1. A new _____ (音乐会) hall will be built this year.

  2. 答案:concert
  3. He has been working hard at his _____ (博士的) thesis on computer for more than half a year.

  4. 答案:doctoral
  5. It should be forbidden for one to _____ garden insects by spraying poison on the plants.

  6. 答案:exterminate
  7. The cabin was built 50 years ago. I think it’s _____. We have to find another place to live.

  8. 答案:uninhabitable
  9. I almost fell in love with her at first sight, because I thought she was very _____ and obviously very intelligent.

  10. 答案:attractive
  11. He has to remain _____ (警惕的) at all times as a pilot.

  12. 答案:vigilant
  13. Some of the rare species still _____ (居住) that jungle.

  14. 答案:inhabit
  15. Changing her job like that is _____ to firing her. It’s nothing better than losing his job.

  16. 答案:equivalent
  17. Businessmen place a high value on _____(守时), so try not to be late for any business.

  18. 答案:punctuality
  19. We should be objective to others’ criticism and do not be _____ to their opinions.

  20. 答案:oversensitive
  21. People feel surprised at what he has achieved. Beginning from a salesman, he rises to be a successful stockbroker. This is really _____ (令人难以置信的).

  22. 答案:incredible
  23. Ma Yun invited Bill Gates to write the _____ (序言) for his new autobiography.
  24. A car had been parked in the middle of the road, _____ the way and causing a traffic jam.
  25. Every year swallows begin their _____ (迁移) to the south in autumn.
  26. When she moved to New York city, she missed the _____ sights of the countryside.
  27. Will Mars become the new _____ (住处) of human beings? It seems many people are fascinated by the idea of settlement on Mars.
  28. Industrialization has attracted rural people to _____ (城市的) areas in search of better economic opportunities.
  29. It seems that some people are not satisfied with _____ the earth. That’s why they want to live on Mars.
  30. Many country people _____ to cities to seek jobs that make more money.
  31. More than 10,000 people are expected to _____ (移民) in the next two years.
  32. We can see that _____ has been an on-going process inChinaand in many other parts of the world. That’s why so many cities spring up in China.
  33. North Africans made up the largest and poorest _____ (移民) group in America.
  34. They bought a new house and spent three months making the house _____ (适于居住的).
  35. I loved the cabin in the village because it’s full of _____ charm.
  36. In some places, the _____ weather can be a real challenge for me. It’s often sunny in the morning and it is rainy at noon.
  37. The small town has a mature transportation system. In addition to train, there are more        (可供选择的) methods of travel available.
  38. Last weekend at the party, we enjoyed our time and Mary’s mother offered us a salad with a wide variety of        vegetables.
  39. He doesn’t work all the week. He just work on        (间隔的) days.
  40. I could see an alteration in his facial expressions but his character is not       .
  41. A pedestrian crossing is a zebra print which refers to the _____ between black and white stripes.
  42. Some people say I bear a striking        (相像) to my father. I look just the same as my father was in his childhood.
  43. Last weekend, I visited an old friend with five children under the age of three. I found that changing diapers at their house is like working on a(n) _____ line.
  44. For all the birthday presents she received, her mother helped her        (分类) and arrange her presents to make her room tidy.
  45. Last winter, at the Spring Festival party,  Belle performed a        (模拟的) Peacock Dance.
  46. Chris believes in himself and furthermore his success        his self-confidence.
  47. When I was to pay for the expensive watch, I couldn’t find my _____ card. So I need to report the loss to the bank.
  48. University students of the second year are usually referred to as _____ (大二学生).
  49. Chris showed his _____(忠诚)to his dream. Finally he realized the dream of becoming a great financial broker.
  50. When Chris was not able to pick up his son from the kindergarten, he was in great _____(痛苦)all night long. He suffered deep afflictions.
  51. He stood _____ in face of all the difficulties in his life. He proved himself to be a brave winner of life.
  52. In this movie, the wife feels her husband is _____ the family with ridiculous ideas that will keep them in poverty. So she worries about their future.
  53. In team work, you are supposed to never _____ (强加于) your personal ideas on someone else. Otherwise people feel compelled to do something.
  54. Throughout the movie, Chris wore his _____(经久耐穿的)uniform to his work place.
