  1. The states are right about how to write this research methods: ( )

  2. A:The writer should provide some general or demographic information of the study sample, such as the age, education, gender, ethnics, economy status for human participants, or the social influence or features of texts.
    B:It is important to describe the study procedures.
    C:The writer needs to Identify the method used, explain the method to reader and explain briefly why this method was chosen.
    D:The last step is to introduce the tools used to collect data.

    答案:It is important to describe the study procedures.###The last step is to introduce the tools used to collect data.###The writer needs to Identify the method used, explain the method to reader and explain briefly why this method was chosen.###The writer should provide some general or demographic information of the study sample, such as the age, education, gender, ethnics, economy status for human participants, or the social influence or features of texts.
  3. Which is helpful in organize and connect the supporting information in a paper? ( )

  4. A:Using common methods of organization.
    B:Using connecting words or sentences.
    C:Asking questions.
    D:Using appropriate transitions.

    答案:Using connecting words or sentences.###Using appropriate transitions.###Using common methods of organization.
  5. Which problems should be solved to provide the reader with a clear picture of the research development? ( )

  6. A:Are there any major debates? Do scholars reach a consensus or are there still controversies?
    B:Is there a gap to fill in in the study?
    C:Which works are the classic ones,landmarks or turning points in this field?
    D:How does the study in this field evolve?

    答案:How does the study in this field evolve?###Are there any major debates? Do scholars reach a consensus or are there still controversies?###Which works are the classic ones,landmarks or turning points in this field?
  7. In writing a good paragraph, what questions may we ask ourselves to check its unity and support? ( )

  8. A:Do I have specific evidence for this paragraph?
    B:Do all my supporting evidences truly support and back up my topic sentence?
    C:Is there plenty of specific evidence for this point?
    D:Do I have a good topic sentence that is clearly stated or implied?

    答案:Do I have specific evidence for this paragraph?###Is there plenty of specific evidence for this point?###Do all my supporting evidences truly support and back up my topic sentence?###Do I have a good topic sentence that is clearly stated or implied?
  9. For synthesizing, analyzing and responding critically to new information, the elements include ( )

  10. A:how to find and sort meaningful patterns in information
    B:how to explore likeliness and differences between texts
    C:how to search for scholarly articles from online academic databases
    D:how to text the logic and credibility of a new text

    答案:how to explore likeliness and differences between texts###how to text the logic and credibility of a new text###how to find and sort meaningful patterns in information
  11. The problems need to be avoided in choosing a research topic( ).

  12. A:The topic is not interesting.
    B:The topic is too broad.
    C:The topic is too hard.
    D:The topic is too narrow.

    答案:The topic is too narrow.###The topic is too broad.
  13. A thesis/dissertation is an extensive piece of writing based on extended reading and independent research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. It is like a more in-depth research paper in which a student researcher proposes research questions(or hypotheses)and answers these research questions (or proves/disproves the hypotheses)by conducting independent or even original research. The process of writing a thesis/dissertation is a great experience of developing academic writing skills, being socialized into one particular discipline and growing up intellectually. The organizational structure and the length limit of a thesis/dissertation are usually set by universities. Read this paragraph and determine which of the following is true?(  )

  14. A:This paragraph is unified and well-developed. B:The first sentence of the paragraph tells the readers the topic. C:The paragraph does not provide adequate supports.   D:The topic sentence of this paragraph is the first sentence.
    答案:The first sentence of the paragraph tells the readers the topic.###The topic sentence of this paragraph is the first sentence.###This paragraph is unified and well-developed.
  15. Which statements are right about freewriting? ( )

  16. A:Freewriting means jotting down in rough sentences or phrases everything that comes to mind about a possible topic.
    B:Do not worry about spelling or punctuating correctly, about erasing mistakes, about organizing material, or about finding exact words. Instead, explore an idea by putting down whatever pops into your head.
    C:Freewriting will limber up your writing muscles and make you familiar with the act of writing. It is a way to break through mental blocks about writing.
    D:If you get stuck for words repeat yourself until more words come. There is no need to feel inhibited, since mistakes do not count and you do not have to hand in your freewriting.

