  1. Automatic return to the original course, known as the effective aspect ratio, steering back to the original course, known as the effective advance. Automatic stability is the ship's own property, or the effective Angle of attack of the ship.(自动回到原来的航向,称为有效展弦比,操舵回到原来的航向,称为有效进速。自动稳定性是船的自身属性,或称为船的有效攻角。)( )

  2. A:错 B:对
  3. The application of damping water tank and heavy objects is very wide.(减摇水舱和重物减摇的应用十分广泛。)( )

  4. A:对 B:错
  5. Ship displacement and motion are often taken into account in the design of rudder and rudder and fin control systems.(在设计舵及舵和鳍联合控制系统时,经常把船舶位移、运动综合起来考虑。)( )

  6. A:错 B:对
  7. Automatic navigation in ocean navigation mainly involves speed control, heading control and roll control.(大洋航行自动导航问题主要涉及航速控制、航向控制和横摇控制。)( )

  8. A:错 B:对
  9. In the second-order linear ship roll motion model, is the external disturbance, which represents the influence of torque and ship structure on roll, and is an important parameter to characterize roll.
    (船舶二阶线性横摇运动模型中, 为外部扰动它表征了力矩、船结构对横摇的影响,是表征横摇的重要参数。)( )

  10. A:错 B:对
  11. The six free movements of Marine locomotion bodies include: pitch, roll, heave, pitch, roll, fin roll.(海洋运动体的六自由运动包括:纵荡、横荡、垂荡、纵摇、横摇、鳍摇。)( )

  12. A:错 B:对
  13. The dynamic damping of a ship is mainly composed of the following types: potential damping, surface friction, wave second-order drift damping, vortex damping, lift force, etc.(船舶的动态阻尼主要由以下几种类型组成:势阻尼、表面摩擦、波浪二阶漂移阻尼、涡阻尼、升力等组成。)( )

  14. A:错 B:对
  15. The Angle of encounter is the Angle between the wave's direction of travel and the ship's course. (Right)(遭遇角是波浪传播方向与船舶航向间的夹角。)( )

  16. A:错 B:对
  17. Rudder Angle is the included Angle between the rudder and the ox axis of the moving coordinate system.(舵角是舵与动坐标系ox轴之间的夹角。)( )

  18. A:对 B:错
  19. The position measurement systems in the dynamic positioning system include underwater acoustic positioning system, radio positioning system and satellite navigation positioning system.(动力定位系统中测量位置的系统有水声定位系统、无线电定位系统、卫星导航定位系统。)( )

  20. A:错 B:对
  21. Servo rudder is generally composed of steering gear, controller, sensor, etc., but it has the shortcomings of slow response speed and low accuracy.(随动舵一般由舵机、控制器、传感器等组成,但有响应速度慢、精度低等缺点。)( )

  22. A:对 B:错
  23. The role of PID control in autopilot is not to eliminate steady-state errors caused by steady currents.(自动舵中PID控制的作用不是消除定常海流引起的稳态误差。)( )

  24. A:错 B:对
  25. Hydrofoil boats can be divided into three types according to the relative position of water surface and hydrofoil: cut type, shallow submersible type and full submersible type.(水翼艇按水面与水翼的相对位置主要分为割划式,浅浸式,全浸式三种。)( )

  26. A:对 B:错
  27. Maneuverability of a ship is the ability of the ship to maintain or change its motion according to the intentions of the driver, that is, the ability of the ship to maintain or change its direction, position and distance.(船舶的操纵性是指船舶按照驾驶者的意图保持或改变其运动的性能,即船舶能保持或改变其方向、位置和距离的性能。)( )

  28. A:对 B:错
  29. A ship's steering wheel should be kept in the same position at all times in order to keep sailing straight.(在航行中,船舶的舵轮应该一直保持在同一个位置上,以保持直线航行。)( )

  30. A:错 B:对
  31. Hydrofoils at sea generally sail in unmanned mode when disturbed by long wave waves.(水翼艇在海上航行时,当受到长波海浪扰动时,一般采取无人模式航行。)( )

  32. A:对 B:错
  33. The dynamic positioning system mainly includes the following functions: fixed point control, track control, track control and tracking control.(动力定位系统主要包括如下功能:定点控制、航迹控制、循线控制和跟踪控制。)( )

  34. A:错 B:对
  35. The adjustment method of stability is vertical movement of load inside the ship and symmetrical increase or decrease of load across the ship.(稳性的调整方法式船内载荷的垂向移动及载荷横向对称增减。)( )