  55. Would you please give a fair _____ on the hero of this novel?Personally I do think he is great.
  56. Nowadays young people are very ______ (敏感的) about their appearance.
  57. A new educational reform was in discussion these days. There were likely to be many ______ (不同意的) views regarding the new reform.
  58. Remember that when two people are in _____(争执), they should remain polite with one another.
  59. Gary is an honest and determined guy. He is _____ and consistent in the way he conducted his affairs.
  60. Lily does not like London. She often speaks of her _____ towards London.
  61. A heavy flood happened in USA last summer. The losses caused by the flood were beyond _____.
  62. He is not very nice to his girlfriend. He often _____ her ideas, which annoys her a lot.
  63. What is the_____(比例) of male student to female student in your department?
  64. In Sense and Sensibility, Marianne was betrayed by her lover. Everyone expressed his or her_____(同情) with Marianne.
  65. It's _____ to get angry over such a trifle.
  66. A new research center will be _____ to study lung cancer.
  67. Some students have to _____ going abroad for further study because their family cannot afford their education.
  68. In an inflation (通货膨胀), you can never expect the price to stay _____.
  69. This company needs a more _____ (系统的) program to train the new employees.
  70. Children tend to get _____ (易怒的) and tearful when they are tired.
  71. Since the old system doesn’t work well, the _____ (创建) of a new one is necessary.
  72. He was put into prison for his _____ of the law.
  73. The flood had robbed many people of everything, and they became _____. But the government gave them everything they needed to start a new life.
  74. Racism is unacceptable under any _____ (情况).
  75. The emotional _____ (疏远) between them led to their divorce.
  76. The _____ (陪审团) has to decide whom to believe among various conflicting evidence.
  77. The problem is that we _____ our happiness to wealth, success and social status. That is to say, we think happiness is equal to wealth, success and social status.
  78. I _____ a pretty woman I met yesterday to be about forty, but she said the day before yesterday was her fifty- third birthday.
  79. His bad appearance will _____ the interviewer against him, and maybe he will not get the job only because he is not so good-looking.
  80. In a lot of countries, women earn _____ (相比较而言) lower wages than men, even if they are doing the same job.
  81. The _____ (代表团) headed by the program director is going to leave for India the day after tomorrow.
  82. Don’t you think he lacks his basic _____ (判断) to make comments on what have happened between us two?
  83. In that big explosion, only five passengers escaped _____, while all others were severely or lightly hurt.
  84. I do not want to _____ (预先判断) the situation now, but what I can say is we are trying our best.
  85. Can you believe such a (an) _____ act was treated so lightly? I think he should be sentenced to death.
  86. His contract with the company will _____at the end of the year, so he has to find a new job.
  87. In the Christmas season, buyers are offered a 50 percent cash _____. Many items are much cheaper.
  88. He has been fighting bravely against a _____ (晚期的) cancer for more than two years.
  89. Happiness and love can be more_____ (有感染力的). These emotions can easily influence others.
  90. I have to go now because I must be _____for the appointment.
  91. He took this pill to _____ a summer virus and soon he felt much better.
  92. A _____ thought crossed my mind but I managed to calm myself down quickly.
  93. They had an intense _____ (辩论) on that issue and finally managed to reach an agreement.
  94. It’s a rather delicate situation and he shows great _____(机智) to deal with it.
  95. My father made great efforts to change my _____ (反叛的) temper and he finally succeeded.
  96. Though the two sides have some disagreement, finally they reached a _____ (妥协) after long talks.
  97. The traffic accident last night took eight people’s lives away. What a _____traffic!
  98. The new economic system _____  our society, so now we become very powerful in the world.
  99. The majority of the voters _____ (否决) the idea of dependence, which implied we should rely on ourselves.
  100. We are supposed to _____ questions for discussion in advance of the meeting.
  101. Marriage is not only a choice between lovers, but a _____(承诺) to each other.
  102. With rapid development, this city looks more _____ (繁华) than ever before.
  103. I believe that your goal will be achieved as long as you_____ yourself to it.
  104. People take it for granted that a journalist should be completely _____(客观的).
