1.Which statement about DOF is wrong
A:The minimum number of parameters (motion, coordinates, temperatures, etc.) required to define the position and state of any entity completely in space is known as degrees of freedom. B:The number of DOFs depends on the type of element and the type of analysis C:The total DOFs for a given mesh model is not equal to the number of nodes multiplied by the number of DOFs per node. D:DOF is very important in FEA, it is used for the individual calculation points.
2.Animation of dynamic models enables people to observe the system, and what is the best benefit
A:Overall data B:all the degrees of freedom C:3D maps of simulated data D:2D maps of simulated data
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【C:3D maps of simulated data】。\n\n动画动态模型可以让人们观察系统,而最好的好处是3D地图模拟数据,能够更直观地展示系统的动态变化,有助于更好地理解系统。选项A、B、D虽然也具有一定的意义,但不如C选项更直观和有用。'
3.Steps in the Solution of Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis
A:Linearization→State Determination→→Residual Calculation→Convergence Check→Solution B:State Determination→Convergence Check→Residual Calculation→Linearization→Solution C:State Determination→→Residual Calculation→Convergence Check→Linearization→Solution D:Convergence Check→State Determination→→Residual Calculation→Linearization→Solution
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【B:State Determination→Convergence Check→Residual Calculation→Linearization→Solution】。\n\n根据题目中的描述,解决问题的步骤应该是先进行状态确定(State Determination),然后进行收敛检查(Convergence Check),接着进行残量计算(Residual Calculation),再进行线性化(Linearization),最后得到解决方案(Solution)。因此,选项B是正确的。选项A和C的顺序错误,选项D缺少了状态确定这一步骤。'
4.How many steps does it take to create a virtual scene for a cube
A:15 B:11 C:9 D:10
答案:AI参考:正确选项是 C:9。\n\n根据问题描述,需要创建3D立方体的虚拟场景,可以推测这是一个涉及到建模和渲染的复杂任务。在创建虚拟场景时,通常需要设计模型、添加灯光、调整材质、设置相机等步骤,这些步骤都需要一定的时间和精力。因此,选项C 9是最符合实际情况的答案。选项A、B、D都与实际情况不符,因此不是正确答案。'
5.Before building the virtual scene, where is the center of all objects by default
A:(0,0,0) B:(0,1,0) C:(0,0,1) D:(1,0,0)
6.In VRML, the x-axis is the horizontal line of the screen, pointing to the right. The y-axis is vertical. What about the Z-axis
A:A plane parallel to the screen and facing away from the user B:A plane perpendicular to the screen and pointing to the user C:A plane perpendicular to the screen and facing away from the user D:A plane parallel to the screen and pointing to the user
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【C:A plane perpendicular to the screen and facing away from the user 】。\n\n在VRML中,x轴是屏幕的水平线,指向右边,y轴是垂直的。对于Z轴,它与屏幕垂直并指向远离用户的方向,即选项C。其他选项都与VRML的坐标系设定不符。'
7.____ is an information transmission between humans and other machines.
A:mobile mechanism B:communication C:processing D:sensing
答案:AI参考:正确答案是B:communication。\n本题考察了对于词义的理解。选项A“mobile mechanism”是指可移动的机械装置,选项C“processing”是指处理,选项D“sensing”是指感觉或感应,它们都不能正确描述信息的传播。而“communication”一词,既可以指人与人之间的信息传递,也可以指人与机器之间的信息传递,因此是最符合题意的选项。所以答案为B。'
8.What is the reason for the widespread use of crawler machines
A:Having a much greater ground contact area than wheeled equipment B:A large number of contact elements C:Design can be done graphically D:Relatively mature technology
答案:AI参考:正确答案是【A:Having a much greater ground contact area than wheeled equipment】。\n\n根据题干所给出的选项,爬行机具有广泛的用途,主要原因是它比轮式设备具有更大的地面接触面积。其他选项中,B选项“大量的接触元素”与广泛使用爬行机的原因无关;C选项“可以图形化设计”也与广泛使用爬行机的原因无关;D选项“相对成熟的技术”虽然也是爬行机得以广泛应用的原因之一,但是并非主要原因。因此,根据题干所给出的信息,可以得出正确答案是A选项,即爬行机具有比轮式设备更大的地面接触面积。'
9.What is the reason of cameras capture images with the characteristic that not all the objects are in focus?
