetal loss符合题意。'
  35. Scar uterus vaginal trial labor conditions ( )

  36. A:Skilled anesthesiologist with 5 minutes of immediate cesarean section conditions B:The above is all C:Outpatient labor examination to evaluate the conditions of scar uterus vaginal trial labor D:Puerpera has a strong vaginal trial labor will and no trial labor contraindication
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Puerpera has a strong vaginal trial labor will and no trial labor contraindication。选项D符合题意,即产妇有强烈的阴道试产意愿且没有阴道试产禁忌症。其他选项A、B、C与题意不符。A选项描述的是具备5分钟内剖宫产条件的麻醉师,B选项是上述所有情况,C选项是门诊产前检查评估子宫疤痕阴道试产的条件,都不符合题意。因此,答案为D。'
  37. What are the main symptoms of a genital tract infection?( )

  38. A:Abdominal pain B:Abnormal vaginal discharge C:All of the above D:Uterine tenderness E:Fever
    AI参考:正确答案是C:All of the above。生殖道感染的主要症状包括腹部疼痛、异常阴道分泌物、发热等,以上选项都正确。因此,正确答案是C,即以上症状都是生殖道感染的主要症状。'
  39. A single pregnant woman is pregnant for 30 weeks, and the fetal position is breech presentation, which can be used to correct the lying position of the fetal position ( )

  40. A:Lithotomy site B:Knee chest position C:Low head and high foot D:Knee bending supine position
    AI参考:正确答案是D:Knee bending supine position(屈膝仰卧位)。该题描述的是一个孕妇怀孕30周,胎儿位置为臀位(即臀先露),此时可以选择使用屈膝仰卧位(Knee bending supine position)来矫正胎儿位置。因此,D选项为正确答案。A、B、C选项均为错误的做法,不应该被使用来矫正胎儿位置。'
  41. Cause of polyhydramnios are:( )

  42. A:Renal agenesis B:Twins C:Anencephaly D:Esophageal atresia
    答案:esophageal atresiaAI参考:正确选项是B:Twins(双胞胎)多胎妊娠(Twins)可以引起羊水过多。当有两个或更多的胎儿在子宫内时,需要更多的羊水来维持适当的子宫内环境,因此双胞胎妊娠可能导致羊水过多。其他选项如肾发育不全(Renal agenesis)、无脑儿(Anencephaly)和食管闭锁(Esophageal atresia)通常不会直接导致羊水过多。'
  43. The TORCH infection includes which of the following?( )

  44. A:Rubela B:Toxoplasmosis C:Herpes Simplex Virus D:Cytomegalovirus
    AI参考:TORCH感染包括下列哪几种情况?(多选题)正确答案是:B:Toxoplasmosis。TORCH感染是指弓形虫、风疹病毒、巨细胞病毒、单纯疱疹病毒等感染的总称,所以正确答案为B,即弓形虫感染(Toxoplasmosis)。A选项是丙型肝炎病毒感染(Rubela),C选项是单纯疱疹病毒的Ⅰ型和Ⅱ型感染(Herpes Simplex Virus),D选项是巨细胞病毒感染(Cytomegalovirus),这些都不是TORCH感染的常见类型。'
  45. The management of shoulder dystocia is as follows: ( )

  46. A:Rolling the patient on her hands and knees on the all fours B:Flex the legs C:Rotational maneuvers D:Delivery of posterior shoulder E:Suprapubic pressure
    AI参考:正确选项为:D:Delivery of posterior shoulder (后肩娩出)对于肩难产的管理,正确的步骤包括:B 屈大腿、C 旋转操作、D 后肩娩出。其中,选项A和E描述的是一些辅助性的操作方式,但不是主要的管理步骤。选项B和E描述的是具体的操作方法,但并不是肩难产的主要管理步骤。因此,选项D是正确的选择。'
  47. Hypertonic dysfunctional labor is characterized by which of the following:( )

  48. A:Occurs in the active phase B:Reaction to oxytocin is favorable C:Fetal distress occurs early . D:Sedation is of little value
    AI参考:多选题 Hypertonic dysfunctional labor is characterized by which of the following:( )正确答案是:B:Reaction to oxytocin is favorable 。Hypertonic dysfunctional labor 是一种不协调性宫缩乏力的表现,其特点是缩宫素反应良好(B对),即使用缩宫素后,宫缩节律、频率和强度均正常,不会导致产程延缓或停滞。而选项A、C、D都与该病症的特点不符。A选项“发生在活跃期”与该病症无关;C选项“胎儿早期窘迫”与该病症无直接关系;D选项“镇静剂作用不大”也与该病症不符。因此,只有B选项“缩宫素反应良好”符合该病症的特点。'
  49. Descent is brought about by following forces:( )