  105. I’ve never taken a flight. The thought of flying _____ me a lot.
  106. This film is a Japanese _____ (动画片) sold to a Chinese network.
  107. On our seminar, we not only tolerate but celebrate free expression and _____ debate.
  108. With domestic market booming, the country has expectations of economic ____ (复苏).
  109. Your _____ is an account of your life, in which you write about yourself.
  110. The rescue team is _____ to supply relief to millions of flood victims.
  111. The _____ should not be overstated when the two nations are on the verge of conflict.
  112. With the support from family and peers, I’m sure Susan could _____ (度过) the emotional crisis.
  113. China’s reforms have brought _____ (活力) to its economy.
  114. The decision to appoint Mike as vice president of the student union is _____ (一致通过的).
  115. Study shows that excessive use of _____ may damage the ecosystem.
  116. Last night I woke up covered with cold sweat.  I dreamed that my visa had _____ (过期).
  117. I often choose articles from English magazines as the reading assignments for my students. I think these reading materials can improve their _____ of passing the exams like TOEFL.
  118. In _____ (回顾), I found students seem to prefer the reading materials closely related to current events and culture, such as the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee celebrations.
  119. In the cinema I heard girls _____ (尖叫) when the wolves fought for food.
  120. The book points out that trainers should not only _____ to be good trainers, but also to become inspirational trainers.
  121. My childhood dream is to be a vocalist like Pavarotti. In my eyes, he regards singing as a _____ (天职).
  122. Gary is interested in the magazine The Spectator because its _____ on new books and films are insightful.
  123. The air after the rain is excellent. I love to _____ (吸入) the clean air.
  124. The book wins great _____ from the readers. It’s the best seller in this month.
  125. Some teachers and parents don’t _____ the use of e-readers. One of their reasons is e-readers will do harm to eyesight.
  126. The majority of people are a mixture of extroverts and _____(内向的人).
  127. John _____ went to a police station and handed himself in.
  128. He sensed the shyness of the girl, and _____ his eyes off her face immediately.
  129. Now the company plans to  _____ (下放) parts of its responsibilities to branch offices.
  130. The plants make unwelcoming smells to _____ (击退) their enemies.
  131. Although the evidence remains _____, he believes that radiation is bad for human health.
  132. The little boy is wondering whether it is true that all the planets all _____ around the sun in the same direction.
  133. Scientific knowledge was _____ to help cause destruction and war.
  134. Jackson said his boss became increasingly depressed and _____(回到) to smoking heavily.
  135. _____ (旋转的) doors at the gates of hotels are convenient for guests.
  136. When we were little kids, we always thought it was interesting to see Mr. White help others _____ (拔掉) their teeth.
  137. I can’t believe John would have committed _____, because in my mind, he was always so optimistic and kind to others.
  138. The teachers then added more _____ (精确的) instructions until the students got the assignment done.
  139. He was so lucky to be given a five-year _____ with an annual salary of RMB150,000 to work in that big company .
  140. Most girls in our class agree that Patrick is charming, and his main _____ lies in his thoughtfulness, warmth and sincerity.
  141. I don’t like the idea of camping in the wild, because I’m always worried to be attacked by a(n) _____ (昆虫) or animal.
  142. The CEO of our company will meet with his _____ of that famous company, i.e., the CEO of that company, this afternoon.
  143. Nowadays, more and more people, including children as well as adults, have been _____ (转移注意力) by their mobile phones and cannot concentrate on their work.
  144. Alana confesses she is rather _____ (偏爱) to pink, and almost all of her clothes are pink.
  145. One thing that attracts me about this online course is that all the teachers will reveal a little about the contents of the next _____ by raising a question.
  146. Jim’s car ran into a tree yesterday. We called an_____(救护车) and rushed him to the hospital.
  147. The______ is one of the necessary instruments in the North Pole exploration.
  148. Snoring is bad for sleep but the medical community continues to make_____(进步) against snoring.
  149. Each English learner can _____(进行) at their own speed.
  150. It’s too noisy for me to study in this classroom. Overcrowded and uncomfortable classrooms can______ learning.