  36. A:对 B:错
  37. Open ilab-x.com through the browser to participate in the virtual simulation experiment.(通过浏览器打开ilab-x.com即可参与虚拟仿真实验。)( )

  38. A:对 B:错
  39. Hull resistance can be divided into wave resistance, friction resistance and viscostatic resistance according to physical phenomena.(船体阻力按物理现象分为兴波阻力、摩擦阻力和粘压阻力。)( )

  40. A:对 B:错
  41. The relative speed and flow rate of the flap rudder working in the wake field after the ship are affected by the hull.(襟翼舵在船后伴流场中工作的相对速度、流动速度都受船体影响。)( )

  42. A:错 B:对
  43. The hydrofoil is a high performance ship, but it will soon be obsolete because it has not been innovative for a long time.(水翼艇是一种高性能船舶,但由于长时间没有创新所以水翼艇将会马上淘汰。)( )

  44. A:对 B:错
  45. When hydrofoil is sailing at sea, the maneuvering control mode of the hydrofoil launching at high speed is only the autopilot model, the wave mode.(水翼艇在海上航行时,高速状态下水翼艇的操纵控制模式只有自动驾驶模型,随浪模式。)( )

  46. A:对 B:错
  47. In ship control analysis, the common coordinate systems are hull coordinate system and ground coordinate system.(在船舶控制分析中,常用的坐标系有船体坐标系和地面坐标系。)( )

  48. A:对 B:错
  49. There are six basic requirements for an automatic rudder: 1. It has a certain sensitivity.2. It can produce a steady rudder Angle. 3. It can produce rudder pressure Angle.4. It can change course easily. 5 Can reliably change steering mode. 6. Be able to make a variety of adjustments.(对自动舵的基本要求有如下六条1.具有一定的灵敏度.2能产生稳舵角3.能产生压舵角.4.能方便地改变航向。5能可靠地转换操舵方式。6.能够进行各种调节。)( )

  50. A:对 B:错
  51. Zero speed stabilizer fins work by changing the ship's roll damping.(零航速减摇鳍的工作原理为改变船舶横摇阻尼。)( )

  52. A:对 B:错
  53. The properties of fluid in the navigation area of a ship, including fluid parameters, velocity and direction, have a certain impact on the hydrodynamic force.(船舶航行区域流体的性质,包括流体的参数、运动速度和方向等,都对水动力有着一定的影响。)( )

  54. A:错 B:对
  55. Hydrofoil is a wing moving in water, which can produce lifting force just like a wing moving in air.(水翼是水中运动的机翼,它与机翼在空气中运动一样能产生举力。)( )

  56. A:对 B:错
  57. In the process of learning ship roll reduction, we can make the ship no longer roll through the control system.(在学习船舶减摇的过程中,我们能够通过控制系统使得船舶不再晃动。)( )

  58. A:错 B:对
  59. The hydrodynamic and hydrodynamic moments of the hull are composed of      ,      ,      and      .   (船体水动力和水动力矩由       、       、       和       组成。)( )

  60. A:Restoring torque (恢复力矩) B:Other coupled hydrodynamic moments (其它耦合水动力矩) C:Viscous torque (粘性力矩) D:Fluid inertia torque (流体惯性力矩)
  61. In ship design, which of the following factors will affect the stability of the ship?(在船舶设计中,以下哪些因素会影响到船舶的稳定性?)( )

  62. A:Number and position of crew (船员数量及位置) B:Deep water and large waves (水深和海浪大) C:Load capacity (载重量) D:Hull shape (船身形状)
  63. The main factors affecting the lift of the stabilizer fin are        .(影响减摇鳍上升力的主要因素有            。)( )

  64. A:Lift coefficient (升力系数) B:Fluid density (流体密度) C:Incoming flow velocity (来流速度) D:Rudder area (舵面积)
  65. Ship handling properties are mainly.(船舶操纵性能主要有)( )

  66. A:Course stability, variable motion performance of ship (航向稳定性、船舶的变速运动性能) B:Turning performance (回转性能) C:Directivity (保向性) D:Swerve (改向性)
  67. When a ship is subjected to continuous disturbance at sea, course stability and rotational motion stability cannot be measured by direct test method, so indirect test method        must be used.(船舶在海上受到持续干扰后,往往不能用直接用试验方法测定船舶的航向稳定性和旋回运动稳定性,必须用间接的试验方法即        )( )