  50. A:Extension and straightening of fetal body. B:Direct pressure of the fundus upon the breech with contraction. C:Bearing down effort of abdominal muscles. D:Pressure of the amniotic fluid.
    AI参考:正确选项为C:Bearing down effort of abdominal muscles。分娩过程中,胎儿通过腹部的收缩和紧缩,使腹部肌肉承受压力而向下移动,这被称为分娩的动力。选项A和D都与分娩过程中的身体结构变化有关,选项B描述的是胎头背部的直接压力对臀部的挤压,这些都与分娩的过程无关。而选项C提到的腹肌的支撑和收缩,是导致分娩下沉的主要力量之一。因此,选项C是正确的答案。'
  51. Main maternal symptoms of TOX infection?( )

  52. A:Muscle pain B:Fatigue C:Headache D:Lymphadenopathy
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Muscle pain B:Fatigue C:Headache。多发性肌炎的主要症状包括肌肉疼痛、疲劳、头痛等。其中,肌肉疼痛是最常见的症状之一,表现为肌肉或关节的疼痛和僵硬感;疲劳也是多发性肌炎的常见症状之一,表现为全身无力、肌肉无力等;头痛也是多发性肌炎的常见症状之一,表现为头部沉重感、紧箍感等。因此,选项A、B、C都是正确的。选项D的描述不准确,淋巴肿大通常不是多发性肌炎的主要症状。'
  53. One of the following descriptions is correct:( )

  54. A:Drefers to the part of the fetus that first enters the pelvic entrance of the mother, which is called fetal presentation B:The relationship between maternal longitudinal axis and fetal longitudinal axis is called fetal birth mode C:EVarious positions of the fetus in the abdominal cavity D:The relationship between the indication point of fetal presentation and the maternal pelvis becomes the fetal orientation E:Refers to the relationship between the fetal head and the maternal pelvis
    AI参考:正确选项是【E:Refers to the relationship between the fetal head and the maternal pelvis】。原文中提到“One of the following descriptions is correct”,所以需要从选项中选择一个正确的描述。根据原文中的描述,选项E“胎儿头部与母体骨盆之间的关系”是最符合原文的描述。其他选项都与原文描述不符或不够准确。因此,选项E是正确答案。'
  55. Observations during the fourth stage of labor include:( )

  56. A:To ensure that uterus is not relaxed B:To start breastfeeding C:Maternal vital signs D:Vaginal bleeding
    AI参考:正确选项为:C:Maternal vital signs。在第四阶段分娩过程中,观察的主要内容包括母体生命体征,即体温、脉搏、呼吸和血压等指标,以确保母婴安全。其他选项A、B、D与第四阶段分娩过程中的观察内容无关。A选项“确保子宫不放松”属于第一阶段观察内容;B选项“开始母乳喂养”属于产后护理阶段;D选项“阴道出血”属于产后观察内容之一,但并非第四阶段的主要观察内容。因此,C选项“母体生命体征”是正确答案。'
  57. Which of the following description are false? ( )

  58. A:Smallest circumference, correspond to plane of occipitofrontal diameter is 32 cm. B:Moulding enables reduction of all diameters. C:Greatest circumference of head, Corresponds to plane of suboccipitobregmatic diameter, average 34.5 cm. D:Only a few diameters are able to be reduced in length to an appreciable extent during passage of head through pelvis.

  59. Risk factors for preeclampsia: ( )

  60. A:Obesity B:Placental ischemia C:Chronic hypertension D:Multigravida
  61. The following changes in cellular composition of blood during pregnancy:
    ( )

  62. A:The plasma volume increase B:The utilization of iron increase C:The platelet decreased D:The total blood leukocyte count increase
    AI参考:正确选项是:D:The total blood leukocyte count increase 在怀孕期间,血液中的细胞组成会发生一些变化,其中白细胞总数会增加,这是正常的生理现象。其他选项中,血浆体积增加、铁利用增加和血小板减少都不是怀孕期间血液细胞组成的主要变化。因此,选项D是正确的。'
  63. The ( ) of fetal heart sound should be auscultated at the time of admission and throughout the labor during the first and second stage of labor.

  64. A:Intensity B:Rate C:Presence D:Rhythms
  65. True about frank breech:( )

  66. A:Thigh extended, leg extended B:Thigh flexed, knee extended C:Common in primigravida D:Both are flexed
    AI参考:正确答案是 B:Thigh flexed,knee extended。根据问题描述“True about Frank breech”,可以得知这是一道关于胎位(即胎儿在子宫中的位置)的题目。而选项A描述的是股直肌的位置状态,选项C是关于初次怀孕的女性中的Frank breech的常见情况,选项D是两个不同的描述。根据胎位的描述,当胎儿出现Frank breech时,胎儿的双腿是屈曲在腹壁下的,所以选项B中的大腿屈曲(thigh flexed)和膝部伸展(knee extended)最符合胎位描述。因此,答案为B。'
  67. Indications of thyroid function test during pregnancy are as follows: ( )