  151. Sleepiness _____(发生) after having bread or rice, and other such carbohydrates.
  152. Scientists have invented a robot which can cook for people. Nowadays, science and technology______ every aspect of our lives.
  153. Charles was an excellent pianist. Yesterday his performance ______ expectations.
  154. Ma Yun is a ______ businessman. His achievements inspire college students to start their own business.
  155. With the accumulation of English, our English skills are _____(提升).
  156. Maybe Ma Yun hasn’t expected that Alibaba can _____ its present position in e-commerce within only 15 years.
  157. The fans must be expecting the _____ (续集) to the movie “Transformer” .
  158. This course aims to give a _____ introduction to the word roots. A good command of so many roots will help students learn words more efficiently.
  159. Nowadays,more and more women are taking a(n) _____ (管理的) role.
  160. It’s a wonder that the thin branches can _____ (支撑) the weight of such heavy snow.
  161. The doctor advised him to _____ from drinking if he hoped to recover from the disease soon.
  162. His long illness and _____ absence put him far behind in his study. That explains why he failed the final exam.
  163. This book is made up of 16 units. But you guys needn’t learn these lectures in _____ (顺序).
  164. Lisa’s husband tied her hands and feet to keep her from buying goods on Double Eleven Festival. I hope he will not be _____ (逮捕) for his behavior.
  165. Guys, push yourself to make more friends and make sure to _____ the friendships.
  166. The _____ in the downtown area is really poor today. I hope you are careful when you drive after class.
  167. I’m deeply impressed by the great musical effect of this theatre. Even if you sit in the farthest seat, the music is still _____.
  168. The company Goldman Sachs made a _____ (预言) about national economies. The experts there predicted that the Chinese economy would be the largest one in the world by the year 2050.
  169. I like Hamlet’s _____ (独白):“To be or not to be. That is the question.”
  170. I can not _____ a life without beautiful scenery around me. I want to see the sea, the sand and the sun every day.
  171. Environmental pollution has been a big concern for many countries. I think governments should put environmental issues high on the _____ (议事日程).
  172. The experts must have used big data to make the national economies predictable. Without the help of big data, the ranking would be_____ (不能预言的).
  173. My computer has an audio output. And I need an audio cable to send the _____ files to you.
  174. My niece has got a(n) _____ (试镜) for the Juilliard School of Music in America on Friday. She goes to me for some important interview skills.
  175. It is evident that we have to do something to improve the hazy weather. Otherwise the sea might become _____.
  176. As shares continued to _____ (贬值) on the stock market , people worried a lot.
  177. It is hard to believe that man and animals _____(进化) from the same ancestor, as the scientific studies have found.
  178. Those who lived through World War II have _____ memories of horror and panic.
  179. Farmers in our province were encouraged to _____ into new crops last year. Now they sell different kinds of grains in the market.
  180. Parents are _____ about the boy since he has lost consciousness for about 6 hours.
  181. During the period of war, food and clean water were in short supply and diseases caused by _____ (营养不良) were widespread.
  182. “To be or not to be, that is the question.” Hamlet’s _____(焦虑) aroused numerous interpretations over his state of mind.
  183. This book is a very objective _____ (传记).
  184. _____ control is an ecologically sound approach to eliminating the pests.
  185. As salesmen, the products we sold are _____ (多种多样的) and colorful.
  186. Liars always give you _____ answers.
  187. He can only recall some _____ (零碎的) pictures of that accident now.
  188. In old China, young children were expected to obey their parents and never _____ what their parents say.
  189. I can _____ (清晰地) remember the feeling of panic in the accident before the mid-term exam.
  190. It’s humans that decide whether to use science creatively or _____ (毁灭性地).
  191. Their subjects in the experiment _____ of (包括) both men and women.
  192. The _____(哲学家) speculates about time and space and he often thinks about the future of human race.
  193. We should admit that old people have some _____ habits that have been with them for many years. And usually they are not ready to get rid of them.
  194. The experts forecast that the planet Mars will be _____(看得见的) to the naked eye throughout next week.
  195. He focused on his study and it’s hard to _____(转移) his attention.
