1.What are the techniques for a successful description?( )。
A:By rich adjectives B:By rich modifiers C:By rich rhetoric D:By vividness and subtleness
2.How does the writer make a general impression of ugliness for readers? ( )。
A:The human beings have a positive eagerness, a passion, a love and libido for ugly. B:The buildings are ugly. C:The shape of them is ugly. D:The color of them is ugly. 3.Which of the following words has the meaning of “丑陋、恐怖”in Chinese ? ( )。
A:Monstrous B:Hideous C:Diabolical D:Revolting 4.Which of the following techniques the writer used in this writing? ( )。
A:Focusing on the ugliness of buildings (聚焦建筑) B:Contrast (对比衬托) C:Reaching for the theme by subjective impression ( 营造主观印象 ) D:A general impression + typical images (面点结合) 5.客观性并不是描写性文体的必然特征,描写可以是主观的,本文作者Henry Menchen 将美国从匹兹堡市到格林斯堡市铁路沿线所展现出来的丑陋描绘的淋漓尽致,营造了一个生动细致、真实可信的主观印象,这里建筑抽、人丑、外在丑、内在丑、精神丑,丑陋的根源在于这个民族一味逐利、利欲熏心的错误、虚妄的底层价值观。 ( )
A:对 B:错

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