A:Limited by the depth of field B:The camera is not focusing properly C:The shooting range is too wide D:There are too many objects in the depth of field
答案:AI参考:正确选项是【Limited by the depth of field】。\n\n原文中提到相机拍摄图像的特征是并非所有物体都清晰聚焦,这通常是由于景深(depth of field)所限导致的。在摄影中,景深是指从镜头前缘到最近清晰对焦物体,再到最远模糊对焦物体之间的范围。如果景深较浅,则意味着在拍摄时,某些物体可能会因为距离镜头太近或太远而无法完全清晰聚焦。因此,选项A“Limited by the depth of field”是符合原文意思的正确答案。选项B、C、D在原文中没有提到或与问题无关。'
10.What commands need to be entered in the MatLab command window to check whether the virtual reality toolbox is installed
A:vr-check B:vrinstall -check C:vr-install D:vrinstall-success
答案:AI参考:正确选项是 C:vr-install。\n\n在MatLab命令窗口中,可以使用“vr-install”命令来检查虚拟现实工具箱是否已安装。选项A和B中的“vr-check”和“vrinstall -check”命令是错误的,因为它们并不是有效的MatLab命令。选项D中的“vrinstall-success”也是错误的,因为它包含了额外的字符“-success”。因此,正确答案是C:vr-install。'
11.HIL systems are used for testing
A:Software B:Robot C:Hardware D:Controllers

12.What command can you type in the MatLab command window to reinstall the VRML viewer or editor?
A:vrinstall -success B:vrinstall C:vrinstall -install D:install 13.____ is a necessary mechanism in automated vehicles, it can manipulate the vehicle to turn by the desired steering angle.
A:lubrication system B:transmission system C:steering system D:execution system 14.Which arre examples of multibody systems in modern literature
A:robotics B:space structures C:biomechanical systems D:vehicles 15.Forces in mechanical systems can be categorized as()
A:Internal force B:Gravitation force C:External force D:Joint force 16.What are the features of the ATV?
A:Set subsystem B:Simulating tracked vehicles on both hard and soft soils C:Modeling on both hard and soft soils D:Quick replacement subsystem 17.A few of the popular CAD tools for professional engineers include
A:UG B:Pro/Engineer C:SolidWorks D:AutoCAD 18.Database technology include().
A:Mysql B:c# C:SQL server D:python 19.Which applications are in CAE domains
A:Computational fluid dynamics simulations B:Structural simulation C:AutoCAD D:Motion simulation 20.Which is the latest trend for our designers ()?
A:Rapid Concurrent Design B:Unmanned Construction Requirements C:Virtual Reality D:Machine Vision 21.What are virtual scenes usually made of
A:People and objects B:object(s) you want to animate with simulation data C:background that the object(s) runs in D:Coordinate system and environment 22.Which statements about the Experimental Method is 对?
A:Time consuming and expensive set-up B:Applicable only if the physical prototype is available C:Results must be validated with many replicates D:Actual measurement 23.The execution mechanism of the autonomous vehicle includes ____.
A:steering wheel B:a robot arm C:a walking mechanism D:motor 24.What is the three principal steps of kinematic analysis
A:determine all the required displacement variables B:differentiate the kinematic relationships C:velocity analysis D:acceleration analysis 25.Function of chain module
A:Determine the design and behavior of the belt system B:predict the impact of the design and behavior of chain systems C:predict the impact of the design and behavior of belt systems D:Determine the design and behavior of the chain system 26.Which mechanism can produce almost any type of motion of the driven element with continuous motion of the drive element?
A:Slider-crank mechanism, B:Cam Mechanism C:tappet D:The four bar linkage 27.HIL system's main framework include ().
A:Plant B:HIL simulator C:Control system D:FPGA 28.dSPACE is one of the leading providers of HIL test systems.
A:错 B:对 29.The FEM only makes calculations at a limited number of points and then interpolates the results for the entire domain (surface or volume)
A:错误 B:正确 30.In a mechanical system, the bodies in a mechanical system are not free to have arbitrary displacements because they are connected by joints or force elements.
A:正确 B:错误 31.We can use Maplesim’s code generation feature to easily deploy solutions to other programming languages.
A:错误 B:正确 32.It is unnecessary for road maintenance machinery to detect road disease for repairs.
A:错误 B:正确 33.The mechanical arm of the excavator includes the rotating joint and the prismatic joint.
A:错误 B:正确 34.MapleSim is the combination of Modelica, an open, process-oriented, system-level modeling language.
A:正确 B:错误 35.As a cross-platform numerical analysis and data processing library, ALGLIB supports c++, java, and python.
A:正确 B:错误 36.Because of the lacking of availability of large complex wind turbines, it is hard to test and do an experiment of the controllers, so, authors used the HIL simulators to do the testing of its sophisticated real-time control algorithms in its controller, with the high-resolution dynamic models.
A:错误 B:正确 37.Using HIL simulation, you can conduct tests without harming people or equipment during all stages of the design.
A:错误 B:正确 38.The most commonly used camera imaging model is the pinhole model
A:错误 B:正确 39.As to the real engineering application, the ethernet bus is worse than the USB bus in speed and data safety.
A:正确 B:错误 40.We can use DotNumerics to solve an initial-value problem for stiff ordinary differential equations.
A:正确 B:错误 41.Controllab was founded in 1995 as a spin-off of the Eindhoven University of Technology by young and enthusiastic control engineers.
A:正确 B:错误 42.Adams Machinery contains multiple modeling productivity modules which enable users to create common machinery components much more rapidly
A:错误 B:正确

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