  196. It is a rule of English that adjectives generally _____ (先于) the noun they modify.
  197. Chris always keeps his sufferings to himself. He never has a _____ (心腹朋友) to talk about his problems and troubles.
  198. A tunnel(地道) had been secretly _____ for his planned escape.
  199. They are conducting a survey on eating _____ in China and will give some advice on healthy dieting at the end of this year.
  200. Given the cold and often brutal world we live in, _____ matters even more.
  201. I think the movie Wolf Totem well _____ the atmosphere of open space of the grassland.
  202. Annie _____ (愤恨) her mother for being so tough on her.
  203. He was fascinated by the culture of China and decided to _____ to this old country to find work.
  204. our group is no lack of _____ (进取心) though we fall behind in the monthly competition.
  205. Almost all college teachers will emphasize the importance of students’ _____ in the course at the very beginning of a new semester.
  206. In 1946, the first _____ was invented by Dr. Mauchly and his student Eckert in America.
  207. When I saw these big figures, I was _____ (感到震惊). I didn’t know how to handle them.
  208. Patrick is always _____, behaving kindly and generously toward others.
  209. The _____ (具体的) purpose of this course is to help English learners be familiar with the basic formation of words.
  210. As an eloquent person, Oprah Winfrey becomes a famous talk show hostess in America. I admire her not only for her _____ but also for her great courage to overcome difficulties in life.
  211. Food processors like _____ fats because they taste better and the food can last longer.
  212. Tom and Jerry can never work together because they _____ (抵触) each other all the time.
  213. High rate of unemployment could lead to a sharp rise in ________ (青少年的) crime.
  214. Don’t you think there’s something wrong with this cat’s legs? They seem short in _____ (比例)to its height.
  215. Age had left him _____ and for most of the time he had to stay in bed.
  216. In the _____ (等式) of life, wealth does not equal happiness.
  217. The Romans and the Normans came to Britain as _____ (侵略的) armies.
  218. Lily lost her job last week. She started drinking _____.
  219. The government has agreed to _____(委派) a medical team to deal with the disease .
  220. This boy _____ his father so much that he is almost a copy of him.
  221. The benefits they got from their hard work are _____(明确的). Everyone is satisfied with the result.
  222. Reading can help employers _____ (内省) into their own minds and reinforce their sense of self.
  223. Officials have the responsibility to serve the people, so any official _____ (不当行为) is forbidden in our society.
  224. We were all impressed by his _____(有说服力的) speech at that dinner.
  225. As I was a teenager, whenever I was perplexed by stresses and strains of life, I often wrote to the _____ column of a newspaper to ask for help.
  226. The committee advanced a _____ (可行的) solution.
  227. Mary loves music so much. She hopes one day that she will give a concert in national _____.
  228. There was no sign of human _____(有人居住) as far as the eye could see on this island.
  229. The bridge still remains_____ even after several hundred years. This is a miracle.
  230. Being good friends for more than twenty years, I have every _____ in Mary who will be responsible for my work when I am absent.
  231. She grew up in deep _____. When she moved to Bejing, she missed the rural sights of her hometown.
  232. It's clumsy to pass _____ on the relationship between them.
  233. His decision to cancel the concert is bound to _____his fans.
  234. As an adult, I still love reading children’s books. I like the works published by _____ press.
  235. They were set to make a tremendous profit on the deal, but only made a _____ one at last.
  236. People of _____(重要性) have to pay close attention to their behavior in public.
  237. Jim failed the GRE test. He was sunk in _____ (漠然) after his failure.
  238. Every year we admit some new employees into our business. These new comers _____ more creativity into the team.
  239. As for her birthday party, my daughter has a wide _____ of activities to choose from.
  240. The dress doesn’t match you well. It’s advisable for you to _____ (改变) it a little.
  241. He was _____ (拘留)for questioning because he happened to on the scene of robbery.
  242. Richard is allergic to smoking, which means he is _____ to smoking.
  243. Mary loves sports so much. Definitely she is an outdoor _____.
  244. The twin looks so _____ to each other that people can’t distinguish one from another.
  245. Sometimes it’s difficult to find the _____ date on the food package.