    答案:Freewriting means jotting down in rough sentences or phrases everything that comes to mind about a possible topic.###Do not worry about spelling or punctuating correctly, about erasing mistakes, about organizing material, or about finding exact words. Instead, explore an idea by putting down whatever pops into your head.###If you get stuck for words repeat yourself until more words come. There is no need to feel inhibited, since mistakes do not count and you do not have to hand in your freewriting.###Freewriting will limber up your writing muscles and make you familiar with the act of writing. It is a way to break through mental blocks about writing.
  17. Which of the following patterns can be used to acknowledge the limitations when a researcher is writing a findings and discussion section? ( )

  18. A:It is beyond the scope of this study to…
    B:The of this data is impacted by…
    C:The methodological choices were constrained by…
    D:Due to the lack of data on X, the results cannot confirm…

    答案:It is beyond the scope of this study to…###The of this data is impacted by…###Due to the lack of data on X, the results cannot confirm…###The methodological choices were constrained by…
  19. In deciding on a research topic, what questions may we ask ourselves to check the availability of the required sources? ( )

  20. A:Do I need to interview some of the participants? Are they available for the interviews I plan to conduct? When and where can I carry out the interviews?
    B:What kind of participants/subjects do I have to invite to participate in my research? Where can I find them? Will they accept my invitation?
    C:Can I find the necessary materials and information in my school and local libraries? If not, can I request them by mail or through an interlibrary loan?
    D:Do I have to use questionnaires? How many people will be willing to respond to my questionnaire? Who are they?
  21. Which are the roles of a conclusion? ( )

  22. A:To bring the paper to a close
    B:To be the last chance for the author to convince the readers.
    C:To remind readers of the significance of the paper.
    D:To provide the background information
  23. Which is helpful in writing good sentences? ( )

  24. A:Use specific and active words.
    B:Use varied sentences.
    C:Use parallelism to balance the words and ideas.
    D:Use effective words without slang, clichés, pretentious language and wordiness.
  25. As one of the skills in prewriting, in which situation is questioning helpful ? ( )

  26. A:Questioning is helpful in figuring out the relationships among ideas.
    B:Questioning is an effective way of getting yourself to think about a topic from a number of different angles and generate details about a topic.
    C:Such questions include why, when, where, who, what, and how can be asked.
    D:Generate ideas and details by asking questions about your subject.
  27. Which does not belong to the basic forms of good notes? ( )

  28. A:Paraphrases
    B:Direct quotations
  29. A ____ is an extensive piece of writing based on extended reading and independent research at undergraduate and postgraduate levels. ( )

  30. A:thesis/dissertation
    B:research proposal
    C:research paper
    D:research report
  31. Which is not right about the relationship between writing and reading? ( )

  32. A:The outcome of a reading activity can serve as input for writing, and writing can lead a student to further reading resources.
    B:Reading is the input, while writing is the output of language.
    C:When you start learning writing, your reading ability stays the same.
    D:Reading and writing are reciprocal activities.
  33. Which is not right about the writing steps? ( )

  34. A:You write good paragraph that are well supported with specific and adequate evidence.
    B:You must write long and complex sentences so that your essay sounds academic.
    C:You begin with a good thesis statement that is not too narrow or broad
    D:You organize and connect the specific evidence in a logic way.
  35. As one of the four elements, “implications” answers the question: ________ ( )

  36. A:What can’t the results tell us?
    B:What do the results mean?
    C:Why do the results matter?
    D:What practical actions or scientific studies should follow?
  37. Usually, where does the author develop and present the research questions ? ( )

  38. A:At beginning and end of a Literature Review
    B:At beginning of a Literature Review
    C:At the end of a Literature Review
    D:In the middle of a Literature Review
  39. The ability to read complex texts include( )

  40. A:how to use complex texts as models for effective writing
    B:how to focus on and direct a research project
    C:how to search for scholarly articles from online academic databases
    D:how to keep track of source information
  41. To acquire the competence in writing up research, the elements involve ( )

