1.What are the essential features of Mark Twain’s time? ( )。
A:The Mississippi river as the geographic core in his early age B:The territorial expansion towards the west and the gold rush C:The pioneering and adventurous spirit D:The commerce and trade by the steamboats in the river
2.What is the value of river life for Twain’s writing? ( )。
A:Objects of his writing: the real life of the cast of characters B:Spiritual core of his writing: the pioneering and adventurous spirit C:Contents for his writing: feuds, piracies, lynchings, medicine shows and savage waterside slums D:Language for his writing: typical American English of that time 3.Which of the following stages can we found in his life? ( )。
A:Twain’s as guerrilla and prospector B:Twain’s early life on the river C:Twain’s independence and mature D:Twain’s early writing E:Twain’s late life 4.What do you think of the factors for Twain’s success in writing? ( )。
A:His humorous writing style B:The pioneering and adventurous spirit of the current Americans C:His stories and characters from the real life of the current Americans D:His language of the current Americans 5.吐温早期文学作品,因为忠于人民的写作立场,坚持描写当时美国人民真实的生活,刻画真实的角色,使用人民的语言、反应人民先驱、冒险的精神,从而获得了巨大的成功。但是吐温也曾真实反映美国因经济发展而产生的心理膨胀,迎合了美国对英国从文化仰视走向文化鄙视的过程。吐温作为作家的成熟与独立,反应在摆脱名利的困扰,回归到为人民写作的立场。晚年时期的吐温因为看到美国一味追逐利益价值观的错误,表达了对民族前途潜在的担忧和对时代政治的批评,创作内容和风格逐渐由轻松幽默转为深邃的思考和犀利的批判,却因此遭到读者的抛弃。( )
A:对 B:错

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