  68. A:Women on thyroid hormones B:Past history of radiation to thyroid C:Type 1 diabetes D:Family history of autoimmune thyroiditis E:Presence of goiter
    AI参考:正确答案是:D:Family history of autoimmune thyroiditis 和 E:Presence of goiter。在妊娠期间进行甲状腺功能的指标包括:家族中有自身免疫性甲状腺炎病史(D对)和甲状腺肿存在(E对)。女性服用甲状腺激素(A错)或既往有甲状腺放射史(B错)通常不会影响妊娠期间的甲状腺功能。妊娠期糖尿病(C错)通常与妊娠期甲状腺功能异常无关。因此,本题答案为D和E。'
  69. The head-to-toe measurement for a comprehensive assessment of the newborn include ( ).

  70. A:Head circumference B:Ears for tags shape and position C:Genitalia check D:Weight E:The length
    AI参考:新生儿全面评估的头到脚测量包括:A:头围B: 耳朵标签的形状和位置C: 性别器官检查D: 体重E: 身高/长度因此,答案是ABCE。测量头围、耳朵标签的形状和位置、性别器官以及身高/长度都是新生儿全面评估的一部分。而D选项,即体重,是新生儿身体组成的重要部分,也是全面评估的重要指标,但通常不是在头到脚测量的范围内。'
  71. In placenta previa, conservative treatment is not done in case of:( )

  72. A:Anencephaly B:Premature baby C:Active labor D:Dead baby
    AI参考:答案是B:Premature baby(早产儿)。根据问题中的信息,在前置胎盘的保守治疗中,如果发生以下情况则不予治疗:A选项中的“Anencephaly”(无脑畸形)需要保守治疗,C选项中的“Active labor”(活跃期分娩)也需要进行相应的处理,而D选项中的“Dead baby”(死胎)则需要进行引产或剖宫产手术。因此,答案是B选项“Premature baby”(早产儿),因为早产儿通常需要更多的支持和护理,不适合进行保守治疗。'
  73. Cause of fetal death in breech delivery:( )

  74. A:Asphyxia B:Aspiration C:Atlantoaxial dislocation D:Intracranial hemorrhage

  75. Which fontanelles are able to be recognized during the labor? ( )

  76. A:Temporal fontanelle B:Posterior fontanelle C:Cesarean fontanelle D:Anterior Fontanelle
    AI参考:正确选项是:A:Temporal fontanelle在分娩过程中,只有前囟门(A:Temporal fontanelle)是可以被识别的。后囟门和前囟门一样,在出生后6-8周内闭合,因此不会在分娩过程中出现。而切孔和缝线等都不属于囟门,无法在分娩过程中识别。因此,本题答案为A。'
  77. The fetal indication of cesarean section including ( ):

  78. A:some multifetal pregnancies B:In some cases of intrauterine growth restriction. C:Maternal HIV infection to prevent vertical transmission of HIV in newborn D:Fetal macrosomia E:Fetal distress F:Malpresentation
    AI参考:正确选项为:A:some multifetal pregnancies B:In some cases of intrauterine growth restriction. E:Fetal distress剖宫产的胎儿指征包括一些多胎妊娠、某些宫内生长受限的情况、胎儿窘迫等。其中,胎儿窘迫是最常见的胎儿窘迫指征,通常表现为胎儿心率异常、胎动过频或过少等。孕妇感染艾滋病毒为预防新生儿的垂直传播也需要进行剖宫产,但这并非胎儿窘迫的情况,而是对母亲的一种保护措施。其他选项如巨大儿、胎位异常等情况并不是剖宫产的常见指征。因此,选项A、B、E是正确的。'
  79. The correct treatment of fetal heart decline in the trial labor of scar uterus and vagina is as follows: ( )

  80. A:Oxygen and rapid rehydration B:Notify obstetricians and anesthesiologists C:Watch for signs of uterine rupture D:Change the position
    AI参考:正确答案是B:Notify obstetricians and anesthesiologists。在处理子宫瘢痕和阴道分娩过程中胎儿心脏下降时,正确的处理方式是通知产科医生和麻醉师,因此选项B是正确答案。其他选项A、C、D分别涉及氧气和快速补液、观察子宫破裂的迹象以及改变体位,但都不是处理胎儿心脏下降的正确方法。'
  81. One of the major advantages of the non-invasive prenatal testing is that the chance
    of a false positive result is very low. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错

  83. 5 minutes score of 0-4 is associated with increased mortality in both preterm and full term infants. ( )

  84. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 根据题目中的信息,5分钟的得分在0-4分与早产儿和足月儿死亡率之间存在关联。因此,答案是B,表示这个判断题是正确的。"
  85. This epileptic women are advised to take supplemental folic acid. ( )