  42. A:how to how to find and sort meaningful patterns in information
    B:how to how to engage in modes of inquiry, research methods and evidence that characterize the discipline
    C:how to text the logic and credibility of a new text
    D:how to use academic language to convey scholarly information
  43. “Downplaying the writing” is usually made in writing ____. ( )

  44. A:results
  45. Which step of writing a conclusion is optional? ( )

  46. A:To restate the thesis
    B:To link to the body paragraphs
    C:To state a broad closing statement
    D:To summarize the key points
  47. In the writing process, unity and support are equally important as coherence of the essay. ( )

  48. A:错 B:对
  49. You can use conjunctive adverbs and transitional phrases to guide the readers in an essay. ( )

  50. A:错 B:对
  51. A thesis statement is the main idea of a paper and will appear in the introduction of an essay. ( )

  52. A:错 B:对
  53. Chronological format is organized along the time line. ( )

  54. A:对 B:错
  55. An APA abstract is a comprehensive summary of your paper in which you briefly address the research problem, hypotheses, methods, results, and implications of your research. ( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. It is not necessary to change the topic you are interested in into the one valuable in research. ( )

  58. A:对 B:错
  59. A case study is an investigation of an issue or problem bounded in one or more real-life settings over an extended period of time. ( )

  60. A:错 B:对
  61. In-text citations and references (or bibliographies) at the end of the writing are not required parts in academic literature.( )

  62. A:对 B:错
  63. In the limitation part, scholars can frankly admit the limitations in their research designs due to external conditions and the consequentially limited value of their findings. In the meanwhile, they can optimistically propose suggestions of revision for future studies. ( )

  64. A:错 B:对
  65. Thematic format focuses on the methods used by previous researchers instead of the content.This format aims to reveal the strengths and weaknesses of different research methods and procedures.( )

  66. A:错 B:对
  67. In exposition, emphatic order enables readers to finish reading the body paragraph with a fresh memory of the strongest point.

  68. A:错 B:对
  69. A research topic is more than simply the main idea of a paper. ( )

  70. A:错 B:对
  71. The author-date method of in-text citation is usually used in APA style. ( )

  72. A:错 B:对
  73. Before your writing, you need to decide to write on a topic that is not too broad nor too narrow. ( )

  74. A:错 B:对
  75. An academic text reflects a researcher’s entire process of doing research, including identifying a research topic, generating research questions or hypotheses, reviewing related literature, collecting and analyzing data, reporting and interpreting research findings, drawing research conclusions, etc. ( )

  76. A:对 B:错
  77. In coding message of content analysis, it is suggested to use trained coders. And we need not to provide clear, detailed, written coding instructions and train the coders to code in a systematic way. ( )

  78. A:错 B:对
  79. Before deciding on your topic, careful consideration and balanced judgment are not necessary. ( )

  80. A:对 B:错
  81. In a conclusion, it should be avoided to repeat or list what has already been said in the body part. ( )

  82. A:对 B:错
  83. In the process, we need not spend a significant amount of time reading and writing, designing and organizing, and presenting a thesis in which we claim to have arrived at answers to the questions raised at the very beginning. ( )

  84. A:对 B:错
  85. In Literature Review, everyone stands on the shoulders of giants so that we can see farther. So we need to show these "giants"our respect. ( )

  86. A:对 B:错
  87. A paragraph is like a mini-essay; it should be unified, coherent and well-developed.

  88. A:对 B:错
  89. Random sampling methods are complex and not systematic, the number of the participants is large enough that the participants can be grouped and stratified. ( )

  90. A:错 B:对
  91. The ultimate goal of content analysis is limited to a restatement of category frequencies, but not making meaningful inferential conclusions from the observed texts. ( )

  92. A:错 B:对
  93. In content analysis, it is suggested to define a coding unit that makes it convenient to count and analyze our message content. ( )

  94. A:错 B:对
  95. Content analysis aims to describe and explain observed phenomena. The population to be sampled should be defined narrow enough to permit gathering manageable types of information. ( )

  96. A:错 B:对
  97. Interest and academic value are both important in choosing a research topic. ( )

  98. A:对 B:错
  99. In Literature Review, the writer can only focus on the “new”out of his own. ( )

  100. A:对 B:错

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