1. Which of the following legal political parties exist in Brunei? ( )
A:Brunei National Solidarity Party (PPKB) B:Brunei Progressive Party (BPP) C:Brunei People’s Action Party (BPAP) D:All of the above
答案:AI参考:正确答案是D:All of the above。\n\n在汶莱存在以下合法政党:Brunei National Solidarity Party (PPKB)、Brunei Progressive Party (BPP) 和 Brunei People’s Action Party (BPAP),因此选项D“以上都是”是正确答案。'
2. During the Vietnamese-American war of the 20th Century how was the nation geographically divided? ( )
A:North/South B:South/West C:Interior/Exterior D:North/East
3. __________ was a famous Singaporean poet and novelist. ( )
A:Seng Tak Ping B:Gai Hat Soon C:Goh Poh Seng D:Lee Ren Woo
答案:AI参考:正确答案是C: Goh Poh Seng。\n\n根据题目中的描述,需要选择一个新加坡著名诗人和小说家的名字。选项A、B、D都不是正确答案,因为它们并不是新加坡人名。而选项C的Goh Poh Seng是一个新加坡人名,因此是正确答案。'
4. Which modern export first attracted western colonial powers to South East Asia? ( C (
A:Coconuts B:Rice C:Tin D:Spices
5. What is not an example of Laos' move away from economic isolationism after the collapse of the USSR? ( )

答案:"AI参考:选项C:The opening up of Chinas economy to the world 选项C是正确的答案,因为中国经济的开放并不是老挝在经济上摆脱孤立主义的一个例子,反而是相反。也就是说,老挝并没有从经济孤立主义中摆脱出来的一个表现就是老挝的经济并未向世界开放。所以正确答案应该是C选项。这个答案主要是根据题目的意思来推测的,不需要太多的经济知识或分析。"
6. In which year did Singapore declare its independence? ( )
A:1945 B:1965 C:1962 D:1942
7. Which of the following is not one ASEAN's "Three Pillars"? ( )
A:Protection and Exchanges of Culture B:A Military Alliance of Protection C:A United Free Open Market D:A Joint Enterprise to Invest in Education
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:A Military Alliance of Protection。\n\nASEAN的“三支柱”包括文化交流与保护、自由开放的贸易和投资以及共同投资教育。因此,军事联盟不属于ASEAN的“三支柱”。因此,答案为B。'
8. Which of the following is true about Thailand’s economy? ( )
A:100% of Thai farmers grow rice B:Thailand has the largest unemployment rate in the world C:The Thai economy’s growth rate is around 20% D:Thailand has the second-largest economy is Southeast Asia.
答案:AI参考:正确选项是C:The Thai economy’s growth rate is around 20%。\n\n选项A不准确,因为泰国农民并不是全部种植大米;选项B不准确,因为泰国的失业率并不高;选项D不准确,因为泰国的经济规模并不是东南亚第二大。而选项C是正确的,泰国经济的增长率大约为20%,这是对泰国经济的一个普遍认知。'
9. What type of government does Indonesia have? ( )
A:Constitutional Republic B:Oligarchy C:Theocracy D:Monarchy
答案:AI参考:正确答案是A:Constitutional Republic。\n\n印度尼西亚是一个联邦制国家,实行代议制民主和共和制政体,因此答案为A,即宪法共和国。其他选项B、C、D分别代表寡头政治、一神教统治和君主制,与印度尼西亚的政体不符。'
10. Vietnam is the number one producer of what? ( )
A:Beer B:Rice C:Cashew Nuts D:Coconuts
答案:AI参考:正确答案是A:Beer。\n根据问题中的信息“Vietnam is the number one producer of what?”,可以得知越南是啤酒的主要生产国,因此答案为A。B、C、D选项都与问题中的信息不符。'
11. What was the biggest influence of Indian culture onto South East Asia? ( )
A:Currency B:Writing C:Borders D:Religions