  86. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。 题目中提到“这个患有癫痫症的女性建议补充叶酸”,因此正确答案是B,表示同意补充叶酸的建议。而选项A表示错误,与题目描述不符。"
  87. Once diagnosed , uterine inversion equire rapid intervention to restore maternal hemodynamic stability and to control hemorrhage.( )

  88. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 根据问题描述,子宫倒置一旦确诊就需要快速干预以恢复母亲循环系统的稳定和控制出血。因此,这个判断题的答案是B,表示该情况是正确的。"
  89. Full dilatation of the cervix signifies the onset of the second stage of labor. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 宫颈全扩张意味着分娩第二阶段的开始。因此,Full dilatation of the cervix表示进入分娩的第二阶段,是正确的。"
  91. Hysterectomy is the best cure in cases of extensive rupture if it is potentially infected.( )

  92. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 根据问题描述,子宫破裂的情况如果感染严重,切除子宫是最好的治疗方法。因此,正确答案是B:对。选项A错误,因为通常情况下不会进行切除手术来治疗感染的情况。"
  93. Once placenta previa is found, it should be operated immediately. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B.对。 根据题目描述,一旦发现前置胎盘就应该立即手术。前置胎盘是一种妊娠并发症,它可能导致严重的出血和其他并发症,因此需要及时处理。因此,答案是B,即“对”。"
  95. All preeclampsia patients have proteinuria. ( )

  96. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 并不是所有的妊娠高血压患者都会有蛋白尿。妊娠高血压是一种妊娠期特有的疾病,症状包括高血压、蛋白尿、水肿等,但并不是所有患者都会有蛋白尿。因此,这个判断题是错误的。"
  97. Smallest circumference, correspond to plane of suboccipitobregmatic diameter is 34 cm. ( )

  98. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:B:对。 根据题目描述,最小的周长对应于小脑后下蚓部直径的平面是34厘米。因此,答案为B:对。"
  99. If breech presentation persists beyond 34 weeks, external cephalic version should be considered.( )

  100. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案:B:错。 根据题干所述,如果胎位不正(breech presentation)在34周后仍然持续存在,不应该考虑进行外部倒转(external cephalic version)。因此,这个说法是错误的。"
  101. Post-term pregnancy is that which continues beyond 300 days.( )

  102. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是B:对。 根据问题中的描述,选项B是正确的,因为“post-term pregnancy”是指妊娠期超过正常期限的妊娠,即“过期妊娠”,持续时间通常超过300天。而选项A中的“错”表示不正确,与问题描述不符。"
  103. 12hours after vaginal delivery, a puerpera had a heart rate of 120 beats/min and blood pressure of 90/52mmHg, then, it was estimated that the postpartum blood loss of this puerpera was about 1000-1500ml.( )

  104. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:答案是B:对。 根据题干中的描述,产后12小时后,一位产妇的心率是120次/分,血压为90/52mmHg。考虑到这种情况,可以推断出这位产妇可能出现了产后出血,并且失血量估计在1000-1500ml之间。因此,答案是B,即正确选项。"
  105. In utero, the fetus obtains oxygen through gas exchange between the lungs and the the outside world. ( )

  106. A:对 B:错
  107. Placenta should be allowed to deliver spontaneously.( )

  108. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:答案是B:错。 胎盘应允许自然娩出。但是,在某些情况下,如胎盘滞留、胎盘植入等,可能需要采取措施来帮助胎盘娩出。因此,这个说法是不正确的。"
  109. If there is suspicion of membrane rupture, a sterile speculum is carefully inserted and fluid is sought in the posterior vaginal fornix. ( )

  110. A:对 B:错
    AI参考:正确答案是B:错。 原文中描述的情况可能涉及妇科检查中的相关操作,而正确的操作应该是用窥阴器仔细插入并打开阴道,检查宫颈、子宫等部位是否存在异常情况,而不是在怀疑有膜破裂的情况下插入并寻找液体。因此,这句话是错误的。"
  111. All diameters are not able to be reduced in length during passage of head through pelvis.( )

  112. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是【B:对】。 所有直径在通过骨盆时都不能缩短长度。所以答案是B。"
  113. The first consideration in the treatment of placental abruption is Amniocentesis to establish diagnosis.( )

  114. A:对 B:错
  115. Risk of preterm delivery is increased if cervical length is 2.5cm.( )

  116. A:对 B:错

  117. Couvelaire uterus is seen in Accidental hemorrhage.( )

  118. A:错 B:对

  119. No anal examination of placenta previa. ( )

  120. A:错 B:对
    AI参考:正确答案是【错】。 题目中提到“不需要对前置胎盘进行肛门检查”,肛门检查是前置胎盘检查的一种方法,因此该说法是错误的。"

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