  246. We expect our sales to be able to _____(推动) the market growth.
  247. The boss hopes the employees to _____ his new plan efficiently.
  248. I doubt I’ll ever get rich. But I think I can be rewarded with a lot of job _____ working with the young people.
  249. The CEO of that company is not to be _____ because the evidence is not strong enough.
  250. This house is really expensive. We are looking for an expert to _____ it before we decided to buy it.
  251. She failed in her business. In _____, she called her friends and asked for help.
  252. More and more employees are questioning the _____ of the employment contract offered by the company.
  253. Confucius(孔子) was a great _____ who instructed a lot of students on morality.
  254. The _____ (生物学家) proposed a new theory of life which challenges the established Darwinism.
  255. This long list of phone number really puzzles me because I’ve got a _____ block about numbers.
  256. Individuals cannot _____ the responsibility for protecting the ecological environment.
  257. It is reported that most passengers escaped serious _____(伤害) in the accident.
  258. Many of us find it very difficult to state our needs. We expect people to know by _____ (心灵感应) what we are feeling.
  259. I like this green coat better, and I personally think the red one does not _____ with that green one.
  260. I hope that in 5 years after my graduation, I will purchase my own _____ (公寓) and my own car.
  261. As you may agree, not all people feel attracted to a _____ (固定的) home.
  262. He was able to finish the job efficiently with the _____ (协助) of his secretary.
  263. Police and lawyers are believed to be good at _____ (演绎的) reasoning in most cases.
  264. Good communication is very important in marriage because a nice wedding is a(n) _____(开始) to happy life.
  265. When people are _____ (分离的), they rely so heavily on the phone to keep in touch.
  266. In the movie, once Chenchen took home the cub, he could not _____ (撤销) the decision.
  267. As the old saying goes, when a man is sixty, he should have _____ (温顺的) ears.
  268. They spare no efforts to make the students’ speech _____ (可理解的).
  269. Leadership often requires an ability to overcome _____.
  270. Around 350 _____ (代表) attended this international conference
  271. Forty three members of the exploration team were killed in _____ to Tibet.
  272. Genetically modified food is a subject of _____(争议).
  273. In addition to the _____ (拖拉机), last year we also bought a new reaper.
  274. The book describes the imperialists’ aggression and _____ around the world.
  275. When he entered college, he showed great interest in criminal _____ (心理学) which is a branch of psychology.
  276. It takes a long time to overcome a cultural _____(偏见) against fat people.
  277. She prefers paper books because e-readers like pads or smart phones cannot _____ her desire to read books.
  278. It’s illegal to _____ on private property.
  279. Early that morning, we _____ (集合) at the school gate and took our departure at six o’clock.
  280. Before leaving the United States, Benjamin has to sell his house. So he is looking for a(n) _____ to conduct the sale.
  281. When fates or circumstances _____ (密谋) against us, could you still smile?
  282. Job _____ (满意) can add to my feeling of happiness, though I have to work extra hours.
  283. Food insecurity leads to poor _____ (营养), high disease burden and hunger-induced violence.
  284. In this mountain area, two volcanoes have been _____ lava (熔岩) for a week. It is very dangerous.
  285. Do you think it is realistic to _____ to Mars?
  286. He was accused of murder, but later the _____ found him not guilty.
  287. These drivers must take the _____ of their actions and be brought to trial.
  288. Tom is very busy but he keeps working out at the health club. That’s why he can stay so agile with such a crowded _____.
  289. The second _____ (乘客) asked to be seated on the train.
  290. In the Wolf Totem,the character Chen Chen raised a baby wolf. His behavior _____ (激怒) his neighbors to great anger.
  291. Tom majors in Spain and during the meeting he works as the _____ (同声的) interpreter for the Prime Minster.
  292. To Peter, relaxing by the beach was a welcome _____ after a day of working, which can rejuvenate him.
  293. I hope my boyfriend writes lengthy letters to show his love for me, but his letters are always so _____ .
  294. The train to Qingdao will _____ from platform 2 in half an hour. Passengers please get ready.
  295. John was good at his work and he was _____ to general manager in his company.
  296. Finally, the Beer Festival opened in the end of July, which made the city much more _____.
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