12. Primary and secondary education in Brunei takes place in which of the following languages? ( )
A:Chinese, English, Malay B:English, Arabic, Tamil C:English, Arabic, Malay D:Chinese, English, Arabic 13. Brunei pursues a __________ foreign policy. ( )
A:Partially non-aligned B:Partially aligned C:Non-aligned D:Aligned 14. Which of the following Countries do not strongly identify as Buddhist? ( )
A:The Philippines B:Laos C:Thailand D:Myanmar 15. What is the climate of The Philippines? ( )
A:gentle B:temperate C:cold D:monsoonal and tropical 16. Why do we not know a lot of information about The Philippines before Spanish invasion? ( )
A:we cannot translate the early historical records B:historical records are not kept or written C:the Spanish destroy historical records D:historical records are destroyed by natural disasters 17. When did Thailand officially establish diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China? ( )
A:1960 B:1975 C:1990 D:1985 18. How big is the population of South East Asia? ( )
A:300 Million B:600 Million C:100 Million D:1 Billion 19. When did Buddhism first come to Vietnam? ( )
A:2000 BC B:2000 AD C:200 AD D:200 BC 20. What is the name of the Vietnamese exam high school students are required to take in Grade 12? ( )
A:Gaokao B:Leaving Examination C:The Diploma Mill D:College admittance exam 21. In Cambodian Dance what is the meaning of a finger moving upwards? ( )
A:Death B:Ocean C:Individual D:Today 22. The majority of Indonesians speak which dialect? ( )
A:Bangka Malay B:Javanese C:Balinese D:Batak Karo 23. How did the last Ice age contribute to the movement of people in South East Asia? ( )
A:None of the above B:Larger animals allowed for greater nomadic hunter populations C:The cold killed off the competing tribes allowing more land to be claimed by survivors D:Maritime and Continental were easier to migrate between 24. Which South East Asian nation is the only one that is majority Christian? ( )
A:Brunei B:Cambodia C:Singapore D:The Philippines 25. Dan Brown’s Armageddon is the most famous piece of traditional literature in Brunei. ( )
A:错 B:对 26. Hinduism is the second most common religion in South East Asia. ( )
A:对 B:错 27. Ho chi Minh served as the first president of the modern and united Vietnam. ( )
A:对 B:错 28. Singapore’s coastline is 193 kilometers long. ( )
A:对 B:错 29. In 1924, Singapore was colonized by Britain. ( )
A:正确 B:错误 30. Within Laos exists only one ethnic group, the Lao people. ( )
A:对 B:错 31. Buddhism is the most widely practiced religion in Singapore. ( )
A:错 B:对 32. South East Asia was known as Indochina by Europeans because it was central to trade between India and China. ( )
A:错误 B:正确 33. By 2004 it was estimated that 74% of the Cambodian population was literate. ( )
A:对 B:错 34. Mandarin Chinese is the primary language of instruction for nearly all subjects in Singaporean schools and universities. ( )
A:对 B:错 35. Myanmar was colonized by the British starting in 1824. ( )
A:错 B:对 36. Indonesia has 4 main islands: Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Irian Jaya. ( )
A:对 B:错 37. Foreign universities are banned from hosting campuses in Vietnam. ( )
A:错 B:对 38. In Brunei, food and drink is generally accepted with one’s right hand. ( )
A:对 B:错 39. Due to the long thin shape of Vietnam the people of the north and south are often culturally and ethnically divided throughout history. ( )
A:对 B:错 40. Vietnam is now known as one of the fastest developing nations in the world. ( )
A:对 B:错 41. After the establishment of modern Laos in 1975 literature infrastructure declined. ( )
A:对 B:错 42. Men in Laos are more likely to be able to read than women of the same age and background. ( )
A:对 B:错 43. What is Myanmar’s nickname? ( )
A:The Land of Smiles B:The Land of Stories C:The Land of Women D:The Land of Pagodas

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