  68. A:Turning test (回转试验) B:Parallel shifting test (平行移船试验) C:Spiral test (螺旋试验) D:Z-type test (Z型试验)
  69. The amplitude of A long wave random wave conforms to      distribution.(长风波随机海浪的波幅值符合      分布。)( )

  70. A:Raley distribution (雷利分布) B:Poisson distribution (泊松分布) C:Normal distribution (正态分布) D:Uniform distribution (均匀分布)
  71. The effect of the hull on the hydrodynamic force of the rudder does not include     below.(船体对舵水动力的影响不包括以     。) ( )

  72. A:Effective aspect ratio(有效展弦比) B:Effective Angle of attack(有效攻角) C:Effective advance rate(有效进速) D:effective sensitivity(有效灵敏度)
  73. The most common criterion for defining wave strength is      of the wave.(定义海浪强弱最常用的标准是海浪的。) ( )

  74. A:wave amplitude (波幅) B:wave height (波高) C:Transzero period (跨零周期) D:peak-peak period (峰峰周期)
  75. "When the trinity statistic of wave height exceeds 2.5m, a tall crest begins to appear on the sea surface, with spray occupying a large area on the crest, and the wind begins to whittle away the spray on the crest", which corresponds to class        sea state.(“当海浪波高的三一统计结果超过2.5m时,海面上开始出现高大的波峰,浪花占了波峰上很大面积,风开始削去波峰上的浪花”,该描述的对应于       级海况。)( )

  76. A:Level 3 (3级) B:Level 5 (5级) C:Level 4 (4级) D:Level 6 (6级)
  77. The relation between the encounter frequency of the ship and the angular frequency of the wave when the speed of the wave is greater than the speed of the ship when the ship is sailing in a 90° wave direction relative to the wave     
    (船舶相对于波浪以90°浪向航行时,当波浪的速度大于船舶航行速度时,船舶的遭遇频率 和海浪角频率之间的关系)( )

  78. A:C. Equal to (等于) B:B. Less than (小于) C:Greater than (大于) D:D. Cannot be determined (不能确定)
  79. Commonly used anti-rolling devices include anti-rolling fins, passive anti-rolling tanks, and controllable passive anti-rolling tanks. When the ship is sailing, they are arranged according to the size of the comprehensive anti-rolling effect.(常用的减摇装置有减摇鳍、被动式减摇水舱、可控被动式减摇水舱,在船舶航行时,按综合减摇效果大小排列,下面顺序对的是)( )

  80. A:Stabilizer fin, controllable passive stabilizer tank, passive stabilizer tank (减摇鳍、可控被动式减摇水舱、被动式减摇水舱) B:Controllable passive stabilizer tank, stabilizer fin, and passive stabilizer tank (可控被动式减摇水舱、减摇鳍、被动式减摇水舱 ) C:Stabilizer fin, controlled passive stabilizer tank, passive stabilizer tank (减摇鳍、可控被动式减摇水舱、被动式减摇水舱 ) D:Fin stabilizer, passive stabilizer tank and controllable passive stabilizer tank (减摇鳍、被动式减摇水舱、可控被动式减摇水舱)
  81. Of the disturbances to the ship's dynamic positioning system, the disturbance that causes the ship to move at high frequency is       .(船舶动力定位系统受到的扰动中,使船舶产生高频运动的扰动是     )( )

  82. A:steady flow wind (稳流风) B:All  (都是) C:Wave (浪) D:Current (流)
  83. The wave spectrum with bimodal characteristics is        .(具有双峰特点的海浪谱是        。  )( )。

  84. A:D.thaugen spectrum(Torsethaugen谱) B:Newman spectrum(纽曼谱) C:B.ITTC two-parameter spectrum(ITTC双参数谱) D:C. jonswap spectrum(JONSWAP谱)
  85. The ground coordinate system requires     elementary rotation to obtain the hull coordinate system.(地面坐标系需要进\    次的初等旋转得到船体坐标系。)( )

  86. A:2(2次) B:3( 3次) C:4(4次) D:1(1次)
  87. The following six free motions of a ship without a restoring force (moment) are      .(下列的船舶六自由运动中不具有回复力(矩)的运动是      。)( )

  88. A:heave(垂荡) B:Pitch(纵摇) C:Bow roll(艏摇) D:roll(横摇)

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